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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
LOCKLS, . i Ititir vmt, nntil it 1,. .1,1, 1 von win Ret wint yu ,my f(),' Unl()U Vw Co., 1010 0. Hollo, 33B. MlflH It'll Ii"wIh Is gymnasium uhhIhL ont for morning "hisses iumI MIhh Al berta Hptnok for afternoon. George Uelntrod loft tlilH morning for Harvard, whom ho will rontlnuo hla courso In chemistry. I'Tlioro aro othors" as good porhnps, Ijut nono bettor than tlio pictures taken nt t,in Students' Photogrnph Oallory. loal 0 Htroot. I'rofcHHor Harbour's department hut" lately received a dray load of spool mciiH. nirlop.lUoH, etc Among thoin Is a niuininy whloh at mm tlmo Hold for $8(0. An effort Ih olng madn to form a University of Nobrnsku chess (dub. TliOHi who aro desirous of Joining aro requested ti lu'.r.'l tholr names to P. .1. Darron. William Mllford, renter on tho Uni versity eleven foi two years past, Ih expert nd to rolurn to Lincoln hoiiio tlme hpnL week to roHUino IiIh old po sition on tho olovon. There In same talk of organizing a chosa dull among tho students, In order to compote with othor Instltu tlons. Thoso wishing to Join aro re quested to glvo tholr namcH to Mr. l J. Union. Mrs. Blanche Taylor of South Omnlia and Blanche and Grace Lasch of WchI Point woro Initialed Into Delta Helta Delta Thursday evening. Tho Initiation wuh hold at tho home of Miss Uonucll. Mr. Koss of tho University of Mich igan, has scoured tho scholarship in physics at tho University of Nebraska, antl is expected to arrive the latter part of this wok to assume his duties In the laboratory. Mrs. Pyle, who conducts I ho Con servatory Dining hall, banqueted u number of the foot ball team last Mon day ovenlng after the game with Tar klo. Tho tables woro decorated with the college colors. Seo Gardner, tho tailor, for llrst- class work at reasonable prices; also cleaning and dyeing and repairing Suits pressed, TtOo: pants, 1fic; club rates, ?1 per month. Southwest cor ner Eleventh and O streets. The Loyal Women's Memorial, a Massachusetts association, oilers a cash prize of ?100 for tho best paper on "Woman's Part in tho War of tho Rebellion " This Is open to every body, but especially to college and uni versity students. Wednesday afternoon there was a crowd gathered about the lawn tennis court, also the windows of tho library overlooking the same spot were lilled with spectators. Some great attraction-the girls were playing basket hall on the campus. The Topeka State Journal of Octo ber l-i contains a quotation from (5. K. Klndler on the outlook for baso ball In Nebraska. Lincoln Ih not to enter the Western Association but Is to con tent ItRelf with the article of base ball Put up by the Rtato University. The Union Hoys' Debating club meet In Union ball Saturday. October 2:5, to discuss the question: "Resolved, that the present civil service system should be retained." Those for tho nlllrma tive are Mr. Towo and Mr. Hilton, for the negative, Mr. Klnton and Mr. Boyd. Two fraternity Jewelers will send representatives to tho University next week. Mr. Van Tuyl of Wright. Kay &t'o. will ho here Wednesday, and tho agent for Hhoem &. Son will arrive Tuesday. It is expected that the Greeks win make some hoavy pur chases The members of tho Pi Hctn Phi sorority were at the Burlington sta un Thursday evening to meet Miss Edith Ingersol, who Is a member of tho Denver chapter. Miss Ingersol was on her wny from tho East to re sume he,. Btudlos in tho Denver university. ra Cochrnn, a pitcher on tho "K. u- team two yenrs ago nnd a member 01 the Topeka ball club last summer, visited with G. B. Kindlor last Tuos- He expressed himself as well Pleased with tho University of No "raska and hoped to bo able to enter next semester. The Christian associations will have a Joint meeting next Sunday afternoon l o'clock In Dellan ball. U W. 'hatcher, president of tho Y. M. C. A.. 11' bo the lea lor. Miss Burrows and Mr. John Hooso will give short talks on mlHslonary work In Japan. Thorn will bo plonty of good muslo. J. C. McNIhIi spout Sunday nt IiIh homo In Fremont, Miss Carrlo (look of Wahoo Hpent Saturday and Sunday at her homo. Harloy Ilowlt wuh Initiated Into tho niyHloiicH of Alpha Tan Omega IiihI Saturday night. Supoiintondont Williams or tho ColumbtiH hcIiooIh wuh visiting IiIh son Frod hiHt Thursday and Friday. 