The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, February 11, 1898, Image 2

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    l)c JtebritUmt
A YYcchi.x Ncxxspiper Issued Every
Friday Noon, by the Student of
tlu I'nlverslty of NehmsUu.
Entered ns Second Thus Mull Mutter,
. !:. Pnrinelec Managing Editor
I. S. CU tor Editorial
C . h. Spencer News Editor
C. E. Matson Ass't. Editor
Kntc Snow Walker .Sororities
II. C. Purr thlctles
Ollvo Chamber I .oral
Edith Schxvaiv. Ass't. Ibis. Algr
Tbo Nebraskan will bo sent to any
address upon receipt of tbo subscrip
tion price, wbiob is ono dollar a cnr,
or fifty cents a semester.
Contributions are solicited from all.
Now a items snob as looals, personals,
reports of meetings, oto nro cspe
oially desired. Tbo Nebrusknn will bo
glad to print any contribution rela
tive to n general Tnlwrslty subjoot,
but tbo naino must ncconipanv all
Somebody litis said: "Tbat was a
talo, told by an Idiot, full of sound and
fury, signifying nothing." wo
said it and maybe wo didn't, hut we
all think so.
Dr. Peterson ebapel address n lb
sen was greatly enjoyed by all who
beard It. He entered thoroughly into
tbo spirit of Ibsen and delivered in a
forcible manner tbo results of a long
study of tins remarkable author.
Hush Medical students seem bent on
emulating the student mobs in Par's
or Madrid. The daily papers of Feb
ruary ! report a conlliet letvveen the
students and Chicago police, resulting
in several injuries to loth parties and
the arrest of twenty-five students.
o reflection whatever was intended
in the editorial in last- week's Xcbras
kan regarding Kneball matters,
against any one now connected with
the management of last. year. It if
understood that, the present assistant
manager has aided in every way pos
sible the plans of Mr. Deiinison. and
it was not intended in any way to im
plicate him in the troubles of the
That Mr. Deiinison has had troubles
it is useless to deny, and it is to be
regretted that these, coupled with per
sonal reasons, liave caused liiiii to re
sign the management at this time o
the year.
Next Tuesday the University will
don holiday garb and properly cele
brate Charter Day. All departments
will keep ojk'H house, and the pro
fessors, assisted by cohorts of -indents,
will receive. Charter 1) is
the one day when the people of In
state feel especially invited to inspoci
the University. It is on such occasion,
that renewed insight into the affairs
and workings of the University Is
given the public. No better n leans
could be :ulopted for displaying the
exhibits of the University than by ob
serving the day publicly, and it is a
noteworthy fact that the day has be
come one of general observance among
the friends of the Univcrsltv.
The first home concert of the Glee
and Banjo club will be given tonight
Every student who can possibly if
ford to attend should not fail to do
so. He should attend, in the firt
place, because it is a University av
fair, secondly because the proceeds
go to a worthy organization, the Y.
. (. A., and thirdly, because he can
not get more enjoyment elsewhere fo
the amount of money spent.
l'rof. Kimball has labored hard und
the Glee and Jianjo club has practiced
steadily to make this event a signal
success. They will do their part if
the are not greeted with rows of
empty seal,. This ought not so to
lx-, and it will not if everybody lends
a hand by attending the concert. It
has been said that some organizations
in the University, which hold their
nieetings tonight, have not adjourned.
If this is true, they should adjourn by
U means, and if the memlcra do nut
care to attend the concert themselves,
they certainly should not put any
thing in the way to prevent oth is
from attending.
The following 'communication was
handed In for puhlicnMon by unj of
the sixteen men vho are on ;ht. bual
"Some of the debaters on the jut
division of the preliininin debute
would be greatly obliged if aviiocvci
has absorbed the four volumes of the
congressional reports on Foreign Af
fairs for '93 and '04 would lm so mag
nanimous ns io reproduce a few mea
gre points and place in tlmr stiad
"Everybody wants to see Nebraska
win it .ill lilt' inti -' " delinti - i
It K iTitiiinl.x liiii'.-!' ' oei v
of the lleen 1 1 i 1 1 K - he should f I'
resent the I'nixerslt.v b, all nienn-."
1 .11 1 li- eoininent I- needed tn the
above, aw the timeiMtvx public h.i
been siifllelcntl.x ngnlcd ny lltorntiire
eontleinnattiry to the proceedings
complained of uboxc.
It is c.i. to untleistand tbat among
the whole nuiobei of -Undents in the
I'niM'isiix that -mm inljjbt. stoop ti
such a thing, but it Is extremely dit
llenlt to think tbat nnj one of the
hKIccii men who are on tbo final tie
hates should descend to tbo depth'
necessary to commit such an act.
It i.- to he hoped that this is a
alarm ami the ninnies missing will lie
accounted for In some vvn or other
thnu that the final debaters made
awn w ith them.
