The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 10, 1897, Image 1

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Vol.. VI No. i a.
', lsi)7.
They Transact Lots of Business in
Three Days.
Let (he Contract for tho School ol Mechanic
Arts Increase Importance- ol Summer
School Appropriate lor Dairy School.
The n gents of tho University hold
their nnniiul winter session during tho
past wti'U. Tlio eununicd Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock itntl closed tholr
labors '1 humility afternoon, after hav
ing transacted " onormous amount of
business Altogether souiQthlng ovor
a lmntlivil ItoniB wore acted tti)on.
The two features of tho session woro
the subjects of hog cholera and tho
summer school. A communication was
rcml from Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson, who recognized tho University
as n pionilnont experiment Btutlon In
the Hiilijfft of hog cholera, and ho
promised hlH co-oporntlon with tho
University In this mater. This Ih re
pirded as the culmination of tho work
of ... cr:il years to secure with ua tho
co-operation of tho federal govern
ment. U Ih iiIho u deserving tribute to
our station, which now holtlB tho rec
ord nmnni; all states on hog cholera
experiments, and our station is a path
finder in that regard. Whon It Is con
sidered that tho losses from hog chol
era aggregate millions of dollars an
nually, tho Importance of tho experi
ments may ho easily recognized.
By the action of the regeutB tho sum
mer school now becomes nn estab
lished part of tho University and will
bo regarded simply as tho summer term
tot tho Unlverfll,tytl, Thus tho U".ftP.r"
slty will In reality bo open all tho your
round. This will bo of great sorvlco to
the teachers of tho state, and also to
our own students, who can gain credit
during the summer as at any other
time. There will ho as many depart
ments represented as possible and tho
work will lie mainly collegiate in char
acter. Another matter acted upon which
will be of Interest to tho students Is
the changes In tho gymnasium. Alter
ations will ho made so as to permit of
the building of a baso ball cage. Tho
luniiion, lockers, and ball trough In
Hie bowling alley will bo removed and
a new partition will bo put in llvo
feet from tho west ond of tho alloy.
The Hum will be made perfectly level
and the windows seruoned.
Those who attond ehupol regularly
and arc unable to obtain singing books
are soon to buvo their patience re
warded. .n appropriation was mndo
for the purehnso of now hymnals con
taining, in addition, responsive scrip
tural leadings which will bocomo a
Part of tin chapel exercises. Tho now
books differ slightly from tho old. be
ing a bn. edition of tho latter.
The i cm nis spent Wednesday after
noon looking over tho dairy and firm
buildings and approved of tho exten
sive Implements which hnvo taken
place thi i... Tho dairy school and tho
old burn havo both noon doubled In
8'ze nnd tho appearnnco of tho bulld
'ng has been Improved by u brick
Chancellor MncLonn has boon hon
ored by tho election as chairman of
N"1 TruiiMiilsslsslppl Educational Con
Bfess. and ho wns authorized by tho
regents to aid tho commlttoo In work
'"gup thlB matter.
K is hoped to start work on tho
new building In tho near future. This
J"111 only bo tho wing of a proposed
la"ger building, and while Intended
Primarily for tho uso of tho moehanio
' D"s department, will bo used as a gon
e"l relief building.
The building committee roported on
"o delay of Oraco & Kelly to furnish
n 18,000 gunrnnty bond for tho oreo-
n of the mechanic nrts building.
. " Arm Was elvnn till Tlwnmlmp IK
0 furnish bond, nnd on falluro to dm
0. tho
commlttoo wns authorized to
tntr Into a contract with King & Co.,
of Onmhii. tho next lowest bidder on
tho work. Qrnco & Kelly's bid wuhi
2n,288, while the bid of tho Omaha
firm was $26,1)117.
Dr. Lyman ). Abbott, of Brooklyn,
pastor of tho Plymouth ohuroh and
editor of tho Outlook, was Holeolod im
commencetnonl orator, llo has al
ready signified willingness to oonio If
Tho 'typewriting and mimeograph
forco will ha us follows: 1). 13. Abry,
Miss Nina lngorsoll, Lonu Anderson,
tl. A. Lnllor, ,lohn llrown, H. O. Roper
and 13. tl. Clark.
A resolution of thanks was passed
for tho gilts of speclinenB from II. J.
Webber and ,1. U. Smith, now In tho
Hulled Stuien department of agricul
ture. In piiieo of Miss Anna Fosslor and
Hay P. Toole, formerly of tho library
force, Miss Mary II. Ames and Emllo
Fnuquot were appointed. John O.
