NOT ABLE TO SCORE. iL'onlinucd From Klrst l'ngo.) McKIm Uleluid oft for forty yunln And Shortil hroiiRht It back nftoon. CowkIU kicked llftocm ynvds ?ml Tnr kio got tlio bull. l two dowiiH Tnr Uio Kiilnod tlip'o yards, but failed tlio third time. Nuhruslui was Klvon tlio ball. Hay ward, Schwartz and Sliodd each wont through tlio lino for two yardH. Schwartz thon mado tlio fltar run of tlio gnnie, Rolng around tho end for Hlxty yardH. Tho ball was now within two foot of Tarklo's goal. Hut at thin liolnt tho Mlssoiirliins took a braco and rixvo a lino exhibition of lino holdliiR. Thoy took tho ball on downs, causliiR NobrnsU to loso Rround allRlitly. Mttlo was prettily tncklod hy Stringer and failed to advanco tho hull. Tho noxt two downs resulted tho mine way and Noliraska took tho ball. Williams carried It through the tackle to within a foot of tho lino and Shodd carried It over. Minimi failed a dlf Ik nil goal. Score. Nebraska 10, Tar klo 0. Montgomery look tho nlneo of SihwuW, who Injured his nnklo. McKIm kicked out of bounds on tho kick orf. On tho noxt trial ho kicked for thlrty-llvo yards. Cowglll caught the ball and sent It back thirty yards. Utile went through tackle for three yards and Kinney through tho center for one. Tarkio then lost tho ball. Shedd bucked the center for ten yards. The next four downs netted Ne braska ton yards and then Cowglll kicked for twenty more. Tarkio mado throe imla on the noxt two trials, and then, owing to a misunderstanding of nlKiials, McKIm was downed In his tracks boforo he passed tho ball. Tar kio Immediately got possession of tho ball again on her ton yard lino. In two downs two yards woro mado and time was called with tho ball on Tar klo's twelve-yard lino. Total score: Nebraska 10. Tnrklo 0. Umpire, Thomas; referee, Cornell; linesmen, Uobblns and Krwln; timekeepers, Hull and Townscnd. The game between tho High School boys and the Un.vorsity second team could hardly be called exciting, as tho L. 11. S. easily outplayed tho Unl boys. However, this Is not surprising and the wonder Is that tho second eleven did not fare worse. It has labored under the disadvantage of having scarcely tho same men out to practice different evenings. The only touchdown for Lincoln was made by Francis in tho first half and in the second half tho High School boys wore barely prevented from scor ing. HARVARD'S FOOTBALL TEAM. Tho mothod of training tho football team at Harvard has been changed this year. A University team has been selected, which, barring accidents, will bo kept intact throughout tho year. Only one freshman has been taken on the University team. Ho Is Sawln, who plays full-back and punts farther than either Brown or Haughton. Last year ho was full-back and captain of tho Cambridge Manual Training school. During tho last week the team has been coached by H. Newell, Crane, R. W. Emmons and W. H. Lewis. The afternoon work consists of regular dumbbell drill, five yard starts by twos, and falling on the ball. After that elevens are formed to practice signals. Tho morning is given to drill with eight-pound iron bells, followed by a run on the part of those not chosen to punt the ball. The new pol icy of picking out the University elev en very early In tho season is an Inno vation and Is meeting with general approval at Harvard. It is expected this will develop greater confidence among the players and bettor team play than his been Been at Cambridge for sevoral yeais. COLLEGE NOTES. Wisconsin's ciow has commenced fall practice under Coach O'Dea. Oberlln Col!cg3 has a Princeton coash this year in the person of S. H. Thompson, jr. Ho played ends on the teams of '95 and '9C. A national University under gov ernment control is to bo established in China. The faculty will consist of for eigners and tho first prosldont will bo a former tutor of LI Hung Chang. While visiting Cornoll University the other day, ex-Governor Flower handed tho director of tho veterinary college a chock for five thousand dol lars, to be used as the nucleus of a li brary fund. It Is seldom that Colorndo Springs i people havo i opportunity to hear and see a performance of such excel-! lonco as that given last night by the ! Faust Musical and