The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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    The nebraskan.
. V No. 18.
Puinc fi Cunts.
Nebraska's Favorite Cinch Writes
of His Favorite Team.
Tells Whnl Each Man on Iho Team Is Worlh
and Adds Some. Words ol Good
Advice lo Players
Conch 12. N. RobliiBon, nftor having
his dppnrturo announced sovorul
times, left for tho oast lnat Tuesday
afternoon nt 2:30 p. m. It wns a
matter of general regret that thoro
was not a larger crowd at the do
pot to bid good byo to tho man who
has dono so niiiph for Nebraska ath
letics, but tho time of his departure
was not generally known, else there
would Imvo been a Rood delegation
of studpnts present to see him off.
llcTorc be loft, Coach Robinson fur
nished the Nobraskan with a criticism
nf iIip team collectively and Individ
ually, min:lcd with several words of
good advice. It is a pleasant rollef
from the lateral storcotypod form of
football write-ups, and it Is n critical
estimate of the capabilities of tho
men and their prospects for next I
year, into which tho writer has put
his whole heart.
Taklng a retrospective view of the
season Just past wo can find ;ucJiupjU
wncratulatlon. not only fronrrrrc men
that the ponnnnt was won and the
team made the best record in the
league of any team in tho pnst, but
most of all thnt tho ethical standard
of tho team was so high. Wo have in
the Nebraska team tills fall probably
the best examplo of a purely nmateur
team, plnylngjjiegnmo for tho lovo of
It, that we can "nnd In the country.
This Is a broad statement to make,
but my experience in tho east only
strengthens this conclusion. There is
hardly n team but has one or moro
men who play not only becauso they
like the game, but becauso there Is
something In it besides glory, some
thing more mnto-lal. When such nn
element is part of a team It cannot
help but deteriorate. Great progress
has boon made both in tho east and
west toward eliminating ibis kind of
football, but Nebraska can certainly
claim to be first In this respect. Look
ing at th- team from a purely football
point of view, tho university has much
to be proud of. Tho line is one of the
best, if not tho best, in tho west nnd
certainly has more than outplayed its
oppononts in every game. The backs
have played a steady, persistent game
and an- an worthy of creditable men
tlon. The conditions under which tho '
season was commenced should not be
lost sight of. Hitherto only practice
hail been Indulged In on tho campus.
and the playing of games, especially
leagut' games, had not been tried.
How hk ressful tho plnn has been
worked out is familiar to all. Great
credit is duo tho management for suc
cessfully carrying out this scheme.
Tho schedule has been rather limited
as to the number of games, but it was
arranged by tho mnnngoment witli ono
object In view, to get the team in
good condition to win the pennant,
and we all know tho result. Porhaps
It would bo well to give a short criti
cism of tho members of tho team.
Critlrlsm does not necessarily mean
censure, but rather a critical estimate
' each man's nbillty and his enpa
Wlities. Of courso, tho captain should
come first, and in Shedd's work this
'all It would bo hnrd to find any couso
'or f-enhuro, for a largo portion of tho
success of tho team Is duo to his ef
forts. Playing a now position and ono
that was at first distasteful to him, bo
Put aside all personal fooling and
forked only for tho good of tho team.
110 is easily first choice for tho all
We6tern team and was the surest
gainer or. tho team. His dofonso work
8 8ood, but ho was handicapped by an
Injury during tho last of tho season.
Wlfiglna. tho reliable rleht end. lias
Mayed tho host gamo of his enreor tills J
your. It is very seldom that a gain
Is made around his end and although
haudtenppod somowhat by his light
weight bo Is very successful In break
ing up Intorforonce. Ho Is ono of tho
best men I ovor saw In getting tho ball
on a fumble. Hansen, tho sllunt man,
has boon ono of tho most faithful mon
this yonr and has mado a marked ad
vance ovor his lest year's work, it
Is seldom that any gain is mil do
through him. Ho has played a very
steady, consistent game nnd with Tur
ner should mnko tho best pair of
guards in tho west. Turner, or
"shorty," as ho is familiarly known,
has mado the most progress of any
man on tho team, and now It would bo
hard to find his superior. Ho Is strong
In advancing tho ball and good in de
fense work, but is especially good In
getting out nnd tac'.dlng In tho open
Held. Mo) ford, the third ono of the
center trio, has not boon behind lb tho
good work dono In the middle of tho
line. Although much lighter than the
men he has met ho baa outplayed
every man ho hns run up against.
