The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 4

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    In the Gym.
Noxt wcok will begin a norles of
thrco games for tho championship ot
tho unlvoralty, between tbo 5 o'clock
athletic tonm and a team composed of
football mon.
Manager K. S. Hunt of tho basket
ball team and Managor 11. 13. Bonodlet
of tho Indoor foo.bnll lcagno, both of
whom woro elected somo thrco weeks
ago, havo been busily working up In
trost In their rospectlvo teams.
A trlplo Indoor baseball league has
been formed, consisting ot teams se
lected from tho Pershing Rifles, ath
letic classes and regular baseball ttam.
It Is oxpected that practlco will soon
begin. A series of games for tho
university championship will bo
played off this month.
A gnmo of bnskot ball hns been
Bchcdulpd with tho Omaha Y. M. C.
A. team for Snturdny, Jnnunry 1f.
TlcketB can bo purchased from it. S.
Hunt. It was round to be ImpoHalb o
to play tho proposed gnmo with tho
Chicago team owing to the fnct that
the members of tho visiting team
wore nenrly all business men and were
unable to t-pnro the nccessnry time.
Professor Hastings has opened up n
spoclnl athletic class from C to 0:50 p.
m. In view of the Increasing numbor
ot athletic games In tho unlvers ty.
As yet tho athletic board has not de
cided as to tho baseball coach, al
though It is considering tho advisabil
ity ot having nlumnl coaches. It ap
pears that an artlclo In tho last Issue
of tho Nebrasknn tho nth
lctlc board for deciding not to havo
havo a baseball conch was founded on
a misrepresentation or facts, as tho
board has as yet taken no olllclal ac
tion on the subjeot.
All lovers of good basket ball will
bo given an opportunity to witness tbo
sanu In the armory tomorrow even
ing The gnmo will bo between the
5 o'clock gym. clnss, which is at pres
ent tho championship team of tho uni
versity, and tho Lincoln Y. M. C. A..
Tho llnc-up will be as follows:
5 o'clock. Y. M. C. A.
T. T. Hill (Capt.).lt. V Dognoy
Story L. V Lewis
Mooro , ..O Trompen
W. 13. Andrcason.H. G It. Bcntlcy,
It. D. Andrcnson.L. G K. Bontlcy
Subs, 5 o'clocks, Yodcr and Kyan.
Y M. C. A., HUtner, Clements nnd
Swarlngen, umpires. Stcbblns, ref
eree. The athletic class team defeated tho
11 o'clock gymnasium tonm In a
rather one-sided game of basket ball
Monday evening, December 21. Tho
The score was 124 to 2. Tho game was
for the championship of tho univer
sity and tho winners provod tholr su
periority boyond a doubt, playing a
fast, clean and sclontlllc game. The
athletics had tho game tholr own way
from start to finish. The line up was
as follows:
Athletic Class. 11 o'clocks.
Andreason. It. D..11. G Sackot
Andraeson, W. 13.. L. G...Porry, Cap.
Moore C ltoschon
Story F. G Kyan
Hill (Capt.) ....L. F Yoder
In the series of fourteen games Cap
tain liil.'s tram has won fourteon, los
ing the first game by one point only.
The baseball cage Is now nenrly
finished and will be completed wl.hln
a week. All that Is now lncklng Is the
netting for one side of the cage. Ii Is
oxpoctod that basoball training will
Hnon bocln. It will occupy a wholo
somcsler and will includo practlco In
running starts, pitching, catching, bat
ting nnd work with tho throwing spool
for practlco In quick Bhort-nrm throw
ing. Candidates aro numerous, but
oven should thero bo aB many as foity
tho accommodntlona aro now such that
onch player will bo allowed twlco aB
much practlco tlmo nB Is allowed
crlckot players by tho best colleges
In tho cast. Those who desldo to
practlco can do bo from 1:110 a. m. to
2. p. m. four days la tho wcok, and
also all day until A o'clock on Wcdnos-
' days nnd Saturdays.
Captain Gordon Ib nbout ready to
call his rolls togothor for their early
spring practlco. During last fall and
tho prcsont winter, Kddlo Gordon, or
"Cap." as he is commonly called, lias
worked uucenBlng'y, getting things
ready for tho early spring practlco, for
It Is known by all who havo ever
played col'cgo I acol all that upon the
early spring prnctlcn dopotuls, In n
great measure tho success of tho sea
son. ColloKO ball seasons aro short at
tho longest and tho Id a In onrly sp lng
practice Indoors is to get tho boys In
ns good condition as possible so that
when thoy step on tho diamond they
aro practically old men.
