T l HE IMEBRA5KAN A WooUtv Newcpaper iBhUml Mvery l'r day Noon, by tlio StiulPim of tlio Unlvorslty of Neurnidt. Mn .rod ns S coml Clan Mull Manor. I' T. Hilc-y MiiiinglnB IMItor. A8HOLMATKS. I. fuller Killiotiul A. 10. I'linnolOf Now Milltur. V. K. Mtit-n A'l Killtorlnl Ka o Bnow Wallur Soroiiiloi II. O llui r Allilitlon. o.iir rh.imiii'in Local. 11. h Sohwar a Akh'i Jiua. M'irr. Tlio Ntin.iMtnn will lie Hi-nt to any nil iIiohh iiin n i'1-lpt of tin- ftitiivpr ptlun pn p. win. ii l" "no diilliii a y ar, or fifty cents a "' mi'Hicr. i'u itrlnii imn aio iO.liM el from nil Nirt.i Iipiiin .iirh u lor.ilH, pcrnonalH rrp rt- ' "if IInk. ei' . nte PKpi,i,iaL di-ir l. I lie NcbiHxlmii wlil be (ilntl l- pi i t nn '"titi tuition 1 a li' In a (ten imii iinliiKity muIiJ cl. Mn tho nanii li'u-t iu'i (iiiiiiii.v nil tin h. A'Mi ea- il minitinli nil n tn Tlio N lirn-h.iii, riilvpi-al ni Niimmkn. 1 In- i.i i -l-n uc wlili whlfli fconi' of our imiii sui'H roii.tiiui' t lo.nl tlnWIl Willi i Mill WOllv K Udell, H Wll air m imionuiuttp a tn bo In tholi ila-r I- nowlim IllOllotiUioUH. It 1m a iiiic ni tin' iimvrltiiu law ol I hi IniMiHiu iliai uvn hninv propnrn tluii Is Mililrlriit for phpIi Iphhoii. Voi mural m iiiiliinly oblivion of thin la., row lime to n8lj;ii lessono thiu mi tirillii.il hi utloiit tun pivpnrp In l s than lrom tlirco to live hours. Sin h iipi ni not only brliiRs tlp ln htiuiiur into eontompt. but tends to lmllil up out' particular department nt tin' t'xpdK-' ot nnotlior. One dopart nniit in In' institution. howovrr, do pi'ims t'ii dit tor its rnntlor and hon osiy, for It inihlirly nnnouiiees that at li' tsl I Wll lltllll llll'l a b'llf of HtllllV 1 i'iiiilr il on nirh lesson. It uthcis would pursui' a similar polity and annnunro oppnly Just how nuuli pri'paiailiin would lip expected in. my "IlnnUs" would Iip avoldod and tin i wou'il In- inuph Ipbs dropping of wuiK. For tin' Hilte of honor to thoin sp1h and justlcp to thp Institution, as well as tlio student body, sovoral do part ments would do woll to Inaugurate n rhaiiRP of policy. With tho doparturo of Coach Robin son, Nebraska loses tho host foot hall coach which It was over hor good for tune to secure. Certainly nmong tho other coaches In tho foot ball lotiRiio of which Nobrnskn is a moinhor, Coach Robinson has no superior and it Is doubtful if ho has an equal. Ho dliTcrcd from most of our coachos In, that ho Rot out and worked right, with the hoys nnd experienced all tho hardships which they did. Ho was a splendid coach, foot hall player, and above all, a gnntloninn. .io was novor In the habit of bragging about his team, although ho had good reason to this year, hut ho always managed to inspire tho hoys with a (pilot con fidence not of tho Kansas variety. He has dono with our team what no other coach succeeded in doing de feating all throe of tho othor teams In the league and still not allowing the players to suffer from an attack of ovorconfldonco. Wo all realize that it Is Coach Robinson ns much as any one whom wo have to thank for the championship. Nebraska's best wishes go with him on his return to tho cast. At tho request of our janitors they have boon sworn in as special police, nnd will hereafter sport a star. Tlio good that this chnnge might accom plish Is only limited by tho power ot Imagination. Studonts who aro pres ent possessors of good overcoats, en pes. cloaks, otc, can fool safo whon In tho presence of a Janitor at least. And right horo It can ho stated that, the check-rooms aro giving studonts the right kind of protection. If sMidents exhibit hnlf tho pains of tak ing care of tholr apparel as tho Uni versity does there would ho no moro missing of garments. "Porn Tassels" Is tho name of a nc.u little publication which Is now in tho press and will ho on tho market for tho holiday trade. Tt Is a collection of poems by our own William Rood Duiiroy. To say that this work will contain many of his best productions Is sufficient guarantee) for its excel lence. It will bo of especial interest to T'nlvorslty pooplo bocnuso of tholr ncounlntnnco with tho nuthor and to Nebraska peoplo because, ns Its namo indicates, It Is n typ'ica( product of tho stntp, breathing tho pootry of tho plains. There is no roason why tho nroject to estnbllsh a University skating