The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 28, 1898, Image 4

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    gxx the OBiTut
It l- i n. I I tliul tin iniiili.v will
In- on i Oiuiitloii fur charier ln,v
'I lie
, 1 1 1 1 1 1
lioiiiiiitiil Inn jump mill rhiKH
fur height will In' Hie event III
Tin' Indoor b'im'liiill practice In the
pv in Iiiih iiIhii Iicimi changed. I'''"' tin
bi'iHcbnll nii'ii, from Saturday evening;
to S-itiirdn,v afternoon, 1! to :t : "to.
Tin' I'lihi'iHlty IimhUcI hull leain
gocn to OiiiiiIi IIiIh evening (o piny the
Oimiliii V. M. C A., whi' iv tlu'.v will
try to gel ''' ',", ""' ier'at lit thi'
Iii'iiiiIh of tin' Omuliii Iio,h two vvccUm
The Hchedule of Indoor IniHi'lmll
games Iiiih been Kct forvvuid out1 vvech.
Following In llii' revised Hchedule:
IVlll'IIUl'.V !J, riTHlllllffM Atllll'lll'H;
1'Vlinnir.v . I'i'I'hIiIiikh vn. Ilimchnll
ti'iiin; Kebrunr.v t. ItiiHeball ti-uiu vm.
Athletic; February II. 1'erHhlngn
AthlctlcM; ri'lirmir.v I". l'crnhlngH vh.
IIiihi'IiiiII ti'iiin; I'Vliruiiry s. Huncball
(I'll III H. AtllletlCH.
Last Saturday's eontcl In the gym
nasium, IIm W-yurd iIiihIi wiih won by
It. 1). iiilri'Hon, 11. M. l.nStilli'. hccoiiiI;
I'. . IVpoon, third. 'I'lnii', :!;. hi-c-nniN.
.since this wrli'H of Saturday
I'ontt'HtH Inif lii'i'ii Hturli'd HiIh Ih tin'
lii'Ht one In wlilfli Mr. Swnllow Iiiih not
Iiikcii purl. I'p to IIiIh thin' hi' tins
won plai'i'H In lour events, none of
tlii'iu lower limn second place.
Mr. .1. O'Miilimii'y, tin' 'i.jiiI or tin
IkiiiK drpnrtnii'iit in MerpolMhelmer
( o.V Iiiih wry gencrousl.v nlVered u
J-:.'!) gold llll'dlll to III' glVCH to till' lll'Nt
iill-nrc mil I'nlvcrslty athlete In the
oiiidoor pi'iitutliiilon in April. Mi0'
Mnliiini', Inti'iidH to make tliiH prlc
permanent mid will ollVr It imniinlly.
'I'lii' conditions iittui'lii'd to tin' award
ing of HiIh nii'dnl promise to do much
to mine tin nthletle Htmiditrd. It Ih
Htlpnliiti'd Hint tin winner of tin pen
luthulnu iiiiihI malic nt li'iiht Kill mil
of tin- possible ."()() points.
The I'liriners' mid Merchants' tro
phy, wlileh is to be iiri'sented to the
stiite intercollegiate nthletle assocla
tion is now nearly eonipleteil. Very
few of the students know whnt this
trophy really is. It Is n handsome sll
Mr ulilcld. manufactured by (lorhmn
iV Co., mill presented us a iierinunent
trophy by the Fanners' and Mer
chants' Insiiranee Co. of this city. The
ulilcld Is a wry beautiful piece of
workmanship, hearing upon It the state
will and Ih valued ill $75. At present
Hie Institutions comprising the state
intercollegiate itlhletle iissoelution are
Vesleynn, Donne and the University
of Nenruska. Hastings college Is try
ing to ct in. i ne Institution which
wins the trophy twice comes Into per
manent possession of it. Should the
trophj be won as often as twice in
three years, the olVer will be renewed
at least that often or the same shield
-will be put up until It Is won twice by
one college.
IH. Hut till peaks no iIIhiii'iIH toiuii, nitm niivm vr tmij OLI I'll.
Itlur eontestiiiii. tn me ri'coni " ini ureal rroinu lion Monday Night,
Ik line Dutch tilln 1iIh
both (iikch
fi lends now tluil ( owgUI Iiiih
in prui lice sliding b, Profs dm
linr the foot bull hciisoii than he Im
Niiifnifjr tin1 plteheis we uollcc par
tlciilar development. Ilitrues Iiiih hud
charge a little over u week, and for
this short time him made reuiurkublc
inlMiiicenieiit. lie tukes eueli uiun. and
If he Is new, gives IiIiii a position and
teaehcH him Imw to use. his hnilv In
tin owing. The old men who lime
pitched, all Imw a inethoil and Tied
die Iiiih uol ctiuiiRi'd It, but In ninny
eascH he has Improwd upon il mid
hIiouii them how to get t heir weight
in the dcllwry.
