'-:'SSHWHMHtgMaH!KHJHBIM! sv Si ottntc nz iini C7c to V l 11V I. II II M Tlio door of iv brown slono nnnrt niPtit house oiionod and u gluum of light shono out Into tho midnight air of tlu dosortod Btraot. "Goodnight, old 1111111, goodnight," echoed 1 ho voices of hult 11 dozon young fellows, as thoy descended the' Bteps and started up tho ivvenuo. Tho old man In tho doorway watched them until they tlisnnnunrod uudor a flickering strcot lanui Tlion ho slowly closed tho door. Going with us aa far us the club, aren't you, Cnrtor?" Nu." called Garter, Tin going home 10 hod. 1 ontor that shoot at Long llrnnoh tomorrow, llavo to tnko an early tmln. ou know. Goodnight all " Ho turned up a side stieot. After the coektnlla had been sipped and the cigars lighted, the young men' lounged back In their chairs with that half-w enrled content jiocullar to moneyed metropolitan youth. "That wits a corking good story Carter told," romarked 0110. Yes; wondor where ho got it." "Hah!" oxelalmed a third. "That sort of up-to-dato Homco and JulloU business wearies mo. Tho3e tilings don't happon now-a-dnys you know." Ho puffed a ring of cigar sinoko, blowi an arrow of sinoko through it at tho. blinking lights of the ehandoller and assumed his choicest blaso expression. The others were silent for n mo ment. Did you notice how tho story af fected the old man?" asked 0110. Yes; I saw what wns coming and tried to stop Cnrtor. but 1 couldn't. The story was too much llko one my father used to toll about tho old man; himself. Tho two were clnssmates at college before tho war, you know. The old man fell in love with a town girl and sho with him. I guos. I. happened in his junior year and he dropped behind fearfully In his work. That biimmer sho died, and he came back to college all broken up. But) father says he buckled down to woik and led the class when he graduated. He has been at work over since Never looked at a woman aftorward." 'He's missed tho host part of his life." said the blnso youth. The old man closed the door after his visitors. Ho extinguished the lights and sank into a big chair before the grate. He gazed into tho glowinR depths of tho coi.ls. All was still save the crackling: of tho fire and the faint tick-tick of a clock In tho next room. He turned to a sholf and from among ponderous law volumos took a little book, old-fashioned and thumb worn. Ho oponcd It gently, and drew from the yellow pages a fragile bunc'i of withered .violets. Ho bent forward to the light with his eyes on their dead faces. His meerchaum pipo lay on the mnn tfl. Ho reached for .u kissed tho flowers, tenderly crushed them, then, prebsed their fragments into tho brown bowl. With a taper ho lightod the pipe. Like altar incenso the blue smoke filled tho firelight, then curled and fadfd into darknose. Through it the old man dreamed. He boh eld the vision of an old-fashioned garden be hind a white colonial mansion. In the distance he saw the Ivy-clad walls of tho old college. He felt tho soft spring air on his face. He saw '" rainbow petals of tho old npplo trco rail in the hreozo that wafted Inland from tho ocean tho great wciinm-oil liaiiUfl of pttro whl to overlnad. Ho neiith tho lavish showor of color ho wandered with a laughing plrl Book ing early violets. Then he saw her standing l tm gnte. her fair faco Illumined b tho caressing rays of tho low-hnngMK western sun. Sho hold out her hand and guvo him a llttlo bunch of lolots. And thou-- Ills pipe dropped unheeded 10 the floor. UN head fell upon his breast. Tears la in the wrlnklos of his agod face. The smoke hid away In tho shadowy corners. Tho fitful Are grow dim dim- and died mil. Through the alienee of the cold, dark room caino the faint tick-tick of a clock. Uah!" the blase youth exclannol -ihose things don't happen now-a-davs. you know." COLLEGE NOTES. The Collego of Moxlco la tho oldest In North Amoiica, being fifty years older than Harvard. It Is rumored that tho ofllco of presi dent In tho University of Virginia Is about to bo established and that ox-' President Clovoland will bo tendered