Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1897)
At The Oliver. In the Gym, InloroHt. In IiuhKuI bull Iuovoiihqh iih tho oontuHl for oIiihh oliuinploiiHhlp uoura tho oml. On IiihI. Monday nlKht tho l o'oloolc oIiihh ilofoalotl tho 8 o'clochH hy tho rnthor ono-Hlilod acoro of '2i) to a. Tho follmvliw ovonliiK tho 8 o'clock oIiihh (lofonlod tho 11 o'cIookh hy a ncoro of (1 to fi. Both hmhor woro well nttondoil uiul iih tho iidmln hIoii Ih froo thoro Ih ho roiiHon why thoro Hhotihl not ho iv lurno urowd nut to enjoy tho sport. Tho oonlcat now ..KtOuiMv Ilim tintU'niUl IllO 11 llllll T) 1.-I....I. .niim. Tim innt two uninoH , '"' Imlnneo of tho yout of tho HorloH will douhtloBR ho oxcltlim. lonico Ih thoroughly Horubho. and u Tho Ural taUon iilnro Monday ovonlim ! "ow r(,'lB,or ,IIHort "cm 0?' between tho 11 nnil R o'nlook .IIvIhIoiih Of co'". ,""t l""'1 wllh lo,l,,-v' mul tho IiihI Tuemluy ovoiiIiik holwoon for Hiur.nliiK Ada Dot hour In tho atar. the s mul r, o'clock illvlHloiiH. Tho ,1'rlcoH, fioo. 7o. BO ami ST, ppiiIh. SouIh winner of Uiln RcrloH will tlion play ,"' " ,, lmx "' a team nh'kod from tho football hum . "PMSONWU OK S!HNA." , In ...iniu.ry. , "T" mw ,f ",,tl' , 1A1,,,,M1my Tin. Hiirpwmfiil tomn will In nil nrob ; ""I'"'" rmnnnllo Htory. which linn nhlllty nlnv tho CIiIpiiro wont ulilo achieved a reputation for allrnrllvo. . " norm In ItH pronont tlrninntlr form ( "tIio following Bohotlnlo has boon ' "l to "'l'01' !'" ton the null pared bv Dp. llnntiiRt In which tho ' He will wwlii ho mum n this city nll-rounil university tomn will play: ' Hhortly, prommto.l by Daniel Froh .Tnimnrv s. i hn Lincoln V. M. C. A. In . nmn'H "Dw'liil company. UIIHIIIM ,1 m.iw ........... "A MJNGH OF KHV8." AkiiIii tho Jlimlo of tho "llunoh of Koya" Ih hoard and tho poatorH toll iih It will bo at tho Ollvor tliontro Sat urday, ncconihor 18, What a morry Hklt It Ih. What iihihIo, what nlnihlo foot and what protty racoH arc olwayH pari and parcol of tho oqtilpinout of thlH wonderful hIiowI MiuuiKcr Both nor ovorhaulH tho play ovory amnion, ho pulH In now hoiikh which nro In variably whlHtlod by tho small boy Tho hold tho K.vni; .lanuary 15, tho Omaha Y. M. ( A. In tho win; .lanuary 29. tho euino team at Omaha. Tho abovo Ih an exceptionally lino Hohedulo of gnmcH, and for tho homo sanies an ad mission fco will bo obarROd. The seiioa of utblotlc contests which was advertlaed to begin last Saturday afternoon, was postponud until yester day on account of tho absonoo of Or. Hastings, who was In nltonilaiioo at the Y. M. C. A. convention at Hast ings. The standing broad Jump was won by Le Mar, !) feet, 11 Inches: Swallow, second, 9 foot ii'a Inches; Moore, third, 9 feet 1 Inch, The abovo unmml wll compote in this event In the contest in February. To-morrow nt I o'clock thoro will be a standing high Jump contest In the gym which all are Invited to at tend. Tho following Saturday will oc cur the throe standing broad jump. 1'ooplo Interested In what la most engaging In literature and In tho cor rolatlvo form of tho drama, which af fords persona of cultivated taatos and n liking for sconlo oniholllahmont tholr keenest onjoymont, should witness a nerformaneo of "Tho Prisoner of j Honda," not only onoo, hut aovornl 'times If the opportunity la presented j Tho company la said to bo tborough ' ly equipped, many of tho cast having 1 boon soon In the play last season. At