Kiev en Htrong boys are after pitch
ing honors. Melford, llalHtend. dor
don, llaln, WiU; lli'ii King Campbell,
Williams, Mlfss ami White. They
work out in the cage regularly every
day and wc are sure of two or three
good pitchers.
The old suits haw been give out
to tlie old men of last year's temn mid
the new men ere wearing foot ball
clothes. We hope this state of tiling
will soon be owe and that theie will
he base bull uniforms to go around.
The bo.vs Imw hud their practice
hours cut' down to let the IVrshlngs
drill, but after Charter day thev will
work cwry evinng from 7 till U
Ian. n, for One I'm foruuincc Onh
( . II lili'crson, Maw A Krl
nidp nl lit I'll I prodiiellon,
auger s
You Travel
Always Take
,111 1
e Heen at the
Monday night,
i os h iiiowiiich, w
Olher In Lincoln on
.Ian- III. Mill out' performance will be
ixheii, and prices for the, brilliant at'
trnellon will be only L'ne, fide, 7fie, ami
.51, no higher. The performance of
I he big production here will be vxaet
In cwry detail with tin long engage
ments In New York, Chicago, n in P otli
er large cities, and the saine big com
mu, of 71 people, all the inagnlllceiit
Hcener.v, proper! les, coh! limes, elec
trical ami mechanical cIVccts, will be
brought here Intact. The (lying bill
let, In which the dancerH fly In all
directions through the air, and are
transformed Into birds, becH and bnt-
Trof. Hastings has recently intro
duced Into the gymnasium the new
game of indoor baseball, and if the interest in the gaine keeps up
it will .soon become wry popular. A
league has been formed of three
tennis, composed of members of the
Pershing Hides, the arslty baseball
team and the Athletic class. The llrst
game of the season will be played In
the uj in nasi um iut Wednesday ev
ening between the Pershing rllles and
the Athletic class. A small admission
fee will be charged ami It Is hoped
that the game will be patronized lib
erally, us the proceeds of the Indoor
baseball M'rien go toward purchasing
uniforms for the baseball team. For
the benefit of those who do not. under
stand the giitne, the various points in
which it ditVers materially from base
ball are given below:
Kneli side of the diamond is 27 feet
long and the distance from home to
hceond biiM- or first to third buse is
:si', feet. The pitcher's bov Ih !') feet
distant from the home plate. The ball,
which Is of a yielding Hiibstance, is
J 7 inches hi circumference, and 8V,
unce9 Jn weight. The bat must be
a-v, feet lonR nud not larger than 1
Inches In diameter.
Only Ktralght-arm pitching, In which
he arm and hand swing parallel with
the body, wiJl be allowed, and the
"ball is not to be curved.
n pitched ball striking the. butter
is a dead ball, but does not entitle
him to a base. If It should be the
third strike, the batter Is not out and
no base enn be run on that ball.
batted ball which strikes Inside
or on the foul lines Ih fair, the llrst
point of contact with the floor, object
or fielder, deciding, regardless of
where it afterward rolls. A batted
ball Is a foul If it first Htrlkes outside
the foul line.
One of the greatest dlfVercnccs from
baseball is that In regard to the base
runner, who is not allowed to leave
bis hnsc on a pitched ball, not Htruch,
until after It has reached or passed
the catcher.
The definitions just given constitute
the most important points wherein
this game iIHTcih from baseball and
while there are many minor differ
ences, they haw no material effect on
the game
AMien the announcement Is made
that there will be an Indoor base
base ball game," you want to save up
your money for It will be worth twice
the admission to sec Dutch Wells run
Dutch says he can slide twenty feet
and the bases are only twenty-seven
feet apart, so you see the Dutch man
is sliding most of the time.
The other evening Dutch snid he
could slide as far as Cow-gill and the
dare was accepted, Gordon and Jack
acted ns starter and judge.
Hut to the surprlRo of nil Dutch's
best was 10 feet, while Cowgill went
Dr. Ward Writes to the Student Con
cerning the (.rent Ksplotcr.
