, ... i....i ii. p,.V A F MilUhOWS ions huuui uiu cuuur ui Mf A -l. !, VArlf Run of tho innat inU'i-eHUnc nrt- 0o nf t lio year vn JiHiuu'iiyMv; ! If, MiUthowH, of tho Now York Bun, jl,o students nt tho conclualon or to ' . .....I ri.1,111.1,,1,11. ...,. .hnllCl CNOrClHI'H llUil. im..mm, ...U. ..- .... m. Mmwa t'onurnttl'.uted tills InC '" iinlvcraity on having formed nn alli en wlili " )f tho strongest unci Tost powrrful professions In thin country Hint of jounmllHin. ho b ill tint l "mliy l8l,tullo" th,H w,ia BMlcctcd -probably fur tho ronson that nnv lh,nk Umt JunulilHm cnn .. ..iiitt i.v lmril Itiuii'rtH. ThU 1, n measure trtio. bat tho fundn-1 mental principles of JourniillHtn cnn bc cnrncd In nn Institution UUo our Clinrlofl A. Dana bollovcd that tho most lill'hly educated mon mnko th best ncwHPiiper men, ft(1 ,,,H Pftl,n he lind probably u greater number or, highly educated "'" than1 auv l'tncr paper In Hie country. Ho surrounded himself by men who aro spaclnllstB In mntlipwi Ich. medlclno, .. entomolog , chcmlBtrv. tdilpbulldlhg, and In nia.i other trades and professions. In fact there la nothing In a .higher educa tion bin what (;HU nt boh10'1''1110 () other be used In Journalism. It is often said that journalism does not pay ft"'1 tlmt tho rwnrd8 In th. . profession aro not enough to juBt.f the labor applied. Thoso who say till do not understand tho mission of jour nallsm. It should be compared to tho profession of a soldier, a minister, oi an educator. Journalism pays more than any of thoso. In closing tho speaker gave u very touching description of tho funeral or Mr Dana, tho like of which had never teen sren before. There was no pageantry and no vast crowd. The services were hold In tho little Episco pal church at Glen Cove. About 350 men and fifty women nttended the funeral, and these represented all classes of people, in all walks of llfo. Therd'were millionaires and thoso .f lesseV wealth, statesmen and poli ticians, merchants and bunkirs nono bat-whom had already mndo his mark In the world. They wertf a wondorful set of men nnd women, and no man less 'versatile than Dana could havo lAtti-Mtcd such a varied c'ass of mourn ers For half an hour In tho cold wind tills crowd stood with bared heads by 'the open gravo until It was comp'otely filled, ami over all wns spread tho Culnn llng-tho Hag of the people whom Mr Dana has done to much to aid In tlu-lr struggle for liberty. Was there er greiucr reward than this? Can you ask If Journalism pays? A NPAV COMMANDANT. Contrary to all expectations, the war department got a commendable move on Itselfi and a biieco-SRor io tho late Lieutenant Jackson has already icon appointed, lie 's First Uou en ant John M. Stotsenburg. of the SKth Unltcil States cavalry. Information to this effect was received by Chan cellor MarLonn from the secretary of. warlnM Monday. Lieutenant Stotscn UirR N :it present stationed at Fort Iavpinvorth, and as soon ns practica ble will rcnort, .for.. duty .hero. . Tlic exact date of his arrival Is mot yet Inown. Meanwhile thp cadet rrgl-i ment u under command 'of Mnjoi' Frrhpt wiio Is acting commandant. anil win cnntliiUQ to bo so until Lleu tennnt ouenburg comes to tako fhnw t afi'airs Tho clufrsertMn mll Itan umi'o nro ngaln hnvliw rocltn "ins ;i n-unl. For tho present Cadot MnW WppUh has chnrco of tho'c'asses In Infnniry tnctlcs ,nnd Mujon Ff chnt. j ,, t,,0 otllor uvo ,nou ur0 not n w. hn'ils the pIubh in mllitnry and hold imvlng played In similar clubs. Clia) englncorlng. man. Young. Clark, and Vrnnkltn play Ly- ' Jthc banjos; Hedge. Sumner, and W !M.i: TRK'AL ENGINEERS. ' Whaley the guitars, and Mueller the p.. ,. , ,. ,A.i.,i mando n-bnnjo. 