The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 1

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    The nebraskan.
Voi.. VI No. 14.
Finish of
tho First
Nine ol Them Will bo Choson to Moot Kansas,
Missouri and Colorado Great
Intorost Shown.
On Friday evening, Docombor 17th,
tho first of tlio preliminary dobatcs
camo off In tho chapel. On Saturday
evening, l'pcomber 18th, tho second,
third, and fourth divisions debated
their respective subjects In tho throo
society halls. And on Monday even
ing, Decombor "Oth tho reinalndor of
the series comprising tho llfth, sixth,
and BPVonth divisions spoko alHo In
Ui thru literary coploty halls.
From Miean sovon divisions there
were chosen Hlxtoon debaters who will
compote In tho final contests which
will tnko plnco tho htttur part of Fob
nnry. Following Is a Ilnt,of tho successful
ilxtKti. named In accordance with tho
rank assigned by tho Judges:
J. n. nrnnlson. It. S. llakor, O. 12.
Klndlor. 13. I). Perry. C. W. Taylor, G.
E. HnRcr, V. E. Matson. A. L. Deal, J.
A. MaRUiro. 0. W. Meier, F. Q. Hawx
by, II. 13. i-'nckolt, W. L. MoNaughton.
E. F. Warner, J. II. Kemp, and Mlsa
Bertha Stall.
From tln lirst dtvlHlon, which de
bated tho subject: Rosolod, that Pres
IdtUt .Inrkhon was justified In Ills aUi
tudo toward tho bank of tho U. S.
Messis. Deal and McNaughton won
paies. Mr. Dal showed himself thor
oughly fiu.illlar with his subject and
handled It In a and couciso man
ner, his dollry xP LJU :VPd uatu
ral. Mr. McNaughton had his main
points worked up in very good form
and wns exceedingly logical all through
his speech. He lacked an easy stage
manner and wns a trlllo Inclined
toward the "spread-eagle" stylo In hlB
The Judges for this division were
Ansley. Caldwell, and Hill.
From th' sicond division, which dis
cussed the ucstion: Resolved, that tho
United ttntts should annex Hawaii as
I a territory, there were chosen, Messrs.
layior, Kemp, Hngor, and Dennlson.
Mr. Taylor made a strong speech In.
fhlch his cif-ar, direct, and forceful
style show, d oIT to n good advantage.
Mr. Kemp built up his argument In
such a a thnt It was exceptionally
"rang, and delivered his speech in a
Nry convincing manner. Mr. linger
showed to line advantage his elocu
tionary training which, with his strong
irgument. made him one of tho most
PeasltiR n nktrs of the evening.
No conim nt on Mr. Dennlson is
tfCefSar o Pt a chaneo remark of
fi of the audience, "It was the finest
'Peach 1 iia.. over heard from one of
Mr smcleiits."
Caldwell, Ward, and Reeso were tho
Wsea of this division.
The third division discussed the
Wtlon: Resolved, that municipal ties
would own and control their natural
jonopolles. Messrs. Melor Porryi and
"agulre will compete again as a re
nt of the.r good efforts.
ir. Meier showed much lmprovo-
t over last year and was oxceed-
lon alm' ''UHy an,! nnluruI- H,B
in 5 xper,ence ln debate showed Itself
., manner of handling IiIb subject.
lr- Perry, whiin vn uirnn.r i ,..
llvent' Was liardly ?asy ln his do-
or?i H0 lmI)res80,, th0 audience as
t.t tnt,'oIy too hard for tho oc-
Mr. Maguiro ii,i not show as thor
51 Preparation as was expected but
o J , pP(1 h,tn8elf ns a debater of
'we liv 4i. ... ....
-.. mi- mannor in which ho
out his debate.
dEEOrs HI11- Sherman, and Lucky
the JmigeB.
j6cf'n'Urth l!lv,8lon na1 for lts BUb-
aeatn d U,at tho ,ncomo tax
tl(hge paB8P(l hy tho second session
?uitabi ,,r(1 coneress was Just and
Messrs. Hockctt and Warner and MIhb
Stull wore tho wlnnors.
Mr. Hnckolt had a pleasing mannor
and an oxcollontly nrrnngod plan .of
dobato, uTr. Warnor did not Dhow tho
sarno oaso In Ills dollvory but had his
polntH worked up In good Htylo.
MIhh Stull proved that others be
sides men aro capablo of winning In
such contests, llor wholo Bpoech
showed most careful and exact stylo.
Professors AiiBloy, Uarbour, and Hln
man marked ln this dobato.