Comedy company. Lack of spaco compolB only a brlof no tice but wo want to say, and will stake our reputation on tho nssortlon, that as good a company of musical niul comedy specialists has not vIMted this city for three years. Wo do not say this bocaiiHO wo are paid for It; It Ih a voluntary contribution and is mado wholly unsolicited. Hut the peoplo want to know nnd wo aro willing to say tho Faust company surprised everybody last night by their un rivaled excellence. Colorado Springs flazotto. At the Funko ono weok, commencing Monday, October 25, Prices, fillc, 35t L'Re. Scats on sale Saturday, 10 a. m. AT THE LANSING, 'In Gay Now York," which will play an engagement at tho Lansing theatre noxt Thursday night, Is ono of iho Ca sino's characteristic bIiow pieces. It Is technically tho third In that thoatro'H series of annual rovlows and wns writ ten by Hugh Morton and Gustavo Kor kor. Tho production Is directed by Klaw &. Erlanger njitl theso managers huvo a peculiar fashion of always keeping faith with tho public nnd In frequent Instances giving more than thoy promise. Whllo "In Gay Now York" Is called a review, It Is In real ity an elaborately staged show ploco, combining bits of comedy, fnrco, bur lesque opora specialty nnd ballot, and those rathor divergent elcmonts nro said to havo been so deftly welded to gether ns to make a wholly harmon ious entertainment. A thread of story has boon supplied by Mr. Morton, tho nuthor of tho book:, This nnrratlvo deals with tho adventures of a rustic couple, newly wedded, who leave their homo In tho rural fastnesses of Malno and visit gny Gotham for a honeymoon trip. Thoy easily fall in with that type of Now York's worthy citizenship which Is given prominence In coml' papors, bunco mon, gold brick opera tors, Impecunious theatrical peoplo and that Ilk. This sort of companionship gives the couple a merry chaso and Introduces thorn to numerous strange sights. Incidentally thoy visit tho Hotel Waldorf, the stage of tho Casino ard Coney Island. They view a re hearsal on tho stngo of tho Casino nnd thlsj gives occasion for tho consistent introduction of tho bur lesques upon popular plays that form a feature of tho roviow. The company presenting this burlesque Is a notablo ono both In Its personnel nnd Its size. Some seventy persons take part In tho performance. Eddie Foy Is well to tho front throughout and has a congenial part In the character of a stranded leading man in search of an angel. His song, "It's Fourteen Miles from Schnoctndx to Troy." epitomizes tho experiences of a tle-tlred actor. Jean ette Bageard lends the full measure of her vivacity nnd volatility to the per formance. Yorke and Adams introduce their famous Hobrinc speclnlty nnd nlso a burlesque of Irving's "Macbeth." Ice Harrison, Gertrude Zella, Etta Gllroy, Harry Watson, tho tramp cy clist, Gclbert Gregory, Arthur V. Gib son, E. S. Tarr, Wm. Sellery, Jnmes G. eakes, Alice Veazle and Josephlno pals. Tho ballets introduced are led by a dainty little premiere dnnseuso, Winnie Sennett. Seats on sale Tues day, October 25, 9 a. m., box office. Prices, $1.50, $1.00. 75c, 50c, 25c. EDDIE FOY. DANCING SCHOOL. Mr. Albort Turpln, In announcing tho opening of his classes for dancing for tho Benson of 1897-98, cordially ox tondB an Invitation to you nnd any member of your family, and any frlond or friends to becotno conncctod with IiIb school, and earnestly InvltoB your attention to his list of clnflscs, IIIh ruloB und regulations aro aim plo and Intended only to ItiBiiro tho advancement, comfort and enjoyment of IiIh pupils and strict only bo far as to conform to tho rules governing a hlgh-cIasB school. Tho high social standard of his classes and tho gcnorotiB support ox tonded to him (luring tho pnst season mnkos It unnecessary to go Into fur ther dctnllB than to respectfully cnll your attention to tho dates of open ing, otc. I Application for inomborBlilp Hhould ! bo mndc on or after Soplombor 15, i either personally or by mall. 1132 N j slroot, Lincoln, Nob. A CUAHMIiN'a HOOK AUOUT OLD VIOMNH. Violinists (verywhero will linll with do- ! llRht tho beautifully prlntod nnd nuthor j Itatlvoly written book about old violins, , Just published by