In the Gym. Tho trophy which wna won by tlio Sophomores in tho Frcshman-Sonho-moro field day a $20 water set is now on exhibition in tho window of i-lom-lng's jewelry store. While waiting for tho baseball cage to be completed. Prof. Hastings will give tho baBoball mon a physical oxamlnatlon this week and next. All basoball players who wish to tnlto tho physical examination should not fall to report during tho coming wcok. Tho Armstrong Clothing Co. has offered a silver cup as a permanont University trophy, to bo competed for annually by each class at tho annual flold day. It has rightly been consid ered more satisfactory to offer a clas3 trophy than n personal prize, as tho mon then work purely from unselfish motives. Indoor baseball practice begins next week and thero will be regular prac tice thrco times a week. The Persh ing Rifles, the athletic class Unm and the baseball men will hnvo loams In tho field. A series of games for the indoor baseball championship of the University will occur every Wednesday nnd Frlda" on tho days Jan. 2C-28, Fob. 2-4 nnu Ml. Tho third of the preliminary con tests for tho charter day indoor ath letic contest took plnco last Saturday afternoon. The event was the thrco standing broad jumps. Tho threo high est were: Swnllow, 29 ft. 24 In.; Le Mar, 27 ft. 7 In.; V. E. Andreson, 27 ft. B4 In. Tho fourth contest will be the hop, stop and jump, and takes place Saturday afternoon of this week. Tuesday eenlng the basket ball team picked from tho football boys played the five o'clock champions. The game was fierce and at times a little rough. If the football boys were goal throwers, they would have led their opponents even a merrier time than they did. Considering that thry have had no team practice, they played a good game. Fouls by their opponents that were even startling were unnotic ed by the football boys. The second half tho five o'clocks sUiru-d tho score to run up and tho game resulted In a score of 15 toll In five o'clock's favor. The proceeds of the basketball games will be used to purchase record boards for the various athletic con tests. However, if the basketball games are not better patronized than they have been, the number of record boards purchased will bo rather small. A fairly large crowd turned out to fcce the game with the Y. M. C. A. hojH. i. ut a very few saw the gamo Tursd.iy evening between the five oelork team and the team picked from the foo ball men. Although basket ball Is an intensely interesting game, the majority of students In the Uni versity have never yot seen i played. There will be threo good games within the n xt week, which should draw good crowds. There will bo tho game with the Y. M. C. A. of Omaha on Niturday of this wcok and on .Mon dav nnd Wednesday of next week two games will be played between the iootball men and the athletic class team for the championship of the University. At The Oliver. At the Oliver theater on Thursday evening, January 20ih, Murray & Mack, the well and favorably known Irish comedlnns will appear in this city In their latest success, -Flnnl-gans Courtship." a bright plausible Irish comedy from the pen of Geo. H. Emerick, author of their previous suc cesses of the Finnlgan series of farco comedies. Tills season these favorites come with the most pretentious com pany they have yet carried, both In number and talent, and with scenic Investiture rarely ever seen on tour with a farce comedy. They have al ready become recognized as leaders in their specialties, and they also essay to become leaders In their Rtyle of en tertainment, and tho fact that they aro so extensively imitated speaks volumes not only in praise but In encourage ment that they aro on the right track. Finnlgan's Courtship" is In threo arts, tho first the dining-room of Mr. Hogan's boarding house, tho second the beach at Coney Island, whore most of the specialties are so aptly intro duced; the third, tho hack yard of Mrs. Hogan, where Hogan and Finnl gan fight a duel, one of the funnlost duel scenes over witnessed. Murray & Mnck will Introduce some of such specialties ia have made thorn famous, - their burlesque on "Skirt Dancing," and tho "Glove Contest," their side walk talk, and tho burlesque circus act. '"P. T. Barnum & Adam Fourpaw Out on a Lark," are enough in them selves to satisfy an audience, and yet, thero la much more. Prlcpfl, $1.00, 7fic, EOc, and 25c. Seats on sale Tuesday morning at 10 snarp. Secure your Beats early as this beau tiful thentrr will bo packed to tho doors for these favorites. ADDRESSED OLD SETTLERS. (Continued From First Pago.) sill cd basis. In 1883 tho Greek lottor societies first mado tholr appearance and tho most bitter contest ever fought on University territory was waged ovor them In tho llternry societies, and as time goes on It becomes very doubttul that reconciliation of tho parties will ovei take place. In early day? for many years, Arbor day was observed with ceremonies be coming its Importance. One Arbor day a few members of ono of the fra ternities, wishing to anticipate tho ef forts of tholr neighbors arose at mid night and plnnted a lino elm tree on I the campus; but when they