Tho llfth division, nftor varloiiB un
pleasant prollniliHirloa, dobatod tho
(UicBtlon: Resolved, that tho radical Is
of greater Importance to society than
tho conservative. Mr. Hawxby was
tho only fortunnto ono In this lot. Al
though laboring under dllllcultics, ho
made a very telling spocch and clearly
showed what a woll-tralned debater
may do when occasion requires.
Hill Reese,( iuid Ward wcro tho
Tho Blxth question discussed wns:
Resolved, that a permanent hoard of
arbitration should bo established for
tho compulsory arbitration of difficul
ties hotweon employers and omployro.
Mr. Mnt8on, the only successful con
testant from this division, was careful
and logical In his nrgumont. His fine
dollvory pointed out that much prac
tice tends tr mako perfect.
Tho final, and seventh, dobato: Re
solved, that tho United States would
bo justified In extending helllgerant
rights to Cuba, brough forth as win
ners, Messrs. Klndlor nnd Raker. Mr.
Klndlor had perhaps tho clearest and
most convincing nrgumont of any de
bater In tho preliminaries and
strengthened his argument with an
emphatic delivery. Mr. Raker showed
too great eagerness to win, and as a
result was not as ensy and natural ns
is usnaiir'tilo oaso with him. How
over, Mr. Raker could mako a speech
much be'ow his own average and still
bo above the majority or tho other de
baters in this contest.
Tho respective judges marked tho
successful debaters as follows:
Dennlson 150 142 1G5 3
linker ....: 9 170 185 1
Klndlor 100 107 137 5
Perry 125 150 100 9
Tylor 1'5 100 142 10
linger 127 97 132 13
Matson 115 1-5 130 15
Deal 110 111 115 15
Mngulro 110 155 98 15
Molor 120 125 95 10
Hawxby 115 99 119 17
Fackctt 180 100 97 17
McNaughton 98 113 112 19
Warner 170 141 98 20
Kemp 101 115 99 22
Miss Stull 135 115 94 22
Tho twcnty-llrst nnnunl meeting of
tho Nebraskn Stnte Historical Society
will be hold January 11 and 12 ln the
chapel, to which all aro Invited. "Ter
ritorial Journalism," the subject for
tho first meeting, will bo treated as
Address of tho president, J. Sterling
Morton, Nebraska City.
Address, Dr. George L. Miller,
Paper, by Mr. D. W. Carpenter,
Omaha, earliest Nebraska printer still
Paper, by Hadlcy D. Johnson, Salt
Lake City, a Nebras' an of 1853.
" Responses by surviving territorial
journalists: Hon. Robert W. Furnas,
Urownvllle; Mr. John S. Briggs, Oma
ha; Hon. II. T. Clarku, Omaha; Mr.
John A. MacMurphy, Omaha; Mr. Jo
seph E. LaMoster, Tecumseh, Dr. F.
Renncr, Omaha.
On Wednesday evening tho follow
ing program will bo rondored:
7:15 p. m. Business meeting. Re
ports of officers, ejection, fttc.
8:00 p. m. Two notable habeas cor
pus cases In Nebraska.
Tho arrest of tho Lincoln city coun
cil, 1887 Hill. A. J. Sawyer.
Tho Ponca Indlnn habeas corpus
case. 1S7C-77. Mr. T. II. TlbblcB.
9:15 p. m. Joint session with tho
Horticultural Foclety to oat apples.
The State Horticultural Society will
meet on Mon 'ay, Tueolay and Wednes
day of the same week, having only day I
League Formally Awards the Pen
nant to Nebraska.
Trios to Form a Dual Loaguo With Mis
souri and Frcczo Gd Nobraska
The Allompl Falls.
Manager W. II. Only returned Sun
day evening, Hecnmtor 19, from tho
mooting of the WcsUrn Intcr-Co.lcgl-ato
League at Colunnla, Mo., feeling
very much pleased ovir tho successful
effort of Nobrabka to hnd tho pennant.
Thd report which waBpublUhod In tho
dally and coI.oho papi.o, to the client
that the matter of awarding tho pen
nant was indefinitely postponed, was
false throughout. It wns sent out by
tho KunsiiB delegate, wi'lch fact may
partly explain tho perversion of facts.
Tno very ilrst business which tho
league transacted after President How
ard Ayres, of Missouri, had cal.ed tho
meeting to order, wa3 to award the
pennant to Nebraska. On thiB mntUr
thoro was no complaint at all. Even if
the game with Kansas had been called
no game as Iowa wts technically not
In tho league, that would leave Kan
sas and Nobraska each with a Uicory
ovor Missouri and no points scored
agalnat ih. m. But Kantas only scored
sixteen points against Missouri to Ne
braska's forty-one, henco tho pennant
was Nebraska's In any event.
