gocal&. Ml,, (illinorc Ik oiiJo.v ng a H from her brother, 'I',(. tltrriir.v societies nice! as H,ilil Friday "Wit. Mr Will llhdnimi or Hcntiice Is vis iting I til ii-Mlt.v frlt'iulH. 1,1.0 (oprlund wiih Initialed Into Al ,,l,ii Tun Omega on Monday night. I'l'iink Woodland visited OiiiiiIiii dur jn(f the hitter purl ol' the ik. l, seniors lire having Ihclr p(.. jiiii'h tul.i'ii for Uu Ncnlor book, . ,S(.( Hit' ml. f In' Itiicyele In UiIh UHiif. 'I'lu'ii full ul Lift Smith Twelfth mid hit tin- wheel Itself. MIhs Currli' CooU. of Wuhoo int to 1,,,'c hiinio fm- ii few dn.vs' visit, Wt'il m.mln, innrnliiK- ,S,T )r. Leunliuidt's ml, In UiIh iNsue. MIih I'lorcncc Shuiik Iiiih been una dlii in attend cvnmlniitlons nil week, ,m account of sickness. Mi. ( Iiiii'Ii'h on Mnnsfehlc Is among ir number ll( went home rot' Ii hliil lime, this week. ',mI ( lin lit 1 1 t will oll'er ii new (.(iiiim- l Hlt'iiin engine design, tin' HlVIMill selllCHlCr. Midi's ltilln oii .MuiiNfehle, du ))nl!(ii- nnil Willi WINon oT Aslihuul ,-, spending ii pun r cMiiuliiiilInn t.., i't home. "".. Ill'l' dllll'l's" 11M gOOfl. pi'l'lllipH, lit none better tliun I he pictures Ink ,. ul i In- Studcntx' Photograph Out l,,n in :i 0 street. A ouch of Huntington spcelul dte liinip stationery Iiiih been received by llu ( ii-np. II innkes tiie prettiest I, 4,r . millet ,et Keen. A. I., (ilnird, I lift South Twelfth, Hells tlie Uac.vclc lieenuse It Is the liesl wheel on the market. Take u look tit 11 iikI he eonvliieed. Head i he big poster In the hull and Irani how Lieut, I'enr.v captured his loo-ton meteorite and brought It home. Neva Morris of lliimlmlt has re filtered the rnherslt.v. Miss Morris is a iiie.ulier ot I'hi Itelu I'hl, having uttciiileil the I'liivirsity Inst ,venr. Miss Mii it eseused her gymnasium i-Kisses ii'iim cMiiulnutions this week, lint required tluit the continue tloor wink eaeh day us usunl. Miss I. nla Wirt, I'hi Metu I'hi, and Mis Niwi Morris, pledged to the Mime fiiiternitv, will take up their I'niver .sltv work again this semester. Miss nnn Vore, wut litis hud an at tack of seurlet fever, is recovering, hut will probably not he in school airain until the middle of February. ( ( ' uher, who is now in Denver, is epieted to visit in Lincoln nest vutI. with his Kappa Sigma brothers ami other t'niversily friends. Ilnli Mauley, 'U7, who is now lllllng (lie iMisitlou of eity editor on the K re main 'I rihuue, wns a visitor at the I niversitv lust Saturday. l'ietiues and photographs are being framed ut the picture depnrtincnt of llerpalsheliner A Co., ut remarkably low priees. Kngruvlngs frnmed; your choice of twenty-four subjects, 1.00 each The Home Uestnurnnt ut H'.'.l North .Ninth street, kindly solicits the pn ti'inaye of all fniversity students. Our price is per week, and we will give uni the liesl board in the eity. l.awreiee Weaver. Delta Tnu Delta, has recommenced work in the Culver .slt.v. after a semester's absence. Mr. Weaver wih trruduute witli 'till instead of 'as. as would have been the cuse hul he been In school this semester. Sucial discount wil be given stu dents who huve their wheels rcpnlred nt I., (iirard's. i:ift South Twelfth Mre-t Satisfuctory workuinnship giiniantcul. ll the latest anil most popular pieces in vocal ami instrumental mu sic at less than half price nt llerpol-t-lieiiaer A- Co.' music (lepartmcnt. Our list of : music coutiiins over 10.. t'HII numbers. If vnu want your huir cut artistic all.v ii in I in the latest styles, call on Smiii Ui-tcrlii.hl, 117 North Thirteenth Mrect ii,. ms m, ,,rjeeu years' e.s 'ra in e witli students a. id piiirun tees -.itisriietidll. I'i ll la I'hi celebrated the third nn niveis.nv ,,f ii,,. ol. chapter Friday, liuiu.iiv -.