I KtiCHl'TlON TO SKNIOItS, forming a. University Bleating club. . , , . T, ,. ,!ll In urged tlmt such tv club would j.. .iin. Pulnrlnln Tknm Unv.illu nl jhe una"'"" - - - -i'"'i Ills Homo. To lwinbors of the Maillot clnsB ere tpllplt f ' onlortiilupd last Sat- Ll.ny i,(,,,,K ,u lho ,uu,' t,f clll- dlnr ami Mi""- MU' '0lU1' Movent h f(l II ti,,(,,H- After lho gnosis lutil l"llt l'io Hl ' ""' 0I' " ln oclnl com rant Ion tlio pltnncolloi In Ylicd tlu'iti t If simled In tho parlors. II..11 I Itutt I'ilrt l 1 l tit It lllll jtt I I Tim cimiK'i'iiiu l"1" "" " '"" '"""nrH oi u Huiinnit piaoo 10 sumo, uui ......iKiitlmi from the llov. Dr. ii... ...... .....I..... ., i... ....i. ....... .... n,,t fl CnnMn,",1," - - u-innn Abbott, rocolvod In answer to an Invitation lrom inu senior oihbh ilclhor the annual oonimonuoiiioiu oration. Dr. Abbott slgnlllod his -llllnsiu s and (lenltv to servo In (ucli n inpnrlt, but expressed a doub t0 whether ho could nrmugo his , Umc iw "" io nblo him to do so. Tho cl--s then oiocieti UV. ADUOU UN ibe coiuiiH'iiccmont orator, and will iranuMlmtely coinmunlcate with htm to mc tt It will be possible for li.m tO HCCi'l't ihH imslnotw disposed of, the eutntx Milled lmck lo listen u tho appioi i.ii- responses to the follow ing iscniiiiicnls: "lhc Dcsuahlllty of Taking Gradu ate Woil.,' Dean l'Mgron. jIk nullities In the University for tji.iiluiite Work In tho Huninnt tleg," Dean Shcrmnn. Tin Facilities In tho University for (ii.i'iuiip Work ln Science," Doan Hew) -The University," Miss llonry. I In ci'iso of 'OR," O. T. Ro3dy. The Senior Ulrls," W. D. HolUmnn. "The Senior Hoys," Miss .lean Tut- tlf. "Ilx Hecollectlons of Propiloiu," ti. E. IHp r. The Fiiiurc of "OS." .lonos Lien. The speeches woto all well prepared and wre exceedingly npproprlatt. At the conclusion of lho speoclunnk ing, l'reM nl Klndler presented Chan cellor Mac Lean wlh a pleasant sur prise in the shape of a handsome cano, modeled after the style of tho prokcnt senior ennos, and which was sultnll inscribed. Tho chancellor ac cepted this token of esteem on tho pan of the seniors with ninny llinnks, ami Hun both he and his wife woro unanimously elected honorary mem bers of the class of 'OS. After the guests had partaken of the delightful refreshments, Mr. U. G. Cornell look some flashlight phjto grni'liH of the class. As tho number present was somewhat largo for con venience, ibey wore divided into groups of fifteen each. Besides the members of the class thoro woro pres ent Mr and Mrs. Gore, nlso Mrs. E1 gren, Mrs Sherman, and Mrs. Bessoy. When it came time to leave every one oied the senior reception a grand buccchs and one of the most pleasant events of the school year. TMF FIRST SPFI L DOWN The flm individual' drill tins " year In the Pershing Rifles was won b Privnte Fritz Korsmoycr last Thursday evening Tho drill was not exciting as most of them have been, as tho men dropped out very quickly nnd only a lew minutes were required boforo only vne man was left standing. The gold mednl to be put up for competition in individual drills has been ordered by the Rifles nnd Is an assuipd fact. It will bo drilled for onec a month and promises to add great interest to the individual drills. The medal becomes tho permanent proper v of tho person winning it three sutros-hf times. As the medal costs about $ir., and would bo difficult to "'lilac . it in doubtful if thoro Is any meiniM i (,f ti,p nines so perfect ln drill that ho would not bo thrown out at least afur ho had won tho medal two Buuessivo times. First Sergeant Hastio is now busy; collect uik the dollar assessments from lue members to pay for tho now cross lit'ltB and crosB-rlfles to bo worn by the members of tho company. ANOTHER CHEESE FAIR. The annual dalrymon'B meeting and exhibition will bo hold in the Unlvor E'ty chapel nnd armory respectively December jl. 22. nnd 23. This event 18 generally of intorost to studontB. La-4 jear nt lon8ti lt afforded diver sion to the endots at large, aB several tempting ehposos were carelessly ex eosed to Hioir depredations. Ab tho armory will again bo changed into a Writable county fair, drill excused for a coimio of dayB, otc, tho dairymen's cmi!ig win not bo without Interest ,0 University studontB. A VNI SKATING RINK. rn.i ,, . . . iT. -"iiiK i no past weoK many oi ino' Itlllln.,,.. .... - . . . .. Ilntl rauly support, iib about lift y BtudonlH Imvo already Blgnlflod their wIlllngnosH to Join. Dr. Wnrd says that ho not only fnvoi'H tho sclioino, but Hint ho would fltrnp on his skates anil show tho boys a fow thlngB. Dr. Hustings. Professor Caldwell, and Professor Kosslor approvo of tho p'nn and promise support. The main dllllculty seoins to bo tho l. . ...!. .1. .. .