After the pennant had bem awarded,
Kansas ontored a formal protts. on tho
Kansas-Nebraska game, Claiming that
It was no game, on tlio ground that it
had not been played out. Mr. Oury
wisely refrained from protesting the
live points booreu (.?) o'y Kansas, but
took tho position that tho referee's de-
c.slon was final. As Kansas was a.ono
in her protest, It was not sustained.
Kansas evidently expected such a re
sult as she had, In order to bo revenged
on Nebraska, made an attempt to fo m
a dual leagu with Missouri and thus
freeze out Nobraska. Missouri, how
ever, refused to bo a partner to such
a scheme and so the whole affair fell
The office of general manager, whhh
has been a source of a giuat deal ot
trouble, was abolished by the league,
Kansas alone objecting. Although no
definite action was taken on tho mat
tor of seeding olllclals for the games,
It was the unanimous opinion of the
delegates that hereafter the olllclals
will have to be selected from the east.
An invitation was extended to Iowa
to re-enter the loaguo, and ln all prob
ability it will be accepted.
Nebraska was honored by the elec
tion of George Shedd as president of
the league. R. K. Moody, of Kansas,
was made vice-president, and C. E.
Dowey, of Missouri, was elec.ed secretary-treasurer.
If Iowa returns to
the league she will bo given tho treas
tircrfahip. The affairs of tho league were con
ducted very econcmlca..y, the expenses
being about one-flMi of what they
were last year. Notwithstanding there
was no money ln tho treasury and Ne
braska waH fnrcod to accept due-bills j
as payment for tho league expenses,
tho greater part of which fell on her
this year.
Tho following schedule of games was
arranged for next year: Tho Missouri
Nebraska game at Co umbia, October
24; Nebraska and Ka as a: Lawr.n e,
Noomb?r 5; Kan3rs and Iowa at Iowa
City, October 24; Kansas and M ssourl
at Kansas City, Thanksgiving day;
Missouri and Iowa at Iowa City, No
vember 5. Tho date nnd p'aco of tho
Nebraska-Iowa game was left to tho
discretion of tho managers of ho re- !
spectlvo teams. !
The meeting of tho league next year
will bo held In Lincoln.
In Germany one man In 213 goes
to college; In Fcotland one In C20;
In ho United States, ono In 2,000; and ,
In England one In 5,00. i
Tho speculation which has boon in
dulged In for some time hb to who
would securo Phi Beta Kappa honors,
wiib ondod morning, Decem
ber 23, when Prcf.-ssor Hodgman mndo
tho ofllclal iiiinoiincemoiit of tho fol
lowing as members of Phi Beta Knppa
fraternity: W.lllam Ho tzmnn, Mihb
Edith Henry, O. H, Martin, Ph.l Rus
soll, and Miss Edith Schwarz. Tho
nhovo mon 1 n d tho live who stood
highest. Tho otho s who will bo elec
ted to Phi Beta Kappa will bo an
nounced nt the end of the year.
Professor Ilodgninn snld that ln
choosing these five, every hour hnd
been accounted Tor from the bends
of tho departments down to tho lowest
nsslstnnts, and thnt the selection wns
as near just as It wan possible to be.
The applause which greeted tho an
nouncements seemed to boar out Pro
fessor Hudgma.i's statements.
Tho annual hop of tho Pershing Rl
llcs takes place at the Lincoln Hotel
ono week from tonight, January 14.
The members of tho rifles aro all tak
ing unusual Interest In tho hop and a
largo number of them will doubtless
participate. As tho number of tickets
Is limited thoso who contomplao pur
chasing tho same would do well to
see some ono of the committee con
sisting of Messrs. Wlggcnhnm, Weeks,
Troyes, Hcndy, and True.
President Jordan, cf Lcland Stanford
University, was given a reception In
Dellan Hnll last Friday morning by
Chancellor MncLoan and the faculty.
After all had become acquainted with
tho dls ingulBhcd guest, Ir.sldent Jor
dnn gave a very interesting talk on
tho hahWi ti aca'.o a.ul the taut "iSffs
tlon in general. As tho speaker Is
probably ono of tho best Informed men
on this subject, his remarks were lis
tened to with especial Interest. At tho
close of tho talk tho company was in
vited to dine nt Chancellor MacLtan's.
Tho Young Women's Chrlstinn As
sociation this year kept up the old
custom of receiving calls from their
gentleman frlo.-.d3 on New Year's day.