the newly-created position. There Is somo talk of consolidating Harvard and tho Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, which would mnko one of tho largest unlvorsltios In tho world, with a totnl of about G.000 students. College men In tho United Stntcs nunibpr only one-fifth of I per cont of the whole population. Thoy havo fur tilshod .10 por cont of tho congrossmon, 50 per cont of the sonntors, and CO por cent of tho presidents. Wednesday afternoon Governor At kinson, of Gnrgln. sunt a tnussiigo to the house staling that ho had vetoed the autl-fnot ball bill, ub ho thought the question of wlipthur college boys ihould play font hull should be left Humstead & Tattle devote their on- j WUi the faculties of the various In- nllEIER & GO. tire attention to tailoring and furnish-'ttitu Inn Inns, and do not sen renu,v-nm.e elothes. Mr. Fred West, a member of tho jounmllst class and a special student in tho English department, has boon compelled, because of ill health, to abandon his Unlvorslty work for tho remainder of tho year. Ho will take troatmont at tho Union College Sani tarium. Mr. West was recently olectod a member of tho English Club. Just try a 10c box of CtiBcarots, tho finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. If bilious or costvo, oat a Cascarct, candy cathnrle, euro, guaranteed, 10c, 25c. Nebraska's Greatest Showing of Holiday L. 1 Abbott and O A. Hlei were I participants in a program glvon at th ninth annual meeting of tho niack Hills Educational Association. Snndow has made an offer to train tho Cambridge crew for the next raco with Oxford. Ho proposes to do away J Trousers from altogothor with the old method ot dieting. Cnscarots atimulalo kldnoys and bowels. Never slckou, weaken or gripe; 10p. Battalion At-tcn-shone JuM a w orJ and we'll be through. Stc i)urSrrcl O tcron N'otih Clothe which we have sent nu. Nobby suitings hull Dross SI5.00 up. S1S.00 up. $ 3.00 up. ATTENTION STUDENTS. Wo wish you to know that the Lin coln District Telegraph Company, nt 121 South Tenth street, telephone 190. solicits your patronage to haul your trunks, packages, etc., to and from any part of the city. W. H. I'ATMOHE. Manager. Ll'DWKi &JIX(.'KKY. High Art Tailors. I27 Obt. With Hd Young A COMPANION FOR ALL AGES. gentleman who used to rend tho Youth's Companion when a boy, and rends It with the same intorost now that ho is a middle-aged man. was naked the other day if ho had not : outgrown the Companion. "I don't 1 believe." said he. Hint 1 can ever out- I J grow it. I find in it not only the , - cheery, hopeful spirit of youth, but tho , wisdom and experience of ago. 1 like , it juat as much as when 1 wns a boy, though perhaps In a dlfferont way. IJut I know that It is the same Youth's ' Companion with which 1 grew up. for my boys and girls like it as well as ver 1 did. It is a good paper to grow up with." The Youth's Companion will contain the best thought of the best thinkers of America and Europe during 189S. It will pi int serial and hort stories of absorbing interest, and true tales of adventure. The various departments of the paper will lie a current record of the best work that is being done In the world. Present readers of the Youth's Companion who renew their subscriptions, and all new subscribers, will receive free a beautiful illus: rated calendar, printed in twelve color, and embossed in gold. It is the richest anil costliest calendar over sent to Companion subscribers. Now sub scribers will receive the Companion everv week from the time tho sub scription is received until January. 