The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 29, 1897, Image 1

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Vol. V No. 7.
Pkick 5 Ckntb.
Ccripplod Team Puts up a Stiff Ex
hibition of Football.
Only Rcdcetntng Foaluro ol Nebraska's Play
Ing TV Lino Up and Details ol
Iho Gamo.
The pan10 between Wcaloyan and
the University of Nobrnaka which was
to decide tho Btnto championship, wa8
played on tho University cnmpuB, na
ijvcrtlfcwl, except that It did not de
cide the stato championship, although
KcIirasKa scored eleven points without
allowing her opponents to scoro. Tho
night before tho gamo, Coach Thomas,
In looking over the Wcaloyan team,
found that about one-half of his men
ure laid up and would bo unnMo to
fay. llaltey and Gilbert, two of the
itrongest men on the Weslcyan aide,
had boils on their hands which pro
Tented them from playing. Seeing
this sad stato of affairs, Wesleyan en
deavored to have tho gamo postponed.
This, Manager Oury refuses to do as
all arrangements for tho gamo had
been made at considerable expense.
However it was agreed that tho game
to decide the atato championship
should be played November 20.
So by playing several "scrubs" and
hy borrowing two players from the
Lincoln High school, Weslcyan sent
down a team which everybody expect
ed would be fairly eaten allvo by the
strong University eleven.
But the result was surprisingly dif
ferent. The Nebraska boys went out
on the Held with tho Idea that their
very presenco would scare tho Meth
odius. .J. l''nppuL-4ft tw -vhlle
they were making end-runs and
seemed surprised that the Wesleyan
been equalled In westorn football
two or thrco times during Its hUtory.
Nebraska has CowglU to thank that
tho scoro waB not C-0 ns thoro was not
oiuiugh tlmo to make another touch
down. Tho gamo was considerably delayed
owing to tho Injuries which tho Wca
loyan men woro constantly receiving.
Tho blcochora woro fairly woll filled
and about C00 pcoplo saw tho gamo.
The llno-up:
U. of N. Wcaloyan
Benedict 1. o Fltchlo
Pcarso 1. t Dunn
Hanson 1. g Brow
Herbert c Stull
Tumor r. g Kingsbury
Stringer r. t Lemon
CowglU quarter Stovcnson
Schwartz r. h Carver
WIUnnnB 1. h Hull
Shedd full Ervln
Tho gamo waa called at 3:30. Wca
loyan choso tho south goal. CowglU
kicked oft but tho ball rolled out of
bounds ao ho tried It again. This tlmo
the plgakln went forty yards and Wes
leyalfbrought It back fifteen. Carver
made five-yards and Nebraska got
tho ball on a fumble. Williams was
tncklcd behind tho lino by Mason who
was ofT-aldo and Nebraska was given
tlvo yards. Wesleyan immediately got
possession of tho ball again. Bull went
around the right end Tor three yards
and Carver around the other end for
four more. Wesleyan went right
Missouri Tigers will Meet Us on tho
Gridiron Tomorrow.
Condition ol Nebraska Players Personel and
Lino Up ol Missouri Rooting Ar
ranged for.
"Are you going to tho game Satur
day?" This is tho question which Is
heard everywhere around tho Uni
versity. Judging from tho alllrmntlvo
replies which aro always forthcoming
In answer to tho abrjvo Interrogation,
one of tho largest crowds of the sea
son will bo present nt tho gamo Sat
urday afternoon between the Nebraska
Indians and tho Missouri Tigers. This
Ib tho first tlmo thai tho students of
this university have had the privilege
of attending a gamo between Nebraska
and Missouri on th home grounds.
Hcretoforo this game has been plnyod
at Omaha or In Missouri and most of
tho students have wisely determined to
take advantage of this opportunity.
It Is unnecessary to say that there
will bo a good game. Tho very an
nouncement that the Tigers will play
will Insure an exciting time. For the
past two years Nebraska has downed
Minstrel Show a Typical Collegiate
through Nebraska's line which seemed M'Bau, l,ut onl' b tho, hnrc) k,ml
very weak. Dunn bucked tho center J .p,n,y,nB' 8 n,snap ,Q anticipated
for two yards to which Kingsbury ad
ded another one. Pearcc bent his neck
back and was replaced by Hayward.
Eivln went through tho center for two
yards when Wesleyan rumbled and lost
the ball.
