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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
The Nebraskan A Weakly Nowspiipur Imutoil Kvory Fri day Noon, by tlin HturtontH of tho Unlvarnlly of Nobrnnku. Kn eroil iim Htcoiiii ClnsH Mull Matter. l? T. lllloy MnnnKlim Kdltor. AH80CIATU8. 1. 8. fuller ......Killtorinl A. I-:. 1'iirmoloo Nowh Kdltor. C. K. MutHon ahiTI Kmorlnl Kato Hr.ow Wnlltor Hororltlos H. C. Utirr AthlotloH. Olivor ClmniboiH Koonl. Edith SehwuriB Awt't Hub. Mr, Tho Ncbriinkan will ho nont lo any ml dross upon receipt of tho mibsor.ptlon price, which Ih ono ilollnr iv yrnr, or llfty contH a flomoHtur. Contributions are nollol.Oil from nil. Nown lienm such an IoouIh, purHotinlH, report of incotlnKH. oto., mo onpoolnlly deslp-il. Tho NobriiHknn will bo Kind to print ny contribution rolatlvo lo o min eral university mibjict, but tho mi mo munt accompany nil such. Atidicmn all oommiinlcntloiis to Tho Nobranknn. University of Nobnmkn. Tin NobniHknn hopon Unit Tor tho tmUo of WoHloyiut'H honor who will not allow Couch Thoinim lo piny on bur tonin tomorrow. In fact, our faculty oiiRlit lo nit down uooil and hnnl on Hiii'h tin action on Wcslcynn'H part. If Woflloyan cannot put a team or stu (UuitH on tlio gridiron sho ought not to make, any protrusions or ruprosontliiK herself In ntlilolles. Nobi-nslm can not all'ord to comproinlso horsolf by engaging In any contests whoro thi least taint of professionalism exists. Ono of the m'ontost college events of the year will take, place next Satur day, October 30. Tills Is tho Mlssourl Nebraalm foot ball game. It Ih pnln fully true that thus far this season there has been no attempt at organ ized rooting. Some prompt measures must be adopted for this big contest. Nebraska ought to have at least 101) trained rooters placed together on the side lines. With a competent leader and some good voices, they ought to make a noise that would stir a wooden Indian to action. An attempt will be made by the management to perfect such a nucleus of rooters. College men should make etforts to make this game truly characteristic or college lire. A few words apropos or college eti quette may not bo out of placo at this time of rooting and cheering. There is no excuse whatever for an outcry, or In rnct any demonstration, when an opponent makes n bad play. De risive yelling has no place on an ath letic Held. A crowd of students who will Indulge themselves this way show their lack of manners and disgrace themselves huforo a college and public audience. It la true that Nebraska has had good examples to follow In this respect, but as she reckons herself llrst among colleges of the West, she should conduct hersolf In a way be fitting this position. The recent death or the scholar, Chnrlos A. Dana, strikes from the list of living American journnllsts Its greatest name. A journalist, and at the same time a strong student of humanity, he was a welcome contribu tor to the world of letters. His edu cation was obtained only nftor over coming almost insurmountable (11111 culties. Language was his specialty, and he early published translations from the (iermnn. His life was char acterized by high Ideals and scholarly attainments. The "rooting" at last Monday's game was generally good. Keep It up. But be careful you do not drown out tho signals. Go to the gamo tomor row confident that your lung power will help WIN. From time Immemmorlal "Wes leyan" haB had an ambition and ard ent desire to down tho "State" In foot ball. Extensive preparations have heen made to accomplish this this sea son. The comparatively close gamo of last year, together with "Wesleyan's" treatment of Tarklo. will mako the game Interesting to say tho least. "Wesleyan" did "down us" once In oratory In her palmy days, but In root ball, never. The spirit of the "never" as far as Nebraska is concerned must be carried out. That the people of a commonwealth appreciate tho work of prominent edu cators Is shown by tho reception ten dered President Sloeum of Colorado College on September 30. Fully 3,000 persons filed through the corridors of tho hotel to grasp the hands of Mr. Sloeum and evince their personnl sense of nppiwlutlon. President Hlo cum was presented with an cngroHsed copy of resolutions ndopted In honor of tho occnslon, signed by tho governor