The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 14, 1898, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan
A Weekly Newspaper IbsuoiI Every Fri
day Noon, by tlie Students of the
University of Nournsku.
En iroil ns S coiul CIubs Mull Mutter.
A 13. l'lumeteo Managing Editor
I. S. Cutter Editorial
C L. Sponwr Noh Editor
C. E. MatBon Ass't Editorial
Kato Snow Wulker Sororities
II. C. Uurr Atliletlcs.
Otlvcr Chambers Local.
Sll.h Schwarn Ass't Bus. M'Rr.
"The Netmiskan nMll be sent to any ad
dress upon receipt of the subscr.ptlon
price, which Is un dollar a yair, or llfty
cents a semester.
Contributions are sollcl.ed from nil.
News Hems such as locals, personals,
reports of meeting, etc., are cspoc.nlty
deslr d. The Ncbruskun will bo Klad to
print any cimtr.uutlon relative to a koii
era. university subj ct, but the name
must accompany nil such.
The editors of the college papers at
Lehigh, It Is said, are excused from
writing the required essays In the Kn
gllhh course. The Idea Is an excellent
one and should bo put In force otso
wheri'. But tho number of staff edi
tors on tho college papers would In all
probability Increase with marvelous
rapidity should such a provision bo
The address of Miss hiltm Smith on
the Lariy lllsiory of tue LmvirsioY
which is printed ui tills isauo ot me
Neuraskan, snouid be o;ut uy ev.ry
student, ol the University. siuo tioai
being nuensely nucleating and otun
.utilising in us sliiuul ir.aimciu ot
eaiij i:ie in Uic Uinvoisuy, u biioti.d
ini'nc 1110 biuclciu ot tuuuy mure up-lii-iiiuie
01 tuu gieui iiuvauuius
liuMtsHii by tins innoisuy nic.i omy wen uuiuuxii u jwiia ot ami pttaiSieiu Oik uil uiu pari
Ot muse in 1110 cllieioi.y.
iiu- auiiuuuueiutiii in.i I'rof. Kim-
ban u.ia uecii cnoaoii uiivcmr general
01 mi.' music ai niu 1 iaii-..iiEoi&sii)jii
!- vi'f.'.iiiuii uieaiib 111 ore uiuii uuc
Wuuin UiillK at nl'sl Uiutloin. lie
sluts me potsouat gain auu rttMUiUUuii
lu w- buiiicu uy 11 ui. lvuuuali, u
IUt.Uis I11UCII lor iUU LUiV.TsK sCuOOi
01 ii.usit auu 111 u en lor me niiirsio
as a wnoio- u uimiiis' more luau a
doitn years 01 auxeiMSiUg. it unuts
Isturaaha to tue trout. 111 short. 11
111 cuus lor 1110 uoveioiuueui 01 music
in tue west more man auyititUg eisc
whkii cotiiu jiussibiy nave nuppeueu.
Ciiess is last btCumiug a pupului cul-
ii-fae loutesi game, l-asi. wecK tiar
vaid and coiumuia p.aycu, uud 11 is
uiiat-rstuud mac a cuuiesi uanseeii
Han aid and me Luiveraiiy 01 iaii
luiuia aas tuen anangeu 10 ue p.ajtju
b itKgraiiU. me bttuiu la i.og
Iiizia as easenualiv a senuiais gam,
aim upuu me merits ot uiiuu uiuue is
tlie t,ame piayou. A laro nuiuua ot
MrMt-ru cuJnges auppori tiounsniui;
caess clubs. Among ineso, pduuiis.
Hit- luneisiiy ot .Mimiat-oia is must
"irank l!-.ieh bland young man
dbH uat-s, 111 iasi w.ds issue, tue
Qufstion: should Women's College
luui Maniieis: fctiuuid me young
Jauits ie iaufani how 10 bow, uov 10
thane nanus, and 10 wuoui to speak T
Auu a i&uusanu other imugs mat
juung laaUs ought to know about
laaiiiieis. Ot coure, tliose tniugb aie
bound 10 cume alter a time. Pitfaiueui
t'auneld 01 Ohio State Lniveruny it
uatauig tlie ladlos ot Ohio how to
cook, neaii sioxea, and butier urtad.
ana now they must be taugni how to
btiiaM-. burely our American modi
uiioou is capable ot aocompii&hiiig
eiy little. Our mothers know noth
ing of these things; beside s it Is so
much nicer to learn even commonplace
things in colleges. What are lads,
'1 he new hymnals for which the 1 eg
eiiU, made an appropriation at their
last meeting were used for tho first
time in chapol laat Monday morning.
