The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 12, 1897, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan
A Weekly Newspaper IbsuqJ lOvcry Fr:- i
tiny Noon, by tno stucionin ui mu
Unlvoralty of Nobrnskn.
Kn .rod ns Srcoml Class Mull Mntter.
K T Hlloy Mnnnfilnff lMltor.
I S i-uiior "Vi?'1"'
A 1 . I'armelec NcV8 Killtor.
C. 10. Mnlaon As't Editorial
Ka o Snow Walkor Sororl les
II. C Hurr Athletics.
O icr chnmhors Local.
JM li Schwiins Ass'l Hus. M'gr.
Tho Ncliraeknn will bo sent to any ml
rtress upon receipt of tho suhscr pllon
prl. c, which Is one dollar a ynr, or fifty
cents a semostor.
Contributions are sollcl.ed from all.
News Hems suoh us local, iiornonnlH.
reports of mcctlnRS. etc., uro especially
cleKlr 1 The Nobrnskan will bo Kind to
print nnv contr.butlon relative to n Ron
ern. university subj ct, but the name
must u. rompuny nil such.
A Mri'ns all eomnninlcatlons to Tho
Nibrasknn, University of Nobrnskn.
upon a promise to novor do It again
ho wna released Tho public dors not
oven know tho immo of tho erlinlnul.
No thought of prosecution scoina to
hnvo entered tho mlndB of those nwnro
of his guilt, yet theso samo peoplo hold
up tholr lmnds In horror nt the buro
thought of University people appro
priating tho property oC othors. Some
one ahoiild ho made an oxamplo. Until
this Is dono wo mny expect to have our
valuables carried off by thoso dishon
est ones among us who feol that tholr
only punishment if caught will bo no
moro than a reproof, with possible ex
pulsion from tho Institution. .lustleo
domands that affairs continue this way
no longer.
Tho record of tho University of Kan
sas font hall team Is bedizened with
huge scores and Nebraska scalps. This
your thoy have bung up a scoro which
rivals Infinity, in foot b)l vornaeu-
i n
Missouri haa won n gamo at last,
Monday thoy beat Wcstmlnator college
(10 to 0. This Is tho llrst yoar West
minster has had a team no wondorl
Offers to make fool ball botB woro
made on tho stock excluuirjo In Now
York yesterday at tho following odds:
?100 to $80 on Harvard against Yale,
?100 to ?1!G on Princeton ngalnBt Yalo.
The Iowa-Ames gamo of last Satur
day ended summarily by Iowa leaving
tho Hold upon vho umplro'H fnlluro to
seo a foul tackle. Tho gamo was a tlo
at tho time, with seven minutes left to
Sunday newspapers will bo In do
mnnd. and "Snonce" Is figuring on a
big rush for Chicago dailies. Tho oc
casion Is the number of big foot ball
games to como off to-morrow. Yale-
Harvard will probably occupy tno
One of tho meanest and littlest
tricks ever porpetrated by a collogo
paper was that of the scurrilous edi
torial about George Kllppln which ap
peared In a recent Issue of a lltorary
society publication. Some one. by ac
cident, happened to read tho article
and reported It to members of tho
tenm. It called forth vociferous pro
tests from old players, who wore moro
emphatic than rhetorical In tholr ex
pressions of such editorial spoon. In
the first place the writer did not
know what he was talking about.
Fllppln played left half Instead of
tackle. He was a bard working stud
ent while at this University. He car
ried a morning Journal route, looked
after an ofllce. anil did other work to
defray his college expenses.
The article says: "What Is of most
Interest to University students is the
fact that tho game resulted In such a
disgraceful affair, mainly because of
the conduct of one of Nebraska's for
imr students and players. To Flip
pin, nfo N'obraka's famous colored
right tackle, Is attached most of the
blame. Fllppln has done more, per
haps, than any other western man to
bring foot ball Into popular disfavor.
He takes into the gamo no brains or
skill; he believes in winning by crip
pling his opponents; he is brutal, and
a professional slugger, uurusnu m
lowed him to remain on her team
longer than she ought. But, now that
this disgrace to the truly college game
Is so well known any college which
will tolerate his presence on Its team,
for even a tcn-minuto hnlf, has no
right to compete for intercollegiate
athletic honors."
Why didn't this criticism appear
when Fllppln was on the team. In
stead of the writer waiting until he
was nt a safe distance? The nrtlcle
bespeaks the Ignorance, baseness, and
cowardice of the writer.
