The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 2

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    The Nebraskaim
A Weekly Nowipnpor luitiod Hvcry FrJ
ilay Noon, by tlic Students of tho
Unlvorsity of Nolirnokn.
V. T
ro.l aa Scond Class Mult MuUor.
MhiiurIiir 1MI tor.
Gutter Krtltorlnl
'uriuelee Nows Kdltor.
Mataon Asa't Kdltorlftl
I. S
A. 1'
C. K,
Kino Snow Walker bororlllos
11. C. Hurr Athletics,
O.Ivcr Ohntnbors I.ocnl.
JCJliU Bohwariz Ams't Ihu. M'ltr,
The Ni'lmuknn will bo sunt to any ad
dress upon rccolpt of the, minscr ptlon
lirl.-e, which la one dollar a yuie, or fifty
cents a senioator.
Coitiibuilona are solid 1 from all.
News Items snob us looala, porsonala.
reports of meeting's, etc-, ere especially
deslr l. The Nebnifknn will be glad to
print nnv oontr.butlon rolntlvo to a Ron
era' university snbj et, but the name
must aocompuny nil such.
"Why." wo bow leave to ask. "wore
the 'powers' of thp rnlvoralty so vory
Blnrt-slhtct1 in roKnrtl to our library
hulhltni;?" Only two years old, and
tested to the limit of Its capacity nl
road. Wo llml It no Jolto to enter
that "calm and peaceful" sanctum at
almost any and ovory hour of the day.
only to search vainly through Its
iPiiRtlt ami breadth. Its every corner
and alcove for one solitary unoccupied
chair Friends and schoolmates, hap
py in possession of seats look up sym
pathetically at the weary searcher, but
do not otter to surrender their pike
less booty, and wo heroically prop our
hihis In a standing posture against
the wall to try to accomplish a little
necessary study and at the same time
keep n watchful eye on the assembled
students, ready to swoop down upon
a chair left untlpped while the owner
searches for n book. Or, If this occu
pation prove more vain and amusing
(to others) than prolltnblo. wo wander
out Into the hall and occupy a stair,
of which, thank heaven! there Is usu
ally a vacant one. Study there? Oh,
no. how could you think It? Wo join
In the eustotnnry racket which rules
that region and do our part to In
crease It. This is a deplorable state of
affairs. Something should bo done to
remedy It, and that quickly. Each al
cove. In tho book roopt pan easily ac
commodate a long table and three or
four times the number of chairs. Wo
pray those who have our Interests at
heart to succor us in our dire distress.
Oh. hut that Is not all! How nhout
that "perfect system of Ventilation?"
It does Its heat, no doubt, but it loos
not ilo the necessary work. Tho air
Is poisonous by chapol time on a
disagreeable day; it Is Insufferable In
the afternoon. How, pray, can brains
work and lessons be learned without
oxygen? Wherefore aro wo taught
tho harmful effects of vitiated air and
then forced to breathe it from S In
the morning till C at night, in library
and class rooms as well? If we all
bnd iron constitutions, we might not
protest: but somehow hondaches and
dullness and lassltudo will allllct us,
and we solemnly protest. If tho evil
cannot be thoroughly remedied, it
certainly can bo diminished by a little
care and attention.
Tho preliminary dobates begin to
night with a contest btweon the first
of the bi-en divisions before all nlno
judges. One particular article of tho
rules governing tho grading of tho
individuals deserves especial emphasis.
That is the one providing that set
speeches shall either bo thrown out
entirely or else bo marked down. Set
speeches belong more properly to tho
realm of oratory than of debating.
To be a successful debater one must be
nblo not only to build up argument,
but also to tear down that of an op
ponent. This requires an extempore
as well as an analytic ability, which
cannot bo brought forth by set
Bpeeches. This fact cannot recelvo too
much emphasis. Tho judges should
bear this constantly In mind and make
their gradlngs accordingly. There is
a constant tendoncy on tho part of
many, and especially on tho part of
the first speakers on tho afilrmatlvo,
to commit their argument. This can
not properly bo called dobatlng and
we trust that none such may be chosen
to represent us in this year's contests.
Northwestern University studonts
terminated an oleetlon contest by
unanimously choosing tho physical di
rector of tho university manager of
tho football team. Experience proved
that student management was unsat
isfactory and an alumnus was pre
vailed upon to take tho nomination,
but could not be elected. Mr Bryan,
tho physical director, was then nom
inated and the nomination carried
with wild enthusiasm.