It Is to be hoped that ho will bo found
In his position at contor next fall at
tho first of tho season. Ho hns been
handicapped tills year by lack of prac-
tlce, but has played through tho games
with credit. Poarso did not like bolng
shifted from tho right to the loft side
of tho lino, but bis work has not suf-
fored In consequence. Ho and Hone-
diet wore tho best trained men on the
Unm and I wish ho had ten brothers
just like him. Tho only time I got
discouraged this fall was ono night j
whon I saw Poarso "soldiering," but ,
hq only did It once. Ho plays as hard i
In practice as In a game and sets an
cVcnrhplc that thet earn would do well :
to follow. Hnyward, or Bill, as wo j
call him, has hold up bis end on tho
other sldo of the line. His work In
tho Kansas game was good enough to
make any team, but Pill docs not like
to practice. If ho would practice as
hard as he plays no fault could be
found with him. He bucks tho line
exceptionally well and is very good in
Interference. His tackling is lino
and with Pearse we had two of the
best tackling tacklers playing In the
west. Stringer, the little boy who has (Uicipalities should own nnd control
hold up the left end so well this soa-I their natural monopolies. Affirma
son, hns played a line game. His work 'uvo. Popo, Meior. Maguire and Tucker;
in getting down the field together with
Wiggins in tho Iowa game was as
good as anything I over saw. Both
ends wore on tho man with the ball
almost at the same time nnd almost
no gain was made after receiving a
punt, I am afraid, however, Stringer
has not been trained as faithfully as
he might, but I hope I am mistaken.
Stringer hns got an Ideal physique for
u football player and Is fitted to fill
any position on the team.- His work
In breaking up interference and get
ting tho runner Is noteworthy. With
anothor year's experionco be could
make any team. Behind the line Bene- slxth division Resolved, That a
diet has played his first year at half. ! ,,0rmanent national board should bo
and I look for great things from him established for tho compulsory arbi
noxt year. Ho has been most faithful tratlon of difficulties between employ
In his work and was one of tho best' amj employes. Affirmative, Coko,
trained mon oa tho team. His work j Garber, Matson and Ayor; negative,
In the Iowa game earned him Ills K,mz, Burleigh, Burcb and Hilton,
place on tho all-western team. Will- J seventh division Resolved, That tho
iams. who has played loft half most of united States would bo justified in
tho season, has been very steady in oxtonding belligorant rights to Cuba.
his work, almost always good for a
substantial gain. Ho averagod tho
best of anybody on tho team in the
first leaguo game with Missouri. Tho
only fault I find with him Is lack of
interest in practice work, uowgiu
showed what ho Is capablo of in tho
Iowa tamo, and should have dono just
ns good work through tho season, as n safo footing, as enough students
ho has great natural ability. If ho had bavo pledged support to defray the
boon pushed harder for his position it expenses of building tho rink. Tho
would bavo been better for him. Ho present cold wave will cortainly add
ought to bo ono of tho best men in tho onthuslnsm and mombers. The skat
wost next year, as ho Is a fast runner, ore aro getting impatient, but nro
flno kicker, and good tackier. I bopo confident of success. All tho different
bo will practlco harder next year, athletic Interests of tho unlvorslty
Schwartz did not como out tho first of favor tho building of a rink. Thoro
tho season or ho would have been in l scorns to bo no reason why a skating
moro games. His .work in running i rink if properly mannged should not
down a broken field Is exceptionally bo ablo to turn a good many needed
flno. Ho is a fast runner, uses hls ' dollars into tho treasury of tho ath
" (Continued on Fourth Page.) " i lotlc association
First of Preliminary Contests in th
Chapel This Evening.
cow ol Iho Sixly Entered llnvo Dropped Oul
Dobales Continue Saturday and Monday
Nighls In Iho Society Halls.
The llrst of tho preliminary dobatcs
to decldo who will ropresont our
university against Kansas, Colorado
and Missouri, tnkos pluco In tho
chapel this ovonlng. On Saturday
evening tho second, third nnd fourth
divisions will dobato in tho tbrco so.
cioty balls. On Monday night of
next week, tho fifth, sixth nnd sov-
onth divisions will compote In tho so
eloty halls.
Interest In tho coming debates Is
very grent, and tho fact that some
j places aro to bo filled promises to
mnko the contest a hot one. Accord-
lng to tho registration for deJmtos.
