The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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    The nebraskan.
No. S.
Missouri Goes Down in an Over
whelming Defeat.
Nebraska Confidonl of Winning bin by Not
so Largo a Majority Details ol How
it Was Done.
Nobraslm fittingly celebrated tho bo
ginning of her chase for tho pennant
last Saturdny nftornoon In tho pres
enco of 1,600 people by rolling up
against the Missouri Tigers tho lnrgoat
scoro "or inatlo by tills Univorstty
against any opposing team. Forty
one to nothing tolls tho story of tho
overwhelming defeat administered to
tho Mlssourluns. Thoy wero simply
easy, being outweighed and outplayed.
Nebraslsn took tho ball when and
where she pleased and after the llrst
touchdown It was only a question of
how large tho scoro would bo. Ne
braska's goal was never In danger,
thirty yards being tho closest distance
which the Tigers wore allowed to ap
proach the coveted lino.
Nebraska had the visitors guessing
from the stnrt. Tho sarao formation
was used for a half a dozen entirely
different plays and thoy never knew
where to expect tho ball, and when
they had located It it was generally
behind the goal posts.
The playing of Missouri was slow,
their backs being often downed be
hind the lino. Nebraska, on tho other
hand, played swift, snappy ball and
the interference was almost porfect.
.-Hayrard, Hancen, Tu.iwr, -and Taarco
opened up holes In tho Tiger's line
large enough to drive a wagon through.
Melford at center played n splendid
game for a man who has not boon out
to practice more than a couple of
times this yenr, and tho visitors made
few gains through his position.
Benedict played a wonderful game
at left half and went through tho op
posing line ns if he lind played half
back all his life. Montgomery played
well at right half, but ho ran his head
Into the ground and received a kick
In the head from one of the Tigers
early in the game and was forced to
retire. Williams, who took his place,
responded with large gains every time
he was called upon to carry the ball.
As for Shedd, ho simply plowed
through the Tigers und tore up their
line whenever ho was so disposed.
Time and again Missouri tried to go
around Nebraska's ends, but Wiggins
and Stringer were alwnys on hand,
and often stopped them before they
had really started. Cowglll repeated
his brilliant performance of tho previ
ous week by kicking n goal from the
thirty-yard line. This, however, was
offBet b errors which, In an ordinary
same, might havo lost the game to Ne
braska Three times the Tigers punted
'or twenty or thirty yards, and three
times Cowglll, with nn open chance to
catch the bail, dropped It and a Mis
souri man got It.
For Missouri Howard at center, Har
ris at right end, and Cramer at loft
tacklo played the best game. Tho
rest of tho Tigers played In a HbUosb
sort of way and wore woefully slow
ln starting their lnterforonco. They
tried several tricks, but with one ex
ception thoy failed. Once, on tho old
criss-cross, thoy made a gain of twen-ty-nvo
yards, which was tho only run
of any length which was made by tho
Tho weather was porfect and tho
fleld could not havo beon in bettor con
dition. Seldom has there been so
m"ch foot ball enthusiasm displayed
aa tllero was that afternoon. Five
squads of boys yelled themselves
hoarse, and spoaklng trumpets and
Cow bolls woro there In great profu
sion. Everybody woro colora tho
panet nnd cream, of course, predom
ng, TllO fnur wlin illcmlnvnil tlin
ger'8 colors took paliiB to conceal
Vor.. VI
them long boforo tho llrst half was
Tho line-up:
Nebraska. Missouri.
Stringer 1. o Porry
l'earao 1. t Cramer
1 lanson 1. g Woodson and
MolforO e Howard
Turnor r. g Parkor
Wiggins1 ..':;:.: J. i. .'.'.v.v.v.iiniViH
Cowglll quarter .... Bungnrdt
Benedict nnd
Williams ....1. h Shepherd
Montgomery and
Schwnrtz . . . . r. h Tones nnd
Shedd ft,,, noSSI
Hcfore... Phut. Umpire, Thorpe, athlotlc events In the history of the
Linesmen, Bass and Robbins. j University. This has been n.ado pos-
I ho game was called at 3:10. No- slblo through tho efforts and energy of
braska v-on the toss and chose tho Dr. Hastings, nbly assisted by Man
south goal. Holman made a fako agora Ltebman of tho sophomore class
., ,", V . nml M,M0Uri g0linml Swn,,ow ot th0 freshmen. Both
the ball. Missouri made no gain on ( 0nB8ca aro roninrknbIy wo,
tho first down. Hill was finely tackled 8onted, considering tho fact that tho
v 'BM" .... f.u.u w u gam, mi
iioim.iu wns
kicked i r twenty
braska got tho bail. Shedd wen
through the center for seven yards.