rink phould fall through. Tho scheme was talked of last year, but weather and puIIiuhIubiii wim thou lur-hlng. A llitlp push on tlio part of tho iiminoiPW, nnil soinp roiiPPMlo'irt on Hip "I'''1 of tho o.voctltlVPH would give Hip projert the needed InipPtus to initio' It n reality. Tho rpRpnt" hnva nuulo piolslon for tho piirehaae of now hymnal" o iiupiI nt pbappl PXoivlRoa. H Is iiphUpm id say thai the Lord will In- tliankPd upcordliiRly nlao the rpgpnts. Uml week Uplolffroshnipn. I" ordor to oarnpp the nophomoron. adjuirncd to a neighboring town and held tholr ' annual hutupict. Tho lnterf ronre by , i be sophs wllh tho froahtni'ti banquet i has bppoMP a regular thing at Uoiolt, , mi the facnltv decided that e!nw" I p Iiir Imnquela ah'Uild Rive a week'H I notice. This eldPUlly did not pi on" , ilf freshli's, ao thpy, llfly-iine In nuin ; bei without ii word to the fiiu'iy, I iiHiiiirni'il as a'ioe. Of conr-i' lhe m re prompt ' susppiuli'd. I.in will Piiibahlv be ii'hiHtntPd. The nlmvp a "ilM'ii for thP lienolll of rerialn e aasp 'n NelirasUa. Ilae thov no e.iLeRe ipirlt? A elas hIidiiIiI start In. not I only to bpcome famouH. but as a clnp I to gather around It-telf eertaln triull 1 ilons which the memliera may carry I .hi'oioth life. Clasacs In many roilegea nil-lb: he plted. but let Nebraska e'asacs start for themsolvoa. Tho tor tile brain nnd Inventlvo genius of tho ei m while fresh ouitht to hot hor the egotistical soph not a llttlo. For the pnal week Intercut has boon growing in tho election of tho chnlr m.ui. master or cereinonlos, and the ciinimltfee of the junior prom. cnu eii" was held Thtunday evening by m'mi nf the fraternities and n ticket named Fvery frat wanted eveiyiliiniT and huh willing to concede nothliiji. However, after about two hours of talking, the ticket wns finally decided upon. How woll thoHO who wore dis appointed will slick to the slato will be scon In tho meeting to-day, which promises to be one of tho holtost political scraps since tho famous Pershing Rlllo election at tho begin ning of tho year. If tho present pro gram Is carried out nil of tho frats will "ntlck" and will prosont an un divided front to the barbs. However, If one of tho frats pulls out a split Will follow and all calculations will bo thrown to tho winds. At any rate, those who altond tho mooting aro ns sured of a highly Intorostlng old tlmo frat barb scrap. Tho Pnlladan Hoys' Debating Club hold their wookly meeting Saturday evening, Docombor 1. Tho question debated was, "Resolved, that tho trustees of Brown Unlvorslty should bo consurod for tholr conduct towards President Androws." Messrs. Gordon nnd Leo upheld the nfllrmatlvo, while Pearson nnd Walker, on the negative, denied this. Mr. Lee's argument tlo sorvos speclnl mention. It was well put. Tho arrangement was logical nnd tho case with which tho matter was handled showed that tho debut r wns conversant with his topic. Tho general debate was hot and spirited. There wore nine besides tho regular speakers that had something to say on tho question. Hanson proved ns apt nt dobato as ho has at foot ball. His slow, yot heavy, thought wns very clear and convincing. In! that respect It is like his work in tho lino. Tho P. 12. D. C. is flourishing and tlio ntiondanco Is satisfactory, but thero is still room at tho top, Como, and Join tho ranks. COLLEGE NOTES. England has no college papers, while America claims about 200. Of tho 4fil colleges nnd uuivorsitios In this country, forty-one aro closed to womon. Hut to mako up for this lack i'ito aro 14.1 open to women, only nnd nttondod by 30,000 students. A fund of $1,000 has beoi estab lished at Union Collogo, the Income of which 1b .0 bo nwardod nt each com mencement to tho studont who hat maintained . lo beatt moral doport monl. Yale has again dofentod Harvard In dobato. This happened last Friday night, whon tho question "Resolved, that tho United States should annox tho Hawaiian Islnnds" wns victori ously nogatlvod by wonrors of tho blue. Yalo University is the first to ostab llsh a system of pensions for tenchors In their old nge. Any professor who I has served twenty-flvo years may ro- tire at slMv-flvo upon nn nllowanco equal to about one-half of his salary. KUU7VVNI Chita. M. lllncs, formerly follow of American history, has boon appointed chief deputy In the register of drodH' oillee, (ingo county. U. II. Urnlmui. 