'there aro just about sixty dolgates
i In tho university who aro' '.positive
thnt they are tho proper ono ifl cross
swords with Kansas, Colorado and
Missouri. Although registration for
these debates closed some wooks ago,
scarcely any of the original sixty
who entered have signified tbolr in
tention of dropping out voluntarily.
Tho capacity of the halls In which tho
debates aro to bo held will doubtless
bo taxed to tho utmost, as everybody
is interested In seeing Nebraska win
not only the football pennant, but
forensic laurels as well.
Following Is tho schedule for tho
different divisions:
First division Resolved, That Pros-
'ldent Jackson was justified in his nt-
tltuuo toward tho bank of the United
States. Affirmative, Berge. Pearson,
Moyor and Stewart; negative. Deal.
I Sloan, McNnugbton and Hutchinson.
Second division Resolved, That tho
United States should annex Hawaii as
a territory. Affirmative, Taylor, Kemp,
Hager, and Goodwill; negative, Don
nison, Lowrie. Griffith and Tellison.
Third division Resolved, That mil-
negative, Spencer, Waterman, Davies
and Perry.
Fourth division Resolved, That tho
income tnx measure passed by tho sec
ond session of the Fifty-third congress
was just and equitable. Afilrmatve,
Holdersou, Sackett, Warner and Lee;
negative, Frazior, Payne, Wessel and
Miss Stull.
Fifth division Resolved, That the
radical Is of greater importance to so
ciety than the conservative. Affirma
tive, Allen, Oury, Hawloy and Andre-
son; negative, Landis, Edgerton, Eid-
om aw o'Connell.
Affirmative, Toby, Bolllnbacb, Dlttmir,
and Dassenbrock; negative, Kluton,
Ewart, Klndler nnd Baker
Tho proposed Unl. Skating Club Is
mooting with universal npproval. Tho
I financial part of tho schomo is now on
Tho members of tho football tonm
mot In room ,1 Inst Tuesday to olfcct
a captain for tho onsulng year. W.
C. Molford was tho successful candi
date, and heroaftor ho will wear tho
title of captain prefixed lo his already
familiar uanu of Hill.
Molford lias played three years on
tho 'Varsity team, tilling tho position i
nf nnntnr 'Pint lnat vnnx h.i Kim '
irm. vuiarnvta a IIV llltlt J Ull IIW 1IIIO
played hotter than ovor although ho
played in all of tho lenguo gnmos,
with scarcely any practice ho hns nl
most invariably "played" with tho
opposing center. Now that bo is cap
tain 1)111 will doubtless got out and
pruotlco more regurarly, and make
ovory other playor do thp same. As
ho Is popular with all tho boys, ho
wm bo nblo to got good work out of
the plnyurs. Tho outlook for tho
next senson is bright nnd thero scorns
to bo no reason why wo enn't do it
ngaln in regard to tho pennant. Cap
tain Molford Is cortalul lo be con
gratulated on tho prospects for 'OS.
Manager Oury loft Lincoln yester
day for Columbia, Mo., whore ho goes
as a delegate of this university to the
annual mooting of the football lenguo
which will bo bold to-morrow. Tho
regular routine buslnoss of awarding
the ponnnnt and settling tho finances
will bo transacted. This bolng No
braska's year at homo, sho has had to
bear all tho expenses of tho oiuclals
for tho game and various other Inci
dentals. It is expected that Nebraska's
treasury will bo benefited to somo ex
tent whon all this expense Is equalized
among the other universities of the
There is some possibility that tho
leaguo may go to pieces, but ovory ef
fort will bo put forth to prevent Itn
dissolution. An effort will also bo
made. In case the Iongtie holds to
gether, to get Iowa back Into It ngaln
and thus have a four-cornered contest.
Although Iowa played both Kansas
nnd Nebraska this year, technically
she was not a member of the league.
I so it is hoped that she can bo Induced
to re-enter next year.
Owing to the dissatisfaction with
the officials this year, a now method
may possibly bo adopted of solocting
tho umpire nnd reforee so as to do
away with all kicking on that score.
An attempt will also be mnde to hnvo
our gnmo with Kansas played every
year at Kansas City. Under the pres
ent system the homo team makes the
profits or stands the losses. If this
new scheme Is adopted, both teams
will have a share in tho profits each
year and If thero is any loss to bo sus
tained it will not fall so heavily on ono
Mannger Oury expects to return
Sunday evening.
junior promTcommittee.