camo onto j the enmpus In tho morning thoro was I no tree where they hnd planted It nor ! were their best efforts rowanled by 1 finding it. It chanced that I received a telephone message that evening nsk , I n i', if some students might bring some ' trees nnd plent in my yard. Of course I was delighted and mado hasty propa rtion to entertain whoovor might come, but was rather surprised that they should not mnko tholr appearance un til bed time. However, the trcos wore planted one lino olm and several oth or vnrletlcs with becoming core monlcs, and a social time was enjoyed with tho dozen who came and then they went away. A year or two afur that a member of that fraternity told mo tlit one of the young mon who helped conceal tho tree had afterwards joined them and gave thorn their first knowledge of tho tree which was then growing beautifully In my yard. Tho huge boulder which lies on the campus did not grow thero by any means. It cost some stratagem and not a little work on tho part of the class that had It removed from mam mlloH nway, to that spot; but the campus Is rapidly filling up. As each department has outgrown Its quarters tin people of the state have made it possible for It to keep on growing, by giving It larger quarters and every building new swarms with life as did the ono In tho old times. If 1 work until the 1st of Apt II, I shall havu been in tho employ of tho University for twenty years. I navtj worked under four chancellors and have been associated with every pro fessor and teacher since the doors a'u-o opened, excopt three Chancellor lion ton, whom 1 have met several times; Prof. Manley, who resigned on account of poor health before I came, and Prof. Dakc, who died previous to my com ing. If I work until June. I shall have seen twenty-one classes leave tho L'nl vorsity halls and seventeen classes enter, finish their coursu and leave. Until about live or hix years ago 1 was personally acquainted with every student; but tho number Is so great now, 1 am not acquainted with the great body of thorn. 1 have- witnessed two serious revolutions in the facility, and although every participant of ine first has passed olf the stage; so far as this community Is concerned, they havo ninny friends here, and I could glvo no details of It without being too personal. My recollections are vry clear of many things amusing and many sad ones, all along the years; hut time fails mo and thanking you for your kind attention. I will not trespass longor upon yours. FOUL TIPS. Tho announcement was made early last week that the carpentry work on the cage was finished and Captain Gordon immediately put his batteries to work. The netting for the celling has been ordered and will be here Monday, the large cord net that Is to drop down over the row of windows on tho south Is being made and will probably arrive early In tho week. As soon as 'heso aro put In place all the playors will bo called together and regular prac tice hours arranged for each. Tho plan Is for the pitchers to work out a very little this week and steadily Incroaso until when the boys are ready to practice batting thoy will be hard enough to pitch to them. This plan of developing pitchers by having them pitch to batters has been adoptol by most of the enstern eollogf. as It not only affords the pitcher better practice, but give the rest of tho team batting practice. Tho team, however, will do most of Its training In the evening. All tho players, oxcopt possibly tho pitchers, will roport at 7:30 p. m. and a couple of hard hours earnest Indoor basoball be Indulged In. Tills is to give the boys team work, sliding nnd goneral quickness, nnd Is counted to do tho largest part of getting the boys In shape. On ono ovonlng of each week will occur a match gamo nnd large crowds aro oxpociod to patronize these games, iib the proceeds go to buy now uniforms for tho boys to appear in next sprlnc. The i.nv, - ..t . upon th h years training with remark able enthusiasm and good spirits. Why should wo not go east and beat Chi cago. ' i If tho University of Nobrasku. will support her team, sho can rest assured that tho team will keep up tho other end of It. Think of how sho supported football and seo what tho boyB did. Watch her support baseball and hold your breath, DR. HANSEN TO LECTURE, Dr. Frldtjof Nnnson, tho famous Arctic cxploror Is to lecturo In Lincoln. Dr. NnnBcn's achievements havo boon grcnter than thoso of nny other man thnt has ovor gono In search of tho north polo. What ho accompllah"d hna been tho result, not so much of greater physical endurance than oth ers, ns of greater scientific ability. Ho Is a professor In tho lnrgcs: uni versity in Norway and before bin departure for his polar explorations, was known throughout Europe ns an eminent scientist nnd linguist. Ilia lecturo tour In America hns boon tho most remarkable thing In tho history of the lecturo platform, no other speaker over having drawn such largo audiences where an admission has been charged. Most of Dr. Nanson's lectures have been given In cities of ovor 100,000 inhabitants so thnt tho people of Lincoln nnd the students of tho University, may consider tt'om solves truly fortunate In hnvlng an opportunity to hear him. A chess game will bo played between Harvard and the University of Cali fornia by telegraph. A unique Idea, but rather long drawn out. Battalion At-ten-shone Just a word'and we'll be through. Set- our Sprcinl O (or on Nobbv Clothe which wo have sent on. Nobby suitings - $15.00up. Full Dross - S18.00up. Trousers from - $ 3.00 up- mnVHJ &(JlN(iEItY, High Art Tailor. 