"' Locals. Allium! fi',. "'u nt "dents him rog- iMfl'ITli tills SOIIIOSIOI. If.Miii winil. 1 Im.V ii Wiitorimiii . .!. ...... .1 Ii1 I'.IM l-Uf III Mill I'lll'llp " " " Chancellor Mnel.oan will led lire Uiriiro Hiilunln.v afternoon, 'I'lii- I'nllnillan society will give III a pliix on KrltHiy evening, March I. .Minn draco Lyons lsllcd wit Ii her piirciitH In Kulrltury oor Sunday. Sec Dr. I.oouhurdt's ml, In this Ikhuc. Mr. Ilorshoy of llcutrloo wiir Inltlnt ,.,1 in to the Hotn Tin tu I'l hist week. (ni-poml II. I. I. nil Iiiih liooii pro moted to third sergeant, of company A, Unit. Slolsonliorg Ih ooufoinpliitlug Hie starting of a i'Iiihh III broadsword ilrlll. . I'ihT. AiihIi'.v Iiiih recovered from IiIh IIIiii'sh anil Ih again able to attend (lllHM'M. Tin- Di'llan dolmtlhg club will ili lml- i ho Hawaiian question tomorrow evening. Tin- I'lilon Literary Society will jr.. ii new inoiubors program on Man It I. Sir Hi)1 ail. of tin' lluoyoli. In thin Ihsim'. Then fall at 1115 South tilth and sec I lie wheel Itself, Mi-s Miniver of l-'roinont visited with Miss Laura Mrldgo lust Wodnos iliiv hot ween (ruins. The plumbing In (lie library build ing Imih been foreod to undergo a i'iiiii-i' or repairing. Mivm-h Jessie and Sadie l-'iirusworth of I niiiiell Mlull'H were lsltors nt tin! Iiiihrrslty Thursday. ,!. I". Mooiner went, ilo'w'n to Liberty4 lusl Mil unlay ami visited IiIh homo at Ileal rice on the way back. (hm-los Weeks wiih unable to attend iIiixm-s the early part of the- week on iii-i-mint of a slight. Illness. It ('. Suxton, '1)7, returned to home at Kdgur, Nub., la.st Monday tcr a week's vIhK In Lincoln. Till IVdcrHon, who Iiiih been on his af- tho xli-K list for th past week, is now able to M -nine IiIh duties t the I'nlverslty. Orlo Hrown, who Iiiih been siiu'ering from a severely sprained ankle, Iiiih returned to IiIh duties as llrst sergeant of uiipany l- A. I., (iirard, Kt: South Twelfth, sells the l'aoole beeaiisu it. Is this best whi i'l on the market. Take a look at if mid lie convinced. ,A slock of Huntington special die stump stationery has been received by the Co-op. It makes the prettiest U. of tablet yet seen. Mm I'oohot has resigned IiIh posl tlon as llrst. sergeant of company II, mill Sergeant Frank Ruin has been ap linlated to till the vacancy. Mr l-'red Alexander returned last Moinlav from his home at Wakellold, Veil., where he had been called on no eouni of illness in his family. We have just reeelvedd a new lot of fountain pens which we are selling at We. i.de and $1,000 each. Hook Do imriiuent, Her)olKlieliner & Co. Our Siiitorlum is ojien day and night. New spring suitings now in. (liirdner Tailoring Co., corner Klev I'lith and O streets, phone 70S. Winited lly the Century Pen Co. of lihitcwntcr, Wis., agents for their pens in eery de pnrtinent of the Uni M'lsiiv of Nebraska. Write, them. Special diKcount wii be given stu ileats who have their wheels repaired nt A L. (llrard's, KI5 South Twelfth strwt. Satisfactory workmanshli) gnu 1. 1 ii toed. If ou wimti the most artistic work la tin- lino of photographs, Clements, Hie IMiotogmphor, at. J 20 So, nth st., can do our work to suit you 'tit the I.OWi:sT prives. ' The Homo Restaurant at :i2:t North Ninth street, kindly solicits the pa tron, ige of all rnlerslty students. Our priie is va ier week, and we will give you the best board in the city. Tin senior class meets this after noon at 1: l.'i in room :i. The chairman nail i-oinmitteo for the senior nroni. will he elected and the various com mittee reports v ill lie heard. Some experiments with air lift and l'owi r pumps will be made before the ''ivil engineering club by Messrs Itohrlmugh and Reedy next Thursday, March :!, at ft p. in, in room 8. 