tho Ollvor theatro Now Year's matlneo mid night. hllihlAN UUBSiau.. Ono of tho most Important ovonts In tho history of theatricals lu thlR country la tho joint appooranco of Lil lian Hussoll, Delia Fox and .lofforson de Angolis In that brilllan comic opera "Tho Wedding Day," by Strange and Kdwarda. Tho opera and tho thrco After tho holidays tho schedule has , great stars will bo aeon In partner not been arranged, but it will Include ,,, ,u tho om ,ontro , tnls cUy contests In tho running high kick, horizontal bar Jump and distance snap I on ' "0S(I'. .lanuary . mid other events The whole will be Lillian Hussoll, tho bountiful song summed up In an evening contest stress, will bo seen n a part nioro sometime in February. In addition to suUo(, to ,l0p tlmn nny , whch 8ho exhibition games of volley ball and , , ,; other sports. This la not Intonded in ,ins 'ot npponroil. Delia box, tho plc any way to take tho place of tho soubrotto, has bon llttod with Pentathlon In March. . n rolo onllrolv conconlal to hor sweot volco and charming mothods of acting. ROBBY'S FAREWELL WOMDS. (L'nntlnuod From First l'ngo.) luinilH woll and should play a star ganio next year. 1 must not eloso without Haying a word In pralao of "Monty." Too much cannot bo aald In prolan of hla faithful, hard work, and ho dosorvoH a plueo on tho team uuxt year. Ho Ih full of "Hand," a good tackier, and runs well with tho ball. Of tho other mon who havo plnyoil Herbert, Wontovor, and Itofioy all gavo proiulHo of bolng good mon noxl year. A word of commendation ahoiild bo given tho hooohiI eleven, and thoy Hhould fool Junt iih much poraonal pride in tho Hitcceaa of tho team iih tho llrat. The IIi-hI rIojih toward hav ing u regular organization havo boon taken HiIh year and tho good work should not be allowed to ceaao, Tukoy, Oroon, Drain, PlllHbury, Hum iiiol, and llarnion havo done oHpeclally good work and I should not bo sur prised to see aeveral of llioin on tho lli'8l team next year. Tho hoiihoii Ih over, and now let ovory follow aottlo i down to his school work and inuko Just as good a record an ho has on tho gridiron. Let everybody got. out and hustle next fall, and try to Instill tho fooling that It Is not only for personal advancement, but that abovo all old Nebraska miiat come out on top. K. N. HOIUNSON. Battalion At-tcn-shone Just a word and we'll be through. Sec iiur Special O (cr on Nnbhv CIoIIich wlilcli r Inive sent mhi. Nobby suitings - $15.00 up. Full Dross - $13.00 up. Trousers from - $ 3.00 up. l.nWH. iKrCINCKltY, High Art Tailors. 1207 Obt. With lul Young WANTKD--"UUSTVOnTll Y AND acs.yp gentlemen or latllos to travel for respons ble, ttblll)0() house In Lin coln. Nobrnsku. .Moodily JM.OO and x-pen-CB. Position steady. Hofen nee. Kn close sclf-nddroixed stnmp d cnvlni Tho Dominion Company, Dops. Y Chlcngo. HERPOLSHEIIHER k GO Merry... Merchandising Tho holiday Holling Iiiih, ho far, tliiHyoarHtirpiiasud iinythiugwo havo ovor known, but wo mount in l)ru. all proviotiH rorordH and laid our plans ueeoiilitiidv, Our flloro !h largor, our forcuof HiiloH-ponplo ica'or our fuoilitiuH hottor and abovo all, wo fairy nearly doublo tho Block of holiday inurchumliHo wi Imvo hIiowii boforo. That Huh stock was properly Ixiujrht and carofully Holoctml is clearly shown by the prices wo arc onablcd to quoto and by tho ready appreciu. lion of it by tho buying public. Store Open in the Evening Until