127 O St. With ltd Young WANTED-TRUSTWOIITHY A N D mc. re gentlemen or ladles to travel for respons Me, est.ib IshocJ huse In Lin coln. Nchrnskn. Monthly JC3.00 nnd ex penses. Position seady. Reference. En close self-addressed stamp el cnvelnpe. The D mln on Company. Dept. T Chicago. Cj. - THE COLLEGE MAX who is i ! ? particular aim t how his hair looks : will find that Sam UVsUTllrlrt. utter is fiir)Krii-iKi hIIIi rollfgt men knows- iiuw to c-m hair: and cut It to 1 suit. 117 N 1.1th I j VVVVVVVVWVVNAANAA,VVVA r, ,...-.-. x Lunch Counter. II South Kk'venth VAAAAAAAAWSVWWSV First National Bank, LINCOLN. NEH. Capital. $400,000.00 .INO. I,. CAHSON. President D. t). MUIIt. ("HHbler. U.S. IMtKlt.MAN. Ass't Cashlor. It's the Place You want to go to when you want to purchuho magazines, periodicals, howh paperH and iiovoIb. AlwajH on hand. Ilth and O Sts., Richards Bl. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, C. U. SVKSrKU, Mr. SULPIIO SALINE Bath House and Saullarinm. Cor. 11th ami M trccts, Lincoln, Neb - Open at all Hours. Day and Night All forms of bath TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN DRS. M. II. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. Metropolitan Barber Shop Baketnent Burr Blk.) HAIR CUT, 15c. HAIR SINGED, 15c SHAMPOO, 15c SHAVE, 10c SEA FOAM. 10c J Koberson, Proprietor. i &srkmthm ewmm Ba&a mm& Qf q 'iiX' - . i When you write to your friends vho art coming west to visit you, Just add a post script like this: "Do suro (o take the Burlington Route. It's much the best." You are quite safe In do ing th.s because our serv ice from Chicago, Peoria, St. Lou s and Kansas City, In fact all eastern, southeastern and south am cltlea la Jutt as gnoii ut our Berrtc to Usa p Lit. And hji as every one who Is acquainted with It will testify, :s the best there Is. Tickets and time tables on application at B. & M. depot or c.ty ticket of fice, corner 10th and O St. G. W. B0NNELL. C. P. & T. A.. LINCOLN. NUM. All tho news all tho tlmo Is to be found In The Nebraskan. $1.00 prr year. I'iff ?I cdolmledgedof LM M, D. EWELL, Dean, Rooms 61 I Experience at this Uniwrsih has proven that the WATERMAH IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is THE reliable pen for class room use. It is alvvivs rendv tor use an J writes tontin uously without shaking. It the best gold pens thnt can be maJe. anJ monev guaranteed refunded it the pen Is not satisfactory. For sale at the . 0 OP OLIVER THEATRE JKNUHRY The Arctic Viking, eminent Scientist and Kxplorcr DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN Will lecture on his thrilling experiences across the Polar Regions. Magnifi cent illustrations. ADVANCE SALE BEGINS AT BOX OFFICE JANUAAY 24. When You Travel Always Take The '$&$? To OMAHA All points Kant. KANSAS OUT-Kant and South. DKNVBtt and all Colorado pointB. OGmSN'uncl SALT LAKE. HUTTBmicl HBLBNA. I'OltTLANI). SBATTLB, SAN FRANCISCO ami LOS ANGELES. IlaB tiie bcBt modern equipment. Pullman Palace and Touritit Sleepers. Dining and Kroo Reclining Chair Cars. For time schedules, tickets, reservation of births, call on or addicss h. li SLOSSON, Gen. Agt 1011 O street. J. T. A1ASTIN. C. T A. S. II. H.CLARK. Pres. E. DICKINSON. Intcrcollci.'latt) llunuu Cotrcll & Leonard, 47-.J 478 Uroailwuy, Alhany, Now York. Mukcrfcof the Caps, Gowns and Hoods To the Amurlwin Collotfon anil UnlvomltloK Illustratud manual. Karnpli-M, tirkw. to., uihmi rcqtioht. Uons for tho I'ulplt ami tho llonch Students . . . For fine PHOTOGRAPHS go to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $ 1.00 Per Doz. and Up. We guarantee to pleats you. Call and see our work, Ket our prices and give us a trial. Our motto is to please all customers. 132 30. I2THST. - LINCOLN, NEB. r-rVWHMr ate y 77 S Mr TWOTRAINS DAILY IllmVKRN LINCOLN AND Auburn, Fulls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office. 120 0 Street II O, Gen'l P. & T. A. P. 1). (ohnki.l. f 1 A; T A iS'asJrasa 8 and G19. Aslilnntl bk., Chicago, 111. 1 COR. 13TH AND P STS. 25, 1898, The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. (Jen. MWr. E. L. LO.MAX. (J. P. A. T. A uniaua, .Mti. STEVENS "Stevens Favorite" Rifle. " Take Down " model, 22-inch barrel, weight AlA pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For .22, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridges. 1 7, Plain open sights, S6.00 18, Tareet sights. S8.50 Ask your dealer for, the " FAVORITK." If he docsn t keep it, we will send, prepam. on receipt of list price. booklet of small-bore cartridges free. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. llox 10S CHICOPEB PALLS, flASS. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver ami hownl rcculator ever mado. 'i L- I