'I he Uayden Art club gave mi exhi bition of Mraun photographs In Delian hall Tuesday afternoon and evening. Tin- exhibit consisted of 5,000 pictures liming a total iiluo of $10,000. petition asking for the nnnoxa hm of Hawaii Is being circulated milling the students. A counter potl- Mon opposing annexation is receiving "a e(iial number of signatures. l'rof. Owens left, yesterday for Chi cago on business connected with the Oaiulni. exposition and also to proi'iiie s"Uio apparatus needed by the senior engineers to complete their Uichch. -Miss Kate Mollugh of the Omaha lilfrh school will visit, her sister Sat urday and Sunday of this weelc. She will be at homo 'to all her Omaha friends Saturday evening at 511 North "nth street. ' If you want your hair cut artistic n'l.V and in the latest, styles, call on S(l' Western old, 117 North Thirteenth s'ici-t. jj, iulH j,(Uj ojgiiteen years' ex perience with students and guaran '"s satisfaction. Clifton .7. Piatt of this University 'ul Karl Howeu of "Wesleyim, each ide a three-minute speech Sunday nneriioon at the North Mission Suu '" school on the subject of "Duty." There will be a meeting of the liiHtlun association Sunday after 110011 at 4 o'clock in Delian hall. A'ott h trip in every iurt of the world in tin- ii ii-ii t uf tin student fi-iicia-1 Imi will be iiiiisldircd. The mciiihciH uf the girls' uin biiHket. bull ten in hud their pli'iurcs taken In the g, m. last .Wednesday, Tie nlctiiies will hood be put on oa hlbltlon down town in order to ad vertise the basket game with Council MIiiIVh next l-'rhhiy. Students who arc particular iih 1o the appearance of their hIiocn have their repairing done by II, Capes, prac tical shoemaker at i:i!l South tuth slreel. Ho makes a specialty of re pairing roil tic I loed shoes ami has spe cial apparatus to do it In the right vvav. (loorgo. Ilcliuroil, formerly of 'US, Is making a record at Harvard, lie was admitted to the senior class on his .N'obriiHhn credltH, luUiif, the spe cial course In chemist r, On accnuiit of the excellence of his work in Ne braska he was admitted to the re Hoarch cIiish In organic chemistry, a class usually composed of gnlduate students. During the past week ho passed his "inld-wlntcr csainlnailons" with the grade A, the highest grade given at Harvard. W. II. Oury has received an olllclal notice from the olllcc of the adjutant general In Washington, Hint his name has been entered In the army regis ter, In accordance with the provisions of tin army regulations which reipitrc the name sof the "most distinguished sludoiitH lu military hcIciicc ami tac tics" who arc rceoiuinondod by the coinmaiulaut. of cadets, to bo entered In the army register, It is an honor of which the University as well ns Mr. Ouray may well be proud. We have a lot of photograph frames which wo will sell during the follow ing woo at -.'fte each, this Includes the glass and mat and Is about the ac tual cost of the latter. A large line of colored photogrniiliH, colored eu giavings' and fliimigruphs lecclved which -we are selling- at :.'," ami ftOc each, All the latest popular sougH at lowest prices. We are selling for !i!lc "Cltlorolhi White," the Initial song hit oT I.S0S. .Music and Picture depart ment, II. Ilerpolshcliner A- Co. TIIK 0KATOUICA1. CONTKST. The date for the I'nlverslty oratori cal contest has been dellnitelr lived for .March 11. As usual it. will take place in the chapel. So far those, reg istered for this contest arc (,' ! Cake, .1. I). Dcunison, O. W. Meier, llenr.v Tucker and Miss (iougli. The olllcers of the association have been doing much active canvassing in order to obtain the requisite number of contestants to ensure n good eon test, ami their success is attested by the nanies already entered. In order to arouse some enthusiasm among the stiidiuts over oratorical mat tors the executive committee of (lie association lias decided to arrange for a grand mass meeting of students and faculty in the chapel about March !). At tills time speci'lios will bo made by inembors of the faculty, students, and If possible by some prominent graduates or graduates. y this means it. Is hoped to arouse enough interest to ensure a large attendance for the contest, which without, doubt will he one of the best ever held in the I'nlvorsity. SKCCIUNU A COACH. .Manager HisohntY or the football team Is at present