lockls, u'annn Knp)n Oamnm will rccolvo nt . ... i nroln Novombor 1 W ii.iiiiiui ..-. ' u i.i mm, utwmnuafitlltr nuulo over at M.i mtR iiiiiut-' ""- ..."". .mrf m flosiwr'H, 11M O stroot. Mrs. uoaiiv Horn wiih Inltlutod Into tlio L. ' iu nf ttiirmn Cli I TuoHdiiy ovon- n))w--i'" I ingt. those culling ennlK and pro nt (leorgo IJroH., printers, 110 Seo grams Thirteenth Htrect. iv Clifford H. Tofl't, dontlHt; urtlHtlc :L iiml lirltlRcn; 1127 0 Htreot, S. Dr. ,rowns JTfr Bdilnmlcr'H drug Htoro. fimdmllllnory; 13th and O. Prlron Lonnlili'. HiitlHiaciion gunrniuoou. imoiiK tlioHO iioui'on on inn hiuo ,m nt lust Saturday's gunio woro V. JjfcMJpnH.'liO.niHl II. C. Inrmolpo,'07. v k Not'dliam. niorelinut tailor, 125 v Twelfth Hl-i 'rrlPH u Hno lino or iillinRs: K'"i'anto(H work; prlcoH rlftM- The Delta Ui'lta IK'ltu fraternity will mid n reception at tho Lincoln hotel on the evening of Thanksgiving, No- I ! tcrauer t A stock of Huntington's Hpeolal dlo .tanipeil stationery haH been received by the Co-iP- It makes the prettiest f of N. tablet yet seen. The senior girls hold a meeting Krl- I j Jay 10 (1IHCMIHS nnnui iimnum. """- lne oi itnporuimi- who uttuiiiiiiinuvui wing to the small attendance. The Nebraska College of Oratory ,in oivo a nitidis' recital In tho Y. M. r A auditorium next Wednesday even ly 'November 18. The public Is cor- dlally inVllCO 111 luiuim. Mr Andrew Rosewater, municipal (Dclncer In Omaha, la to give a scries of five lectures to the civil engineers, the first one being on next Monday and the others on following Mondays. The Union Hoys' Debating club meet In Union hall Saturday evening, No vember G. to debate the question: Re solved. Tlint the municipalities should osnaml control their natural monopo lies Delta Ganinm entertained Informally it the homo of Miss Nella Cocbran Sat urday evening. October 30. The games, refreshments, and docorntlonB were made to conform to the traditions of Hallowe'en. A treut Is In store for those who at tend the Dellnn concert on Friday evening of this week. The main features of the entertainment will be the singing of the Beatrice main quar tet and the phonographic selections. The members of IM Beta Phi enter tained nt the home of Miss Woodward Saturday night. The usual informality that pcrvndes a celebration of Hallow e'en was In evidence, both In the enter tainment and refreshments of the fining. Miss Grace Sails, at one time a student In the University, and recently of St. Lawrence University, Canton, X. Y., hns returned to Lincoln. Miss Sails wns a member of Delta Delta Delta nt St. Lawrence and haB trans ferred her membership to tho chapter here The following who attended tho pme Saturday were tho guests of Phi Kappa Psi during their stay In Lin coln. They were: Superintendents of Schools Pearso of Omnha, Brulnnrd of Beatrice, Overholt or Asblnnd; also Referee Piatt of Kansas City. John fcntt, Clint Norton, and Mrs. Shedd of Ashland. The Y. M. C A. Is planning to have big meeting next Sunday afternoon t to clock. All the college associa tions In the city and possibly tho asso ciation at Donne will bo represented. Mr. W. J. Hunting will lead tho meet ing. Tho subject will be; "The Cen tral Motive in Our College Life." There till be plenty of good music. Every young man Is Invited. With four enthusiastic debating dubs, possessing n membership rang ing from twenty-five to fifty each, our prospect seems fnlr for tho best of representation in interstate debates this year The preliminaries for tho KansaR-Noliraska contest were post poned this year that tho law school might have more representatives. Cor respondence is being cnrrled on with "rlous state universities with tho Jope of forming one or more leagues. Mlnnesotn cannot muster sumclont en thusiasm to join. So fur nothing has wn heard from Missouri, Iowa or South Dakota. '97 WILL ORGANIZE. The class of '97 hold a mooting Wednesday, preliminary to making a Permanent organization that will. It ' hoped, hold the class together for g YOUNG MEN Don't fail to line of Men's Suits and Over coats from $7 to $20, at the EWiWC CLOTHING CO. 1115-17 O STREET. their own good and tho good of tho alma mater. Nothing was dono at HiIb meeting but appoint a committee to draft n constitution and appoint a meeting for noxt Wednesday nt fi o'clock. It Ih hoped that all membere of tho class of '!)7 who uro In tho city, whether In college or not, will come to tho meeting next Wednesday and tako a hand In tho proceedings. FOUL TIPS. Tho base billl season will open with vory bright prospects this year. Con sidering tho flno record our team mndo hiBt year and tho fact that some of tho old players aro back, together with a great abundanco of now