Shedd hit tho center for one yard. On
the next play Nebraska fumbled and
tho ball rolled back ten yards. Shedd
tV.n.c tl:e ball dowa. behind tho Hue
so as to gain first down again as Ne
braska had lost so much ground on
youths did not rest at the same time the previous fumble. Nebraska failed
Instead of downing them behind the to gain on the next piay and CowglU
line and in other ways rendering them- kkked for thirty yards. Stevenson
selves dlsngrceablo. in fact, the Unl- brought It back ten. Wesleyan now
vcrslty boys were about as active as went through Nebraska's lino at will.
so many Indian cigar signs. It would Ervln made one yard through the cen
hardly be correct to say that Wesleyan i ter and Carver added eight more
around the left end. Ervln hit the
center for four yards and Carver went
through tackle for one more. Bull
lioko through their Interference be
cause there was no Interference. The
boys seemed to have thought that
wouldn't be necessary against the op
posing aggregation or cripples.
Only fifteen-mlnuto halves wore
played as Wesleyan Insisted on that
point. This may particularly account
lor Nebraska's small score but It can-
was finely tackled by Shedd and lost
a yard. Carver failed to gain around
the end but Lemon went through
guard for four yards. Kingsbury was
hurt but resumed playing shortly.
Carver made one yard and Ervln
noi wholly explain the fact that In the ' failed to gain so Nebraska took the
first half Wesleyan walked all over
Nebraska and at tho end of the first
half Nebraska had not placed a sin
gle score to her credit.
Nebraska rooters were so surprised
and chagrined that they forgot to
root. Wesleyan followers were wild
lth joy and frequent expressions were
heard as tn what they would do to
Nebraska if they only had their regu
lar team. Thirty to nothing would
hall. CowglU kicked twenty-five yards.
Stevenson brought It back ten. Time
was called for the first half with tho
ball in the center of tho field. Score,
Nebraska 0, Wesleyan 0.
In the second half Ervln kicked for
thirty-five yards and Benedict brought
It lack fifteen yards. Nebraska now
began to take an Interest in the game
aid played considerably better. Shedd
has displaced Phillips, a 200-poundor, UI VT3Q DDfiADn UAD TWO I? 1 1?
at center. Although Cox is a remark- A && KttbUKLI PUK libELf
ablo light man for the place, ho has
gotten it on merit, Bhowlng a decid
edly hotter gnmo than tho heavier can
didates. Cox Is probably tho lightest
contor that over played tho position In
tho west. Parker, the boy of eighteen
yonrs of ngo, will bo tho other guard
from present indications. Ho hns had
sonic little high school oxperlonco and
weighs 180 pounds.
Bongnrth, a Colorado man, Is play
In nt quarter back for tho present. Ho
is a fast man with fair weight. As.
yet his passing Is slow and Inaccu
Out of tho numerous candidates for
tho half backs It Is hard to tell who
will bo tho successful contestants for
tha plnces. Shepherd Is onco moro on
the field, and Is putting up a good
game. Ho is a speed and hard run
ner, nnd If ho can keep up his present
standard of play ho Is likely to get
one of the hnlf backs. Troy, a now
man, was tried at half back in the
Iowa game. He mado the touchdown
that won the game on n brilliant end
run. He Is a fast runner and a good
man on offensive play. He docs not
know much about the gamo, but seems
to be a comer. At tho present he Is
out of tho game on account of injuries.
Liggett, a stocklly built man, Is doing
some good work behind the line, and
It may be that ho will get one of '..he
half backs.
Hal Conley, the crack tackle of sev
eral years back, has been retained to
coach the tackles. Gibson of the fa
mous team of '05 will likely be back
to take the ends In charge, while an
effort will be made to get Thompson
back to coach tho center men.
The line-up will be:
Nebraska, Missouri.
Strinccr 1. e Perry
Pearse .:.: 1. t CraiutfH
Hansen 1. g Woodson
Melford c Cox
Tinner r. g Parker
"Hayward r. t Hill (capt)
I Wiggins r. e Liggett or
I Gentry
Saturday. The Tigers will do their
best to win this first game of tho sea
son, but If tho students will turn out
nnd support this game and encourage
the home team, Nebraska may bo ablo
to make this the third successive de
feat which Missouri has sustained nt
our hands.