A man in that position. If "' 'oh
business nblllty, Is particularly lined
for football manager. Northwestern
hits certainly acted In accordance with
good Judgment. Wo note nti "at
Michigan hns elected it member of
'OS as next year's manager.
Why so many legislatures attempt
to prohibit the playing of football uil
at the same time retain such soothing
silence concerning extended bt yele
races Is a mystery. Only this week
saw the close of a six-day contest n
New York city whore Tow, It any,
of tho starters did not recolvo perma
nent Injuries from overexertion. Sev
ern! wore carried from tho track ab
solute montal wrecks. Yet the city
council of this American metropolis,
so solicitous for tho welfare of football
players, sayo not a word In opposition
to this sport In which a participant
has not oven a chance to escape In
Jury. It Is rumored that the librarian has
established a "blapk list." On this
may be found the names of the public
nuisances who pretend to study In the
library, but who In reality come thore
to sit and gossip, entirely oblivious
of tho rights of others, .lust what
action will bo taken with those who
contlnuo their offensive conduct Is un
certain, but It will bo nothing loss
than suspension of library privileges.
Needless to say, this action will meet
with general approval and Its strict
enforcement will meet with unquali
fied Indorsement. Thcro Is no reason
why a patrol should be needed to keep
our library as quiet and orderly as
that of tho city.
In the annual Harvard-Yale debato
at Now llavon last week Yale won her
third consecutive victory. Formerly '
Yale was regarded as the winner In i
athletic contests, and Harvard In the j
debates: but now "Yale's brain" has i
equalled "Yale's brawn" of years ago.
There was a tlmo when tho sons of
Ell felt keenly the prowess of Harvard
In literary contests and to them the
phraso "Yale brain" brings a feeling
of pardonable pride. It does not nec
essarily follow that results of debates
aro Indcatlvo of the literary work done
In tho respective colleges. It may bo
merely personal brilliancy, or personal
application; but such results cortnlnly
'aro Indicative of the general Interest
taken Ifi forensics by tho college.
"Corn Tassels" Is trill, and It's ono
of tho neatest books displayed for tho
holiday tVade. It contains about seventy-live
of William Heed Dunroy's
best poems, mostly his later ones.
Evidently the poet made his selections
carefully, as the verses cover a va
riety of subjects nnd monotony Is ex
cluded from ovory pago. Tho binding
Is substantially done in "corn" and
olive ;reon. It can bo found on sale
at the new-stands by Saturday.
Last week tho studonts of the Uni
versity of Michigan listened to Mr.
Joseph Jefferson speak on "Tho Actor
nnd Ills Art." Mr. Jefferson was ac
corded nn enthuslnsttc reception. No
doubt tho senior class of tho Unlvor
slty of Nobrnska would bo vory grate,
ful to Mr. Jefferson If he would drop
In and give them a few pointers on
tho class play. It Is said, on good au
thority that they Intend to excel that
of tho class of 'umpty-soven.
A bill to establish the Unlvorsity of
tho United States has beon Introduced
Into congress.
The bill In general terms provides
for an institution of tho highest possi
ble type for tho graduates of accred
ited colleges and universities only,
with special roforonee to the work of
original research nnd Investigation In
all Important fiolds of Inquiry. The
government Is vested In n board of
regents and a university council. The
board of regonts embraces tho presi
dent of the United States, the chief
justlco of tho United States, tlje com
missioner of education, tho secretary
of tho Smithsonian Institution, tho
president of tho natlonnl academy of
sciences, tho president of tho national
educational association, tho president
of tho unlvorsity nnd nine othor citi
zens to bo appointed by tho president,
by and with tho advice and consent of
tho somite, and no two of them shall
bo from tho snmo state. Tho univer
sity council is to have Immediate
charge of tho work of Instruction,
research, nnd investigation. It con
sists of the regents and twelve other
members to be appointed by thorn
from among eminent educators, with
a like Impartial distribution. All
courses and olllcors of Instruction, also
all regulations governing tlio Internal
nmnagemont of tlio Institution, Nol
thor sectarlnn nor political preferences
In any form aro to ho allowed, either
lu the appolntmonts or In any of tho
operations of tlio Institution. Author
ity Is given to establish with othor
Institutions of learning such co-opor
atlve relations as are doomed advan
tageous. M 1 1 -YVl NT13U 1101 A DAY HATES.