material, Ne braska should have a team of which she mny Justly bo proud. To be Hiiro, the tenm will feel tho ubHonoo of Htich mon as Waller Frlel, who luiH played backstop for tho boyH for three years, and who Is without i doubt the fastest amateur catcher In tho state. Then It will bo hard to find as honest and hard working a man as Tom Crolgh to piny shortstop, and for tho first time In many years tho confer garden will bo vuennt. No words of pralBo are too good for our last year's captain, Lawrence Packard. Ho has played on tho U. of N. base ball team for five years, always working hard for the best Interests of base ball, and oven going so fnr ns to sacrifice self-interest when ho thought he could strengthen the team by so doing. He was a true ball player crank. Never missing o practice, trip or no trip. Hut to fill these vacancies we have such mon as Konagy, who caught for Donne College and who caught several games for tho state team last year. Then Col. Hurr, n very fast local catcher, Is In tho law school, and nftor ho has been fanned several weoks by tho wings or a good coach lie will be rnst enough far any team. Dutch Wells, with whom wo nre nil acquainted, promises to get out this year, and tins is enougn lo mauo tne most pessimistic crank leap with Joy. Tho pitching department promises to bo exceptionally strong, headed by I2d Oordon, who, by tho way, pitches good ball IT tho birds fly thick enough over the dlnmond, together with Hal stead, Rea, Spencc, Wells, who will bo In college tho second semester; Williams, Brown, White, Burt, Mel- ford, Potersonrfrom Iowa; Schwartzr and Stringer. We have no fenr for want of pitchers. Tho rest of the boys need no Intro duction, as Reeder has played three years In left field, Kindler is familiar on the first bag, Benedict nt second, Cowglll at third, Porter, Pace, More, Ryons, Dennisou, Mllford. and Mellza hove all been seen In the game at dif ferent times. Tho management will try nnd ar range things for n fall practice, and winter training hns been sorlously thought of. THE REPETITION OF THE MIN STRELS. Tho minstrel show was repeated at tho Funke opern house Tuesday night to a large and enthusiastic audience. Perhaps It would be better to stop right here, but n word or two of ex planation might bo added. Everything went against the min strel show's second appearance from tho start. In tho first place Crano was at the Lansing, nnd he drow nil his own hoiiBO nnd nine-tenths of tho minstrel'B house, too. Then Professor EoHterooy and his coterie of brass tootlors woro soro because they woro roasted In tho minstrel show, and they refused to make a parado for tlio troupe. This was a great deprivation, because a comic parade Ib always a drawing card. There wore not mnny In the audl oncc when tho curtain wont up, but they woro real nice people, nnyway. When tho troupe saw that thoy woro not going to mako money enough to nil tho foot ball coffers, they went In ... look at the fine ff for a good time -and they had It. Both Hunk Mueller and .less Rowo forgot tholr tambos, and Jack Sumner forgot his rnttloboncH, and two end men had to go on with one bono aploco. Hunk sont down to a second-hand Htoro nnd borrowed a child's tnmbo with tho bond busted In. It was ho dilapidated that It couldn't mako a sound, although Hunk did say It guvo a tone lo the performance. Juclt Kind sat behind a big Hereon and played tho accompaniments. The Hereon was ho high that he couldn't hoc over It, and the only way he could toll when the soloists woro ready was to lie with his ear on tho floor and watch tho Hlng ors when they got up. Ho got tired of thin and after the second number the soloists bad to throw rocks over tho Hereon to wake Jack up. Tho house was very qulot and sedate, and Josh Rowo said the only applause ho beard was some that wns wafted ovor from tho Lansing. While tho minstrel show was going on Phil Russoll gavo a box party to the Chums cast. Dur ing tho intermission Artlo Wolshans scraped up an acquaintance with tho other man in the audience. "Chimin" wiih produced again at the end of the show. Phil Russell wns prettier than ever In a blue shirtwaist and n wblto duck skirt. La Rue Brown played the part of tho old woman again, and ho woro a Mother Hubbard that hung about him tin gracefully as If someone had dropped It on him from the roof. Someone had caked bis face over with powder to make him look nged, and ho hitched himself across tho stage like a galvanized ghost. La Rue's voice Is a little heavy for a pious old lady's, anyway, and when ho gets excited It rumbles like n run away beer wagon. Jess Rowe looked the part of a good old farmer, even if he didn't have any "blzoolers." Phil