Montgomery was sent around the
right end for a gain of five yards, to
which he added seven more a moment
.mr. uencuici went, mrougn ion
tacklo for five and then made tri
yards around tho left end. Shedd
bucked tho center for seven yards,
Hnyward advanced It five more and
then Donedlct went around tho loft
end twenty ynrds for a touchdown in
Just flvo minutes after the game be
gan. Shedd kicked goal. Score: Ne
braska G, Missouri 0.
Holman kicked oft twenty yards and
Pearso brought It back five. Mont
gomery went through right tackle five
j yards. He hurt his head somewhat,
lint. unoiueWCJ tay.lnR...NBlT5d3bimer-aintathc..rdld-down by
iminmeniig away ni Missouri s ,
line and It was unable to withstand
the terrific onslaughts. Shedd made
two yards through center, Montgomery
seven yards through tackle, and one
moro in the same place on tho next
play, and then Shedd hit the center
for six yards more. Benedict went
around tho left end for ten yards.
Pearse made eight yards through right
tnckle and Shedd followed with seven
more. On tho next three downs Hny
ward, Benedict, and Shedd carried tho
ball to Missouri's twenty-yard lino.
The Tigers tried to hold them, but it
was all to no avail. Montgomery went
around the right end for seven yards,
Benedict around the other for six, and
Shedd wnB pushed over for a touch
down. It took just ten minutes to
push the ball across tho field for this
touchdown. Shedd lUcked goal. Score:
Nebraska 12, Missouri 0.
Holman kicked forty yards and
Wiggins came back with the ball nine
yards. For once Benedict failed to
gain around the left end. Cowglll
kicked thirty yards and Shepard re
gained ten. Missouri bucked the cen
ter twice, but only advanced the ball
three yards. On the next play Han
sen broke through nnd by a fine tackle
caused the Tigers to lose three yards.
Nebraska's ball. Montgomery made
two yards and Shedd one, so Cowglll
was forced to kick. Hill made four
yards throuKh tackle. Stringer and
nnr0n i.rnico thm.h nnvt timo and
tho Tigers lost-three yards. Missouri
fumbled tho bnll, losing flvo more,
yards. Nebraska's ball. Benedict was
sent around tho left end for sovonteen
yards, Penrso went through tacklo for
soven, and Montgomery through con
tor for ono ynrd. Shedd plowed
through tho contor for ton yards and !
Hay ward followed with seven more.
Tho bnll was now on tho Tiger's ten
yard lino. Montgomery lessoned this
distance by four yards. Hayward took
tho ball to within ono yard of tho lino,
and tho noxt time no curriuii u uvur,
twelve minutes after tho provious
touchdown. Shedd kicked goal. Scoro:
Nebraska 18, Missouri 0.
Holman kicked off tulrty-flvo yards
and Hayward regained ten. Boncdlct
took another Jaunt around tho loft ond
for twonty-fivo yards. Hayward hurt
(Continued on Fourth l'aRO.)
Held Tomorrow Afternoon on the
University Athletic Grounds.
, Th,oy aro A" in Qood Form son,0 coi-
lo!JO Rccrds Will Probably bo Broken
Good List ol Prizes Oftorcd.
i m. .
1M0 0,,B talked of freslunnn-sopho-
moro Hold day, which occurs noxt Sat-
If;; oJ J" '7. Prom-
I ,8ca 1 UO 0110 Of the niOHt Hllnnnmifnl
foot ,m scagon ,s hcro j
. iU ,,..uu arawa interest away from track ath
yards, and Ne- 0tics. In snlin nt hiu ...
deal of cluss spirit ami enthusiasm has
beon worked up.
An admission feo of ton cents will bo
chnrged, which will nlso Include ad-
ni,sslon to tho junta -senior foot ball
gamo whlch ,,rectIy fc t,,c flo,(l
(,ay contests. Thus there is no clangor
that anybody will not get his money's
worth and nt tho , ti, i, ......
....w illiv IIU twill I
contribute toward paying for tho grad
ing of tho grounds.
At tho rate at which tho tickets aro
going. there will bo a large crowd on
hand. Arrangements have been made
o form two rooting squads, each
under a leader. Tho .probabilities aro
that some records will be broken be
fore tho contests are over.
The field dav will hn run ntrlotlv
tho Intercollofrlntn AthWln nnUnnin.
tlon, as Dr. Hastings is determined
that athletic affairs shall be conducted
precisely as prescribed by the rules.
Programs for the field day are to bo
out today and to bo posted on the bul
letin board. By dint of tnll hustling
n fine number of prizes have been se
cured, which should prove a strong
incentive for everyone to do his best.
