The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 3
I tM LOCALS, Apha Tan OmoRo will ontortnlit in- f.irmnlly tlilH nvuniiiK. AH (Jll'OO HOCIOIH'H IHIVO lUljUlU'lUMI tills vH for the uoimtoH. Tlio MIhhch Wont anil AiulroWH bo cmno l'l ,,,,,u ,,,,H s,u,n'(luy vinliiK. prof. Uiirnetl Iiiih Uw Oliiil'KO of l,8 claw ftor ,U1 ,I1,U)HH of f(' ilnys Mrs. I'lirlKtlo, of Miilvurn, In., jh vlMtliiK n,'r ,u"B,ll1' Mm'10 lh,H wcofc. M N. l.lilininnii linn boon promoted to' iien!"fl "I iJor of iho Kli-Ht bnl ullon. Albert WiUldiiH, Jr., wiw Inlllntod bv'ndi" I'm I)l,"n Saturday ovonhiK, poo. 11 Prof iliiilKiniiii will ontortnln IiIh matliomniii' pIiihhoh tomorrow oven (ng nt hi residence. llil Kappa l'el Initiated William Unit, Claude Ueod, niul Karl Wllllmns last I'rliiiiN fviMtlim'. Miss Maliol KleUoUH will kIvo mi Informal party to iiHHlHtnntH In tlio European history department. The senior KlrlH nuulo their llrat tppenranee last Tuomlny with tholr ww nmriar boards, caps mill kowiih. Someone nitiHlcnlly Incllncil bor rowed Thninpson'H clarinet from tlio lunil I'tMini last Monday mul forgot to return u Gnrilni'i. tlio tailor, Iiiih tlio newest stock of men's I'nrtilslilnj; goods In tlio city. Southwest oornor Eleventh mul 0 street1- Miss tiertntdo l Walton of Hlnlr, a former atnilont nt tlio University, ami a member of Dolta Gamma fra ternity. Ix vlaltliiK Miss Blanche Gar ten. Messrs. Davidson, Harmon anil Sul livan of Tecuniseh stopped off In Lin coln Tuesday to visit tholr sons In the University Miss 1'Mlth Morgan has been un able to attend classes during the pnsl rek on lurount of an uttaek of quinzy. L II. Hobblns, once an editor of the KolirasUan, hns left college and Is now employed as elty reporter on the Evening News. The welowmo announcement was made In ehnpol Tuesday morning that the Christinas vacation would extend to Tuesday, Jan. 4. Geo. Ueiinrod, 'OS, who loft tlio uni versity mine time ago, has success fully passed tlio examinations for en trance Into the senior class nt Har vard. Messrs Hlckotts, Gosgrove, and Dean hae been Initiated Into tlio law frat, Phi Delta Phi. Charles Iniler wns Initiated by Al pha Tlietn Kl Saturday evening. Miss Frances Morton fS, or Falls City, will intend the state teachers' association to bo hold In Lincoln dur ing the Christmas vacation. Miss Morton is at present teaching l!tnrn lure in the Tails City high school. Chicago I'nlvorslty basket ball .team Plays the Omaha Y. M. C. A. at Oma ha, NVw Year's day. Dr. Hastings pects io havo a game betweon the Champions of our University and the Chicago 1 1. tm before tlio lattor returns home. Dr. V. thel'nUr and the Some of fe lectured last Sunday at Mil 1st church on "Evolution Hlghor Nature of Man." he members of the faculty wil a nu.iiiior of the students woro 1 Present and thov nil nronouncod It one of 1), AVolfe's best efforts. S- W I'mkerton returned last Sat Urda' frm his homo nt McCook, Nob., here he imd boon called by the sori U8 Illness f i,j8 Bister, whom ho re tfts nun h improved. KaPPa Kjfipa Gamma fraternity wns entertain d Friday ovenlng by Miss Houtz, The girls spent tho evening ln Pulling taffy. Before mi Ko iU)mo f0,. tho holidays Set a cop f "Corn Tnssols" and pre 8fnt the "folks" with a Christmns Resent that will bo appreciated. It's the "eatest book on tho market today. William Hoed Dunroy's book ot Poems, "cru Tassols," Is now on tho Market, if anyone wants to mako an PPropHato nrnannt In n frlnnd of rola- 1 UTS Wft !. , ,, . i, i, nrviw 01 "Corn Tassols." p' T. mipy leaves tho University Jjnorrow for Plattsmouth, Nob., to 1 Iho position of manager on tho ''Itsmouth News. Mr. Riley has al ways had tho reputation ot bolng a bust lor, and his ruccohh In IiIh now Hold Is asHurod. Tho host wIhIioh of Hcoros of UnlvorHlty frloiulH go with him, Uoglniilug with tlio first of tho now year Albert 10. Unrniolco will bo managing editor of tho NobntHknn. D10L1ANS 10LKCT Ol-M-MCIOUH. Tho Hollmi socloty hold tholr olee Hon Inst Friday evening. Tho now olllcorH uro as follows: President, Harry Saokclt; vlco proslilont, Harriot l'ni'kard; rooordlng secretary, Cora lOhnoro; corroHpondlng Hocretary, Mr. lOtlgorton; troitsuror, Charles Jones; musical secretary, Ucnii Hartz; state bearer, 11. J. Theobald. Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION. Tho state convention of Y. M, C. A., which was held at Hastings December il-12, was well atlomled by nionihors of the university association, bolng rep resent od by fifteen dologates. From tho reports brought back by tho delegates tho convention was a grand success. The peoplo of Hast ings touched a responsive chord In the boys by the entertainment that thoy provided for tho delegates. The convention was woll supplied with notod speakers. Chancellor McDowell, of tho Denvor university, gavo two ad dresses that will never bo forgotten by those who heard hint. C. C. Mlchner, the travollng collego secretary of Y. M. C. A., wis present throughout the convonton. Ills talks to men woro strong appeals for tho higher lire. C. D. Willis, gonoral secretary of tho Y. M. C. A. In Milwaukee, acted as chorister. F. L. Willis, of the Ouialia association, gavo several ad dresses on practical association work. Other prominent Y. M. C. A. nion present woro Prof. Condrn, Prof. For dlco, J. V. Dougherty, Physical Di rectors Humes and Van Arnum, and J. L. Marshall. Those that reprcsonted tho unlver slty association woro: John Horse, C. J. Allon, Prof. Con drn, Will Lourlo, Oliver Chambers, C. L. Allen, J. 11. Ovcrtnlf. Dr. Hast lugs, W. J. Robinson, C. C. Tllloson, Prof. Ward, H. Tucker, Jacob Staltz, and H. A. Campbell. Ono or tho most Interesting portions of the convention was a paper by Dr. Hastings on tho "Relation of the Gym nasium to tho Spiritual Life." After the paper by Dr. Hastings wns fin ished C. H. Willis gonoral secretary ot the Milwaukee association, remarked to the convonton that ho considered Dr. Hastings' paper tho best ho ovor hoard on tho subject and he desired to see It sent to "Mon," tho national organ of the Y. M. C. A., for publica tion. Another very Interesting pnrt or the convention for tho university students wns tho election or Dr. Ward as chair man or the stnto committee. Physical Director Dames, of the Oninha Y. M. C. A., Physical Director Van Arnum, of South Omaha, and Education Secretary Matthews, of Oninha assocatlon, stopped for a short time on their way homo from tho state convention that was hold at Hastings, to look around the university and In spect tho gymnnslum. FOUL TIPS. "llooklns" Burr hns now a congonlal partner to talk baseball to In the law dopnrtmont. "King" Sidles Is tho per sonage. Ills llrst title, though appli cable to his regal appearance, orlg innlly sprung from his splendid drives while nt tho bat on tho ball Hold. Tho cngo will bo ready for use after the holidays. This will bo a great help to the ball boys, as the season Is short nt best and tho early practice amounts to a great deal in noiping thorn to got Into shnpo rho talk among tho boys Is, "What color will bo nlco ror our now suits?" Most ovory color except yollow Is bo lng considered. YOUNG MEN. .. ffl Don't fail to look at the fine line of Men's Suits and Over coats from $7 to $20, at the EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-17 O STREET. m Roedor, the Yollow Kid, was soon of late ntoiilng around thn onnipus, looking very doollo mid norrowful. lie hntoH to think of entering hard training nftor the liollilnyn, but says ho lithsl do t if hu wlilio to bo ono of tho shining lights tills coming sea son, It Is reported that tho athletic hoard and hiiHohnll manager have dolor mined not to have a conch thin spring, Such a course will not moot with tho approval of oil her tho plnyom or tho patrons of tho game. We upend sovon hundred dollars for a football coiioh, and It Is only Just that the basobfill boys should be guaranteed nonin In. structlon, nnd given tho proper onoour ngoniont. Tho nuiuiigonient Innt year, with no precedent to aid. with grand stand to build, mul a tenm tin known to both student mul townsmen, engaged a conch and overcame nil tho above, dllllcnltles, and there wan but a Tew dollars deficit. The grand stand Is now complete, a canvas fence Is purchased and by tho nblo ninnnge mont of Mr. Oury the athletic assocla Hon has a slight balance to Its credit. If wo expect our baseball team to compolo with Chicago, Notre Dame, Illinois State University and other eastern tennis we must Inspire them to tho greatest exert Ions by giving thoni n conipetont coach, as all of theso eastern colleges have. A ro fusnl to give tho boys a coach will ruin the Bplendlil prospects of the team. COLLEGE NOTES. A niovoinont has boon started by tho librarian of Leland Stanford I'nlvor slty, which, If successful, will mako very Important changes In tho copy right laws of this country. It Is pro posed to requlro authors obtaining the protection of a copyright to supply copies of their work to several deposi tories located In the various largo cities of the United States. This will