engaged in securing the services of a tlrst'cluss football couch for next year. If satisfactory terms could be arranged, Coach Itob insou would doubtless come back-, for another year, but it Is hardly probable, that Nebraska will bo fortunate enough to Kccurc him. I Jl. Yost, coach of last gear's Ohio Wesleyim team, lias signified his de sire to (ill Coaoh Kobiuson's shoes. Mr. Yost lias a good record, having won the state championship for his team last year. liiicieii Stacy, now stationed at Ft. Leavenworth, K'us,, and half-back on the AVcst Point team, 'lift, lias also 11 led an application for the position. No one lias been selected yet, as the manager is disposed to look over the ground thoroughly before coming to any decision. liiinimimimmmmmimiiHinfflinmmimmiiiiimiiiii! 1 YOUNG MEN ... 1 Don't fail to look at the fine S line of Men's Suits and Over- coats from 37 to $20 at the 2 , EW1NG CLOTHING CO. 1115-17 O Street.- 0 j sr ?iii!itiiaiiiiaii!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiiaiiia!i!iiiiiiaiiimiiK r J CATHARTIC jA CURE CONSTIPATION ' sH I. 1(1 V V loll, i I . . been in . iu-i iron. I .in saw win. I, .ju.rt v ,,.,. (imi ,U, stall inwni.. of Kniisas Is willing 111 (lit. Ii. t . -!.. - . . " track " k." ' i" pro no e.i (iiiiu riiimii in IIU-i'l lo hii llf.lt I nl Mmnlu, .I,,,.. lug the 'li.iiiH-MlHHlsslniil cviuwlllon. lug I'lie piopi.M-d parti" to (U. contest the Mule I'nlvri nil l..u i,r K'iihu.im are MIsHouri, Iowa and NclmiHka. Kan only one thus far to respond siih Is till to Xcbriisli loi m Invitation, hut the. other two slal es WIN (HI I iiUU I'll ftl I'm, sas cxiiinple when Hie Invitation reaches them. Such an event as this would show oil Nebraska athletes to the best ad vantage ami the NchriiNKii boys would nring great honor upon the state If iliev should succeed lu with the greater part or FOll A KNSA7(TTY M K.NT. walking oil' the prizes. TOl'IINAM- Preparations are mow being niiide toward making delliilto arningeniontH for a two davs' tournament to be In id In Kansas city tills spring. The Idea Is to have a contest between the ten nis, base hull and ciack teams of the State l'iilerslties o' Nobrnsk.i, Kan sas and Missouri. If the proper guar aiilce of expciiHcs Is made the plan mentioned will proiiably be carried. Such an event as the one iironoscil would do much to western athletics. inoronse iiilcrcst In SEEING EUROPE llmv a I'onr lint l'lui-1-y KcIkiiiI 'I'ciu-licr Weill Alrimil. A plucky Anicrleaii woiuan.wlio be gan to support hers-lf at eighteen, Iiiih shown how a pon school teacher can sec l-'uropo to the best advantage lu twelve years. Faming a small sal ary lu a public school, she has tahcii private pupils and lived frugally and Iiiih been able to go to I-hirope every other year for a two months' holiday. Ilor llrst journey was made to Fng Jniul and Scotland, and was enjoyed so keenly that she planiicd'unolher one, and saved money for it during the next two years. The second tour was through France, Helgum and Holland and, lu order to travel comfortably, she learned French during her leis ure hours. Kclurnlng to her whool wark, she begun to study (lennan, and ut the end of two years was ready for a tour up the Khiue and to Vienna ami thence through Dresden and llerlln to Dromon. With renewed ardor she plunged Into the study of Italian, ami at the end of two years she started for Koine. She made the round of the ltalluu Cities ami spent a fortnight In Switzerland. Two. jours afterward she was In Spain and was able, to speak the language. During Hie last year she has made her sixth journey to Ihirope, travel ing through Denmark, Norway and Sweden to KushIii and spending a fort night at. Moscow. She carried witli her a fair knowledge of Swedish and not only know the Russian alphabet, so as to read the street signs, but she could make her own bargains with drosky drivers and go about without a guide. Ju the course of twelve years she has made six journeys to l-hirope and learned to speak six modern languag es, and she has supported herself