The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 29, 1897, Image 4

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    Wesleyan not Easy.
(Continued Prom First I'ago.)
Ervln kicked thirty-ilvo ynVdB and"
Uoncdlct, by skillful dodging, regained
twenty yards. Schwartz and WllllaniB
wont around tho ond for llvo nnd eight
yards respectively. Schwartz lost llvo
yards trying to go around tho ond.
Shoaf, Mason, and Carver failed to
julvnnco and Nebraska took tho ball.
Shcdd wont through tho lino llftcon
yards In two downs. Lemon hurt his
nnklo soinowhat but stayed In tho
game. Smith relieved Dunn, who was
taken sick. Nebraska gained eight
yurds In tho next two downs but lost
tho ball on a forward pass. Shoaf
made a short gain and Wesloynn
kicked for twenty yards. Benedict,
Wayward, Shcdd, and Schwartz all
took tholr turn nnd each advanced tho
ball llvo yards. It was at this Junct
ure of tho game that Cowglll made his
famous goal from tho Hold. Score,
Nebraska 11, Wesleyan 0.
IJcforo Nebraska hud time to do
anything more time was called with
tho ball In tho center of the Held.
Ueorgo Woods, a prominent politi
cian, has given ?10 toward tho sup
port of the football team.
Tho Missouri team will arrlvo over
tho Hock Island at 3:125 this afternoon.
There will bo a number of the alum
ni along tho sido Hue Saturday. Count
Llndguest will bo among tlieTn. How
ard Ulcketts Is also here.
"Farm," '07, has mndo the foutbnll
manager's heart glad by sending him
a llve-dollnr-blll. Will Raymond has
promised twenty dollars moro from
BUI Mclford, who played center on
tho llrst eleven last year, returned to
the University last Monday. Bill will
go back to his old position In tho line
and will greatly strengthen tho team
in tomorrow's game.
The llrst eleven lined up against the
High school team one night last week.
The practice was an advantage to both
teams as the city boys gained by their
experience and tho University team
found them somewhat harder to play
with than tho second cloven.
The hardest practice which the team
has yet experienced was on last night.
The scrub eleven, strengthened by
Hnyward, Robinson, and Williams,
succeeded in scoring on the Varsity
team. It was fierce and exciting and
the crowd went v lid with delight.
Last Wednesday afternoon Wiggins
and Hansen, in endeavoring to tacklo
the same man, at the same time, In the
same place, collided with their heads
and as a result Hansen is carrying
around a big Dump on his forehead.
The result of Wiggins Injury is not
visible to the naked eye us It Is con
cealed beneath his mass of hair. Hum
niell and Harmon also had a similar
collision with somewhat the same re
sults. It would do no harm If the students
would make all necessary prepara
tions for celebrating a big victory to
morrow evening. Then If the unex
pected happens, as It often does, we
can save our fireworks until Kansas
comes. On the other hand wo will
bo all ready to have a rousing cele
bration. If wo win. a few tin horns,
speaking trumpets, and cow-bells will
not come In amiss. If wo lose, the
;reat chunks of gloom which will float
over this region, will carry the news
of the disaster without the aid of tin
The management has decided to
make a change In the wire fence on
the east side of the Held, which will en
able everyone to get a good view of
tho game. At present, if there Is any
crowd nt all along tho side lines it Is
Impossible for a person nt one end of
the Held to sec the game going on at
the other end without walking up and
down tho line. To obviate the (11111
culty, this scheme will bo adopted:
The center of the wire fence will bo
made the apex of a triangle and from
this point, the fence will run diag
onally to each end. This will allow
those nt either ond of the field to be
closer In than those In the center of
tli.-1 fence and all will thus be enabled
to have an unobstructed view of tho
Few plays announced for production
in this city come moro highly recom
mended than the comedy drama,
"Tennessee's Pardner," which will bo
presented here nt the Lansing theatre,
Saturday, October 30, by a superb com
pany of plnyers. In the past few yean
rapid strides have been mndo In the
theatrical profession. Tho days of the
barn stormer are past, their places
being taken by actors and actresses
who aro college-born, and managers
who nro up-to-date. The plays, too,
mtiBt bo successes else the managers
could not afford the immense outlay
in transporting them thousands of
miles a season. The public Is respon
sible for these changes. By their lib
eral patronage and tholr knowledge of
theatricals they keep In touch with
successes nnd failures with good and
bad performers, and so have cleansed
and purified, and mndo the business
as legitimate as any calling. Tho de
lightful combination of humor and
pathos, comedy nnd tragedy, and pow
erfully drawn characters makes "Ten
nessee's Partner" a play onco seen not
rendlly forgotten. Tho play Is in four
acta the b;oiicb being laid In the
Rocky mountain mining region. Jns.
M. Brophy, Estha Williams, Percy
Plunkctt, and Jano Corcoran head tho
Ions cast. Scats now on sale. Prices,
fl, 75c, GOc, and 2Dc.