'I ho stuilontH of the mdiool of me chanical arts have organized a tech nical club, to bo known ih tho "School or Mechanical ArtH Club of tho Unlvor slty or NobraHka." Uh object Ih to promote Intorent In mechanical sub jects. At tho last meeting hold tho constitution and by-lawn woro adopted and tho following olllcorH oleotod: J. L. Aekor, president; H. A. Yodor, vice proHldont; C. A. Pearson, secrotary treasuror: W. W. Votaw, Horgoant-at-arms. The club meets on tho llrst and third Friday night or each month. There Ih a movement on foot to get together about 100 liiHtv-lunged stu dentH who will attend the Mlssourl NebraHka game and root In unison. Leadoi-H will bo Holecled, a program of yolla will be provided and whatever Is helpful toward making a showing or college spirit will bo provided. Some practices will bo held on tho campus and nn Invitation Is extended to every student In college to come out and practice. These practices will be so arranged ho that they may be held during the time of foot ball practice, between C and (i next Tuesday and Thursday, Combs, brushoH, drugH, ice cream soda, otc, at CowIoh & Grlovlsh, loth and P Stn. Whttnoy'B Gorman dictionary, for merly ?2,G0, In now Holllng nt tho Co-Op. for $1.40, Tho CoOp. has rocolvod a now con slgnmont of ombosHod University lot torhond tablets, envelopes, oto, J. M. GUILE, Notary Public. 316 So. Uth Strnot. Cnndidnto for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. ALLIED TICKET. Mr. Guila announces hlnmolf to University students who nro vote. as a candidate, for Justice of the Pcncn, It's Cold. IOWA'S FOOTBALL TI3AM. Tho football team Is hard at work thoso flno days, getting Into condition to defeat every team that may opposo them this year, Tho material Is good and heavy; our coach Is a good one; and, best of all, everybody 1b getting enthusiastic on footbnll lines. Every condition nccessnry to success on tho gridiron is present, nnd this year's tonm will undoubtedly bo the strong est that has over represented tho University. As to tho personnel of the team, It Is impossible at this date to state doll nltelM If whom it will consist, as tho matter will be determined, in a great measure, by tho work of tho vnrlous candidates between now and tho day following the Drake game that is within a week. Among tho candidates for the lino aro Wright, K. D. Blackmoro, Walker, A. II. niackmoro, Egnn, Towic, Mcls ter, Lamcrton, Klingcnherg, Warner, Kellogg, and possibly Myers. Wright will probably 1111 center, with Hlack more and Walker as guards. Tho rest of the places on the lino may bo divid ed among the othor candidates In order of survival. Blackmore, Egun, and Towle are good strong men. Mcls ter and Lamerton nro playing wonder fully well, and Kllngenborg Is work ing bard. Warner played good football Saturday, and Kellogg Is still In tho lists. Tho lino will probably avorngo upwards of 200 pounds. Deems nnd Griffith, the candidates for qunrter, nro having a lively battle for honors. Griffith was on the High School team last year, plays a snappy game, being excellent in defense, nnd not slow on tho sprint. Deems, who is heavier. Is strong on tho tackle, and plays a surprisingly good game for a new mnn. Holbrook, Gaines, Kemp, Sheldon, and Meyers are all strong candidates for halfbacks. Holbrook and Meyers have practiced only once or twice, but thoy will Bhcn? their old strength. Gaines and Kemp each played well last Saturday, both making somo long runs with the ball. Sheldon mado two touchdowns and several gains in the same game, and Is an nil round good man. The candidates for full-back are Hobbs, Howies nnd Williams, Bowles and Williams' aro doing woll, but Hobbs, who has thoi advantago of a large oxpcrlonce. will probably fill this position. GREAT MUSIC OFFER. Sond us tho names and addresses of DR. S. E. COOK.-Prnotlco limited to Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. 1215 O St. Nebraska College of Oratory, Y. M. C. A. Building, Lincoln, Neb. Practical courso in Voice Building, Drninntio ami Lyric Art anil Foronsio Oratory. Faculty oxperiencoil Instructors, grad uates of Boston Col logo of Oratory. Cost of Courso in roaoh of ovory in ihistroiiH student. Send for Free Catalogue. Fall Torm oponod Soptombor 10th, 1807. OLIVER ERWIN. j. E. ERWIN The Antelope Valley V s wm , Buy Underwear whilu you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete, We think we have what you want, Come and see us, MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take The v The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. To LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 25th and J Sts. Office 113 N. nth St. Phone 505. Northwestern University Medical School. Tho regular courso is four yoars; with conditions for