cn tirely bj- her earnings as a. soliool teacher and has paid every penny of her truu'ling expenses. Starting with a painstaking study of the language of the countrj" which she was to visit, and also preparing- herself by a course of reading, she had made the best pos sible use of her time abroad. The reward for all this energy and perseverance has come in her thir tieth year. Her knowledge of foreign languages has fitted her for broader work as' a teacher and she has left the public schools to take a position as instructor of I'lcnch, Ucrniau anil Italian in a high school for young women. There may be higher aims than those ordinarily Involved in foreign travel, but. the perslstcnc.y of this American girl in carrying out lier plans is worthy of praise. Jt is a great gain in any human life if it is governed hy a definite purpose and keeps that purpose steadily in mind. Philadelphia. Times. CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS MS. FINE DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING MILLER THE MEN'S FURNISHING department: All colored laundered bosom, madras tf ( shirts, new patterns, eaeh 85c and iDIiUU Soft bosom madras shirts 50c, $1i50 Fancy plaid and stripe half hose, the CLAr- very latest fads, a pair, 25c and OUL Full line 4 pty collars and cufYs, all fjf? Cuffs, the new styles; collars, each Jlj a pair Immense assortments of Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ties, etc. Complete line of Trunk, Valises, Dress Suit Cases, etc. nCi 1 DRESS GOODS AND W "10 in. Mohair Ihoointos, new col- The most exquisite line ever shown oriugs, and designs, a yd lficc la the state, including all the very iTlm Hmpress Fancies, a yd lOej ''' "' "'' iwpulnr Htylcs. All wool mM'l ties 11 ml plain weaves, lUne ehevlot petticoats, umbrella escollont value, a yd JJ.'W Jlonnoo, two ruffles 50c Satin lustre court ror talloi-nindo ,, t ,,, (, pctrtcoats, urn- gov. ns, bicycle suits, etc., all the , ' ffl popular shades, M Inches wide, ? I'1'1' .v (50t' S .Same as above with corded ruffle. .73c All wool plaids -10 inches wide ,,, atlho petticoats. u ' ul ' nnrt 0ne "stand-out" flounce, corded $1.00 Silk mid wool phiids, a yd 7rc) and ...' $1.25 ,,''o,,i,uUho!s wlde"a yT' "So A" woo ,"0, l'ottlcoaV, best qual--i) im in s wan., a ju ijoc . (lt $L,05( $;t0() am upwnnl Kanoy TalVeta plaids, all the latest ( $4.50. The ,T4.50 quality trimmed shades, per yd 00c ) with tatlota silk ruffle. MisZhyyi The NebraskaU'niversity School of Mttsicf OKL,KHS COMPLETE COUKSES IN THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Tipo Organ, Wano l'orte, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments. Harmony, Counterpoint, Hlstory,Gen era! T.ieory, Sight Heading. If you are thinking of studying music investigate the merits of this school. WILLI ABD KIMBALL, Director. Mr. Albert Turpht's Now open for Season 1807-08. Adult classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Juvenile, Wednesday 4 P. 1L, SaturduyB, 2 V, M. Asscrablles every Thursday eve. Hall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. Call at 1133 N St., for terms, etc. OftlCo hours 9 ao 11:30 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. ISew England Mutual Life. Chartered 1835-. For circulars, sample policies and rates call on 6, IK. OBP, Manager, (040 0 street. Lincoln, Neb, Fancy silks, ino all wool and silk and wool novelties and ootton fabrics from the most celebrated manufact urers in the world. Ut If you want the choicest things of the season you are invited to make your select ions while the assort ment is at its best. & PAINE. NEW GOODS V mm nah w MP mm i si-kinu; PETTICOATS OFFERS FREE ADVANTAQEJ NOT FOUND ELSEWHERE. Free Scholarship in all Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training-, Concerts, LectureB, Recitals, The First National Bant , LINCOLN, NEB. Capital - - 5400,000 D. D. MUIR, II. S. FREEMAN. - President. Cashier IWVC. PniLLIPS Ass't Cashier , DIIlKCTOHHl C. E, SMITn, JOHN H. AME3, VV. 0. WILSON, D. D. MUKR C. M.'1ERKINS, C. J. ERNST,