build up sovoral largo national libra ries and guard against tho possible destruction of much or our national lltoraturo by lire or otherwise A now $10,000 gymnasium for the women of Iowa College wns dedicated at Grlnnoll, November 30. It Is the gift or Miss Carrlo Rand, who has chargo of tho physical culture work among tho women, and Is erected by her as a momorlnl to her rather and her brother. Cornoll is roportod to have rccolvod a challenge rroni Yale and Harvard to row next spring. EMP.OSSED IN GOLD. To buy and reproduco ramous paint ings Involves an expenditure that could hardly be liorno unless, as In tlio I case or the Youth's Companion, thq I enterprise Is sustained by tho npproval i of more than live hundred thousand subscribers. The Youth's Companion's souvenir cnlendnr for 1S9S, a series of charming figure-pieces, faithfully copied In colors and embossed in gold, Ik roeotrnized as one of the richest and most costly examples of this form of art. Yet every now subscriber re ceives It without additional chargo. Moreover, the paper is sent freo to now subscribers ovory week from tho time tho subscription is received un til Jnnunrv, 1S0S. and then for a full year to January, 1S99. Tho popular price of tho Companion, $1.75 a year, and tho chnracter of its contents, mnke it a paper ror every household. Exceptional attractions are promised ror tho firty-two num hers to bo Issued during 189S. Tho Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, tho Hon. Thomas R. Reed, Rudyard Kipling, Lillinn Nordlca, John Burroughs, W. D. Howells, nnd Max O'Rell are promi nent In tho long list or eminent con tributors named In tho Companion's j nnnouncomont, which will bo sont free to any ono addressing THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 205 Columbus Ave,, Boston, Mass. It's Cold. Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want, Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take The i To OMAHA KANSAS Aiv .DENVER and all Colorado point b. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. nUTTEnnd HELENA. PORTL A N D, SEA TTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANOELES. lias tho host modern equipment. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Freo Reclining Chair Cars. For tinio schedules, tieltotB, reservation of births, call on or addroFS E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt., 1011 O streot, J. T. MASTIN, C. T A. Lincoln, Neb. S.H.1I.OLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON, Con. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX,G.P.&T.A Omaha, Nob. The University of Nebraska, SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: Pipo-Organ, Piano Forto, Voice Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Countorpoint, History, Gon oral Theory, Sight Reading. If Yon are Thinking of Stndying Mnsic Investigate the Merits of this School W1LLARD KIMBALL, Director. Mr. Albert Turpin's DANCING SCHOOL Now opon for Sonson 1S97-9S. Adult classes, every Tuesdays and Thursdays Juvenile, Wednesday i p. in., Saturdays, 2 p. m. Assemblies ovory Thursday Eve. Uall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. 1132 N St., for terms, etc. Oflico hours 9 to 11:30 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. OLIVER liRWIN. J. E. ERWIN) The Antelope Valley dr JL T 1r4r a LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 25111 and J Sts. Office 113 Phone 505. N. nth St. Table Board, $2.50. Meals, 15 cts. MEAL TICKETS, $2.50. THE MODEL DINING HALL, MRS. ItOIl'T. KRKKLAND, Proprietress. 31G So. isth Street. - Lincoln, Neb H. W. BROWN, Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and MiscollanooiJ Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. All points East. Cm East and South. Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Freo Scholarships in all Departments Orchostral Training, Military Hand Training, Concerts, Lectures, 'Recitals. HUTCHINS & HYATT Soli tlio Host Grndos of O O A. J. Also Wood and Kindling. 1040 O St., - Tel. 225. C EHLERS, The Tailor. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning and Repairing also Done. 126 So. 11th St. Ovor WohlonburK's Clear Store J. E. HOUTZ, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper and Window Shades. LEMING'S OLD STAND. llOOOund 118 No. UthSts., Lincoln, Nob SI Ik HEARTand NERVOUS DISEASES are Just as curable as other diseases. Treated exolusively by J. 5. LEONMARDT, M. D. OFFICE, 1427 O Street, Llnooln. Nebraska. nOUItB, a to 6 dally, axoept Sundays. ft "-"3k-'.-.-.-"fc--.