To the class which wins the contest
Mr. E. Fleming will present a $2fi sil
ver water set, to be hnnded down every
year by the winning class. This alone
will insure an annual contest between
tho two classes. Other prizes aro also
given. H. W. Brown offers a fountain
pen, Perkins & Sheldon a ? pair of
running shoes, Bumstead & Tuttlo n
hat, Palno & Warfel a sweater, San
derson, Schureman & Davis and Web
ster & Rogers each a pair of tennis
shoes. It Is expected thnt several more
prizes besides these will bo secured.
The foot ball game begins promptly
nt 1:30 p. m. nnd tho field dny fol
lows immediately nt its conclusion.
In the field contests Coach Hoblnson
will act as referee and Dr. Hastings
ns starter. There will bo twelve
1. 100-ynrd dnBh Moore, Collett,
Andreson, R. D '00, Warner, La Sallo,
Schwartz, Swallow, Popoon, '01.
2. 440-yard dash Hill, Andreson, R.
D., '00; Fraser, Kellogg, Pcpoon, '01.
3. One mile run Plllsbury, Hill,
Waterman. '00; Kellogg, '01
ll,t?'OoTiw&. F&VoT.
, .,.,,, ,ini,unnrn Pniinft
Andreson, R. D., '00; Warner, La Salle,
I Popoon, '01.
C. Base ball throw Gordon, Jowott,
Reoder, Moore, '00; Swallow, War-
nor, '01.
7. Foot ball kick Cowglll, Gordon.
Hill, Benedict. '00: Strlmrer. Tiikm-
Woods, Schwartz, '01.
8. Putting tho shot Hummel, Jow
ott, Mooro, Wnterman, '00; Stringer
Swallow, '01.
!). Polo vault Benedict, Hill, Wntor
mnn, Andreson, W. E '00; Kellogg.
La Sallo, '01. -"hh.
,10t Kunning high jump Andreson.
W. K., Waterman, '00; La Sallo, Swal
low, Popoon, '01.
11. Throwing tho hammer Jowott,
Hummel, Lo Mar, Andreson. W E
00; Stringer, Swallow, '01.
12. Running broad Jump Andreson,
W. E., Mooro, Waterman, Bonodlct,
'00; La Sallo, Wnrnor, Swallow, '01.
Tho first of t,u series of games to
docldo the class championship will be
played on tho campus tomorrow at
1:30 o'clock between tho Juniors nnd
seniors. Both teams for tho past two
weeks havo beon practicing hard In
preparation for this gamo. Tho Juniors
have already had the oxporienco of a
gamo w 1th the second olovon at Wcs
loyun. Although they woro beaten 22
to 0 tho fact that Wosloynn was not
allowed, to score In tho second half
showWWmt thu juniors have a strong
Hue. ''All that Is now needed is a llttlo
moro practico to learn tho slgnnls and
then ,thoy will bo nblo to givo any
team a good tight for tho chamnlon-
The fpot ball team of tho senior cIbbs
has; boon out practicing regulnrly tho
paBt week In anticipation of their
gaiiie with tlitj Juniors, scheduled for
tomorrow ty ,'oon at 1:30. This
class won thcnnterclass championship
last year antUhave most of their old
mon back. Tho Juniors havo been
working hard,; nnd after their practice
gamo with tho Wosloynn scrubs last
Wednesday aftornoon will put up a
stirf game. For tho seniors Captain
Morrison will play quarter-back and
give signals, Halstead will play full
back, Greun, right half, and McKay or
Klndlcr, loft, ln tho line "Bob" White
will hold down center, Andrews, left
guard, and Cushman, right guard.
Cnmpboll will play right tacklo, Muel
ler left, Bverctt Sawyer right end, with
Hendy und True trying for tho loft.
Porter Is also trying for half-back.
As this gamo Is played just before
tho field contests, a large crowd will
doubtless bo present. An admission
of ten cents admits to both events.
Following Is tho line-up as near as
can be ascertained, but several
ennnges will probnbly bo made:
Juniors. Positions. Seniors
Huucker 1. o. . .Hendy or True
It. Sawyer 1. t Mueller
Warner 1. g Cushman or
A'er, c Whlto
Gnrrlngor r. g Andrews
Hongland r. t E. Sawyer
McGalrey r. c McKay
Clarke qunrter .... Morrison
Strock 1. h Greene
Patch or l.ytle. . r. h Klndler
Hastlo full Halstead
Tho Junior foot bnll team went out
tc ,, esleyan Wednesday afternoon nnd
played a gamo with tho second eleven.
Tho game was not so one-sided ns tho
scoro of 22 to 0 would Indicate. Wos
loynn kicked off for twonty-fivo yards,
The Juniors returned flvo. After a
couple of plays, Wosloyan secured tho
ball on a fumble by Clnrk. Wesloyan
bucked tho lino with no gain, then tho
loft half went around tho end for
twenty yards, being Anally tackled by
Sawyer. The very noxt play Wes
leynn's right end, Bull, who by the
way Is a regular member of tho first
cloven, went around left ond for the
llrst touchdown. Time, four minutes.