-I, anil Miss Odu I losson en tertitiiuil th,. members ut her home in lioiiur ol Hi,, duy. Amoiif,' the aiiiuse nii'iits otlered by Miss Closson to her k'uests Hlh iniNcitv to most of them, '"Mipaiiiifr-ou." Uohert .lenkins leaves the rniver Jit,v this week to take up work in the voliiriiiio school of mines, where he thinks he can spend his time to better iihniiliiuc, as he has mining engineer '"if in view for his life work. Mr. Jenkins has made many friends here who will 1. sorry to see him (. Lieut. I'cary lectures ut the Oliver m'diiesilav evening, l-'ebruury ". HIh tret ure will be Illustrated by 100 nuitf iiulceat lantern slides. special rate ('f 2,'e has been mude to students. Stu dt'iits' tickets can be hud at the execu hc (iniee .Monday, .lanuar.v 'M, and tifter regular sale' of seats lef,'ius at I1'' has ofllce Mondav, .la unary :1. ut 10 ' in. I'riecs $1, 75c, and ftOe. (hi .lanuury Ui! the I'. I'.. D. C. dls mlhseil the (iicHtlon: "Mesolvcd, That KOM'rniiMMit by injunction Is contrary '" '''I'lihlicairprinclples." The disciis s"n showed the l It. D. '. boys to be "loi'uuil Interested in the questions of "ii'ilnv. K usunl parliamentary prac- c; was as profitable us it was splr i'(l. M,., Kt.0K. an( .M,.. Itenedict Y'" ndiultled to membershin. The r"ih k Knowlii,' In numbers, Import -j"1"' and Interest. A cordlul invlta "on Is extended to all oiintf men. Til!, COIiMttirc HR'riM.KMKNT. I.ust rail the ( ollcjfe Setlleinenf workers wcic more Hiiccisful In ct tliiK their work under wnv than thc.v lime been dui'liiff the previous ,cur, not beeiiiise there wns frciiter curliest uchh, ptobably, but lieeniiKe the orim 1utlou ol lust yenr hIIII eslsled and becutiHc Miluuble evperlenee hud been Klilned by pusl work. With the opeti' liiH of the rnherHlly the hoard of con trol promptly and ciicrncticully net to work, und during the first weekH of October nearly all the dllVcrcnt InuuehcH ol the work, such as Instruc tion In rcfiilm' school work, hcwIiik school und Kindergarten work, socIiiIh, cutertaluim tits and the visiting or the Hick, were slurlcd. My November one cntertiilnmenl hud been fdven, with an ut tendance of llfly, one soclul, with ifiunes und music, live children's meet Inns und seventeen ciiIIh. Inidiidluf,' rour visits to sick ruinllleH, where net mil help In the mailer or I'ood wiih needed, und promptly tflvcn. In the last report matte by I he Hit pcrliilcmlciitH to the board ot control, It wiin xpcclull.v urged that students should rrciienlly go to the settle ment house durliiff cntci'luliimeiits und socIiiIm or ul nuy other time when the young people nre present. More students ure needed in order to In crease the Influence of mere presence und contact. The visiting committee reported that till applicants fur work urc welcome. It bus been evident for some time to the students in close touch with I lie. settlement Hint the need for the work Is larger than the means which exist for accomplishing It. Our little house cannot accommodate all who need the help, and u number of students last year were discouraged lieenuse they were too crowded to do the work they hud undertaken. A large audience room is needed in which practical talks can be made to advantage. More space Is needed for library reading room and instruction rooms. As it Is, it lius been found iiccessar.v to hold classes in the reading room, while oth ers wcic milking use of the library books. The