T.10 line which Nebraska will pre
sent ngalnst Mlssouiwlll be practic
ally the same line which so success
fully resisted the rushes of the Tigers
last year. The only changes will be
nt left end and right tackle which
positions were tilled last year by Dun-
gan and Benedict. This year Stringer CowglU quarter Bungardt
will play left end and Hayward will Benedict 1. h Shepherd
i. i - :i.. .-i.i .Li- i,i.! Williams. Mont-
i- it....... . ..Kut lv.n.u, c. a...h Bomory r ,,... Tr0y or jones
liiit-ked the center for three yards and
have been none too large a score to Williams went through tackle for one
roll up against Wesleyan even with ; vunj. Turner made one more. WI1-
the short halves that were played
At the end of tho first half Nebraska
Hams made four, two, and five yards
respectively on the next three downs
improved her spare time practicing m,ej,i went through the center again
signals in which they seemed to be
oetully deficient. Nebraska's fum
Mes in the first part of the game were
al glaring, for during that short fif
teen minutes our boys tailed to Im
prove only one chance out of Beven to
tumble the ball.
In the second half, Nebraska did a
Httle better and only allowed Wes:
feyan to get possession of tho ball
tlce. By straight Ugn bucking they
forced the ball across tho field for a
touch-down and Shedd kicked goal.
They were on their way for another
touch-down but tlmo was nearly up.
Then occurred the only redeeming
feature of the game. The ball was on
Nebraska's twenty-flve-yard line and
Cogill dropped back live yards fur
tter for a drop kick. Before anybody
toew what had happened tho ball was
,een sailing straight between the goal
Pwk it was the only play of Its
nd ever seen in Lincoln and baa only
for four yards and Williams followed
In tho same place with a gain of two.
Schwartz attempted to go around tho
left end but Carver broke through and
ho was downed with some loss.
Schwartz tried It again and made
twenty yards. Shed" bucked the cen
ter for two yards and Williams mado
three more through right tackle.
Shedd mado two yards In the same
place and Schwartz gained four
through the other tackle. Shedd went
at the center again for eight yards.
KlngBbury was knocked senseless and
Shoaf took his place. Benedict car
ried tho ball around the right end to
within eight yards of tho goal. Shedd
was pushed seven yards through the
lino. Bull was injured and gave way
to Funk. Shedd carried tho ball over
and kicked goal in Just eight minutes
and a half. Score, Nebraska G, Wes
leyan 0.
(Continued Mi Fqurth Pge.)
the line even stronger than last year.
The men behind the line aro not yet
definitely settled upon. There are
four men trying for half backs,
Schwartz, Williams, Montgomery, and
Benedict, and It Is very probable that
all four will be given a trial in the
game tomorrow.
The Missouri team seems to be get
ting into good shape. Con Young, a
former Missouri captain, is doing tho
main part of the coaching. Missouri's
first game was played with Iowa Wes
leyan which was won by the score of
G to 4. Since then a number of chan
ges have been made in the make-up of
the team. Hill, the big captain, is now
playing at right tackle. The compar
atively poor showing of Fast In that
position In the Iowa gamo warranted
the change. Fast was slow and weak
on the defense, the lowans making
several big gains through his position.
Wcodson, a mere boy, with good
weight, has taken Hill's place at
guard. Woodson has played on the
scrub team and knows the game fairly
Bass has displaced Kirk at full back.
Bass Is a good line bucker and has
the advantage of Kirk In weight.
The endB are now played by Gentry
and Perry. Both men showed up well
In the Iowa game and will likely re
tain the places unless a new man by
the name of Harris from Rich Hill,
Mo., succeeds In getting one of the
end rushes. Tho work of Harris on
the scrub team lately has been exclt
lnir tho favorable comments of the
rooters. He 1b a well built youngster
nnd has been getting Into the play like
a veteran, notwithstanding the fact
that ho is a green man.
Cramer, who was moved from end
to tackle, continues to play the place.
His work Is better than any other can
didate for the place and If he contin
ues to improve he will be a factor in
the big gamea to come. He weighs
1G0 pounds and plays faBt football.