The association rooms nt 12Ji street
were beautifully decorated with carna
tions and evergreen. Hagenow's or
chestra was stationed In tho corridor
and sent sweet strains of music
throughout the rooms. Many of tho
club women of the city were present
and uss.stcd the Iadi of tho associa
tion. Also a large number of mem
bers of the Ladies' Facility Club. Tho
young ladles of the fraternities 're
ceived tho fraternity men from 4to C.
The great number of men who called
during the afternoon were unan mrus
In wishing that the good old custom
were not dying out.
Tho Y. M. C. A. is planning to have
ono of tho best meetings it has had
this year next Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Reports of tho great Y. M.
C. A. convention at Hastings will bo
glvon by mon who were thore. John
H. Rose will lead the meeting. It is
desired that every young man In tho
university will make It a point to bo
Claronco C. Culver, formerly of '98,
now holds a lucrative position with
tho Denver Packing Compnny, in Den
ver, Colp. j
Roy Sylord enters the university
again af or an absence of two year.
Tho freshman class will give a hop
at the Conservatory of Music Janu
ary 21.
Tho good accomplished by tho Hay
don Art Club in bringing some of the
finer things ln Ilfo to Lincoln and tho
university Is sommonsurato with tho
undertaking. One cannot look upon
"Break n? I'cme Ties" w'th ut all .ho
finer feelings of nature surging im
ward. Tho Hayd"n Art Club dops find
Isd lngf rL'ncolnwhat many wra' hy
m n do for ta trn cities. The c ub Is
to bo co nrwndcd for the graded sca'o
of pr'ces; all may avail themselves of
tho privilege.
Pkjok 5 Cents.
Class of '98 Decide to Issue
Will Contain Short Skolch and Photograph
ol Evory Member ol tho Class
Comes Out May 1st.
At the last mooting of tho senior
class Just before tho holidays, it waB
decided to publish a book which will
bo strictly a class affair. It will bo
bound in pap.r und contain about 115
pages. The chief feature of tho wurlz
Is to bo a photograph and short write
up of every member of tho class.
While tho book 1b Intended
for seniors It will bo found of groat
lntorcst to lower classmen ns It will
contain short storks, poems, Jokes and
serial pictures. It will bo prcfusely Il
lustrated by tho drawing of the best
artls.B In school, and several pages of
tho book will bo In colors. As thoro
will bo no Junior Annual published
this year, the senior book will make a
good substitute, although It Is not in
tended to bo in an affair of such size
as the Annual.
A committee of live has the work in
chargo and will Immediately start to
work upon tho project The commltteo
consists of J. S. Cutter, George Bur
gort, Harry Gage, Miss Anna Lytic,
nnd Miss Lucy Green.
The number of members on this
conimi too has not been dellnitoly de
termined, and it Is very probable that
other names will be added. If tho
book comes out on schedule time it
will mako Its appearance on or about
tho llrfit of- Slay. n rp'.rtj i
25 cents, and at such a low cost to
tho students, a large number of copies
will undoubtedly bo sold.
Honorable George Fred Williams, the
distinguished free silver leader ot
Massachusetts, made a short talk to
the students after chapel, last Wednes
day morning. Mr. Williams said It
was always a pleasure to him to bo
able to give a word of advice to stu
dents becauso If ho had had impres ed
on him when ho was a stu 'ent, cer.nln
truths which ho afterward learned
from experience, he would bo better
satisfied with his position in life to
day. One of theso truths set forth
was that a man's destiny depends on
his own efforts. The speaker said that
lie went through college without re
ceiving the slightest assistance from
his professors or any ono else that his
future was certain. Any man who
takes advantage of the opportunities
of a college training Is responsible to
himself alone for his future success or
In conc'usion, tho speaker said that
If the student learned nothing else It
wore sufficient If ho learned how to
learn, for knowledge g-lu.d In tho c 1
lego course is not the basis of future
life but It Is tho character one ac
quires which 1b the ono Important
It has boon rumorea rocontly that
It 1b the intontlon of those Interested
in athletics to publish an athletic an
nual. As ath etics is one of the most
popular departm nts in the univtrj ty
such a publication wou d undoubtedly
moot with a largo patronage among
tho studonts.
An Incident happened In the gym
nnslum a fow days ago which 1b of
; some interest ln tluwlng tho effect of
a great deal of practice Ui ladder and
rope climbing. C. DcVoll, a member
of the Lincoln fire department, hap
poncd to bo in tho office of Professor
Hastings and expressed a desire to
see how high a grip ho could register
on tho machine. Although ho is only
a man of medium size and weight, ho
gripped 197 poundB, which Is twelvo
pounds more thnn mado by Turner,
who had previously held tho record
for the greatest grip.