They are the tame style of book6 as
the old ones with the excpiion of the
rtbponsive readings, which will now
become a part of the regular chapel
'this is a commendable innovation
as U gives all a chance to take part
in the service which is much more in
teresting than striving in vain to hear
what some weak voiced professor 1b
reading. There is also another Impor
tant advantage. To those who insist
on talking during chapel it gives an
opportunity to talk to thtir heart s
content and at the same time offer?
a chance to say something an oppor
tunity which unfortunuttly has not ex
isted heretofore. A rather unexpected
disadvantage in the new order of ex
ercises Bhowed itself last Tufsday
morning in the responsive reading
When the students came to tlie nam
Ephrathah," there was an awkwar
pause, evoiybody waiting for Iiib ue gh
bor to prouounoe it A few'u
it and stumbleu through and finally a
suppressed glgglo went over tho whole
room. It might bo a good Idea for
tho students to study tho responsive
readings a day or two In advance so
as to mnko euro of pronouncing some
of the unpronounceable proper tinmen
which thoy aro llablo to encounter.
The following extract from the Wis
consin Sentinel will bo found of Inter
est to tho BtudontB wliu had tho pleas
ure of an acquaintance with Prof.
Bates, formerly at tho head of the
English department In this Unlvershy:
Mr. Herbert Bates, a young and
promising writer of verso, mnkes In
the current number ot tho Cluiphook
a rather unfortunate metrical experi
ment. Ills poem Is put Into tho mouth
of one of the parlies to a duel, while
the duel Is going on. Here Is one
Crafty, with treacherous kiss, how
Tempt her to lecherous bliss! Thou
Whom 1 have sought but for this, how
Now. for thine hour Is fast.
This may be meant for an onomn
lopoetlc representation of sword play,
but It sounds more like the noise made
by a small boy when ho drnws u stick
sharply along n picket fence.
Those who have never experienced
the delights of drilling on a slippery,
muddy day. should have belonged to
tho Second battalion last Monday af
ternoon. The campus was not very
sof. but It had a thin layer of mud on
It. just enough to make l appear firm
and safe until the hapless victim
stepped In It. Then he slid a few
yard, threw hlo feet up in the ulr. in
a sort of an agonized way. all the time
making vain endeavors to regain his
equilibrium. But he would finally
succumb to the Inevitable and comfort
himself nftor drill hour by wiping the
mud off his new uniform.
The mud grew less as tho drill con
tinued, although It could hardly be
said to have dried up on account of
the hot drill put up by the hattlion.
There were various other reasons, tho
man on the pivot while marking time,
always managed to churn up a con
siderable amount of mud under his
trousers. Some of the officers also
helped the good work along. Adustant
Lyon scraped the mud off a few spots
himself. He unsuspectingly struck a
slippery place and was soon engaged
In some antics which looked as though
he were trying to kick off his hat.
However, he felt that to be a rather
undignified position for a man of his
rank and station and after several
frantic efTorts managed to land right
side up.
Sergeant Major Jim Fechet did not
fare so well. He was going at double
time to post the guides and looked very
nice until he struck a wire which had
iteen stretched along the campus to
keep back the crowds at the football
games. Jim went up in the air a few
yards, but he was so anxious to reach
earth again that when he did land, he
embraced it from head to foot. He
finally picked up his dignity, his cap
and a considerable amount of mud and
continued his Interrupted march leav
ing a large dry spot behind him.
Major White slipped around the
campus like a girl on hkates for the
first time. Every time a cadet would
got stuck in the mud. Boh would help
him out by yelling at him to "pay at
tention there."
As a fitting close to the drill each
cadet swore softly to himself and ap
plied a few endearing ipithets to the
commanding officer whom they lu-id
responsible for the state of affairs. It
is thought that with two or three
more drills on he campus the mud will
all disappear.
TIES. The movement which has been on
foot to publish an Athletic Annual hai
now assumed tangible form and is a
lively possibility If not a probability
Prof. Hastings has boen working up
the matter and his suggestions have
met with universal approval by all 10
whom he has broached the suLject.
There is no good reason why well an
annual at the cost of twenty-five or
fifty cents should not succeed It is
thought that by personal canvassing
250 or 800 copies could be subscribed
for in order to guarantee the success
of the enterprise.
Prof. Hastings has outlined a plan
something like this for the contents of
the book which will give a general
idea of the scope and possibilities of
such a publication. First cones the
football season with a record of all the
footlwJl games. At the saint occur
the Freshman-Sophomore field day.
The next division of tlie book eould be
devoted to basket ball which eould be
dlvldfd into four sections treating of
the inter-class series, the outside
sanies, the rnivrsity championship
oerieg and tbt jirls outside games.
The indoor utuletic oontepts wou'd oe
upv finothi 1 hcction. There would
, 'ol'ow 1 !i iit j- on tlie ba'Coali s'n,
'" l'"'- i"1 b'rt- gmoa4ium x ib -
, J''" , ' J '- 'tjinameut, the fi-U
! d :i'in finally a description of the
trophies won by tho University.
Tho nbovo is only a rough outline
of whnt 1b Intended, but It bIiowb how
Interesting such a book might bo If
properly worked up. It would form a
valunblo and accessible record of ath
letic events which is now lacking In
the University.