When all is dark ami drear, and each
gray thought
Conies o'er me silt nee keeping; I
would muse
Of on brown wood and tangled brake
that lose
The wanderer on hi- ion re h for tiod
The soul unfettered h the blast
speeds on
To find a touch of nature and of rest;
Then humbly down lief ore the Hod
It las the bunion and once more is
Thus souls onspurrod by thoughts of
him; inspired
P.y Imsh. and lirook. and enig. 1rnw
near the spot.
Where he seemed richly present, and
his form
Shims out to them, anil he is all de
sired. For man who once in faith did east
his lot
Now wake to dwell in that most
glorious moon.
1. S. C.
For several weeks a certain youth in
the University bus been going about
with long silken tresses, which siig-
gesttd to an observer that the lmrliers
bad quit the business or had raised the
price of a hair cm enormously. The
other day, however, when ho came in
to class there was a noticeable lack
of hair on his bend, and a rather un-
ocn linlr cut proclaimed it toft n
domestic job.
Such a happening as this was, of
eoiir-i', too great to pass unnoticed,
and one of the Inix cried out:
"Ilelln . where did .ou get that
hair ut '" The vouth stopcd short.
lMik, l up colored a bit. ami then sum
moning his courage, blurted out.
"lav .'" nd some of the lss lnuirhed.
Teacher: Now, my little man, how
do jnii -jiell "receptacle?"
Editor Hesperian: lNe-c-e-p-W-e-l-e.
Teacher: No, that Is not correct, but
perhaps you can spell "rhetoric?"
JFSflitor: lMi-e-t-h-o-r-I-e.
Teacher: No, that Is not correct,
Editor: Well, that's the way 1 spell
ed those words last week when 1 crit
icised the spelling in Unit awf j! Ne
brssknn. 1 guess I'll have to study
my spelling lesson again.
Harvard is to have a new dormitory
to cost $160,000. Price of rooms iii
1'nndolph hall, as the new dormitory
is to be called, will range, fron $800 to
l'rineelon has made overture to
Pennsylvania for a serie of Inso ball
games, but Pennsx lvania,befoe meet
ing it former riial again, vill ask
for a five years' agreement fr meet-
Dartmouth college's athletic mana
gers are trying to arrange a nw foot
ball league to comprise Dartmouth,
Itrown and Cornell, to take tie place
of the present Dnrliiioiith-Amherst-Williams
Dartmouth is coiwldering i plan
for the supjwrt of college athletics by
which the bill of each student is to be
increased $10 a year, whieh will go
toward the support of tJir, football,
base ball and track tomncs. JJsorv
student will in this case receive a pu
to all athletic contests.
The coiiscrwitoi j,t present over
flouincr and the ;ttU'tuiu,,,. tc rrmnim.
than was ever Lmmn m its history
tlffolC. 'I 111- ll Ilium., linn it'lili lii-
work on the i-xiiosition, series to keep
Prof. Kimball well occupied. The
wor. in th. -l1((,l 0f I11(lvi, M-,mB t,j
be njijirci tU- mt.n and mon by the
st nil nt, ., i-pcf,ail tho. lugh'T
phases of tho worlu
mi piir-.iDr.Nn m. ion uniion
The lixelist political battle the I nl
erslt bus oxer seen U scheduled for
the I'hapol tomorroxx night. ''ho old
frnt barb contest will pule, Into Insig
nificance In comparison with this one
If prospects bo but partially realized.
Hie occasion Is a mock national Con
vention, composed of the. members of
the four uVunttug clubs, for tho puis
mirc of adopt lug a platform and se
lecting a president, Tho meeting will
bo In regular form similar to all na
tional convent Ions except that, no
contesting delegations xvlll bo allow
ed. From the prevent outlook the alValr
promises to be a miniature counter
part of the Chicago convention of 'tut.
Tho Issue Is destined to bo the "five
and unlimited coinage of silver at tho
ratio of 10 to I without the aid or con
sent of any other nation on earth."
The opponents to this proposition
claim that, a conspiracy has been on
foot from tho beginning to adopt such
a plank In the platform and tbat com
mittees have been chosen with that
end In view. The committee on rules,
it is maintained, will decide on the
unit system of balloting, thus allow
ing the majority of the delepition t o
control its vote. Uiimor Is rife that
certain elements have "doctored" the
various delegations in sucJi a way that
with this rule in ojieration. but one
result is inevitable.
Tho national commit t men held s
meeting Wednesday evening and
Chose Kindlor of the P. It. D. ('. for
temporary chairman. So far but one
name has been suggested for the po
sition of permanent chairman, that
is Mnguirc of the P. H. D. C. Hut
when t he time arrives for nomination-
to this position enCW. olub will
doubtless have nu aspirant for that
honor. Tho only name suggested for
president so far as can tie learned, is
that of Hon. W. .!. Itr.vnn.