There Is much discussion In debating
circles theso days concerning amend
ments to the local constitution, neces
sitated by the formation of a new
league with Missouri. The chief point
of difference is whether or not one who
has ttr represented the Institution in
an Interstate debate shall at any fiuure
time be eligible to represent us In a
similar contest against some other
state. To assume that granting such
privilege would be disastrous to debat
ing spirit is prcposerous when we con
sider how few of such representatives
would ever be here to take part a
second time together with the fact that
there will be six places to fill each
year. To accuse one of being selfish
for wishing to represent his alma
mater the second time Is to forget that
It is equally selfish to deny him that
right, provided he possesses the abil
ity. Looking at the question from the
point of tho University, It would seem
that we are entitled to the best repre
sentation that can be secured. To in
sure this small limitation should be
placed on those desiring to contest.
The competition should be open to all,
letting merit decide who Bhall be
To those who have been at tho Uni
versity for four years or so and
watched battalion affairs closely, the
new plan of six companies Is displeas
ing. It practically does away with
developing what few traditions this
University has. Loyalty to captain
and company Is broken. The Intense
rivalry of tho various companies will
not In the future be what It has In
the past. But as the stern military
command has been given, there Is but
to obey.
Wlth'n the last week at least two
thefts have occurred Inside the Uni
versity halls. In one Instance, at least,
tho thief has been caught, but what
punishment did ho receive? Tho hand
of clemency was again extended, and
lar. and are working toward tho do-; nrROnt space.
aired scalp. Generally, heretofore, tt a prctty generally conceded that
tholr superior physical training b.ns Yalo will play moro of a kicking game
told upon tho Nebraska team. I against Harvard than last year. Young
the extent to which foot ball Is carried tfr8 nn(, lt wj 0, no surprising If ho
In Kansas. Not only do thoy have tho nuts Harvard's backs to a severe test.
HorvlouH of a conch as tholr physical Ho will certainly outklck Warren of
U,no, but also training quarters. J-,ff J sToXStS.
From the time the candidate enters tho nmyt
.out ball arona till his retirement bo T,,0 ro,,ort tnnl ontaln Cabot of tho
Is kept physically In "condition." Hmvanl eleven may not be nblo to
Many of our defeats mny bo laid to this play In tho game against Yalo next Sat-
ono cause, namely, lack of "condition." , ""lay not creating Ji;h. '':
I slon among local graduates. L-anoi
Tho contest this year plainly lies BtrnnC(1 ,,ts incc suKhtly In tho Cor
between Kansas and Nebraska. For nc gnmo, but former players hero
Nebraska cvorvthlng Is favorable have been informed by the conchers at
homo grounds, rooting brigades, and a Cambridge to the effect that Cabot will
.. , I o lit to play for his life when tho
teams line up,
Will find tlmt
Moat always liavo what thoy want in
Clothing roatly to wear,
Hats, Furnishing Goods
Merchant Tailoring.
Thoy koop only tho boat makes of ovory
thing. One Price to All
1136 O Street
i 'w& "ivAiJ'
well trained team
Do not worry, Mr. "Rooter!" There
will be enough for you to do to-morrow.
Of course you have not been re
citing nil week, and your voice will be
in tho pink of condition. It must be
Hah-Hah! Hah-Uab! from beginning
to end of to-morrow's game. Do not
fear of losing your voice. By vote of
tho faculty, all hoarse students will bo
uMMibutl front reciting iiuxl week
yourself loose for once, just to see how '
Co-eds, please bring kodnks, '
it feels
and photograph any sen., Jim., fresh,
or prop, not "helping win tho game."
To-morrow will you be "one of the
Rnh-Kah boys?"
Secret practice seems to have de
veloped from a fad to a necessity
among the eastern teams. This week
The Princeton Tigers have played tho
last game on homo grounds of the sea
son. There remains but n single con
test, the final one with alc at New
Haven for championship honors. The
Tigers have nov " yet beaten the sons j
of Ull twice In succession. Thoy have '
novo won a foot ball gamo on the '
New Haven grounds, and this fall the
gridiron warriors who represent old '
Nassau are striving tho utmost to at-
Lot ' lain to tbnt degree of perfection which ,
will enable them to Invade tho terri
tory of tho enemy and trail tho blue of
old" 1211 In the dust of his own battle
TT VVN x v- VVtfcs, wlsdom Walking Abroad )
v N sXV&J5fl njwasvalks Inn pair VY
V - ip" ' .yftfBW of our hue calfskin &
Xi . Jt fcN $3SPr allocs, with bull doK V
j.. . "i -
:- u 's&r
-J& $s
zifr& ka 'i
toe, cork sole, and
nan J sewed welts. It's
the only wise thine; to
do to "preserve vour
health. Shoes have
more to do with pneu
monia and consump
tion than many arc
aware of. Wear a pair
of our calf lined heavy
double soled shoes and
vou will keep your
feet dry and warm.
