The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 21, 1898, Image 2

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Ty n . weak will nitpcnl to ninny n bring
1 HE MEIER ASK AN. I ono of political rost ovon thuwh It is
... , ono of oxiimlimllons.
A Weekly Newt paper Issued Every Frl
day Noon, by the Students of the
University of NobrnsKa.
En.ered ns Second Class Mall Matter.
I'armoleo. .
A. K,
Tito time Is rapidly npprouohhiR
when the sopliomoro clnsses will meet
to olect olllcors, editors mid form
nlntm fnr tlin "lunlor nnnunl." As tills
Managing Editor occon wlll ,)0 hy fnr tho ,,,, ,m.
I s Cutter :.;....?.;....'. Editorial Porlnnt In Us results of nny contosl
c isnunwr" NowsKdlior that tho class will have In It college
C. E. MHtson Ass't Editorial courso, It IHioovos the century class
Kme anow Walker Sororities to bo extremely careful In all Its nc-
H. C. Uurr Athletics. (ions rolntlve to tho same. It has
O.Uer Chambers Locnl. )001) t,,p PNMorcnco Qf u10 f0Ur dnrsis
SJlih Schwartz Aas't this. M'gr. t,m( ,myo IM,i,iBi1Cl ,mmmls up to lilts
The Ncbrnskan will be sent to any ad- tliuo, that only hy tho unltod action tf
dress upon receipt of the subsor.ptlon .. wilni en, i,ih i, ,i,mo ii
price, which Is one dollar a, or fifty , lno wnolc Cln!" ca" UU8 " mmo A"
cents a somoster. , factional and Individual dlfferonrcs
Contributions are "aolfol.o.1 fromn7i; I mM ',0 ,pfl 0,,tlr0,y n8,,, ,n ,,,p on"
News Items such as locals, personals, sldurntlon of the junior annual,
reports of meeting, etc.. are especially Thp 1)W(t ,non should ho oloetcd to
deslr d. The Nebrasknn will be glad to'
print nny contr.butlon relative to u son- tho hoard regnrdloss of heir afllllatlons
era. university subj ct, but the namo university organlrntlrn or
must accompany nil such -whoihor they belong to no oiganlza.
., ,. , lion whatever. Only hy a total dlsro
Dr. Hastings dosorvos tho aid nnd i . , ,,,,,. ,.
, ,"L,"t' .... ,,. t. 'gnrd for harhnrlan and frnunlty
enthusiastic support of ovory student ,
In his effort to obtain athletic trophies. , Iino" onn ll,p 'rl'pr mntorlnl bo oh-
So far, ho has secured many vnliinblo ; tn,n,,, to nu 0,u Ul boar(l oI oMton.
prizes, soino of which will ho porpetu- J That tho entire success of tho annual
nted. The growth of tho university j depends on this hoard goes without
nnd the consequent growth of athletic saying. Only about ono board out of
ily a recent action of tho trustees
Princeton Inn has boon closed for the
sale of liquor, and tho rulo prohibiting
students from having liquor will bo
After next Juno tho university of
West Vlrglnln wlll adopt the plan of
continuous session degrees being
granted without ceremony when a cer
tain amount of work Is completed.
"Thcro are others" as good, per
haps, but nono bettor thnn tho pictures
takon at tho Students' Photograph
Gallery, 1031 O street,
V. F. Necdham, merchant tailor, 125
N. Twelfth St., carries a flno lino of
suitings; guarantees work; price
A stock of Huntington's special die
stamped stationery has been received
by tho Co-op. It makes tho prettiest
U. of N. tablet yet seen.
material has given Nebraska un
bounded opportunities along athletic
lines. Wo arc proud, and justly so,
of our football team; will give our
baseball team the samo sort of sup
port. Wo need tho spirit manifested
at some of tho great Sprlngfiold
games, when gray-headed men will
shout themselves hoarse for tholr alma
ninter. Tho prospects for athletic
contests arc bright, thanks to Dr.