'lhe first tenor low Prnf...,r Owens, of tho clcCtrloal ()f (J0 0co rIub hna rPCOntiy ,0..n ensiiiporinn dopnijimtint pf'tho Unl- Btrongthoned by Ireland's return to tor-ili v. is especially careful to kop college. w ; S? YOUNG MEN. . . S Don't fail.to look at the fine fig linp df Men's Suits and Over- i coats from $7 to $20', at 'ttfe : & EWiNC CLOTHING CO. 8? g 1115-17 O STREET. ft hoy fonvo -Hliblf-MmiJ -fiihteA irr-'orTfldr to traeo their progress In after years. (TlirTctaBS of "J7-hfiHj,dtino tho Unlvor- Harry Doubrova Is In St. Louis, tho assistant onglncor of tho Wngnor Elec trical (Company.. , ' t y C. C. Griggs Is fairly coining money through his oxpert services In tho mines at Gnlona, S. Dak. 1). W. Ilawksworth Is making his itnrt for tho top rung through tho iioslgnLng department of tho Uurllng ton. II. A, Uongitn Is with tho Weatorn Electrical Company, Chicago. Hono E. Crook Is ongagod In putting In an electrical plant of somo magni tude somowhero In Colorado. F. L. Meyer Is assistant to Elinor Wlllyoung, u Philadelphia export, K. C. Randall Is a follow In electrical engineering this year. Every mombor of tho class Is mak ing, a good living. Their record ro Heels credit both upon tho Instructor and tho Unlvorslty. Tho General Electric Company, tho Crockor-Whcolor, tho Wngnor Eloc trle, and tho Western Electrical com panion havo very kindly furnished mnchu.es. and appliances for tho use of tho students in electrical 6nglneorlng In the experimentation and resoarch necossary to tho preparation of tholr graduating theses. SIGMA XI. Tho announcement of tho members of tho cIobs of '!V7 who have been elected to Sigma XI waB made in chapel Wednesday morning, November 21. They are as follows: Benton Dales, gqncrnl scientific; II. W. Doubrava, C. C. 'Griggs, D. W. Hawksworth, K. C. Randall, electrical engineers; Hugh Wilson, civil onglncor; R. G. Emorson, agriculture; C. L. Shear, biological. The same honor will doubtless bo given to somo of tho members of enrller years, but no announcemonttt In this regard will bo made before next semester. Sigma XI Is the honorary scientific fraternity, and wns only secured hero at tho close of last year. FOUL TIPS. Tho Nobraskan spoke several weeks ago about an Indoor training class for which tho captain wns trying to ar rango. Ho nnd Dr. Hastings have come to the conclusion that Indoor base ball Is the best training, and, a class of aspiring ball players will soon be formed. Later In tho year 'an In door base ball tournament between tin gymnnslum classes will bo held. They will be very exciting nnd aro sure to be largely attended. Youman Benedict Is manager of tho event nnd Is pushing It hard. Tho pro coeds go to buy new uniforms for tho ball team. Tho old bowling alley under tho gymnasium Is to be cleaned out and usod foi a ball cago. Mr. Brown, whom we woro Intending to develop Into a pitcher, lias lofc tho Unlvorslty and will not bo back. Schwartz plays base ball as well as foot ball. He Is a fast player and runs liases 1 kb a deer, or David Wells. Ho Is a flue hitter and wo arci always ready to welcome such a man. Stringer also plays ball. He Is a gondpljtcljfljnnd ImsUotaof steam and ehiM'iranVe Catchers are numerous. Williams comes with crultoa record and will make the other candidates hustle to bent him. RAN.JO C'LUIl. Tho University llnnjo Club 1b prac ticing regularly under tho leadership nf Arda Chapman, nnd oxpects to bo In cxcollent shapo to help out tho (II cor on tholr trip. Four players of . i. ..i..i. t 'or, ,.,. ( thin vnnr'a clul) PL.AY1I1NU BASKET BALL i , , ri , . kllinn Inlorosl and Eniluislnsni Amo'nolho ' '6yinhaslum'Craiso$ " Jn iHfalw,, iithlotjQ,HHKot Imll ,slms the (loor at prpontMd H Ci..,mting lnT terest nnd oxcUomoiit niuong tho gym naslum elasseH and .devotees