management has Tor some lime been Ir.vlng to find some means for obviating these dll'llciiltles, but huve not been able us ,el to do so. However, they are fully convinced that the work Is slowly but llrinly pro gressing, und that as soon us the stu dent body shall become thoroughly aware oT the need which exists, it will sec that means nrct'oiind to satisfy It. A good deal of help has already been volunteered in the raising of funds. I.ust ,vear a number of entertainments were given, the proceeds of which went towards defraying the running expenses of the work. It wns with the greatest satisfaction Hint the manage ment accepted the offer or Mrs. Man ning to give u program for the lien ellt of the settlement. Her movement is u step in the right direction. Foot ball and baseball expenses urc paid to sonic extent by programs which nre well worth the seeing, und paying for Mrs. Manning's program, which is pub lished In another part of this issue, is a good one, us her programs always arc, and will be thoroughly appreciat ed bv the students. TIIK PMKPAMVI'OMY SCHOOL. I'ighty-six students attended the Preparatory school during the semes ter just closing. This is a record ;hul surpasses the expectation of the most sanguine. About twenty students llnb-li their prepnri.tion this semester, und enter the I'nivcrsity lor the full four venrs. The Picparatory school Is turning more students toward the l'nlver-ltv than any other school in the state ever has done heretofoie. Tills week is both registration week mid cxamiuution week, and the school's apartments at the I'niverslt.v Conservatory building uv' In conse quence one of the liveliest places in tow ii. II. II. (Icitnn, recently of Drake I'ni verslt.v, Des.Molnes, lu., was among the new students who registered this week. mmmmnminiHinRHnmaniimmmniHiiiimiitimifflK 1 YOUNG MEN ... 1 B Don't fall to look at the fine & line of Men's Suits and Over- s H coats from $7 to $20 at the EWING CLOTHING CO. - 5-7 O Street. m" n iuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiuuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiu Archie IdttU r reglsti red from l)outic a few (lavs ago, ami ., mv n. ,,, ncss headed fur tin- I ni islfv. moug the sliuhiiis reghicilng from Lincoln for next semester aie Until Mehirlund, IIcsmIc Davis, (I race Kdmlslcu, Lulu Kiillcrton, Ituth Ovveu, Kdna Hurley, .laineH (ainphtdl, Hiniir, rpton,' Ocorgc Klmhull, Adam Spurk, Mary Marnhlll, Pearl MUhop, llo.v Ml Holt, Mclllc Ingalls, hole Poston", mid Nellie Kogers, Mr. A. T. Mell or the University will have charge or Hie Motuny work, beginning with next semester. AI'DITOIMl'M PUNK KIT, The Young Men's Hoard or Trade or Lincoln have about completed ar rangements for a grami promenade concert und hull to be given .lanuury 'JH, ut Assembly chamber, for the ben ellt of the Auditorium fund, The mu sic for this occasion will lie furnished by the 1'lillhnrinonlc orchestra, under the leudershlp of Prof, August Huge now, und us everything else will he In keeping, this Insures mi entertainment or u high order, both musically and so cially. The committee in charge ex tend u very cordial Invltulloii to the men of the I'nlvcislty ami their In dies to at tend this concert mid ball, ami In this manner help out the iuli torluni fund ami thcrehv scenic the erection of u building In the clt, that will furnish ample aeeommodaf lous for all I'nlversity exorcises, WILL HAYi: Til KIM PKTUilX The (ilcc und Mmijo (dub will meet tomorrow al'lcriioon to huve their pic tures taken in u body. They will also meet in the evening for practice. Mud tiillesplc ol Ucpiibllean City hus re turned to tin I'nlversity just in time to get his face In Hie new picture, lie Is welcomed buck us u great addition to the banjo club, MlL'lity Neut Work Ix Done lly CLEMENTS a photographer who hus u shop ut lunsoaiii it th st, Show him your face und he will re produce him your nice and he will re price. 