Saturday will mark tho advent of
'Prom." week at Yale. The features
continue over llvcdays, nnd young la
dles from almostovorystatr"ln tho
union will attend. Each class will
gle n gormnn, cotillon or prom. Tho
patronesses will bo prominent ladles
of New York. Efforts aro being made
to curtail tho former enormous ex
penses of "Prom." wcok but It Is the
swell season at Yale, and is generally
made the most of. Yalo has one ftnt
ure of tho "Prom." of which Nebraska
knows very little. Tho delightful
"lawn teas" whore tho llttlo parties
gather, tho rhnperon falls nsluop, ai d
an drink "Russian" tea.
The Nebrasknn has n hrnrty woid of
welcome for Tnu Delta Omlcron. What
the fraternity chapter lifa Is to n man,
dipends upon tho individual chapter
membora. Fraternities may be strong
natl nally, but ory weak locally. Tie
"lorai" Idoa accords perfectly with
the foundation cf all the national fra
ternities, nnd the tame fe low hip and
friendhhip may be cultlntd in the
1ml, as in the national fraternl y.
We would welcom Tnu Doltn Omlcron
as a crowd (f worthy fellow, who
hae always, as individuals, won tho
,.... a.. i..,. u. tut.. i..u tu- Uieii, frnternal (irrorrntys and picpaie
dents. May they always deserve our j Q malf0 QUr ,ooa, oratorlcal assocla.
naiHC a, an organization. It Is re- Uon HUch ft Rlronf? rrganizatlon aa t0
p,r e.l thai Tun Doltn Omlcron will , (.naWo u Q B1ICCOf fiftly mcct ,ho rcnt
uiumiitoiy uccome a ciuipior oi an
threo so fnr o'ected hnvo felt ab'o to
got out a sombrero, nnd these boards
were elected by tho whole class for no
other consideration than their fitness
for tho work.
External conditions will bo ex
tremely favorable for tho publication
of an annual next year. Tho univer
sity Is ripe for It again. Times are
easier and money more plenty. Ne-
1 braska will be especially favored next
year on account of tho exposition. The
class of 1000 wlll have no excuse
whatever to oftor In caso of failure;
and fniluro Is not probable If the
proper caro Is oxorclsod In tho selec
tion of a board of editors. If the
sophomores romombor this fact there
Is little doubt of success.
Few students of tho university of
1 Nebraska aro awaro that next year
our school will be asked to enteitn'n
tho most Important college gathering
of tho middle wost. In 1S99 it falls to
tho lot of tho State Oratorical Asso
ciation to provldo for the interstate
oratorical contest which will bo held
r. Lincoln sometime tluili'g th,o
spring of that year.
Although the event Is over a year In
the future, still It behooves tho local
i association to begin preptrntlons at
I once for this groat intnrco'lcglnlo con
test. Nothing of like Impi r.nno has fal
len to the lot of the university for
i souk years, and it rem Ins to ha fcgu
whe her the school will prow faith
ful to the trust Imposed upon it.
Nothing but unltod effort on the
part of all classes of students both
"barbarians" and fratorlty people,
van eiibiiro the success of this event.
, All loyal students should lay aIde
Just a wordjnnd we'll be through.
Srr imr Spcil O ler on Nobhv
Chillies which xc have sent ynu.
Nobby suitings - $15.00 up.
Full Dross - $lS.OOup.
Trousers from - $ 3.00 up
High Art Tailors.
I207O St. With l-d Young
ac. re gentlemen or ladles to travel
for respors.ble, established house In Lln
eoln. Nebraska. Monthly JG5.00 and ex-pen-es.
Position steady, liefer. nee. En
close self-addressed stamp d envelope.
The D mln.on Company, Dcp:. Y Chicago.
j .SJJiiarttcular !ilx t how liN bnir looks J
)JT will find that Sam WVvtertlelil. utter ;
! K zti is venr elx-rlrlicp with rolli up lm-n ?
knows hou to nit hair; nniUut It to ',
suit. 1ITN. 13ih. J
Lunch Counter.
II hontii lilcvcnlh.
First National Bank,
Capital. - - $400,000.00
.INO. I.. CAHSON. lrc'idont
1). t). ML'IK. t'J)lor.
H. S. FUKBMAN, Ass't Canhler.
eastern fraternity.
The oratorical association scorns to
be sadly In neod of money. Since tho
annual "frnt-barb" fight over He few
o.'Iicers hns died out but fow quarters
c; me into the trrnsury that tho givor
mnv have the pleasure of voting for
n ilcket which hns no opposition.