Outlohon was appointed as assistant In
Gorman; G. O. Morrison, assistant in
zoology; A. 12. Sheldon, assistant on
tho clerical forco in tho chancellor's'
olllce. Miss Cora Smith was named as
instructor In technical agricultural
botany, and Edgar Morrill was made
assistant in tho dairy school. O. W.
holm was named as herdsman, and 0.
W. Pepoon as student assistant. A. L.
Dowel's was named as night watch
man, vlco Captain .1. D. Shear, re
signed. W. 13. Chambers was named
as janitor.
Prof. D. I,. I3raco was given leave or
absence shortly before tho close of
tho collego year to visit tho physical
laboratories, Institutes, and universi
ties In Europe
Six hundred dollars was appro
printed for tho dairy farm.
A now enrpontor shop will bo
.erected., jib, iho old one must bo torn)
down as soon as work on tho
mechanic nrts building is begun.
Tho finance commlttoo started In at
7:30 o'clock Thursday morning to
chock ovor tho accounts of tho Uni
versity. The tnsk was an onormoua
one, as every slnglo voucher of tho
University during tho last six months
was carefully gone over. Tho com
mlttoo submitted Its roport to tho ro
gents at I o'clock of the same after
noon. Tho honid accepted tho report,
and adjourned.
Dr. Hastings has introduced the
game of volloy ball to his gyinnlstuiu'
classes. This Is a gamo similar to
tennis, though no racket Is used only
tho hands. Tho ball used Is Inflated,
light, about throo times as lnrgo as a
baso ball and leather covered. Tho
game consists In volleying It to and
fro ovor a not six feet high. A point
Is scored against tho team allowing It
to touch tho floor after It Is onco
sorved. To keep tho ball In the air
and "place" It well takes moro skill
than one would suppose nt first glance.
It Is nn excellent gamo for nil-over
Tho reports on the enrollment In
tho various departments of the Unl
vorslty nro nil hi and aro given bo
low. In general they show a gain over
last year and a total Increased enroll
ment of 537 In all departments.
Agriculture 20
Hotnny 120
Chemistry 349
Civil onglneorlng GO
Electrical onglneorlng 132
I English 71
English literature 085
Elocution 198
Entomology 1U
Geology 210
Gormnn 4(58
Oreok 193
American history 202
European history 218
Horticulture 44
Hygiene and physical training G8i
Latin 387
Mathemntlcs 429
Moteorology nnd astronomy 57
Mllltnry sclonco 70
Podngogy 12
Philosophy 178
Physics 231
Political science 127
Practical mechanics 162
Romance languages 253
Zoology 133
Scrios of tho Inter-class Champion-'
ship Interesting.
Tho Thrco Divisions Hao Mot and Toslod
Each Other's Strength J-0 Throo Teams
Evenly Matched- -Volloy Ball.
The gamo of basket ball has been
engaging the attention of the Univer
sity public during tho, past week, and
though tho crowds which wltnossed
tho championship sories Monday and
Tuesday nlghtB woro not large, yet
they Boomed to enjoy tho sport. They
wore generous in tholr npptiuiRo and a
good play was novor allowed to pass,
Monday night tho teams from tho 8
and 11 o'clock divisions contested.
Tho teams wore just about ovonly
matched and the result of tho gamo
was a conjecture until tho roforeo'B
call of time. The score then stood 12
to U In favor of tho 11 o'clock class.
During tho first half tho 11 o'clock
men showed up bettor than their op
ponents. They played fast and hard
and the score stood 10 to 5 in tholr
favor at the call of time. Captain
Sayer's men braced up In tho Becond
half and only permitted two goa'B
from fouls to bo scored against them,
at the siinie time securing six polnttf
themselves. For tho winners Placok
played the best all around gamo. Ho
played all over the Hold, while watch
ing his position closely. Ho mndo
Bomo pretty passes, from which goals
were easily thrown. This was Placek's
last gamo at the University, at least
for some time, as ho loft for his homo
Tuesday morning. Ih i. Yoder -wna
olected captain of tho team. Yodor
put up a strong game at centor, In
variably getting tho best of the toss
up. Sayer and Aden put up a good
gamo for tho 8 o'clock men.
A meeting of the hop committee of
the Pershing Utiles was hold on Wed
nesday afternoon. December S. It
was decided to hold th hop on the
ovcnlng of the llth of January, at tho
Lincoln hotel. A goodly number or
tho students havo already expressed
their intention of attending.
The second of the series of tho Phil
harmonic orchestra will bo given at
the Oliver theater on tho evening of
December 31. This promises to bo an
exceptionally good concert, In fact tho
best of the series. Tho best talent of
Omaha will take part.