Tho junior clnss held a mooting Fri
day afternoon for the purpose of elect
ing the junior promonndo committee
and chairman. Much intorcst had
been aroused In this election nnd It
was thought a Ilvoly scrap would be
precipitated. However, It failed to
materialize. What scrapping there was
had been done outside and all tho
wires laid hoforohand, so whon tho
mooting wns called, thoro was smooth
sailing. Tho mooting lasted not moro
than wto minutes. In this short space
of time It wns officially decided to
have a junior prom, and then instead
of electing the committee President
Cramb was given tho power to ap
point tho mombers of the committeo,
who will select tho master of cere
monies. Every fraternity and so
ciety will doubtless have a representa
tive on tho committee. Roy Shlck has
boon appointed chairman of tho com
mitteo. Tho following have been appointed
mombers of tho committeo: Morfsrs.
Shlck, chnlrmnn; Whodon, Kind,
Sawyor, Snuff, Bronn, Brown, Focbot,
Mumford, Boomor; the Misses Ilnrloy,
Stuart, Shank, Woods, McFnrlnnd.
Roy Sawyor wno olectud last night
by tho committee ns mnstor of coro-
Lieut. John M. Stotscnbtirg Takes
Charge of tho Regiment.
Ranks High In Iho List ot First Lioulcnanls
t u.. ..... ...
In tho Army -Briol Sketch ol His
' Military Career
! Lleutonant John M. Stolsonburg,
who was appointed to succeed tho lato
' Lloutonant A. B. Jackson, rormally
1 took charge of tho regiment Inst Fri
day nftcrnoon and Mnjor Fcchot ro
I llnqulshod his temporary command of
tho cadets. From Information fur
nlshed The Nobraskan by thoso who
aro In a position to know, It Is said
that Lieutenant Stolsenburg ranko
) bigb In th? lint of first nontenants in
! tho United Stntes army, and If ho
serves tho usunl nori0li 0f f0.;r )U!i
bore, ho will doubtloss bo a captain
long before that tlmo oxpires. He has
boon in tho army sixteen years and
uas seen constdorablo active service
during thnt tlmo.
Tho now commnndant has already
Inaugurated several changes In his
department. Ho has tncklod the uni
form problem with commendable,
vigor. Tho matter of equipping tho
cadets with now uniforms hns been
allowed to drag somewhat during tho
past month, but -an order hns been is
sued for all endots to appear fully uni
formed by tho end of the holiday a.
Another now feature of drill will bo
tho weekly guard mount, which will
take place every Friday afternoon, bo
ginning to-day.
It Is probable that Lieutenant Stot
scnbtirg will Introduce a new system
of calisthenics in which tho rllles wilt
bo used in ordor to nccustom the ca
dots to tho use of tho rifle. This will
probably bo used Instead of having
each battalion drill on alternnto days
when, the weather does not permit of
drilling outside tho armory.
Following Is a brief sketch of tho
commandant's army enreor:
First Lieutenant John M. Stotsen
burg, Sixth cavalry, graduated at West
Point in June, 1SS1, nnd joined tho
Sixth cavalry in Arizona during tho
Apnche Indian outbreak In September
of that year. Ho served with his regi
ment in Arizona and Mexico until
1S90. when the Sioux troubles broko
out In South Dakota. Ho was with
tho Sixth cavalry during thnt cam
paign and then was stationed at Ft,
.Niobrara, Nebraska, where ho served
until tho Sixtli cavalry was ordered
east during the Chicago riots In 1894.
In September, 1895, he was ordered to
Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., as a student
in tho United States Infantry and
Cavalry school, and graduated In Juno,
Lleutonant Stotsenburg wsa appoint
ed regimental quartermaster of tho
Sixth cavalry In December, 18S9 and
served tho term of four years.
In spito of tho unlvorslty check
room, tho stealing of overcoats goes
merrily on. The latest unfortunates
In this rogard aro Messrs. Thompson,
Wolshans, and Spurk. All threo
ovorcoats wore taken from tho library
which seems to bo a favorite field for
such depredations.
It required threo good sized bob
sleds to hold the thirty couples ot
Jolly Pnlladlnns who wont sleighing
last Monday ovenlng. Thoy rodo
around town for sovernl hours, doing
their best to disturb tho peace. Thoy
all repnlred to n restaurant thon and
nppeascd tho appetites which thoy had
worked up.
Tho Union Socloty, unnblo to resist
tho attractions of tho snow for
sollghlng, gavo a bob sled party last
Tuesday ovonlng. After enjoying a
long ami pleasant rldo tho party drow
up at tho homo of Dr. Bossey, whoro
dollghtful refreshments were served.