-. l . a 'ii. - LiiuiiiiiiL-m wi nir nv.-mill; nuj iiiiil a part of lho foot ball Hold could bn turned Into a Arm-class rink at a very small exppuse. No grading or bnnk- lug would bo required. A foot board Mink n fow Indies In the giound would Kppp Hip wnlor ln bounds. Such n - wm,(I mu n(0rf0,-o at all with jllrl)I ,, bnao m!1 Im ftnv. wnnn days would melt the five or six Inches of Ice, nnd the water would run oft' madllv. Nebraska wlntors niv en prlclous at best, and tho most onthusl- ' nstic skater cinnot pxppct the Ice t i vcninln later than February 20. Ever bough the winter should be snob tint i lie 'ce Miuld atnv lint a nion'h. the luh would be amply repaid for Its mi'lav , The mutter' was brought before the tbletlc board nt Its last meeting i Mlhougli thn board scorned favorably I Impressed it took no definite action. Conch 10. N. Robinson loaves Lincoln but referred It to n commute com- jot 2:30 p. in. to-day for the oast. ITla posed of Mr. Feebet. Dr. Hastings. I present mentions are lo niter Hnrvnrd .ind Mr. Pngli. As yet this eommltto- land Btutly law. It is not known has made no report, but the members I whether Nebraska will bo so fortunnte nil faor the plan. There setms to be las to secure him for fool bill nnnoh no reason why such n club, with a next year or not. rink on th campus, would not sue- j The Union 13oys' Debating Club de e'd here, for they arc established j hated on Inst Saturday night the quo- fintures in many of the eastern col leges. 11 skaters In the University are unrcd to help carry out this scheme and to hand their names to either Mr. Feohet, Dr. Hastings, Miss, Pound or Mr. Pugh. Membership would cost nbout $1.1)0. while other i students would probably bo charged for ench admission. As yet nothing is known as to when the now commandant. Lieutenant John M. Stotsonburg, will arrive hero to take charge of tho regiment. Chan cellor Mnc Ivean has received a com munication from tho commandant, who Is stationed at Fort Leavenworth. saying Hint he will come as soon as he can arrange his affairs to do so. Heyond this nothing is known, nnd It is not definitely known when ho will take charge. Meanwhile affairs in the regiment are running smoothly under the command of Major Fechet. The cadets are rapidly appearing in their now uniforms and a wonderful trans formation has been effected In the ap pearance of the regiment in this regard i Tn0 non-commissioned officers nro in,BO just bKlni"K t0 woar l now ' nrt Im,1 Kol1 cs' v hi eh arc, visible for tlnee blocks, nnd audible for moro than that distance. It is hoped Hint the regiment will be fully uniformed nnd equipped before the Christinas holidays. Lieutenant John M. Stotsenburg, tho new commandant of cadots, arrived yesterday from Leavenworth, Kan., and has mnde his headquartors at the Lludell. GOING HOME FOR VACATION. Tho following information concern lngtrain service on tho North-Western Is Inserted by request: Train No. 20, leaving Lincoln 7:15 i. m., carries passengers for Fremont, Norfolk, Omaha, Sioux City, and inter mediate points. Connections are mado at Fremont for points on tho Union Pacific; at Norfolk' and Blair for stations on tho C, St. P., M. & O., and at Mo. Valley for Chicago. Train No. 22, 'leaving nt l:4fi p. m.t is tho regular dally service for Nor- i trip tickets, good to return until Janu folk and west, Omaha. Chicago, Sioux ary 4, 1S0S, at rate of fare and a third City, St. Paul. etc. City office, 117 S. to points within 200 miles. Apply at 10th St. Depot, corner 8th and Sits. B. & M. depot or city office, corner "There aro others" as good, perhaps, loth and O sts.. for further informn but nono bottor than tho picturos Hon. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. & T. A. taken nt tho Students' Photograph Gal- . lery, 1034 O streot. See Dr. Leonhart's ad in this Issue. YOUNG MEN . . . Don't fail to look at the fine line of Men's Suits and Over coats from $7 to $20, at the EW1NC CLOTHING CO. 1115-17 O STREET. i tTt LOCRLS, SlBinn Till guvo u slpighing parly and baiKiuol at tho chapter houso Sn. urday ovpulng. Frank II. Woodland was Initiated Into Delta 'Pan Dolta fraternity last, Saturday evening. The Union uuislcale. to ho hob " Society hull last Friday penlng. a postponed a week on account of In elemont wpnthcr. Cndot Private .1. 