ndvnncotl standing. This school claims superiority in tho oxtont and thoroughness of laboratory ooursos and in tho gront variety of its clinical material and tho methods by which it is used in toaching. For circulars of in formation address tho Sccrotary, Dit. N. S. Davis, Jk 2113 OearbornSt.. Chicago, OMAHA All points EuBt. KANSAS CITV-Enst nnd South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE nnd HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Hns tho host modern equipment. Pullman Pnlnco nnd Tourist Sleopors. Dining nnd Freo Reclining Chnir Cars. For tlmo schedules, tickots, reservation of births, cnll on or address E. 13 SLOSSON, Gon. Agt., 1014 O Btroot, J. T. AUSTIN, C. T A. Lincoln, Nob. S.H.H.CLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON, Gon. Mgr. E.L.LO.MAX, G. P.&T. A Omaha, Nob, The University of Nebraska. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: Pipo-Orgnn, Piano Forte, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Countorpoint, History, Gen oral Thoory, Sight Reading. ' Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Freo Scholarships in nil Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, Rocitals. H. W. BROWN, Druggist. Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. Table Board, $2 50. Meals, 15 cts. MEAL TICKETS, $2.50. THE MODEL DINING HALL, MltS. ROH'T. KRHBLAND. Proprietress. 31O So. 12th Street. - - Lincoln, Neb. If Yon are Thinking of Studying Music Investigate the Merits of this School WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. You'll Find it's a Good Place. FRANCIS BROS. 121 Nonhjith. Proprietor CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish and Gnmo in Season. Also Restaurant at 141S O St., Lincoln, Xeb Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 Cent Meals. Students . . . For fine PHOTOGRAPHS go to KENNEDY'S New Popular Priced Photograph Parlors. $1.00 Per Doz. and Up. We guarantee to please vou. Call and thrco or more performers on the piano se.e our work, get our prices and give us a mui. wui uiuiiu la iu incibc an customers or organ together with 10 cents in sil ver or postage and wo will mall' you ten pieces full sheet music, consisting of popular songs, waltzes, marches, etc., arranged for the piano and organ. Address Popular Music Publishing Company, Indlannpolls, Ind. PAINE & WAnFEL Ciothlers and furn ishing goods. Merchant tailors. 1130 O street. Your shoes shlned free. BltUMSTEAD AND TUTTLE-Gonts fur nishing and talloitng. THE AIIMSTHONG CLOTHING CO.-i Successors to Browning King and Co. PERKINS & SHELDON The reliable shoo store of Lincoln, 1129 O strict. Experience at this University has proven that the WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is THE reliable pen for class room use. It is always ready for use and writes contin uously without blinking. It has the best gold pens that can be made, and mone guaranteed retunded if the pen is not satisfactory. For sale at the CO-OP. 132 SO. I2THST. LINCOLN, NEB. O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S. Graduate of OHIO COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY G,Sla.,una, Porceluln Crowns, Urhlija work. Gold. Aluminum and Rubber Plates. Special Rates to Students. Onice, ltooms S3 and LM, Alexander Illoelt. 12th and O Sts., Lincoln, Nob. EVANS LAUNDUY COMPANY-Best service greatest courtesy. 325 N. 12th. MILLER & PAINE-Dry goods and fur nlshlng goods. 1229 to 1239 O street. FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. ONE SOLID WEEK, COMMENCING Monday Oct. 25th. Faust Bros'. BIG COMEDY CO. and London Bell Rjngers. See and heai. Tho 5 London bell ringers, tho I Fausts' Rlsley acrobatic act, Colton & Darrow sketch team, Prof. Gallando, lightning clay modeler, Miss Fernan dez, Bandurra soloist, th Sanders, dancing dolls, Little Ruby, child comedlenno, Mons. Victor, Xylophone soloist, Ted & Eugene, acrobatic vio linists, Master Freddie, champion dancer, and other comedians, singers, and the Fourteen high class specialties. Two and a half hours of refined star acts. Prices, 50c, 35c and 25c. Seats on sale Saturday at 10 a. m. LANSING THEATRE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursday. Oct. 28th. Klaw & Erlanger'x 3rd Annual Review IN GAY NEW YORK- IN THE CAST K.I te Foy. Lee Har rison, Gilbt rt Gregory, Yorke & Adams, Arthur V. Gibson, James G. Peakes, l- S Iarr. Jeannette Bogeard, Gonrurip Zella. Etta Gil roy, Alice Ve'-z e. Josephine Stanton Winnie Sennet te 75 peopln in the cast. Seats on Sale Tuesday Oct. 2?th at Bo Office. Prices $1.50, $1 . 75, 50, 25. L