All week vxire pullers have been iu
terv lowing voters and political Imissos
have been cracking their whips in
frantic efforts to get their supporters
into line. Deiinison, tho Croker of
the Maxwells, Warner, the Hiiuun of
the Delians, MeGuffey, tbo .loncs of
the Unions and Taylor, the Tom Piatt
of the Pallndinnn have been oniuiprcs
out the hut few days and sovural com
bination nro rumored about.
Those who have never wltmsed
jnioh a itinvenUon cannot atl'ord to
neglect this opportunity. The doors
will open nt 7:30, the gallery will lc
reserved for visitors, no one being al
lowed on the first floor but delegates.
Kfforts will be made to get permis
sion io use the lights until 12 o'clock,
but in oiise this is not secured the
meeting will not adjourn 10:15. In
the words of one of the delegates,
"ISo sure io come. We have hired 10
policemen at $2 an hour to preserve
order. They are objecting now be
cause they think they are not getting
paid enough. It will be the greatest
political event in the history of tho
Everybody Say So.
Cascnrots Canilv Cathnrtio, the most won
derful modlcnl dlscovervof lm ago, pleas
ant and rofreslnnc to tho taBto, act geutly
and positively on klduoys, liver and boxvols,
cieaiiRlnt; tho entire system, dispel colds,
oure headnclw, fever, liabilual constipaOon
and bilionnes. Please buv and trv a Ikix
of O. C. G. to-lav; 10. ',. so "cents, isold and
fruaranteMl to euro by all druggists.
For flne PHOTOfiRAPlIS go to
New Popular Priced
Photograph Parlors.
$1.00 per doz. and up,
We guarantee to please von. Call
and see our work, get our prices and
give us a trial. Our motto is to
please all customers.
32 South 12th Street, - Lincoln, Neb.
Bath House and Sanitarium
Cor. 14th & M St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Open at all hour-. Day and Night
All forms of bath.
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HEARTam, nervous
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Trearcj t j.ively by
IlOims.S toOc , cxont Bundavi.
fc. m
Our Mud nl reud.x -to-xxcu Cluthluir
bents u xutt made ut a low grade inci
eluutt Inllm lux establishment every
ilax In the week. Our merchant tail
mimr will '-..relx milt jmi, lloth If
part i. .cuts are up-to-date.
& &TQL
fedh ill
v ffiw U--Mm
V !.' Mm. '" -JSMMGWll
r. w- - '- -ifflfafJtalrjfg
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ccpv Right l
a ri" -U Am?xH"v
tW ps
Remember that we are without doubt
the leaders in line Tailoring, k w
Mr. J. W. Mao-ture:
Well kuown as a cutter of unusual
merit, has been engaged by us, as cut
ter for Men's clothes ." w w A
A Ladies Tailoring Department has been
added, which is under the direct super
vision of Mr. Bumstead. u, &
Best Work.
Established 1889.
Most complete and
Modern equipment.
When You Write
To Your Friends
who arc coming west to
visit jou. just add a
postscript like this:
"le sure to tnho the
llurlington Route. It's
niueh the best."
You are quite safe in
doing this because our
service from Chicago.
J 'conn. m Jiouis anil
Kansas City, in fwt all
cHstern, Houthc.isteru,
and southern chics is
just ms good ns our ser
vice to those Kmt.
And that ns everyone
who is acquainted with
it will testify, is tho
best there is
Tickets and time in
hies on application at it.
& M. depot or city tick
et otJIccwrner 10th and
O Sts.
G. W, Bonne!!, CP&TA
l..liu-0'.n, Neb.
H. W. BR0W1S
Books and Stationery,
College Text Books,
And a complete stixli of standard
and inibt'ellaneous boohs.
127 So. 11th St.
-"- i
A Ladles Bull Dog
toe, for n comfortable walk
ing shoe, is the latest and
most sensible fashion that
Jit has been their good for
1 tune to have reign In the
realm of shoes. The bull
dog toe is xx hie, easy and
comfortable for a walking
tl shoe such as sensible. Knir-
' lish women take their dally
-", tramps in. They nro also
r durable, and xxe are soling
them at a low price.
& Sheldon-sjaL
H2H o St.
& n
0 Street.
est Service
Greatest courtesy.
Telephone 199.
Th'J Mf VASMBU'"',
The Washburn is the one and only
make of vvond-xxide reputation. Sold
by hrst-class dealers everywhere from
$15.00 upward. Imitated extensively,
so be sure that the name "GeoTRC
Washburn" is burned upon the inside.
A beautiful Washburn Book contain
ing portraits and letters from the De
Keszkes, Calve. Eames, Nordica, Scal
chi and too other famous artists and
teachers, mailed free upon request.
Address Dept. U,
Cor. Wabaih Ave. and Adams St, Chicago.
Agntits for
Washburn Instruments.
Also general factors fihavv, Weber,
Wegnmri and Jeuett pianos and Far
rand x- Votej oi-.-ms.
l:o Kontli nth Stre"t.
Dr. S.bLi)UK, Practice
limited to Va e, Ear, Nose
ancri Jiroat. 1215 0 St.