Tho junior class will hold a special
mooting Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock
for tho purpose of electing a chair
man and committee for tho junior hop
As many candidates have sprung up
for the chairmanship, it is presumed
that a most lively meeting will be ,U)o
Many University peoplo took part In
tho entertainment given for tho ben
efit of tho Holy Trinity church at tho
Ollvor Wednesday Tho cadet band
paraded tho streots In tho lutorest of
itho affair and II. II. Manloy received
honorable montlon In the roport of
tho purformanco.
Owing to tho Htato of tho weather
only ono bntalllon thas been drilling1
at n tlmo during tnolost week.
Tho llno-up was: "frjl ',, .'
8 o'clock. Positions. 3,1 o'clock.
Snyor r.U ..; ..Placok
Heffner 1. f. j ,". .t lllloy
Aden c Yodor
Hanlon r. g Nolnhels
Nollson l.g. ...:... Hopewell
Tho game Wednesday oyonlng be
tween Yoder's team and tho 5 o'clock
men was probably ' more lnterestnr
to watch than Monday's contest. This
was duo mostly to tho superior play
ing of tho 5 (('clock men who aro all
around athletes, tho majorty of tliomi
also being old players. Tho manner In
which tho two Andreson boys played
was especially good. They played tho
positions of guards, and frequently
cnrrlod tho ball to tholr forwards,
down tho wholo length of tho flold.
Tho 11 o'clock men woro greatly weak
ened by tho Iohh of Placok. Hopowoll
was forced to play forward a posi
tion which ho has never played beforn
and Hidden played guard In Hope
well's placo. HeldenV provlous basket
ball oxporlonce is limited to twenty
minutes, which ho played during a
class game. However, ho put up a.
strong game all the way through and
worried his forward all tho tlmo.
At tho ond of tho first half the scoro
stood 9 to 3 In favor of the 6 o'cloolc
men. Tho "3" being mndo In thrown
from fouls.
During tho second half the result
of tho game was In doubt until two
minutes before Iho call of tlmo.
Yodor succeeded In throwing ovory
goal from a foul whon ho was glvon a.
chance, and llopowell's brilliant goal
from tho Hold brought tho scorn to
"it and." It was just four minutes
heforo tlmo was called that tho 5
o'clock men took a torrlblo braco and
succeeded In scoring four goals from
tho field to tholr opponents' one, thlis
lcalvng the scoro 19 to 13. The line
up was:
5 o'clock. Position. 11 o'clock.
Hill 1. f Hopowoll
Story r. f ltllov
Moore c Yodor
Andreson, It. D.. r, g Haldol)
Andreson, W. 13.. 1. g Nelnhols
oniclals Dr. Hastings, It. S. Hunt,
Fred Clements.
Two more games will bo played
neM week, Monday nnd Tuesday night,
lietwcon tho S-C divisions and tho 5-11
divisions. Tho two games to be p'ayed
the week aftor next will closo thq
interclass championship sories.
During tho llrst two weeks In Janu
ary an ull-Uulvorslty team will bo
picked to play tho city and Omaha
Y. M. C. A. '8. nnd nlso a team picked
from tho foot ball players.
Every Saturday hereafter there will
bo a contest In the gymnasium at
o'clock. This will consist of ono
evnnt. It Is designed to develop ma-J
terlal for tho Indoor nnd track con
tests, though the records inado will
lio preserved. It is thought Hint this
will Insure a good Pentnthelon. Tho
standing broad jump will bo tho pro
gram for to-morrow. The public Is
Miss Pound Is doing some indoor
tennis playing, and ovldently Intends
to hold the laurols won at Chicago
last, summer. With Mr. Lovoland to
assist Iter, she put In last Saturday
afternoon practicing volleying and
hack-hand returns In tho nrmory.
A week from to-day Manager Oury
and Captain Shedd, of tho foot ball
team, will leave for Kansas City,
whore thoy will represent this Univer
sity at the annual meeting of tho
Western Intercollegiate League del
egates, Saturday, December 18. Tho
business to be transacted will be to
award tho ponnnnt, pay dues, otc, and
to arrange tho schedulo for noxt year.
As the schedule will bo mndo out as
usual. Nebraska will havo no homo
games noxt season, unless tho Thanks
giving galno with Iowa is played on.
the campus. This is hardly prob
able, however. Tho position of Iowa
In tho league will bo taken up. IE
that unlrerslty has a representative
thoro the permanent oxlstonco of tho
loaguo vill probably bo established.