got excited In one scene nnd pushed Jess over n chair, and his bend hit the floor four or five times In quiet succession. Jess always does have a hard tlmo in this show. Last year his son tore tho shirt nearly off his back and this year the prima donna wrastles him all over the stage. Jess Is getting pretty old to act, any way. The play ended In the good old way and tho house was cleared in nn In credibly short tlmo. See Dr. Leonhnrt's ad In thib Issue. Old lints made over successfully at Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 O street. DR. S. E. COOK. - Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1215 O St. Nebraska College of Oratory, Y. M. C. A. Building. Lincoln, Neb. Practical course in Voice Building, Dramatic and Lyric Art and Forensio Oratory. Faculty oxporiencod instructors, grad uatoB of Boston Col logo of Oratory. Cost of Courso in reach of ovory in dustrouB student. Send for Free Catalogue. Fall Term oponod September 16th, 1897. OLIVER URWIN. J. E. ERW1N The Antelope Valley ? CO., k& LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 25th and J Sts. Office 1 13 N. Phone 505. 1 1 th St. Students . . . For fine PHOTOGRAPHS go to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $1.00 Per Doz. and Up. We guarantee to please you. Call and see our work, get our prices and give us a trial Our motto is to please all customers. 132 SO. I2THST. - LINCOLN, NEB. O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S. Qrudunto of OHIO COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY Gold unit Porcolttln Crowns, llrlduo work, Gold, Aluminum and Ituubor PluUiu. Special Rates to Students. Olllco, nooniB 23 and 24, Alexundor Wool:. 12th and O Sts., Lincoln, Nob. It's Cold. Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want, Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take The To OMAHA SS8 KANSAS CITY- East and South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. l'ORTL A ND, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANCJELKS. Has tho host modern equipment. Pullman Polaco and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Freo Reclining Chair Cars. For timo schedules, tickots, reservation of births, call on or address E. H. SLOSSON, Gon. Agt 1011 0 stroot, J. T. MASTIN, C. T Lincoln, Neb. S. H.H.CLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON. Gon. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX, G. P. AT. A Omaha, Nob. The University of Nebraska, SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: Pipo-Organ, Piano Forto, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, Gon ornl Theory, Sight Reading. If M are Thinking of Studying Music Investigate the Merits of this School WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. You'll Find it's a Good Place. FRANCIS BROS. Proprietors CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish nnd Game in Season. Also Restnurnnt nt 14K O St Open all night. Givo us a call. make a Specialty of 15 Cent Meals. We H. W. BROWN, Druggist. Books and Stationery, i College Text Books. And u comploto stock of Standard and I Miscellaneous Books. , 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. Northwestern University Medical School. Tho regular courso is four yoars; with conditions for advancod standing. Th i school oluinifl superiority in tho oxtont and thoroughness of laboratory coursosa and in tho groat variety of its clinical material and tho methods by which it is used in teaching. For circulars of in formation address the Secretary, D. N. S. Davis, Jr., 2113 DoarbornSt,, Chicago, Table Board, $2.50. Meals, 15 cts. MEAL TICKETS, $2.50. THE MODEL DINING HALL, MKB. ItOH'T. FltEELAND, Proprietress. 316 So. 12th Street. - Lincoln, Neb The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. All points East. A. Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Froo Scholarships in all Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concorts, Lectures, Recitals. 121 North llth. Lincoln, Nob FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. TWO BIG NIGHTS, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5-6 Litz & Davis' big spectacular production of RIDER HAGGARD'S "SHE." Two car loads of scenery. Finest thing this season. Now songs, specialties, and dances. Prices, ?1, 75c, EOc, and 25c. Bargain matinee on Saturday. Seats on sale HUTCHINS & HYATT Soil tlio HostGrudosof C OJl. Also Wood nnd Kindling. 1040 O St., - Tel. 225. Sfe HEARTand NERVOUS DISEASES are Just as curable as other diseases. Treated exclusively by J. S. LEONHARDT, At. D. OFFICE, 1437 O Street. Llnooln, Nebraska. Jiuuuo,? 10 o uauy. exoopi ouuuuye. ri iuu.uo, i 10 o uttuy, oxocpi ouuuuyp it fe t t 14