Oran.ry, because of its own value,
should not be allowed to dlo out In
such an institution as ours. Besides
this, in two more years tho Interstate
contest should come to Lincoln. As
the nthlotlc eoason closed so success
fu'ly, why not call a meeting of that
a-sor l.itlon and make a return of tho
$no bo genorously donated It in 01
by the oratorical as-oc ntion? Slnro
the latter was so liberal In days of
pr sperlty, falrnesB demands thnt she
be sustained in tho hour of nood.
With senior and sophomore class
eh ct ions today and the oratorical as
sociation olectlon tomorrow this has
boon a week of seething politics for
the university. Contrary to the pre
cedent of many past years the oratori
cal election seems to be causing but
little attontlon. In splto of the efforts
of tho present ofllcers to arouse oppo
sition, thoro wlll probably bo no con
tention JCr tho fow offices. Not so,
howevrr, in tho class elections. Among
the seniors at least sixteen so far have
signified their willingness to place
tholr ambition at the dfsposal of tholr
In tho sophomore class all attention
eo ms contoro'l on tho junior nnr,uil.
So fnr nil nttempts nt combinations
seems to have tailed Tho coming
strain which will be put upon It in
tho course of tho noxt year.
Lfit all who hnvo any bent In that
direction ontor tho locnl contest,
which will be held March G.
Those who do not caro to do this
can at lenst show their good will by
attendnnce nt the various mooting
which will be hold during tho ytar
Unless groat Interest Is shown on
the part of the student body during
this yoar It wlll be almost an impis
slblllty for the local association to
crodltably acquit horsolf during the
coming year
It is hardly possiblo that our stu
dents will need n second warning l,e
fore doing their sharo In this matter.
It's the Place
You want to go t4 when you want to
purchase tuaguzirt), periodicals, news
papers and noveli. Always on hand.
Ilth and O Sts., Richards BIK-
C. L. SI'KNPKU, Jler.
Balli House and Sanitarium.
Cor. 11th and M etreetH . Lincoln, Nob
Michigan is making efforts to secure
Mark Hanna to presldo at tholr ora
torlcnl contest.
Tho quostlon of caps and gowns for
tho professors is bolng agitated at
Kansas university.
Harvard dofeatod Columbia, Prince
ton and Ynlo In the order named In
tho chess championship.
During 1800 tho gifts of American
rich men for colleges and benevolent
purposes amounted to ?27,000,000.
Out of a clafcs of V80 at Yale grad
uating In '97, Jive men were entirely
self-supporting and forty-one were
partially so.
Tho unhersliy of Minneeotp Is con
templatlng mgaglng Minds, Pennsyl
vania's famous full-back, ns tholr
coach next reason
Open at all Hours. ln nnd Night.
All forms of bath
Managing PhynioianB.
Metropolitan Barber Shop
(Basement Burr Blk.)
SHAVfc, 10c SEA FOAM. 10r
R. Roberson, Proprietor.
f 17 r 1
IntiTcollcfflnte Hureau
Gotrell & Leonard,
472-478 Hromlwoy.
Alliuny, New York.
Mukorsof tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To tho CoIIcbou and t'nlverMtles
Illustrated munuul sampli-H. price h i tc , uion
request Cjownn for tho Pulpit arm tho UoucU
Wo 'intended giving n threo months
guarantee to all who bought cadot uni
forms. If anyone failed to receive ,lt
plcaso call nt the store and ask for It.
Pnlno & Warfol
1-4 OItT-.
25 per' cent discount on nil Leather Goods.
We want to especially mention cur boys', youths', misses'
and children's school shoes. They arc the best.
No Discount on Kubbcr Goods.
Perkins & Sheldon Co.
1129 0 Street. A
e in d ?
Now is the time for all the
boys to buy their SUITS.
All Winter Suits at Cost
Wemake them in our usual
first class manner and keep
f -
Best Work, - Best Service.
Established 1889.
Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy.
Modern Equipment. Telephone 199
JMNUKRV 25, 1595.
The Arctic Viking, eminent Scientist and Explorer
Will lecture on his thrilling experiences across the Polar Regions. Magnifi
cent illustrations.