1 Doompr hns been promoted front cadel private of Com pany D to lip cadet socond lieutenant In tho stuiip company. Professor Fling Is chairman of tho History Association meeting to bo held uusllllnry to the State Tonphors' 8soclnllon In tho University Herein- Vr 2S to 81 Andrew Itosewnler spoke before the puglnporing class Inst Mondny even ing on Hip subject, "The Municipal Engineer In Government." There woro about fifty present, and they re port a vprv fine lecture. A new book, entitled "Studies ln Kuropenn and mertcnn History," by Professors Fling nnd Caldwell, has Just been published. This work 1 Intended more espoclnlly for those who Intend lo tench history Hon. "Resolved, that socialism is un scientific and impracticable." E. Hpujamln Andrews will not lecture boforo tho students of the Uni versity this year as was expected. The. engagement was cancelled. Tho obnncollor will lecture nt St. Louis on the date Mr. Andrews was expected hero. Mr. C. A. Flshor, wno has boon trav eling in the interests of tho United States geological survey, has returned to Lincoln and expects to enter the University. Mr. Fisher's travels for the past six months have been very ex tensive, covering almost all of tho west central states. We are all glad to welcome him back. Some of the Phi Kappa Psi boys took advantage of the snow last Fri day evening and gave a delightful sleighing party. After spending some time in riding around tho city, the party enjoyed a dance and banquet at tho chapter house. The picture of the party was taken by flnshlight. Everybody got In the sleighing con veyance again and the guests were taken to their respective homes. Those present wore: The Misses Holbrook, Cunningham, Winger, Ttikey, Van ell, Cropsey, Veda Wilson, Hallie Wilson, Dubois. Gere, Woods, Wigginhorn, Harper, Weeks. Hargreaves, and Lans ing, Messrs. Christie, Collett, Brown, F. Korsmoycr, L. Korsmeyer, Chapln, White. Barber, Dick, Reed, Claudo Reed. Haeckor. Frlcke, Weeks, Wil liams, Harry Sliodd, and Wlggenhorn. Mr. and Mrs. lmhoff chaperoned the party. See Gardner, the tailor, for iirst class work at reasonable prices; also cleaning and delng and ropalrins Suits pressed, 50c; pants, 15c; club rates, ?1 per month. Southwest cor ner Eleventh and O streets. MID-WINTER HOLIDAY RATES On December 24 and 25. nlso on December 31. 1S97, and on January 1. 1S0S. the Burlington will soil round IV 05 1 I eg eft i i i It's Cold. Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want, Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take The il,iv To OMAHA All points Knet. KANSAS ClTY-KsPt nnd South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OG DEN and SALT LAKE. HUTTE ami HFJ.F.VA PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has tho best modem equipment. Pullninn Pnlnco nnd Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Free Reclining Chair Cars. For time schedules, tickets, reservation of births, cull on or address E. B. SLOSSON, Gon. Agt 1014 O street, J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Nob S.H.H.CLARK. Pros. E. DICKINSON. Gen. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX, G.P.&T.A Oinuhii, Nob. The University of Nebraska, SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: PipoOrgan, Piano Forte, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, Gen oral Theory, Sight Reading. If Yon are TMnMng of Studying: Music Investigate the Merits of this School WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. You'll Find it's FRANCIS BROS. Proprietor CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 O St., Lincoln, Nob Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 Cent Meals. OLIVER ERWIN. J. E. ERWIN The Antelope Valley CO AIL, n LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 25th and J Sts. Office 113 N. nth St. Phone 505. Table Bjard, $2 50. Meals, 15 cts. MEAL TICKETS, S.50. THE MODEL DINING HALL, MHS. KO I T. KJlUliLANU, l'mprloirubs. 316 So. i2tb Street. - - Lincoln, Neb H. W. BROWN, Druggist. Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Staudard ami Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Frco Scholarships in all Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, RecitalB. a Good Place. 121 North llth. I HUTCHINS & HYATT Sell tbo Iloht Grailus of C OAI - Also Wood and Kindllmr. 1040 O St., - Tel. 225. C EHLERS, The Tailor. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning and Repairing also Done. 126 So. llth St. Over Wolilonljuru's Cigar Store. J. E. HOUTZ, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper and Window Shades. LEMING'S OLD STAND. tlOOOandllSNo. lltUSth.. Lincoln, Nou dk 1 HEARTand NERVOUS DISEASES ure Just as curable as other diseases. Treated exoluntvcly by J. 5. LUONIIAUOT, M. D. OFFICE, 14ii7 U Street, Lincoln, Nebruka. 1IOU11H, H to O daily, except Sundays. 9 $ m f L iZ Z !,".; o 'BssMG&m&mjJissgssiBsasm m If fc