It Is hardly two mouths since ICdiu
burg rose with open arnm to welcome
the young Aineiicun whose patient,
careful study has glwn the world so
much clearer insight into life in the
Arctic regions. The papers which
bring us accounts of Peary's recent
lslt to Scotland, speak In glowing
terms of the man and his work. Here
we arc apt to owrlook the ipilct luxes
ligations of our own count ryinan in
the more brilliant clVorts of the Arc
tie eplorers. Peary niadc no long
drift to the pole in a boat carried on
Hunting Icefields, while protected and
cheered by all the comforts that
modern cMIIation could devise, nor
was his a pyrotechnic oyagc through
the air with pioblcmatle outcome.
Not that other oyagcH are in any
way to be criticised; those who face
such dangers tu the cause of science
descrw only the highest praise at the
hands of men of lesser courage ami
enterprise. Newrtheless the methods
of our American explorer, Lieutenant
Peary, of the I'. S. X., involw more
self-suerlllce If possible. and certainly
have yielded the most important re
sults concerning the natural history
of the Arctic regions.
Peary has made his home with the
K.snuimuux and has won their confi
dence and support so thoroughly that
they are his ardent helpers In cwry
enterprise. Ills long life among these
people of the foreign north has en
abled him to collect a large mass of
ethnological data regarding them
that has greatly increased our knowl
edge of these tribes. lie has also
with their assistance made more ex
tensive and thorough geological and
zoological collections than any of his
predecessors or contemporaries. The
huge ineterolte, which lias justly
claimed the attention of the world, is
of course the most unique I cat lire of
his collci'llons, but they contain
many lesser things of great Interest.
While Peary was abroad Sir Alford
lltimsworth, himself an explorer and
member of the famous .lackson-llaius-
worlh expedition to I'ran. .losef l.and,
presented him with the boat, "The
Windward," which was used in the ex
pedition just mentioned, and is ad
mirably adapted to Arctic work. In
this Peary plans to make a new ex
ploration this year. Hrictly outlined
liis plan Is this: After l caching the
limits of northward progress in the
boat, to take the land and on the isl
ands reaching toward the (Kile, estab
lish two or three well equipped sup
ply stations, Iroin the most northerly
of which in the summer of IM)!) he
plans to niaVe his final p".sh for the
pole attended by only one or two of
Ills companions. In all this work he
looks for great help from his devoted
Ksquimnux' friends, and In passing
through a region at least, partly
known to them, he wj'u find their al'd
of Inestimable cnlue. The mere dls
cowry of. the pole itself Is of little
Value In comparison with the attend
ant dlseowries concerning the geo
graphy, ethnology and biology of the
Peary is a splendid lecturer, and I
hope no student will miss the oppor
tunity to hear this typical repiesenta
tlon of American pluck and enter
prise, who, in the words of nn Kng-
Ilsniau, and Is "the prince of Arctic
11. 11. WAUD.
Maxiinillian Dick, America's great
est lolinist, who was heard at the
May festival last year with Kllen
IU'nch Yaw, comes to the Oliver thea
tre Friday evening, February I. With
Mr. Dick are such celebrated persons
as Isabella liratnober, soprano, and
Miss (leorgiella bay, piuniste. This
ensures a great musical treat for the
people of Lincoln and the students of
the University especially can not af
ford to inisH this opportunity.
Special rates for students will be
made. Scats in the first six: vows in
the parquet (for ladies) will be sold
for Iir. cents. This price Is almost un
heard of considering the ability of the
performers. Special students' tickets
may be obtained Wednesday, Febru
ary a.
Everybody Says Bo.
Cnscarota Camlv Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ago, pleas
ant and refreshing to tho tasto, act gently
and positively on kliluoys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire svstem, dispel colds,
cure lieaUaoho, fover, habitual constipation
anil blliousnecB. Plcaso buy and try n box
of 0. O. C. tn-ilnv; 10, S3. M) cents. Boldand
guaruntced to cure by all druggists.
Best Route
Lincoln, IScb.
To OM.MI V Ml polnlM easf,
KANSAS CITY Kimt ami south.
DDXYKK ami nil Colorado points,
(l(ll)r'N ami SALT LAKK.
f r )(ffli"ir
Has the bcHt modern equipment.
Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining and free reclining chair ciii-h.
For time schedules, tickets, reset vnt ions of bertliH, call on or
.1. T,
K. II. SLOS'SON, Gen. Agt., 1011 O St.
Lincoln, Xcb.
S. S. 11. ( LUlK, Pich. K. DICKINSON (leu. Mgr., K, L. LOMAX, G. p
Omaha, Neb.
A T.