of tho sport. There are three gymnasium classes, meeting at 8, it, and ii o'clock. From each of those clasHQs two teams have been picked. Tho two tenniB from tho sumo olnsR play throo games, iho win ner to represent that class a tho lntor class Icngito series. Tho two tennis from tho 8 o'clock division aro composed or the following mon: Rods Hunt, captain, Holbon, Gutlobon, Corey, and Sams, Kleth, substitute. WhltoB Sayor, ciptaln, Iloffnor, Hanlon, Nlolson, Adon, Krollo, substltu'n Two games have been played, the Ilrst resulting 8 to 0 In favor of tho whites, tho hhjiikI 2 to 2. From the II nVlnolt iliviuim. m... following men havo been picked Tor the teams.' Itedu Plnenlt iM.n'nli. Yoder, Riley, llopowoll, Nlonholn, Ii l' uimi, HiiiiHiiiuu'. wnues rorry, cap tain, Ryan, Hackott, Roehon, Lowrle, llouck, Biibstltutc. Thoso tonms have played two games which decided that, tho reds will represent that division In the IntercltisH soiles. The coreM woro 8-.1 and fi-Ii. Thus far only ono team has boon picked from tho f o'clock division. COmni'lslntr Hill. Klni'V. Munrn w n and W. E. Andreson. These men aro all old players and It Is not probablo that tho team yet to bo picked can nent them. Frldnv. Saturday, and MondllV L'liniPH will llooliln llio Mmni. plonshlp In this elnss. Monday and Tuesday of the nex'i three weeks will bo tho time sot for the playing of tho games of the Intorclnsq sorloa. Tho team winning tho most games and making tho best showing will win tho pennant. The schedu'o Is: Eight nnd 11 o'clock divisions, Dccombor fi; 11 and C, December 7; 8 and 15. Decemlx 1.1; 8 and 11, Decem ber 11; 11 nnd 15, December 20; 8 nnd G. Dccombor 21. Dlll'lnir tlin llrs.t Iwn wenlra In Tnini- nry teams of tho city and Omaha Y. im. (.'. a. s win no mot, when tho sea son will be closed. TO DECIDE THE CHAMPIONSHIP. Tho much-postponed game to docldn tho class foot ball championship will bo played between thoeophomovo and senior tennis on tho campus noxt Sat urday afternoon. Tho sophomores downed the freshmen nnd tho seniors have succeeded In disposing of the juniors. As fnr as tho number of vic tories won is concerned both tonms aro evenly mntchod. Tho seniors won the championship last yenr in their junior year by defeating practical y the same team which they will moot on Saturday. Tho greatest rivalry exists, and tho same will afford much excitement as well .is amusement for tho spectators. LOCALS. Alpha Tan Omega has Initiated 11. II. ulver, '01. Mr. O. II. Allen, '97, has returned to lie University nnd ;ll; do w(irk'ln tho law school. .Miss Oorlrudo Wright, of Schuyler, Is visiting her aunt, Mn. Crowoit, una other friends. ' The Hrownlng elnss has finished a htudy of "Lurla' and taken up the "Return of the Druses." Mr. Davles and Mr. Price spont Thankfglving In, Rising City, making tho trip on their wheels. Miss Lillian Dorrlngton, '01, of Falls City, has glvon up work In the Lnlver- blty and returned to her homo. ... r or nomo. mdbeeiu atte'rid-' )v several 'yc,ar'a. Gen. Ashfonl, who Jiaa Iuk the I'nhcrslty for past, Is In lown C'ty taking a course In pharmacy, Tuesday nluht Professor Davles do ll vored a lecture beforo tho ciass In, methods on tho teachihg of mathemat ics In public bdioooU. r An Informal recejitlon will be ton derod the senior class.by.thu chancel lor at his home on tho evening of Sa -urday, December I. Tho cluii.ee lor is anxious to get personally ucquulnto I with each member of tho ciahs and has taken this method to attain to that end. Mrs. W. Q. Hell entortalno 1 the members of IM lieta Phi very dollgiu fully at her home, IHO C Btrcc, Tuoi dav afternoon, from S to ti, In honor of Miss Herdlo Whitcomb. of ork. Mrx. Uell Is nn nlumna membqr of tho