8Ui.ruo-SAi.tM: Bath House and Sanitarium Cor. Ilth M Sts., Lincoln. Neb. Open ut nil hours, Hay and Night. All forms of bath. TUMKISH. MUSSIAX t- HOMfAX, MIS. M. II. & .1. O. KVK1IKTT, .Managing Physicians, Battalion, At-ten-shone. Just a word und we'll be through. feooiir Sprclul OtToron Noliliy L'lotlirH which Iihvu Hunt oii. Nobby Suitings - S15.Q0 up Full Dress - $10.00 up Trousers from - S3 ,00 up Ludwig & Gingery, Hflim llll.h Art Tnl ISO" O St. With Ed Young; Intercollc'Kl.ilo Iliirrnu Cotrell & Leonard I7M7H lironilway, Albany, New Ycrk. Makers of the..,. CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS To tilt inerlcan Colleges and I'ni vcrsltlo. Illustrated manual, samples prices, etc., upon request, downs for tin pulpit and the bench. -T"T" -"" - - It's Cold . . Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Oloaks while the assortm't is complete. We think we have what you want. Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. Special Event in the SH0E DEP'Tiii All our Ladies' $2 50 shoes, including 25 diff erent styles in lace and button, coin and nar row square toes, patent and stock tips, welt and turn soles, every shoe in the lot a good value at $2 50, while they last, a pair.... SI. We name the above price on these goods in order to clear stock for inventory and with such an object in view cost or value are never considered at "THE BIG STORE " Tin: ni:v. ..DRESS GOODS.. are daily arriving and pret tier, daintier patterns, col orings and designs were; never seen in Lincoln. All the latest novelties in all wool, silk and wool and wool mixtures are shown; here. We earnestly solicit your inspection. Sole Agents for Butterick's Patterns and Publications.... The Nebraska University School of Music OI'TKMS CO.MPLKTK COl'MSKS IN TIIK KOLI.OWINd MMANCIIKS: Pipe Organ. Piano Porte, Voice Training. String Instruments. Wind Instruments. Harmony. Counterpoint. Illstor.v.den era'l Thcor.v, Sight Heading. If you are thinking of studying music investigate the merits of this school, WILLIABD KIMBALL, Director. Mr. Albert Tttrpin's Now open for Season IhOT-OS. Adult classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays. Juvenile. Wednesday t P. M., Saturdays', !i P. M. Assemblies every Thursday eve. Hall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. Call at IVM N St., for terms, etc. OHli'o hours U ao 1 1:110 a. m. :.' to 5 p. m, iSew England Mutual Life. Chartered 18!15. For circulars, sample policies and ratcij call on G. If. NOBLE, Munugcr, 1040 0 street. Lincoln. Neb, 98! IN TI1K. CL0AK AND slJIT Ulil'AUTMKNT we are showing all that is new, pretty and servicable in ladies' waists, wrappers, etc. Endless varieties of st'le, color and texture and all quoted at the same low prices that have made "The Big Store" famous throughout the state. OPFKKS PMKK ADVANTUlKS NOT Kor.Nl) KLSKWIIKKK. Kree. Scholarship in nil Departments. Orchestral Training, Militar.v Hand Training, Concerts, Lectures, Mccit.ils, The First National Bank LINCOLN, NEB. Capitol - - 5400,000 I). I). MTU!, H. S. KMKKMN, President. Cashier " W. C. PHILLIPS Ass't Cashier niKKCTOKS: C. V, SMITH. JOHN II. AMKS, . (. WILSON, I). I). Ml IK, t. K. PKKKINS, (. J. KMNS'l,