Xims. i i i O N A GOLD M 120 Ah DRILL. The Pershing ltlflos gave an exhlbt- When you write to your friends THKCOI.LKGK MAN i, k liartlrulur iiIkimI how liN Imlr lmiu I will Uiul tlini Snin Wt'sttTiiol,;. a'ter 5 IK year expt'riimw with rollc'ttu men knows how to mi lmlr; ami cut It to ; suit. 1 IT N' tSlh. J Then .lofforson ile Angolis, there Is no "' tton company and Individual drill in j nioro unctuous comedian on the light the Armory last ovonlng. The prize operatic stage, and in "Tho Wedding for the individual drill, a JIB gold nny.. ho ha8 tho mosl nvntIni)lo me. medal, wan won by Corporal Joel Sleb- ,, , ,. , . , . ,,., ,, . ... bins. The medal iienimra the pergonal "m for BPlnylnB his multifold nlilll proptrt of anybody winning it three ties. Messrs. Strange and Kdwards" consecmivo times j work will bo brilliantly mounted and LatiT the jtidi-e decided that fitehbitu ' produced oxnetly as It was at tho Cas liari a m.suke previous to the finish ,no , Nov. York during tho latter -' ,,,s ' .. him m.... .v.. ...u w..n. ...... ,. .. . , i pun ui nisi. tsuiiKuii. .Miiiiy iniprovo- montfi aim oniDoiiisiiments navo lieon made sinco tho ojioni was run at that tboatro. Tho three famous "stars" will bo supported by tho strongest will be Riven over again. GOING H0M13 FOIt VACATION. 1 be following information concern ing! rain sorvlco on tho North-Wofitern is Inserted by request: Train No. 20, leaving Lincoln 7:15 a. m., carrios passongors for Fremont, rAArrVVrVrWVVVrVVAArV DON CAMERON'S Lunch Counter. s irli KliXfiitli 5 tAAAAAAAAAAAA First National Bank, vlio nr coming wi'Ht to vlnit you. just add u pnHt "'crlpt like HiIm: "B- sur. .o take the nurllnn ltoute. lt'a niuoh ;hc best." Von nre quite safV in fin ing this liecnime our serv ice from Chicago, roorui .St. l.ou and Kansas Clly. In fact all euMorn. southeastern and south ern cities la Juat as good ajj our aerrlca t thae pnlatf. And .hat a8 every one who Is acquainted with It will testify, :s tho host there Is. Tickets and time tables on application at U. & M. dopot or city ticket of llco, corner 10th and O St. .g"-? s, . atiB Bq &3 r? v - G. W. BONNELL. C. P. & T. A.. LINCOLN. M'.ll. All tho news nil the time Is to be found In Tho Nebrnskan, $1.00 p r year. TWOTRAiins DAILY III I W I I N LINCOLN AMI Auburn, F.ilK City, Mi'liiMtn, St. Jiisi'pli, niui I ''i n s.i s t.ity. City Tiket Office. 10 0 Street. II (J tion'l I.teT. . F. 1). ( ( l.Mii.. C. 1' a T.A LINCOLN, XRM. comic oponi company ovor seen horo. Such an alliance of talent, should suro- Norfolk, Omaha, Sioux City, and Inter-1 ly bo worthy of tho notice and patron mediate points. Connections arc mado ng0 of ovory ,ocn, tl,oatro-goor. nt Fremont for points on tho Union " Pacific; nt Norfolk and Blair for ., , , " stations on the C, St. P., M. & 0.. and lhe fo"r champion foot ball teams in at Mo. Valley for Chicago. tho different leagues are: Ponnsylva- Train No. 22. loavlng at 1:45 p. m.. nin, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Leland Js the rogular dally service for Nor- olnfm.a City.' St. P.mL otc. city ofHce,'ll7 S. "I AM, CI nnl nnnnn Cll. n .1 Oatn "Thoro nro otliors" ns cood norhans a Cnscareta Candv ( iitlmrtic, tho most won- mere are otnors as goon, poniaps, dorful ui.dical oim-o.oi-v of tl.o ago, ploas- but none bettor than tho pictures ant anil rofn-slung to iho tasio, actgoatly talon nt tho Studonts Photograph Gal- and t.nsltiv ly on kldnovs, llcr nnd bowels, lory, 1034 O stroot. lianmur tlio oniiro svst in. dispel nobis, dim lion.liiulio, lovr-r, liuLltiuil coimtlpation If bilious or costve. eat a Cascaret, ''"' ,l'i ioiihih--. PJeaso buy apd try n box onnilv ralhnrlo nir mnrnntnorl lOo '" ' ' '"-niv; ill, vn, mi cPnm. Molil IIUU 25c. I5'nrvlody hiiys So. (i aniniui d lo cure by all ilniygl.stp, The Col Man.. Capital, .1X0. L. CAKSO.V. PreMdont. 