1S98, and then for the full year to January, lSDfl. An Illustrated prospectus of the Companion for 1S98 may be had by addressing PERRY MASON & CO., 205 Columbus Avo., Boston, Mass. WAXTED-TItUSTWOUTIIY AND ac. ve gentlemen or laities to travel for rcspars ble, established house in Lin coln. Nebraska. Monthly JG3.00 anil tx peno. Position s.eaJy. Reference. Kn close self-adure?sel stamp d envelope. The Domln on Company, Dep:. Y Chicago. THE COLLEGE MAX bo is : pnrttrulnr ubo it lion Ills bnlr look : will Uml lhnt Snm UVsierfleltl. niter ; Is vrri'KTiciKv Hith -o)k-tn- men j knons hew tn cut hair: nl out It to ; suit. 117 N 13lh : WE EXPECT TO Make some new friends this year among tlie new students who have come in. We Have Lots Of old friends who are staying with us, and tho reason is plain. The college man is particular. Ho must havo a large assortment to select from in order to got tho exact lit, shape, length, figure, etc. That's Why Wo havo so many friends. Wo can always suit their noods at pricos that are right. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. vwwywwwvAAyvwv( UON CAMERON'S Lunch Counter. 1' II Klexrtllll Merchandise Here waits the approval of the buying public. Huron and Ainerieti havo contributed tholr eh'ileost production!! to thoso vast assortments and our buyers have nuisnckod tho lending mnrkets in procuring tho vry best values thut money could buy. Thin, backed l a 1 I mighty purchasing power such as only a largo establishment possesses, hna ' enabled ur to buy at figures surprlHingly low, nnd, us Is our usual custom, we have given our patrons the benellt of this purchasing power by quoting prices tlint leave a very narrow margin of profit and make it possible for rich and poor alike to enjoy the pleasures of Xmas gift giving. The goods are now displayed for your inspection and we cordially invite you to visit the st ore whether you wish to purchase or not. Store Open in the Evening Until Xmas. HERP0L8HEIMER k CO. First National Bank, THE KENT COLLEGE (IF I <f Winter term will open November 2'J. J. ,. V. :UCUr L"ls!i7. Improved methods. Marshall n. Lwell. LL. D M. D.. Dean, t lilting theory and practice. The School 01 Practice Is the Lcadlni; Feature. Kvniiim isiinna nt inn iimim n LINCOLN. NKH. ni week for each class. Students tan In. unit' uui,iw,iiiii,r ,.!, n ui,i,iviitr i'nr catalogue address ' M. I). KWELL, Dean, Rooms CIS and C19, Ashland blk., Chicago, III. Capital. $400,000.00 JNO I. CARSON. I'n s,l,-nt I), l). Ml'llt. ('Mhtiler. II. S FMSKMAN. AMt Cannier. As a jjHt it will be appreciated, and it. is suitable for all who write. It's the Place ll"lrwf You want to o to when you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, naws papers ami novols. Always on hand. Ilth and O Sts., Richards Blk;. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY. C I,. SI'KNCKIt. Mur l.&a(&X&& WdTERrdN'5 Ideal Fountain Fen. It always writes, and is tho cleanest and most convenient writing Instrument of tno age. Could there be a more suitable Holiday present? SULl'HO SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium. Cor. Ilth ami M streets. Lincoln, Neb hjMgpWrran IntcrcollL-Kiatu llumiu Coircll & Leonard, IT-.' I7jf Mroadway. Mbuuy w York STEVENS MaU-n.' f the. Open at all Hours, Day and Night. All forms of bath. TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN DRS. M. II. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. Caps, Gowns and Hoods. To the American CoIIukoh anil UnlvurnltkiH Illustrated manual. Mimiili-.s. prices i-tc, ujwn eiiuukt o own!, for tho Pulpit ami the Hunch Metropolitan Barber Shop (Bawment Burr Blk.) HAIR CUT, 15c. HAIR SINGED, 15c SHAMPOO, 15c SHAVE. 10c SEAF:OAM, 10c B. J Roberson, Proprietor. Students . . . For fine PHOTOGRAPHS ro to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $1.00 PerDoz. and Up. We guarantee to please you. Call and see our work, net our pricos and give us a trial Our motto is to please all customers. 132 SO. I2THST. - LINCOLN, NEB. 1 "'HHH3Q3BHHHBHMHIBHBBflH' "Stevens Favorite" Rifle. " Take Down " model, 22-inch barrel, weight 4'i pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For .22, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges. 17, Plain open sights, 36.00 1 8, Target sights, S8.50 Ask your dealer for the "FAVORITE." If he doesn't keep it, we will send, prepaid, on receipt of list price. Ilooklet of itnall-bore cartridges free. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., I. O. Ilox cmcopnn palls, jiass. CHArtMss h anicaony-coai oofflce at 1100 O street.