If tho Missouri management can come
to terms with Iowa nil will bo well;
If not the league will probably go to
pieces. However, tho four univorsltles
have so much In common, nre so near
ly equal In enrollment, curricula, etc.,
nnd present such good conditions for
tho maintenance of n league that It Is
not thought that a llttlo quarreling
will break it up.
This event would not be disastrous
for Nobraskn, as tho Thanksgiving
gano Is n fixture and Minnesota nnd
probably Wisconsin would enter Into
a league with us and Iowa.
Much confldonco Is placed in Ne
braska's representatives, who havo
judgment onough to make propor con
cessions, whilo clinging to what is
Chancellor MacLoan Celebrates the
Successful Closo of the Season.
Took Forty Platos to Go all Way round Tho
cirst Ponnnnt Supper and Us Results
Sonio Enthusiasm.
The chnncollor substuntlally and
gloriously celebrated Nebraska's suc
cessful close of tho foot ball season by
banqueting tho mniuigomont, the ath
letic board, and both teams at tho
Lincoln hotel Fridny night. Just on,
oven forty enjoyed tho chancellor's
hosptnllty. And thoy did enjoy It.
Tho event tended to arouse moro
genuine collego enthusiasm than any
meeting which has taken place thla
year. The fact that tho foot ball
playors mot chancellor and professors
on equally social terms roused In thorn
a desire not only to see that their
studying should continue to bo na
good ns their foot bnll playing, but
that their foot ball playing should bo
of tho most gentlemanly sort. There
wns not a man present but who would
havo registered an oath that ho would
keep up his mental nnd physical train
ing and return next year to seo that
Kansas, Iowa, ot al. would got tholr
just dossorts. Coach ltoblnson seontcd
deeply Impressed at everybody's earn
estness and quiet enthusiasm. Con
sequently he did not glvo a flat re
fusal to return next year, llo folt
that, for once. It would not bo neces
sary to urge men to come out on tho
field for practice. Tho chancellor
styled tho occasion a "Pennant Sup
per," and guaranteed to repeat his)
"fTfcllOhtho rtoC'lfiuff-NouYhHirn won.
tho ponnnnt. Tho menu wns:
Hluo Points.
Planked Whitolish, Snuco FlecroUo.
Saratoga Chips.
Olives. Sliced Tomatoes.
Lobster In Shell, Tartar Shell,
ltoast Quail. Harde, Hotter Sauce.
Fillet of Hoof, Larded, Mushrooms.
Chicken Salad.
Ico Cream. Assorted Cake. Fruit.
After this was disposed of, the fol
lowing toasts wore made, the chan
cellor acting ns toastmnstor:
University Chnncollor Mao
Tho Alumnus
Hootor Dr. Hoscoo
Foot Hall from a Professor's Stand
point -Prof. 11. W. Caldwell.
Athlotics In tho University Dr.
Foot Hall In tho East and West
Coach Kobinson.
Our Friends tho Enemy II. Oury.
Tho Team that Won Captain Geo.
The Scrubs Will Green.
Ironclad Front nnd Brass W. 11.
I lay ward.
Whllo all tho speeches abounded in
humor, thoro wns a quiet earnestness
about them which Impressed every
body presont. All tho speakors hnd
somolhlng to sny and It was said earn
estly and effectively.
Thoso present woro: Chnncollor
Mnc Lean, L. B. Stringer, A. S. Poarso,
13. F. Turner, A. Hanson. W. C. Mel
ford. W. H. Haywnrd, F. E. Wiggins,
H. J. Cowgill, G. C. Shedd, It. E.
Benedict, C. E. Williams, J. V. Patch,
Mr. Hlsoy, M. Schwartz, R. D. Mont
gomery, G. E. KIndlor, W. H. Herbert,
H. A. Tukoy, R. A. Drain, W. Green,
C. M. Hummel, M. P. Plllsbury. Mr.
Ploughond, W. II. Oury, E. N. Robin
son, Roscoo Pound, F. T. Riloy, A. D.
Hnrmon, Mr. Hnlstend, B. J. Wood,
S. D. Clinton, J. Wostovor. D. R.
Brown, Jack Best, and the mombora
of tho athletic board, Professors II. W.
Cnldwell and J, T. Lees, Drs. Hastings
and Wnrd, and Messrs. Fechet, Andre
son nnd Lnndls.
Dr. Roscoo Pound gavo a privato
suppor nt tho Capital Hotel to a few
friends hist Tuesday evening. Coacli
Robinson nnd Mnnagor Oury woro tho
two guests In honor of whom tho sup
por was glvon. Others present wore
Dr. Pound, Dr. Petersen, Georgo
Shedd, Will Hayward, and Phil Rus-soll.