1). 1). MI'lK, Caller. H S KltKKMAN.Ass't Cashier. THE KENT COLI FfiEfiF I IUw,I,ter lor, wlu I,on November 29, t ,,Vi V. U i , L"1S!)7. Improved methods Mnrshali u. "u, uu u., ai. jj., uean. uniting theory anil practice. Tlit smooi of Practice is the Leading Feature. Evening sessions of ton hu-irs a $400,000.00 W(;0V for C!Jc,h e,a8S- st'Iclents can b0 self supporting while studying. For catalogue address M. D. FWELL, Dean. Rooms G1S and 019, Ashland blk., Cbjcago, 111. It's the Place As a tfiit it will le appreciated, and it is suitable for all who write. mGSS&SMSlSSVuuZ You want to go to whon you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, nows papors and novols. Always on band. Nth and O Sts., Richards Blk;. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY. C. L. SIMJNCKIt. Mirr WqTERniN Ideal FouNTqm Fen. It always writes, and is the cleanest and most convenient writing instrument of the age. Could there be a more suitable Holioay present? Wants a suit of clothes that will fit him. Wo havo tho propor kind of stock from which ho can make a se lection that will pleaso him. Whon you ronllzo tho amount of our floor spaco nnd tho stock therein you can soe that our claim of boing able to suit tho eollogo man is juat. If you aro lookng for a roady mado ault, tho right color, tho right longtb, tho right cboit measure tho right qual ity and tho right prlco, you may bo suro we can accommodate you. Wo request an Inspection. rk ISP SULPIIO-SAL1NE Bath Honse aiid Sanitarium, Cor. llth and M trtfts . Lincoln, Nob - i IntorcoUuiflato Uuruuu Cotrell & Leouarfl, I7.'-1TW Uroadway. Albany, Kow York. STEVENS Maker of the. Open nt all Hours, Day and Night. All forms of bath TURKISH. RUSSIAN AND ROMAN DRS. M. II. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. Caps, Gowns and Hoods To tho Atnoriean Colleges and UnlvorMtios Illustrated manual, wimples, jirloei.. etc., ujxm equfst. (3 o w uk for the lulit and tlie Henoli ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Metropolitan Barter Shop llWinent Burr Mk.i HAIR CD f. 1. HAIR SINGH). ISc HMPOO, Ik SHAVE, Klc SEA FOAM in. - - "'KM, UW B J Roberson, Proprietor. I32 S0- l?TH ST. Students . . . For fine PHOTOGRAPHS go to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $1.0CPerDoz. and Up. Wo guarantee lo please you. Call and swe our work, Ret our prices and give us a iriai uur mono is to please all customers. LINCOLN, NEB. jgLe rAvutni. v ; "Stevens Favorite" Rifle. " Take Down " model, 22-inch barrel, weight AXA pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For .22, .25 and .32 rim-lire cartridges. 17, Plain open sights, 36.00 1 8, Target sights, S8.5 Ask your dealer for the "FAYOKITE If lie doesn't keep it, we will send, prepaid. on receipt of list price. Ilooklet of small-bore cartridges free J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.. P. O. llox CHICQPEU PALLS, fMSS. Cascarots stimulate kidnoys anl bowels. Never slclten, weaken o Kripo; 10c. J