Weoloynn failed to catch tho klckout,
and tho score wns I to 0. Tho juniors
kicked off forty yards, but It was
brought back ten. Thou Wesloyan
lost tho ball on downs on their own
flftcon-ynrd lino. A moment Inter thoy
secured It again on a fumble and made
a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Scoro, 10 to 0. Aftor tho llno-up It
took Wesloyan Just ono minute to se
cure their third touchdown; 1G to 0.
Then tho Juniors braced up and held
tholr own until Just boforo time was
called, whon tho Inst scoro of tho gamo
was made. In tho second half tho
Juniors put up n much better game,
showing that all thoy needed was prac
tico. .In this half neither sldo was
nblo to score. Ab tho result of n pro
test, Captain Bull of tho Wesloynns
did not piny In tho second half. There
will bo a return enmo between tho
same teams on Wednesday of noxt
Llno-up was as follows:
Wesloyan. Juniors.
Hull-Stevenson . r. o WIso-McGeo
Hamilton r. t Sawyer
Gcarhart r. g Wnrnor
Lewis Ayro
1. g Gnrlnger
Kemper . .
Schoof . . . .
1. t Sargeant
1. o. , Haeckor
quarter Clark
r. h Strock
1. 1 Patch
I'iuok o Cknts.
"How Will it Result 7" the Question
of the Day.
Dolcal ol Iowa by Kansas Has Frlghtonod No
braska-Mon Working Hard to Gol
In Condlllon Tho Outlook.
To say that great Interest has been
aroused In tho coming gnmo with Kan
sas would only bo stating half the
truth. The Interest In this gamo Is
Intonse. Everywhere Is henrd the
questions, "What is Kansas going to
do to us?" and "Do you think we can
score on Kansus?" All this Ih nron.
stoned by the overwhelming defeat ad
ministered by Kansas to Iowa last
Saturday. Thero Is no doubt about It,
KansnH has scared us. But Nebraska
lias no Intention of quietly submitting.
Such events as the Kansas-Iown gnmo
will only stimulate our mon to greater
efforts. No matter what happens,
Knnsns will havo to play the gamo of
her life and the followers of Nobrnska
mny rest assured thnt thoro will bo no
5G to 0 scoro mnde agninst us, ns thoro
was against Iowa. Kansns made al
most all of.Jier gains around Iowa's
ends, but Nobrnska rooters have a
sneaking idea that Wiggins and
Stringer will havo something to say
about Kansas making end runs.
Thero will be no big game tomorrow.
Manager Oury and Coach RoblnBon
have decided to allow the men plenty
of time to recover from the effects of
tho Missouri gnmo and there will be
no gnmo between now nnd the Kansas
game. All the energies of the team
will be concentrated to win that game.
There is a general feeling that the
Kansas game decides who wins tho
ponant, as neither Iowa or Missouri
can hope for first place with the largo
scores which have beon rolled up
against them. From now on tho cry
will bo "Anything to beat Kansas!"
Meanwhile Kansas will spare no ef
forts to down Nebraska. The Missouri
game will not bo calculated to Inspire
Kansas with over-confidence. Before
that game Nebraska was not consid
ered In tho race to nny extent by either
Kansas or Missouri. Tho poor show
ing of Nebraska against Tarklo and
Wesloyan was considered by other
teams as Indicating a very weak team
for Nebraska this year. Tho result of
last Saturday's game, however, has
changed all this, and now we aro
strictly In it.
Mr. Plntt, the veteran Kansas player
who refereed last Saturday's game,
Bald In regard to Nebraska's playing:
"The first part of that game was the
fastest foot ball 1 havo ever seen
played In the west. I was greatly sur
prised at the showing of the Nebraska
team, and I think that wn the fastest
foot ball the team ever played. In
regard to the KansaB game, I consider
It n toss-up as to who will win."
With a pleasant day, tho large crowd
of last week will bo almost doubled at
tho Knnsns game, and tho outcome will
decide who are "champions of tho
west," which proud title Kansas al
ready claims for her team In flaring
headlines ln tho paper of that univer
sity. If a largo crowd of rooters will
come out again they will aid a great
deal toward doing "Anything to boat
Kansas," thnt Is, using every honor
able means to aid ln tho victory of tin
homo team. Thoro will bo no rowdy
Ism, ns at tho Iowa-MIssourl gamo last
year, but tho Kansas players will bo
treated like gentlemen, although Ne
braska will strain every nerve to beat
The senior caps nnd canes aro al
ready here. This Is a wonderful move
that tho brainy seniors got on them
selves. Thoy have outdone all pre
decessors In deciding upon and secur
ing what thoy want. Tho gllrs nro
still stowing about what thoy like best.
Thoy promise to decide by commencement.