Cox, a man weighing only 150 poundB,
Shedd (capt.),
.full Holman or
The rooting at the game tomorrow
promises to be one of the features of
that contest. After the Pershing Rifles'
drill last night that company, together
with about forty more enthusiasts,
spent a half hour in practicing yells,
with the result thnt the patrons of
tho game tomorrow will have the priv
ilege of listening to some artistic yell
ing. The plan Is to divide the men
h,i into five squads and to take turns
in yelling so as not to wear out the
voices of all early In tho game. These
squads will be stationed along the
lines, each under the direction of a
lender. The four captains In the ca
det batalllon and Roscoe Pound will
constitute the chiefs of the squads and
will lead the plan of attack on the
atmosphere. Each cadet Is to fall in
with his campany captain and the
large number who do not drill will do
woll to fall in under the leadership of
Mr. Pound. This will Insure order and
also uniformity in the size of the
squads. A meeting was held today at
Mr. Pound's office for the purpose of
arranging a program of yells and this
program will be in the hands of the
squad leaders. Everything possible
will be done to cheer our boys on to
victory. At a given signal the first
squad will lead off with one yell. Be
fore the echo of this yell has died
away, the second squad will begin Its
work and following It In rapid suc
cession, the third, fourth, fifth, and
then the first squad again and so on.
In this way a continual yelling can bo
kept up with little exertion and Bed
lam can break loose or Pandemonium
reign whenever they are ao Inclined by
simply giving the signal and the boys
will do the re;t.
Lehigh 't)dverslty muBt close its
doora If legislative aid ia not given
Solo and Chorus Singing the Special Sue
cess Encored lor Every Number
Tho Progiam.
Tho minstrel show hns passed into
history. Its Jokes and gngs will llvo
after It to haunt the balance of tho
collego Uvea of those who were popu
lar enough to get "toucned up" a bit,
or so indiscrctlonnto as to attract tho
notice of tho college public by their
Theio was a great Improvement no
ticeable over tho exhibition given last
spring by tho same troupe. The Jokes
and gags were of a better order. They
wero neatly put, humorous, and with
no evidenco that tho authors strained
a point In bringing out their signifi
cance. They did not approach at all
to coarseness. While some of them
wero rather personal, the victims had
no reaaon to feel sore, and on tho
whole they wero taken in good part.
Tho honor or dishonor for tho ma
Joi lty of the folks, local songs and hits
belongs to R. H. Manley. In fact tho
whole indentation was due to his ef
forts and ability. It must be admit
ted that it takes brains and experi
ence to work up, from practically raw
miterlal, such a finished production.
There was nothing about the whole
performance but what was done
stilctly In accordance with the play
wright's art. True minstrel style was
followed throughout.
Tho chorus singing and solos were
piory hit the equal of vty? -vms done
by Primrose and West. Of course such,
rich costumes, stage settings, etc., were
lacking, and no attempt was made to
Introduce specialties. The minstrel
part was pre-eminently successful. It
might bo said that the last part, the
faice, did not prove so popular and so
well presented. This was largely due
to lack of stage settings and apparatus,
especially as the male characters made
no attempt at Impersonation but ap
peared In their ordinary wearing ap
pnrol. Will Hayward, in a brilliant George
Washington costume made an Impos
ing interlocutor. All the boys were
gotten up In true style and weT-e lib
erally applauded for every joke made
or song sung. Every soloist received
a hearty encore.
The opening chorus from the Wiz
ard of the Nile, and Chimes of Nor
mandy was given with the dash and
spirit that characterizes college stag
ing. After which, a diminuative dar
key, recognized by some as the young
est son of Professor Kimball, pre
sented the interlocuter. W. H. Hay
word, a note ostensibly from some one
In the audience requesting that "A
Hot Time" be Bung. It was a neat
ruse to get an excuse to present this
highly popular and worn-out produc
tion, but It gave a chance for the entry
of the end men. These were figured
out to be Jack Sumner, Bob Manley,
Ralph Mueller, and Jess Rowe, the
two latter carrying the tambos the
former the bones. They were gor-
gtously attired and made a good first
impression. Hunk Mueller was dis
tinguished with a revolving shirt bos
om which he forgot to revolve most
or the time.
The first number on the program, a
solo by I. W. Kenagy was the only de
parture from the printed program. As
his absence was absolutely necessary,
he will be forgiven.
Burt Whedon then sung "Kentucky
Babe." This was followed by Bob
Manley with "Every Nigger Had a
Lady but Mo." It would be difficult to
tell which of the two was the moro
appreciated. Burt has an excellent
tenor voice. Ita chief quality Is Its
sweetness, and "Kentucky Uahe" waB
Just the song needed to bring this
(Continued on Third Page.)