'ml, supoiinlondont of the Arapahoe achoolB, bus Jusl boon;' elpctotl vlco-nrosldpiit of tho South-, western Tonpltpw' AsHOoIatlon of No-' hraaka. Prof. 0. 1C. Howard loclurod bofoio the OrniluittP Club Monthly evening. Ilia subject was "Pnlvorfllty Ideals!" Kappn Sljinm Jnve a sleighing parly l''iidny evening, followed by tin In formal ihiueo nt tho ehaptor houso. 11. S. linker, 97, road a pupor boforo the Social Selenco Club, nt MBO i street, Sunday pvenlng, Tho subjool was "Should thp Presput Competltlvn s.xsiem Up Rpplneptl by Soelnllsin?" TIip views put forth did not colncldo with those of noine of tha persons i nieseni and they drew out strong re plies, "There are oiliera" ns good, per haps, but none belter limn tho pletnreR taken nt Hip Students' Photogrnp'.i ! laller, 1031 O alropl. Illack anils are always useful, and to huv n cheap black suit Is poor economy, lhsmslwul & Tuttle'a $2 clay worsted la a line ono, made to your ordor. Dr. ClIITord liTrpffl, dontlat; artistic crowns and bridges; 1127 0 strool, over ltehlnndor's drug storo. V. V. Noodhnm, morchant tailor, 125 N. Twelfth st carries n lino lino of suitings: guarantees work; prices tight. A stock of Huntington's special die stamped stationery has boon received by the Co-op. It makes tho prottlCbt II. of N. tablet yet soon. "We'll Havo a Hot Thno in tine Old Town Tonight." mi . r I HI ! mii ,...Wt Just rh n Ton o( c GREGORY'S C) A L 11TH OSTS. SEE? Corner Drug Store .. 10th and Q Sts. Ready for business 24 hours in the day Night calls answered. COV',F.S & GU1KV1SH. 10th and (J Sts. DR. S. E. COOK. Practice limited to Eye, bar, Nose and Throat. 1215 O St. O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S. Ornilimto of ohio coli.pgp: r wtal sprgkry Oolil nnil Po reel 11 In Crown. Hrldito work. Gold. Aluminum ami lttililxir l'lutus. Special Rates to Students. Onifo, Kooins as mid SI. AloMimlor HIouU. 12th and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. ROY'S- Drug Store. Corner loth and P Streets Unit's Stiitlimi r To.k. HoIiiIiix (Jooils of every tlcscrlia on GIVE MF AC Ml. GuiTAt?SBANJOS, I lit' ashluirii m tin- nnr :li(l onlv make ot iiil.l-wiil,' n-inn ition. S.j!i1 liv tirt 1 l.iss ik all 1 s 1 ei t In 1 1 from M".i'OU .li. IniU.llrii't Menv vi-v, mi lie sin 1. ill t tH. ,M,i,. "(,wirnt' W.islilmiii ' is I iiriit'l 'in hi the iiisuli. A bi-autilnl .i-hhurn Honk roiitain unr portraits ami Uni.t I nun tin. Di Ufsktv, ( al.-, Kamis1,r.iica,.Scal tin ami 100 other I. munis artists ami teat hers 111 ulej f n e upon request. Address l)f,t. IT, LYON & IIEAuY, Cor. Waliaih Ave. nnd Adams St., Chkaflo. MATHEWS PIANO COMPANY Attetits for Washburn Instruments. Also general factors Slwiw, Wi-l.er, Weg rran and , it Pianos aid 1-arrand & Votey Or.m- 1 1 IICHRHIJBJ! IANDDLINS SEVERAL THINGS Wo lmv'u it MiM'ulmut Tailoring Dupai'lmuiH not oxcollod in tho Htato, iiIho a Roiuly-to. Worn Clothing Uopartinont that uiutiuh Snita and Ovorcoalrt from tho linost niannfaotnrios in tho country. Yon oan bo litlod and )luasod both in worknianship nnd matorial. Gent's Furnishings Up to PAINE & Perkins & 1129 (&h ik tStf g i Christmas... Neckwear, Suspenders, J ewe levy, etC., in abundance. Young man:--Your lady friend would appre ciate one of our elegant Princess of Wales Umbrellas. BUMSTEAD & TUTTLE, 1.41 0 STREET. Dunlap Hats. Tailoring Best Work, - BestService, Established 1889. EVANS LAUNDRY COM Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy. Modern Equipment. Telephone 199 iANDY rafccoJb 10 25 50 ABSOLUTELY fillARANTRRl) ,0 r"re i"'T'netirrot.ktlfmllnn. rnndiri-m nro HiuMmI U nuouiJUXUUl UUnnMUEi&Nu,,.. ninirminirerliicliut muwieiiiyinturiilmulti. b-f plBnnil linoUMfrcf. Ail. JTKItUM. IIMIKIM P.. Clilmgo. Monlrml. ('mi.. orflT Yuri. ": Date, WARFEL 1136 O Street 9 ,?$ h' j NEWS ABOUT SHOES 1 ovtsalctl the fact to bun thnt we krjit din finest slock of up-to-date win ter styles in grill lemon's lino shoes in black and Colors When be wore 1 hem bo snid they gave linn more satisfaction and loss doctor's bills than hf had over had before. Solus wilu and c!n!?!rcn hnv '1 fo' lowed his example. Sheldon Co. 0 Street. PANY CATHARTIC p a C0KST1PAT10N ALL DRUGGISTS