Princeton haB brgun work on her
track learn. Twonty-flvo mon re
sponded lo tho first call. Moat of
theso aro old track men, bo Princeton
Is sure of n good team,
Dr. Hnrpor, of Chicago university
has announced that the Rush Medical
Collcgo will soon bo nfuliated w th the
university as the University Medical
College. Tho affiliation docB not take
p ace Immediately nor will tho union
at first be permanent, but tho final out
come will probttb y bo pormnnont con
nection. It seems that "Ru h" has for
some time been peeking admission to
Chicago university. Such union Is
very popu ar Willi tho peoplo of Chi
cago. Supposedly. It will not ho long
before Chicago university has her full
qttoto of profci-Blonal schools.
"There aro others" ns good, per
haps, but none better thnn tho pictures
taken at the Students' Photograph
(lallory, 1031 O street. I
W. F. Needham, merchant tailor, 126 i
N. Twelfth 8t., carries a flno lino of
suitings; guarantees work; prices'
A stock of Huntington's Bpeclal dlo
stamped stationery has been received
by the Co-op. It mnkes the prettiest
U. of N. tablet yet seen.
The Antelope Valley
eoAi, eo.,
Yards 25th and J Sts
Office 113 N. nth St.
Phone 505.
Table Board. S2.50
Meals, 15 cts.
MKS. KOHT. KltUELAXD. l'ropriutross.
316 So. 12th Street. - - Lincoln, Neb
Books and Stationery.
College Text Books.
And a complete stock of Standard and
Miscellaneous Books.
The Tailor.
Cleaning and Repairing alw Done.
126 So. 11th St.
Over Wohlrntiunr'f. Clear Store
O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S.
;rttduut4- of
1 Gold and Pom lulti rrowat.. UrWi' work.
uh. Aluminum uuu KuriiNT I'lutex.
Special Rates to Students.
Offlcc. Itooin- :a uud t'4 Alexander Mock
12th and O Sts., Lincoln. Neb.
M HTJ Kiy V'iSMBU'"'
I lie .i1 ! itii m t ' - ,v ! 1
tnakt'iif won.'-wiili' rr itjutiMi . .'
I' lll-t I ' . dirfll t f 't -A ' I'M- t. i
i;.oo upward. Jin it itnl -ten ..,
mi e .!re t! t tl . i.rinje "ti .irjjt
W a-hlur 11 ' 1-. iiiu I i. Mihe tiifciile.
U-iuiit 1 i.l.liuMi J ;. . .I, contain
ing .unri i ,ni 1 Ifim, iriHn tin Dr
ek. ( rf!v Eaiiw-s. Vomica. Seal
In am 1 . 1 f unius artis ami
taditv in 1 'itl fin- uih.ij rtiiui-bt.
Addrr-h Jii , t. I',
Cor ttatmh Ae. and Adami St , Chi.aio
Aiteutti for
Washburn Instruments.
Also penera1 far'OXS SJww. Webw, Weg
roan and Jeett Piano, and Farrand &,
votey Organ
Wo Intended giving n thrco months'
guarantee to all who bought cadot uni
forms. If anyono failed to rcccivo It
pleaso call nt tho storo and ask for It.
Pal no & Wnrfol
m d
1-4 OFF.
25 per pout discount on all Lunthur Goo I .
We want to especially mention rur boys', yotithf.', misses'
and children's school shoe. They are the best.
No Discount on Itubbor Goods.
Perkins & Sheldon Co.
L W i-J-
Now is the time for all the
boys to buy their SUITS.
All Winter
Best Work, - Best Service.
Established 1889.
Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy.
Modern Equipment. Telephone 199
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone Mtidlnif a fkrlch and denrrtttlon may
quickly uncertain our opinion free whether an
invention i probsWy patentable ( uiiiniuul'-a-tton
Uriel ly f'lnfldenllid. Hand Ik uik on I'atem
ent free, itl-lem airenry fur wurmjrtiateut..
I'atenti lakeu ti.r..usru Muiiu A ti. reoelre
tj-eeUU nutur, wi'liout ctiarce. lu tlie
Scientific Hmerican.
A tiandtomely lllnntrated weekly. Ijirtrett cir
roUUcm of any uriemiOc journal. Termn, t t.
rears four ruonttil, tL 6old tiy all tiewndeiiler.
Branca Office, (25 K Bt, WaablUfton. I), i
HEARTano nervous
re jut at curable a other ditcakei
'' rxvjumvf y uy IT"
0 Street. A
Suits at Cost.
We make them in our usual
first class manner and keep
Corner Drug Store ..
lOth and Q Sts.
Ready for business 24 hours in tbe day
Night calls answered.
lotb and Q Sts.
limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and 1
Throat. 1215 O St. I
New England Hntnal Life.
Chartered 1KB.
For Circulars. Sample Policies and rates
call on
G. W. NOBLE, Mgr.
-. --. m - 4j, cj-ucpt Bunaaya.
1041 O St. Lincoln, Neb.