The following plan has been laid out
by the captain nnd it Is hoped thnt all
plavors will join with him In seeing
It enrried to a successful end: The
plnyors aro to enter training Immedi
ately, taking somo light work in thoir
rooms with Indian dubs, or bells, If
thoy do not belong to a gymnnslum
clnss. If thoy have any habits which
thoy cannot conscientiously say thoy
know do not hurt them thoy are to
give thim up. In mis is inrluded tho
use of tobneco In all forms. The cnge,
as It has been dubbed by the boys, is
complete and tho pitchers aro throwing
a little, not as thoy worked last year
"In the dark'" but in a brighflfgiu
room seventy odd feet long by twenty
feet wide. In fixing this cage It was
the Idea to get batting practice, slid
ing, nnd n place to develop somo
pitchers, rt commodity which we felt
tho need of Inst year.
Regular practice hours aro being ar
ranged nnd every player who expects
to piny ball will do well to see the
captain and arrange hours in which
to have batting practice. Spring
training this year will be carried on
in a scientific manner and no one who
expects to play ball in the spring enn
afford to stay away from this early
practlco hoping to mnko the team
when they go out doors.
California will open Its library on
Tho trl-wcokljr of tho university of
lowa line tho fo'lowlnp editorial com
ment: "Now It tho tlmo whon wo
hear of 'All-Airerlcan' olovons, mndo
tip by mon whe havo not Boon moro
thnn six or olglr. of America's olovonB
play, and all tls.o from four or 11 vo
of our forty-live states."
Of Harvard's total registration, 3,803
In nil dopnrtmeitB, over one-half llvo
In Mnsanchusots, and noxt to this
comes tho Now York registration, 378.
13vory Btato and torrltory but ono nns
students nt tho univorslty. Canada
has forty-four young mon at Cam
bridge and Knglnnd olovon. Outsldoof
these countries aght other nnttons nro
DON CAMKUO Lunch counter and
nhort order houm. US South 11th St.
tt. W. unOWN-DruKRlflt, books and
stationery. 127 South 11th strcot.
Soo Gardnor, tho tailor, for llrst
class work at rmsonablo prices; alpo
i cleaning nnd dyeing nnd repairing
Milts pressed, flic; pants, inc; emu
rates, ?1 per imnth. Southwest cor
ner 131cvonth and O strectB.
Just a wort' and v;'ll be through.
Set- nut SitlU un Nobby
Clothe wlilcli we have sent you.
When you write
to your friends
vh' arc coming west to
visit you, Just add a post
script like this: "Bo aura
to toko tho liurllnRton
Route. It's tnuoh the
you t re quite safe In do
ing this because our ncrv
Ice from Chicago, 1'oorla.
St. ixni.8 anu Kansas
City, In fnct all eastern,
southeastern and south
ern cltlra la Just as good
m our aerrle to taoaa
p I its. And .hat as every
one who Is acquainted
with it will testify, .s the
best there In.
Tickets and time tables
on nppllcntlon nt 13. & M.
ilcpot or c.ty ticket of
fice, corner 10th and O St.
G.'W. B0NNELL. C. P. & T. A..
All tho nows nit tho tlmo Is to be found
In Tho Nobrnsknn, $1.00 per yenr.
Auburn, Fulls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
niul Kansas City,
City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street.
II. O., Gon'l P. & T. A
l 1). CoiiNit i c. P ,v T. A
Nobby suitings
Full Drosst; -Trousors
- $15.00 up.
S1S.00 up.
$ 3.00 up.
High Ait Tailors.
1207 O St. With Ed Young
VV, nc to gentlemen or ladles to travel
for respons ble, vstrbtshed house In Lin
coln, Nebraska. Monthly JGo.OO and ex
peases. Position steady. Uefernee. Kn
cioso self-nddrcssel stamp d envelope.