Kxperlence at this I'nlverslty has proven that, the
Is the reliable pen for cIiish room use, It Is always ready for use
writes couIIiiuouhI.v without shaking II has the best gold pens thai
be made, ami money guaranteed refunded If the pen Is not satlsfact'irv
For sale at the Co-Op.
it iK r
Jh3Kent College JLLaw..MM.
terlllcs of the most beautiful huesi
the Oriental ballet of beautiful wo
men, whose participants are the liiiml
soincst. shapeliest young women ever
gathered on the stage; mid Kddie
Piunutl, the phenomenal Hrowule trick
bicycle rider, are among the novel
specialty features that will be Intro
duced in the great production, Twelve
elaborate scenes wtll be shown, In
cluding the wonderful storm ami ship
wreck at sea, the earthquake and vol
cano, and the instant destruction of
the palace. Palmer Cox, the famous
"llrownle Man," will also appear In
the big spectacle, and make lightning
charcoal sketches of Hrownles. In the
big company will be found Kva Tan
guay, lless Foyc, Gert Carlyle, Itmlil
Itos's, ('has. 1 lagan, Sol. Solomon and
other well-known artists.
Scats now on sale at box office. Re
cure your scats early.
WAXTKD Trustworthy and active
gentlemen or ladles to travel for re
responsible established house In Lin
coln, .Nebraska. Monthly $05.01) ami ex
penses. Position steady. Kefcrence.
Knelohc self-aildrcssed stamped en
velope. The Dominion Company,
Dept. Y, Chicago.
Books and Stationery,
College Text Books.
And a complete stock of standard
and miscellaneous books.
127 So. 1lih St.
Winter term will open Nov. mi,
. IMi7, Improved methods. MiirHlmii
I). Kwiill, LL. D Dean. Cnltlng theory ami practice. 'I he school or pnu
flee Is tiie leading feature. Kwnlng sessions of ten hours u week for cm h
class. Students mil be self supporting while studying. For catalogue ,id
M. I). K LL, Dean, Rooms (IIS mid Old, Ashland blk. .Chicago III.
Fa vo ui 11: No. 17.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph
ami Kansas City.
City Ticket office 1020 0 St
II. C. Tovvnsend, G. P. T. A.
F. D. Cornell, C. P. &
T. .
"Stevens Favorite" Rifle.
11 Take Down " model, 22.1nch barrel, weight
AXA pounds. Carefully bored and tested.
For .22, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridges.
17, Plain open sights, 36.00
1 8, Target sights, S8.50
Ask your dealer for the " FAVORITE."
If he doesn't keep it, wc will send, prepaid,
on receipt of list price.
booklet of small-bore cartridges free.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
P.O. Ilox 1(H
CHICOPCn palls, russ.
Table board $l.m .Meals IS cts.
The Model Dining Hall
.'MO So. 12th St., Lincoln Nebraska.
(Hnscmcnt Hurr Hloek)
S1IAVK, 10c. SKA FOUI, 1(K
II. .1. Robinson, Pro).
Corner Drug Store
10th and Q Streets ,
Ready for business 'J4 hours in
Jay. Mght calls answered.
H'th & Q Streets
M 9 Jwj jSHfci BilMBI
O.F.LambertsoHjD. D. S
(iraduate of
(lold and poicclain crowns, bridge
work, gold, aluminum and rubber
Special Rates taStudents.
Oflice, rooms 'S. & :4 Alexander Illk.
12th and O Sis., Lincoln, Neb.
Pllll II!!!! IIIII M!IIE!!IOI 11,11!!! JIIIII!1 ;!ID!Wll!!!.!!Il!l IK !!H1'
I Vlunch Counter
III south eleventh
mmm jiiii w mnw mnmtim m mix
i vlwH
I '.( . .1v t """
c ih -m: im
ii.RiHg H S r "P wL H v y J
.vr im
Trade Marko
Copyrights &c.
Anyono sendlnit n Bkotch nnd description mny
quickly nscortnlii our opinion free wnetlior nn
Invontlon Is probnbly pntontntilo. Conimunlrn.
tlonsBtrlctlyronlldoiitlRl. Handbook on 1'iitcnts
sent froo. Oldest imcney for noturlni imtentr.
I'atonta tnkon tlirounh Munn & Co, rocelvo
tpeclalnotlce, without clmrgo, luttio
Scientific Hmcricin.
A handsomely illuntrntod weekly. Tersest cir
culation or any sclenttaa journal. Terms, 13 ii
yean four months, 1 1. Sold by nil neiredenter,
MUNN&Co.3c,Bd"a New York
Branch Office, G25 F Bt, WftsbtDBlon, D. c.
A. L. GIRARD & Company,
Dealers in an(J ft Supplies
135 St. 12th St. Lincoln. Neb.