and many prominent oIUzohh of Col orado. Dr. Hlor'im received n very urgent call to the pronldoncy of Ohor llu, but declined and will remain with Colorado College. The faculty of tho University or Iowa are uiIukHuk with college ath letics. Tho following declaration of eligibility must lie ttlgnod by "very student who represents thai Institu tion In athletics: 1, , hereby deolare: (a) That I am a bona lido Hliident or the Slate University or Iowa. (b) That I have never received com pensation, directly or Indirect ly. for participation in athletic contests al any educational Institution. (el That I have nevor, ill rod ly or Indirectly, offered my athletic abilities to be used by any educational Institu tion's athletic team, Tor compensation, (d) That I have received no Intima tion that I will bo tendered compensa tion for my present connection with athletics which I have not reported to the athletic committee or this Institu tion. te) That 1 have not received an of fer or compensation from a student of any educational Institution for my ath letic abilities which I have not re ported to the athletic commlttco or this Institution. (f) That I understand the word "compensation," as used In this dec laration, to mean a valuable considera tion or any sort, such as money, valu able commodities, unduly lucrative employment, the payment of any or my expenses (other than those allowed under the Amateur Athlotlc union rules) or any benollts or any kind which I could not have received had 1 not been an athlete. Signed. . Class IS'.l . ltlLlOY'S RAG. The chapel bell was ringing wet, As with a visage grim and sot A youth climbed up the Icy stair And shouted to the Rtudents there, "Head ltlley's Uag.' The wind blow through his curly hair, It made tho student's stop and stare. As with a llorce, blood-curdling yell. Ho screamed," I have them here to sell. Head Hlloy's Hag." And as the students passed along They stopped and gathered in a throng Before the mall box In tho hall And each one swiped a Hag, and all Head Hlloy's Hag. And ltlloy stood and took It In, And grinned a cold, sardonic grin. And thought. "This Is a solemn joke." In accents wild again ho spoke, "Head Hlloy's Hag." Hut soon there came a, 'nppy day When all the students llockea to pay. And Hlloy's joy can't be described. For all the students had subscribed For Hlloy's Hag. MORAL: Why go through college Ignorant? Tho price Is not oxhcrU ant: Don't doubt Its popularity. Hut join the great majority. Read Riley's Hag. COLLKGIS NOTFS Professor Pickering, director of the Observatory at Harvard University, has lntely devised an attachment to a photographic telescope or such a nat ure thnt eight photos can ho exposed without disturbing the telescope. The sophomores or the University of Minnesota have challenged the fresh men to a spelling match. An ndmls slon Tee of ten cents will bo charged and the proceeds aro to go to tho ora torical association. There Is a plan now under consider ation to consolidate Harvard Univer sity and tho Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which would mako ono of the largest universities In tho world, with a total of about G.000 students. The supremo court has decided a suit brought against the city of Provi dence by Brown University for tho re covery of taxes paid under protest, in favor of tho University. By this de cision all property of the University Is exempt from taxation. The city maintained that only the college grounds and buildings proper could bo exempted. Sophomore-freshmen rushes are re ported at tho Universities of Pennsyl vania, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Union College, nnd several other schools. The ladies of tho sophomoro class of Bos ton University threatened to secede uniess mere was a cano rush between their class and tho freshmen. At the University of Southern California, a freshman bud IiIh leg brokon and hov- ornl worn seriously Injured, Professor Wllllnm I Hillock of Colo rado Unlvorslty, undor whoso direction a Htinft Ih bolng sunk in tho earth near Pittsburg, hopos to ronoh a depth of 10,000 foot by Novembor 1. Tho work Ih being tlono In order to loarn hoiiio tblng concerning tho Htruta of tho earth and tho compiirivllvo heat of Uh onist at varlouH depths. FOOT HALL KI.RKWIII3UIC. A formor player on llarvard'H