Miss St. Oeorgo Hussoy, tho clovor
comoodlonno with "Olo Olson, ' which
comes to tho Lannlng Monday, Nov. 1,
la an ardent dovoteo of tho blcyclo and
avails horsolf of ovory posslblo oppor
tunity to havo a rldo, but In Chicago
she Btronuously objects to disport hor
solf on a wheol. Mlsu Hussoy Is not
sensatlvo nbout hor avoirdupois but
she fools that sho waB Insulted In tho
"windy city" during hor visit to tho
World's Fair In lSOU. Sho was at tho
ralr grounds wearing largo groon
bloomers, about tho llrst of tho kind
to bo scon thero, having a photograph
taken Bitting on a blko, while "Char
ley" Loralno hold It steady, when a
street urchin camo up and slgnlllcantly
asked him In a sorlous tone, "What
tlmo docs tho balloon go up?" Slnco
Hint tlmo Miss Hussoy has discarded
bloomers and novor rides In Chicago.
Look out for her next Monday. Seats
on snlo Friday, 1) a. in. Box scats, $1,
Scats 75c, GOc, and 2Gc.
Ono of tho clalniB mndo In regard to
"A Fool of Fortune," tho play William
II. Crane Is to present at tho Lansing
theatre on Tuesday, November !2d, Is
Unit Its characters aro all drawn from
llfo nnd yet are nearly all now to tho
stage. Tho man Mr. Crnno portrays
1b a broker and his counter , rt was
onco a living reality In Wall stieot, In
Now York, where he was a power on
the stock exchange. A particularly
well drawn character Is tho Count do
Cluny. Tho latter comes to America
with tho intention of marrying an
heiress and dabbling In stocks. He
gets tangled up In a bad speculation
and through Us failure ho loses all of
his money. It hns been customary
with dramatists to picture noblemen
ns anything and ever" ig but noble,
In fact, n nobleman u. no stage who
was a gentleman has been almost an
unheard of thing. Tim Count, how
over, Is a gentleman. When ho real
izes that his money Is gono he drops
his title nnd seeks work so that he
might earn money enough to support
the little woman that he honestly
loes. The part Is played by Walter
llnle, who makes up to look like the
Count do Castcllane, the young man
who married Into tho Gould family.
Tho other characters Include a vil
lainous stock broker, an honest one,
a banker, a farmer rrom New Jersey,
and the broker whoso ups and downs
on the stock exchange give the piny Its
title. Scats on sale Saturday morning
at 9 a. m. Frices, $1.50, $1, 75c, GOc,
and 2Gc.
Robert MnnteU's now play Is a
French romance of 1720, when tho
Due d'Orleans was Regent. In those
days It yas not tisual for a court fa
vorite, or mistress, to ask for a "lettre
de cachet," or secret warrant, the same
to be held over the head of some poor
unsuspecting offender of her fancy,
who by tho treacherous document
might bo consigned nt any moment to
tho Bnstllc and, once there, die with
out ever ngnln being heard of. Louis
de Beaumont, having slighted tho love
of tho infamous Gabrlelle dc Victor, Is
thus doomed, but, by a clever ruse,
turns the tables on his enemy and
confounds the too susceptible Regent.
"A Secret Warrant" is a strong play
and gives an exnmple of the corrupt
piiictlces of the Bourbons, which,
sixty years later, brought about the
French Revolution. The drama Is the
work of W. A. Tremayne and will be
at the Lansing theatre, Thursday, Nov.
1th. Scats on snlo Tuesday, 9 a. in. at
box olllce. Price, ?1, 7Gc, GOc, and 25c.
In the vulgar vermicular of tho
stage, as an author Mr. Edwin Bar
bour Is a howling success. He strikes
tho key note of stage realism. At one
tlmo thero wore three different ver
sions of "Sho" before the public, but
in each of them thero wns something
lacking. Mr. Barbour, by careful
study and good reasoning, discovered
what that something was, and in the
piesent version which will appear In
this city next week that which was
larking (the complete story) Is sup
plied. Mr. Barbour goes back I to
years before Christ nnd Introduces
characters that were never dreamed
of even Mr. Hnggard himself In his
story does not mention them, w hen
Mr. Barbour placed the play uncW
Litz & Davis' management tho agree
ment was that every particle of scen
ery used In the play should bo carried
by the company, and Litz & Davis
hnvo kept their word. Fvery prop
erty, electrical and mechnnlcal effects
used In this grand production Is car
ried by the company, making nearly
two carloads.
Tho story Is one of those eerie,
weird things that enchain one by lurid
description and wonderful character
pictures. No wonder, then, that Mr.
Edwin Barbour grasped tho great pos
sibilities of It as a stage spectacle.
And Judging from the grent praise lt
has received throughout the entire
country, the play Is a grand success.
Manager Zchrung, of the Funko, has
secured tho No. 1 company for a special
attraction tho coming season. Tho No.
1 company carries all tho original sco
nory, electric nnd mechnnlcal offects
used In Its long run In Chicago during
the World's Fair, and Fourteenth St.
Theatre, New York City.
Two nights, Friday and Saturday,
November Gth and Cth. Bargain day
matlnco Saturday evening. Prices, ?1,
75c, 50, and 25c. Seats on sale Thurs
day, 10 a. m.