ororlty. Qiunes, muglc, ,and dancing caused tho nfternobh to prtss , very quickly. Refreshments Of Icjs and cako wcro served. GOING HOME FOR VACATION. Tho following li.f rmntlon eoncorn Ingtrnln service on iho North-Western is Inserted hy reques : Train No. 20, leaving Lincoln 7:15 a. m., carries passengers for Fnmont, Norfolk, Omaha, Sioux City, and Inter mediate points. Connections aro ma lo at Fremont for points on tho Union Pacific; at Norfolk and Blnlr for stations on tho C, St P., M. & O., and nt Mo. Valley for Chicago. Train No. 22, 'leaving at 1:45 p. m. is tho regular dally service for Nor folk and west, Omnha,' Chlcagi, Sioux City, St. Paul, etc. City ofuco, 117 S. 10th St, Depot, corner 8th and 8 Us. "There aro others" as good, perhaps hut none hottor thai tho pictures taken at tho Students' Photograph Gal lory, 1034 O atreot. tw' i un 'a . ' .f !('( ' 1 1 i't, i , i i M ' ! ,1 MtftJ Its Go d. I 'UI'll"! I I lit M Buy Uhfd,erwear,)bil, ' you can get a hat you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want, Come and see us, MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take The JwiU" To OMAHA All pointn East. KANSAS CITY-Eiist and South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OG DEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has tho best modem equipment. Pullman Paltico and TourlRt Sleepers. Dining and Freo Reclining Chair Curs. For tinio schedules, tickets, reservation of births, call on or address E. B. SLOSSON, Oen. Agt 1014 0 street, J. T. AUSTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Neb. S. II. H. CLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON. Gen. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX.G. P.&T.A Omaha, Nob. The University of Nebraska, SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in Iho Fol lowing Branches: Pipo Orgun, Piano Forto, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, Gen oral Theory, Sight Reading. If Yon aro Thinking of Studying; Music Investigate the Morns of this1 School WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. You'll Find it's a Good Place, i FRANCIS BROS. I'loiirli-tors CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Ut'stuurimt at' 14 IS O St. Oixmi all uijjjlit., Give us a call. We make a Speciality nt '15' Cent Meals. OLIVER liRWIN. J. Ii. KRWIN The Antelope Valley COAL CO., LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 251I1 and J Sts. Ofliee 1 3 N. 1 1 th St. Phone 505. Tnhlc Boird, $2.50. Mts.l-, 15 its. t MEAL TICKEIS. $;.5 . THE MODEL DINING HALL, MHS. HOII'T. Kltr.r.LXNO. I'luprktifKn 310 So. isth Streot. I,ini in NMi H. W. BROWN. Druggist., Books and Stationery. College Text Books. And a coinploto stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Hooks. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. .3JTT38limV2 83(1111 HHT " '" tl ' I 111. -l''t tlxilllM 1(- M '.r.-. bin ihk) biKoiffc C.Wii:.. m nth'. '.(.(ir(ti.(,it '; n ili 1''l The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Freo Scholarships in nil Pcpartmonts Orchestral Training, Military Rand Training, ConcertP, Lectures, Rouitnls. 121 North'llth. ' . ii l l r Lincoln,' Nob HUTPHINS & HYATT Rfll ilio llui.1 Onulosof C OJI. 4 lM OOn 1040 O St., mill iCiiiilliim Tol. 225. C EHLERS. Tnc I'rfi or SUITS MADE TO ORDER. C'loiunni! nnd K'piiriiit; ls D.ipu, 126 So. Ith St. 0i r U 1 lili iiliurK C'l,'iir Sloio. J. E. HOUTZ, Books Suiiii nr Wdl Pwper and VV11 d ns bh.ulcs, LK,1ING'S OLD STAND. llOOOuml II8M0. llthStK. Lincoln, Nob l- -VV' fe 5 HEARTand NERVOUS DISEASES are Just as curable as other diseases. Ti-oated exclusively by J. S. LEONIIARDT, Al. D. OFFICE, 1427 O Street. Lincoln, Nebraska, UOUlta, 11 to 0 dally, except Sundays, 0 t ! A It V'"VOv' --u