olovon suyH he nevor boforo hiiw ho many good and promlHlng candidates for vui'Hlty poHltlons uh lliere aro this your at Cambridge. Tho Unlvornlty of California bus seventy men trying to make the fool hall team. Cornoll Ih very conllilonl of being able to beat sonic or tho big toaniH UiIh year, an thorn is plenty or material from which (o soled. Chicago Unlvorslty hopes run high thlH year, uh all or biHt year's team have returned. YOUNG MEN Will flml thnt PAINE & WARFEL MoHt ahviiyn lmvo wluU thoy want in Olothing roudy to wear, Hats, Furnishing Goods Merchant Tailoring. Thoy koop only tho boHt inukua of every thing. One Price to All 1136 O Street TUM KCONOMICAL SUITORIUM CO. Do you llko to have your clothes kept nlcoly cleaned and pressed? If so, pay $1 per month to the Economical Sul torlum Co. and you can havo your clothes pressed and cleaned as often In thirty days ns you wish. Seo Chnrlos 13. Cako (Law '!)!)) and purchnso ticket which will entitle you to tho above privileges for ono month. The Economical Sultorlum Co., 210 north 11th St. CHARLES 13. CAI1E, Mgr. We wish to call tho nttcntlon of the 1'rofocHors ami stuilonts to tho local mcr uhunts who advertise In Tho XebrnHknn. Kvory llrm represented lure Is guaran teed reliable, nnd patronage thnt Is ex tended them, will bo nppreclntcit by tho mnnuKcr of this pnpor. When It Is just ns convenient, lot thorn huvo your patron ago. You will benefit by !t ns much as any ono. CHARLES B. GREGORY. U.of N. '91 Soils Coal at 1100 O St., Burr Block &t R'v 4 The Best Shoes In the Latest Styles, At Right Prices, Aro to be found at Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 0 Street. P 8? 4 Bi c.l ) w uTll n s j .,... A '! e- -. 1' i i f'V I :? n Ktf in i o o vu?a f. flBrTtfLvriBTM" ' K TiGZ!?2ZeSr f n Ji i Ho Home Is Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model Washburn 83ri,5SS" Prices linve Jicen scaled down a n rexult of tlie aslilmrn'h riior.nous popularity w tlint now you can huy a Krmiinu Washburn of the cry latent design From $15.00 Upward, Tlic new Watliluirii Mandolin U a radical dt'imrt lire from former 'tyles. it U the m-ituM, d.dntlest and llKhtett Mandolin lm;inln.'ille, and lutoue ap proaches ery near to that of a trie old Cremona Violin. Washburn are wild at fixed and uniform prloeshy all first -class music dealers ecryw here. asliliurns are the acknowledged standard of the world. 1'hey are ued exclusively by the leailhiK Artists, 1 cacheni nnd Glee Clubs. Our new Wash burn catalogue containing portraits of over 100 Artists and full Information, price.., endoiement, etc., will bo sent free on receipt of application. If your local dealer cannot supply you we will send ashburns C. O. I), with iirUilece of examination, direct from the factory. A Washburn Improves with njre and makes Out that Increases In value ns the years go by. It Is really worth many times its cost. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chicago- Don't Tobacco Bpit dud Gmoke Your Lifo Away, it you ui t tn ((tut liibat'i'o nslny oublly S1..I luruvur. bo i.i.i iu well, Mr. ug, in. nirliv, mil of inw luo Ul,i vlor, Uiko jS'ii-'i.i-Ui.i', tlio wuuilor-worltcr, that m.iltis wonlt men a rong. Many gi In ten iioumln In ten tlnvH. Over -100,000 i-nroil. liny No-To-lini' of j out ilrntrgist, umlci gnarnnleo to euro, f0o or $ I . I). Hnnlriot mnl Biimpln innilcil frco. Ail. BtcrllngUoinpdyCo.jChii'iiL'iiorNow Yorli. We are Glad to See The students return, for in the past the? have been our .best patrons, and jvye an sure that now, more than ever, we car please them with our NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, CAPS, HATS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, &c, &c. And our Tailoring is first class, nothing ready made about it, we are exclusive tailors. Call on us in our new location. 1111 O Street. BUMSTEAD & TUTTLE. Best Work, - Best Service, Established 1889. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy, Modern Equipment. Telephone 199 lANDY CATI1ABTIC rttcaJvcto CURE CONSTIPATION . X aaaaal iu "jiBPanmwpMiiimiiii !! awr- ah 25 50 1 iulmm DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GDARAKTEED rnr nj -oreonitlpttloii. C.srrrts are the Idf.l Uxj ill. KTBBHNO ItKMKDT 0.. fhlraro. Montresl. Can.. orNew Tort. ' t pic anil booklrt trtt. om h i