Two now grand stands each copablo
of holding 5.200 persons, hnvo boon
erected on Ynlo field to accommodnto
tho crowd expected at tho annual
Pr nceton-Yalo game. Tho now stands
will cost $10,000.
Tho subject of tho Yalo-llarvard do
bato thlB yoar 1b, "Uoaolvod, That tho
United StatoB should annox tho Ha
waiian Islands." Tho dobato will prob
ably tako placo early In Docomher,
Bomo tlmo boforo tho question comos
up In tho sonnto.
Tho Co-Op. has rccolvod a now con
signment of ombossod University lot
to d tablets, envelopes, oto.
aotivo gontlemcn or ladles to travel
for responsible), established houso In Lin
coln, Nebraska. Monthly $65.00 and ex
penses. Position steady. Roforeneo. En
closes self-addressed stamped envelope.
Tho Dominion Company, Dopt. Y Chicago.
Tho standard of mora than three-fourths
of tho State Universities and leading Col
cges of America,
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 5-6
Litz & Davis' big spectacular production
Two car loads of scenery.
Finest thing this season.
Now songd. specialties, and dances.
Prices, $1, 75e, GOc, nnd 25c. Bargain
mntlnco on Saturday. Scats on sale
Thursday at 10 a. m.
t A.e T11U UOLLliUhi MAN who Is
! -Js pnrtlculiir nliout how his hair looks
i I I will tlnil llml Rum U'u..tirllnlil nftjr
WKFrf '8 year experience with coHeyo men !
? A Jl- lnnivu )tni t.i ..lit full., titi.l mil It tn
suit. II7N 1.1th.
(.U...1 ..w. ... , ...... , ...... w w
Lunch Counter.
118 Sonth Hloventli.
First National Bank,
JNO. L. CAIISON, President.
D. D.MUIK. Cnshlcr.
II. S. FKEKMAN, Ass't Cashier
It's the Place
You want to go to when you want to
purchase magazines, periodicals, news-
j impure and novels. Always on hand.
llth and O Sts., Richards BIK-
cSil Inti'rcolioL'lato Hurciiu
m$ Coirell & Leonard
J ' ri . i o i ...!.. .. ..
Albany, Nuw York.
Malters of tho
Caps, Gowns and Hoods.
To the American CoII-kcs and Universities
IlliihtraUd mumiul. humplt1, prices, etc., upon
rvipieHt (lowiis for tho Pulpit and tho Hunch.
Bath House and Sanitarium.
Cor. llth and M streets , Lincoln, Neb.
Open at all Hours, Day and Night.
All forms of bath
Managing Physicians.
I WB" -K
Metropolitan Barber Shop
(Basement Burr Blk.)
SHAVE, 10c SEA FOAM, 10c
B. J RoberEon, Proprietor.
Mako Bomo now frionda this yoar among
tho now stwionts who havo como in. .
We Have Lots
Of old friands who nro striving witli us,
nnd tho reason is plain. Tho collogo
man is particular, llo mast havo a
largo assortment to soloct from in order
to got the oxact fit, shapo, length,
figure, oto.
That's Why
Wo havo so many friends. Wo can
always suit thoir needs at prices that aro
Mr. Albert Turpin's-
Wow opon for Soason 1897-08.
Adult classes, ovory TuosdayB nnd Thursdays Juvonile, Wednesday
i p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. in. Assotnblios ovory Thursday Evo.
Uall for rent. Special rates to clubs nnd fraternities. 1132 N St,
for tonus, etc. Ollico hours 9 to 11:30 a. in., 2 to 5 p. m.
TUR VCUT Pill I EftE HE I 1W Spring term will opon March 8. 1S97, Dl
Ink nun I UULLbUkUr I. HIT ploma admits to bar. Improved me.hodi
Marshall D. Ewlng, LL. D.. M. D, Dcnn. uniting- theory and practice. Tho School
of Practice Is the Lending Feature. Evening sessions of ton hours a week for each
class. Students cm bo solf supporting whllo studying. For catalogue address
M. D. EWELL, Dean, Boom 613 and CM Ashland blk., Chicago, III.
When you write
to your friends
vho are coming west to
visit you, Just add a post
script like this: "Dc suro
to take the Burlington
Route. It's much tho
You aro quite safe in do
ing this becauso our serv
ice from Chicago, Peoria,
St. Louis and Kansas
City, In fact all eastern,
southeastern and south
ern cities Is Just as good
as our service to those
points. And that as every
one who is acquainted
with It will testify, '.8 the
best there Is.
Tickets and time tables
on application at B. & M.
depot or c ty ticket of
ilco, corner 10th and O St.
g. w.
B0NNELL, C. P. & T. A..
All tho news all tho tlmo Is to be found
In The Nebraskan, J1.00 per year.
You Can't
K Enamel !
We want bright
business men
to represent us
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street.
II. O. Townsknd, Gon'l P. & T. A.
P. D. Coiinell, O. P. A T. A.
a White Plume from a
Crow's Tall, norn good
Bicycle from Castings.
Ti.e Monarch
is good all through.
Chicago New York London
5end nine two-cent a tamps for Monarch
Playing Cord. Regular aoc card.