Lyon & Hoaly. Either of tho above b.ioks sent froo upon application to Dopt. U, Lyon & Honly, 100 Wabash Avenue. Chlcngo. ANTED-TUVPTWOnTHY AND gentlemen or ladles to travel for rcspons bio, established houso In Lin coln, Nebraska. Monthly $65.00 nnd ex penses. Position steady. Reference. En closo self-addressed stamp d envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. & 0 THE COLLEGE MAN who is t J?parttculnr iilMvit how Ills linlr looks j JJT will llml Sam WVsti InrT? Isyenri'viMTleuw with rfj knows tmw to cut hnlr; i i sm. 117 N 13th. tertli'lil. alter rollt'ge men i nnd en) it to j . . . .. ;wwvwwwwww3 D ON CAM ERON'S Lunch Counter. US South Kleventh. wWiwwwwwww; First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, $400,000.00 .INO. L. CAIiSOX. President D. D. MU1 II. Cashier. I H. S. ritKEMAN, Ass't Cashier. 'It's the Place 1 You want to go to when you want to purchnso magazines, periodicals, news i papors and novels. Always on hand. llth and O Sts.. Richards Blk;. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY. C. L. SPENCER, Mgr. Intercollegiate Bureau Cotrell & Leonarfl, 472--178 Broadway Albany. New York. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods. To the American Colleges and Universities Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., upon request Uonsforthu I'ulplt and the Ilencli. SULPHO-SALINE Bath Bonse and Sanitarium. Cor. llth and M streets , Lincoln, Nob. Open nt all Hours. Day and Night All forms of bath TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN DRS. M. II. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. iff Metropolitan Barter Shop (Basement Burr Blk.) HAlIf CUT, 15c. HAIR SINGED, 15c SHAMPOO, 15c SHAVE, 10c SEA FOAM, 10c B. J Roberson, Proprietor. WE EXPECT TO jMuko Bomo now friomlB thin your among tlio now Btmlunts who lmvo como in. We Have Lots Of old frionclH who aro staying with hh, ami tho roiiHon is plain. Tho collogo man is particular. Ho must havo a largo iiHHortmont to soloct from in ordor to got tho oxaot lit, shapo, longth, lignro, oto. That's Why Wo havo so many friends. Wo can always suit thoir iiucuIh at prices that aro "ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Mr. Albert Turpin's- DANCING SCHOOL Now open for Season 1 SOT-US. Adult classes, every Tuesdays and Thursdays Juvenile, Wednesday r . in., Saturdays, 2 p. m. Assemblies ovory Thursday Eve. Hall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. 1132 N St, for terms, etc. Oflico hours J) to 11:30 a. m,, 2 to 5 p. m. TUP VENT nfll I CRP OP I AW Spring term will opon March S. 1S97. D. IliC UULUUUC UIT LRU ploma admits to bar. Improved mo hodi Mnrshall D. Ewlng. LL. I")., M. D, Donn. uniting theory nnd practice Tho School of PimcUc- Is tho LondlnR Feature. Evening sessions of ton hours a week for each class. Students cm bo solf supporting whllo studying. For catalogue iddress M. D. 12 WELL, Dean, Boom 613 nnd C14 Ashland blk., Chicago, 111. When you write to your friends vho nro coming west to visit you, Just add a post script like this: "Bo sure :o tnke the Burlington Boute. It's much the best." You arc quite safe In do ing this because our scrv Ico from Chlcngo, Peoria, St. Ixni s and Kansas City, In fact all eastern, southeastern and south ern cltts Is Just as good ns our service to those points. And .hat as every one who Is acquainted with It will testify, :s the best there Is. Tickets and time tables on application at B. & M. depot or city ticket of fice, corner 10th and O St. G. W. B0NNELL, C. P. & T. A., LINCOLN, NRU. All tho news all the time Is to be found In The Nebraskan, $1.00 per year. FWH Our 'Ninety-Seven Complete Line of Monarch are the Supreme Result of our Years of Experience MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. CHICAGO HEW YORK Send nine twe-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Plavlne Cards, Illustrating Lillian Russell, Tom Monaren Curler Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. HepiUr 50c cardV TWO TRAINS DAILY m Twitr.N - LINCOLN AND Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street. II. O. Townskni), Gon'l P. & T. A. R D. Coimjell, O. P. A T. A. All the World Loves a Winner" i Bicycles I LOHD03