The Dunlin on Company, Dcpi. Y Chicago
THF KFHT fifll I FfiF (IF I IW Winter term will opon November 29,
inC REI1I UULLEUCUr LUn s97, improved niothods. Marshal
D. 13woll. L-L. D., M. D., Dean. Unit lng theory and practice The School
of Practlco Is tho Leading Feature. Evening sessions of ton hours a
wcok for each class. StudcntB can b o self supporting while studying. Tor
catalogue address
M. D. 12 WELL, Dean, Rooms Gl 8 and G19, Ashland blk., Chlcngo, 111.
Experience nt this linivcrsiU lias proven that the
is THE reliable pen lor class room use. It is alwavs re.ulv tor use an J writes .on'm
uously without shaking. It lias the best gold pens thnt can he made, mJ iiinnev
guaranteed rctutnled It the pen Is not satisfactory. For sale at the CO OP
partteularnlH t how Ills linlr looks I
will tlml ihni Sam WVsterlli-ni. n'ter
IS your- oKprrlrliif with eollefr liu i J
Itnous ImuV cut hair; timl nit it to
suit 117 N 13th.
fc OSSSkh aH
Inti reolletfitle llurtuu I
Cotrcll & Leonard,
473 47H Uroiuhvny.
Albany. New York.
MnUcrM'f the
Lunch Counter.
ii noiiiu r.ieveiiwi
Caps, Gowns and Hoods
To the American Collet.'"" mid Universities
Illustrated in inual. samples, prices, etc.. upon
request, (ioiwis far the I'ulptt ami the lluneh
, H. I''AiiKltl N". i;.
1 4?s8i2MttitKI2)
First National Bank,
New England Mutual Life.
Chartoroil 1R.
For Circulars, Sampla Policies and rates
call on
G. W. NOBLE, Mgr.
1041 O St. - Lincoln, Nob.
JNO. L. ('ARSON, I'nslilont
I U. I). ML'IK. ('HHhlor.
II. h. 1'ltKli.MAN. ASfc't Cahhler.
E'crTl)oly Fays So.
Cnscarets f'andv Cutlmrtlc, the most won
derful medical lisrnurv of thu ugo, pleas
ant uud I'ofrfblmii: to tho tiisio, net pontly
and positively on kiduovs. liver nnd bowels,
clcaiismir the ontiro bvkI. m. dispel eolds,
jie heailnolio, lever, luiliiiuul eonsiipntion
iiid hi ionsiie-s. Ph'iisa linv and trv a Imx
oil' C. (' ..-.lnv; 10. -J.-.. MIi-piiu.
a aruiius (I to ciiiv by all ilrunristp,
The College
It's the Place
You want to go to when you want to
purchase magazines, puriodicals, news
papers and iiovoIb. Always on hand.
Nth and O Sts., Richards BIK.
C. I, Sl'KNVKH. Mr
Bath House and Sanitarium.
Cor. UtliaiKl M truetH, Lincoln, Nob
Students . . .
For fine PHOTOGRAPHS go to
New Popular Priced
Photograph Parlors.
$1.00 Per Doz. and Up.
We guarantee to please )ou. Call and
see our work, get our prices and Rive us a
trial Our motto is to please all customers.
"Stevens Favorite" Rifle.
" Take Down " model, 22-inch barrel, wclfjbt
4 pounds. Carefully bored and tested.
For .22, .25 and .32 rim-firc cartridges.
17, Plain open sights, S6.00
18, Target sights, S8.50
Ask your dealer for the "FAVOKIir"
If lie doesn't keep it, we will send, pri Mid
on receipt of list price.
Hooklct of small-bore cartridges free
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
P.O. llox 10-t
CnscarctB stimulnto kidneys an1
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or
gripe; 10c
9 You Can't
1 Make
Wants a suit of clothes that will
fit him. Wo havo the propor kind of
stock from which he" can make a se
lection that will please him. When
you realize tho amount of our floor
space and the stock thoroln you can
see that our claim of bolng able to
suit tho college man Is just. If you
are lookng for a ready mado suit, tho
right color, the right length, tho
right chest measure, the right qual
ity and tho right price, you may bo
sure we can accommodate you. Wo
request an Inspection.
gi' w i.i ' 'a i xru
Opon at all Hours, Day unil Night
All forms of bath
Managing Physicians.
jt B 0 White Plume from a
vJT Crow's Tail, nor a good
dsP JmtiL BC Bicycle from Castings.
jmfCK Thc Monarch
pr SaAiX. is good all through.
'Metropolitan Barber Shop
(Bjiboment Burr Blk.)
Under the
We want bright
business men
to represent us
Chicago New York London
5end nine two-cent Mailing for Monarch
Playing Cards, Regular 50c cards.
SHAVE, 10c SEA FOAM, 10c
B. J Roberson, Proprietor.