PcrHnQ A fhcIHnn Cln.
1129 0 Street. &&
It Is said that the Chicago A. A. team
has canceled the arrangements prac
tically concluded to play the Brown
University cloven at Chicago on
Thanksgiving day. The reason given
Is tho poor showing of Brown In the
past two weeks, and the Chicago team
feel that Brown would not ue aoie to
Wisconsin. Minnesota. Michigan, and iVn them n sufficiently bard game to
others are reported in secret practice, he interesting. An effort will be made
Last week Northwestern nnd Univer
sity of Illinois teams resorted to like
methods. The facts are that, through
newspapers and friends, the condition
of n team, and even Its plays, are re
ported accurately to opposing teams,
enabling them to counteract certain
plays. Unless some such method as
this Is adopted the team loses the ad
vantage of special coaching.
The Georgia legislature and the Chi
cago city council seem to be making
desperate efforts to attract public no
tice and become notorious. The former
has passed an anti-foot ball bill by a
vote of 91 to 3, declaring It a crime to
participate In a game, the punishment
being $500 fine, one year's imprison
ment, or both. The latter has an or
dinance pending which declares It a
misdemeanor to even watch the game,
the punishment being a fine of from
$5 to $50.
Last week we noted editorially the
dedication of the great Yerkes observa
tory. This week we hasten to Inform
students that WE have an observatory
It Is said en good authority that even
through our telescope one may see
"bright spots," If the 'scope be pointed
toward Jupiter. We were greatly grati
fied to learn that Nebraska Is prac
tically as well equipped for InBtruction !
work in astronomy as Dr. Harper's
great University.
The action of the athletic board In
suspending Geo. Klndler from engag
ing In University athletics just prior ,
to tho junior-senior gamo looks as
though tho board had been worked by
a few politicians,
to till the date with the Elizabeth. N.
J., eleven or tho Jersey club of .Jersey
DON CAMKKON Lunch counter untl
shirt order house. IIS Sou.h ltth St.
H. W. IillOWX DriiKKlHt. book aiJ
stationery. 127 Smith 11th .rtei
CHAULKS H. GltKOOItY Coiil Oolllee
at 1100 O street.
"We'll Have a Hot Time i njh e
Old Town Ton i g h t. '
Just uet a Tn f
New Neckwear . . .
Every Saturday Morning. Fresh
from the Eastern Market.
Students will always find us in
the lead in
Furnishings and Tailoring.
maintain Its position as an impartial
judge in athletic affairs a little more
of a conservative policy must be fol
lowed. If any of the present students of the
State University have any doubt ns to
tho origin of the fence which incloses
the campus, they have merely to no
tice the following words, taken from
the report of President Canfield of the
Ohio State University: "The entire
campus should have a strong Iron
fepce, with suitable art-Iron en
trances." it is hardly necessary to add
that tho fonco aforesaid will undoubt
edly be forthcoming.
fscpjds 7
Ro Home is Really Complete
Without a new 1897 Model
Washburn S3r,i,"53as
Price liae !en scaled down as a result of the
Washburn's enormous popularity so that now you
can buy a genuine Washburn of (lie ery I Jtnt design
From $15.00 Upward.
The new Washburn Mandolin U .1 radical depart
ure from former style, lt Is the nettest, daintiest
and lightot Mandolin Imaginable, and its tone ap-
If ihn limrl lo In proacliea ery near to that of a fne old Lremona
tl me UOaril IS IO Violin. Washburns are sold at filed and uniform
1141 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb.
Drives bv all first-class music dealers crrvthere.
Washliurns are the acknowledged standard of the
world. 'I hey are ned exclusively by the leading
jurists, leacners and ilee dims, uiirnew usn
burn catalogue containing portraits of over 100
Artists and full information, price,., endorsements,
etc., will le sent free on receipt of application. If
your local dealer cannot supply ou we will send
Washliurns C. O. I), with privilege of examination,
direct from the factory.
A Wailiburn Improves with age and makes a
Qlft that Increases In value as the years go by.
It Is really worth many times its cost.
Corner Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chicago.
Airvnts for
Washburn Instruments.
Also genernl factors Shaw, Weber, Weg
man and Jewttt Pianos, and I'arrand &
Votey Orpins
Best Work, - Best Service.
Established 1889.
Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy.
Modern Equipment. Telephone 199
IssssssssssssHJktata atsssssssssH
25 50 kiWmHlahii DnUGGIStt
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 1? " ysr ?&"?&&!!S :!
pie ydUoalft free. Ad. STKIII.IMI KIWIM UI.. Wlrao.'Montrril. Cn..or!fTf Yors.