On December 24 nnd 25, also on,
Decembor ill, 1897. and on January 1,
isns, the HurlluKton will sell round
trip tickets, good to return until Janu
ary I, 1S0S, at rate of faro mid a third
to points within 200 miles. Apply at
It. & M. depot or city olllco, corner
10th and 0 sts.. for further Informa
tion. U. W. DONNEU,, O. l & T. A.
Seo Dr. Leonhnrt's ad In this Issue,
We wish you to know that tho Lln
o!n District Telecraph Company, at
121 South Tenth stfpot, telephone ll0,
solicits your patronage to haul your
trunks, packages, etc., to and from
any part of tho city.
W. IT. l'ATMOHE, Mauagor.
"There are others" as good, per
haps, hut none better than tho pictures
taken at tho Students' Photogrnph
Gallery, 10111 O street.
Dr. Clifford 11. Teftt, dentist; artistic
crowns nnd bridges; 1127 O strcot,
over Hollander's drug store.
W. F. Nocdhnm, merchant tailor, 125
N. Twelfth at., carries a flno lino of
suitings; guarantees work; prices
A stock of Huntington's special dlo
stamped stationery has been received
by the Co-op. It mnkes tho prettiest
U. of N. tablet yet soon.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarots, tho
finest liver nnd bowel regulator ever
"We'll Hnvo a Hot Tlmo In tho
Old Town Tonight."
Just get a Ton of
Corner Drug Store ..
IQth and Q Sts.
Heady for business 24 hours in the day.
Ntglit calls answered.
loth and Q Sts.
DR. S. E. COOK. - Practice
limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat. 1215 O St.
O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S.
Gi.uhmtr of
Golil ami I'orivluln Crowns, llrlilw work,
Golil. Aluminum uml ljulilier l'lutes
Special Rates to Students.
Ofllce. Hooms 2S and IM. Alexander lllouk.
12th and O Sts., Lincoln, Nob.
Drug Store.
Corner loth and P Streets
Drops. Stulloiu rv. Toys, llollilu UooiU of
every description
Guitars -Banjos.
'I he Washburn is the one aril nnl
nuke of world-wide rcHitatinti.
ly hist-cl.iss dealers eriy In ic fnuu
$15.00 upward. Imitated etciis,ri,
so be sure tint the name "(liium
Washburn" is burned imi the inside.
A beautiful .ishburn Hook contain
ing portraits and letters trom ihc De
Keszkes, Calve, Karnes, Nordica,
clu and 100 other famous artists and
teachers, mailed free upon remicst.
Address Dept. U,
Cor. Wabash Ave. nnd Adams St., Chicago.
Agents for
Washburn Instruments.
Also general factors Shaw, Weber, Weg
man and Jewett Pianos, and 1-arrand &
Votey Organs,
m" fcaT svsw&r
Wo Imvo a Moroluuit Tailoring Dojmrttnonl
not oxoollutl in tho Htuto, iiIho h Howly-to-Wuur
Clothing Uojini'tniont tltnt oui-rios Suits
iinti OvorcoiilH from tho linoHt nmnnfuotnrioH
in tho count rv. You can bo iittotl and
plonnod both in workmanship and maturial.
Gent's Furnishings Up to
Perkins &
Neckwear, Suspenders,
JeWelerj, etc., in abundance.
Young man: Your lady friend would appre
ciate one of our elegant Princess of Wales
1141 0 STREET.
Dunlap Hats. Tailoring
Best Work, - BestService,
Established 1889.
Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy.
Modern Equipment. Telephone 199
25 50
nUDUUUirjlU UUrtUHniDCiU Ue nor
plennil booklet frw. Ad. KTKKI.1N0 HKMKM
1136 O Street
revealed the fact to him
that wo kept tho finest
stock of up-to-date win
ter styles in gentlemen's
fine shoes in blnck and
colors. When he. wore
thorn ho said thoy gave
him moro satisfaction
and less doctor's bills
than he had ever had
before. So his wife and
children have all fol
lowed his example.
Sheldon Co.
0 Street. pA
3rr Jl T
crp r wipci,,,! CBn,e rM7iintiirnlrfKulti. ""!'
CO.. riilrnco. Montrrnl. t!nn..orNeir Vor. L I
i M
&si &