The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 22, 1897, Image 1

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Vol,. VI No. 0.
Tho Tnrkio Team Not Ablo to Go
Through Nebraska's Line.
Varsity Men Show Un Fairly Well Grounds In
Such a Shnpo as to Provonl Good
Playing Tho Details.
After wnltlng two dny8 for tho rnln
tn stop and tl groundB to dry up, tho
NebrnsUa-Tnrltlo gnmo wns played on
a muddy Hold last Monday afternoon,
aml resulted In a victory for Ne
braska by a Bcoro of 10 to 0. This was
tho first gamo plnyod on the homo
grounds this year and tho University
team sliowed up fairly well. How
ever, Conch Robinson would have been
bettor pleased If tho Bcoro rolled up
against Tnrkio hnd boon just twlco as
large. Hut tho fact that it was not
may be partially ascribed to the
muddy condition of tho KroundB and
also to the fact that only twenty-minute
halves were played.
The game wns hard fought through
out, but after tho first halt It was not
dllllcult to see Hint Nebraska would
win. During tho first hnlf Nebraska
was somewhat weak on defensive
work, while tho Tnrkio team contin
ually want through the line. In tho
second half, however, Nebraska took
a brace, and Tarklo had tho ball
scarcely any of tho time. A change
In tactics was also adopted with good
results. Instead of hitting Tarklo's
heavy line, end runs wero resorted to
anil largo gains wero made. Both
teams had great difficulty in getting
started on account of tho mud.
Schwartz's playhig at half back was
"o"f ft hifch 6'riKji'wKo fulowed- hi in
terference well, which, together with
his natural speed, was responsible for
the long runs which ho mndo. Shedd
played full back, a new position for
him, but ho filled it with credit.
Whenever a touchdown wnB needed ho
could always be relied upon to carry
the ball over the line. Herbert, the
new center, showed up well. Cowglll
played n good gamo at quarter, tilling
his position without a fumble.
Tnrkio played a plucky game, but
did not have a sufficient variety of
plays and tricks. They kept bucking
away at Nebraska's lino, and whilo in
the first hnlf these tactics seemed
likely to succeed, thoy availed them
nothing In tho latter half.
The management is deserving of
great credit for tho arrangements
which were made under such dllllcult
conditions. On account of tho rain it
was impossible to do any work on the
field till Monday morning, but the
posts were set, tho canvas fence put
up and the grandstand completed be
fore the game began.
Almoso 500 people saw tho gamo, and
they wero one of tho best behaved
crowds which ever attended a foot ball
game They kept back of tho wires
and gave tho plnyers plenty of room.
Before tho big gamo tho second Uni
versity eleven played the Lincoln High
School boys and wore defeated by a
score of G to 0.
Following Is tho line-up of tho big
Tarklo. U. of N.
Wnugh i. e Stringor.
McNnry i. t Pearse.
"Wrick 1. g Hansen.
JonasBen c Herbert.
Craig r, g Tumor.
wood (Capt.) ... r. t Hay ward.
Wa"Bh r.e Wiggins.
Hal1 l.h. ...Schwartz and
tllll Montgomery.
tV1"0 r. h Willlnms.
M.cK quarter Cowglll.
lnno' full . . . Shedd (Capt.)
Tho gamo was called at 3:30, and
Nebraska chose tho south goal. Tar
W kicked off for thirty yards, and
Nebraska got tho ball. Nebraska
Wcked for twonty yards, Pearse catch
jK tho ball. Schwnrtz went around
the left end for twonty yards, and
Williams advanced it one more. Cow
6111 then tried a quarterback kick,
eglns caught tho ball and gained
tei yards. Schwartz hit tho center
twlco without advancing tho hnll. Tho
quarterback kick was thou tried and
netted ton yards, but Tarklo got tho
ball. Tarklo hit tho contor twlco for
u gain of two yardB each time. Thou
NobYnskn hold them for tho next down
nnd took tho bnll. Turner took tho
hall and rolled over twlco his length,
advancing tho bnll flvo yardB. Will
lams skirted around tho right end for
llfteon yards, and then through tho
contor for two more. Schwartz pasaed
two more chalk lines nnd Shedd
bucked tho contor for four ynrds.
Tho ball was now within throo yards
of Tarklo's goal. Tho ball waB again
given to Shedd. Ho hit tho center nnd
staggorcd across tho lino with half tho
opposing team hanging on his back.
Of courso tho NobniBka rooters went
wild with delight and wero u little
wilder (When Shedd kicked goal tn just
twolvo .minutes after play hnd begun.
Score, .Nebraska G, Tarklo 0.
McKim kicked off for thlrty-flvo
yards nnd Cowglll returned It twonty
yards Tarklo's ball. Finney wont
through tho center for three yards
and Wnugh made two more. Tarklo
kept hammering away at our line nnd
mndo thirteen yards In tho next three
downs, Tarklo failed to gain tho next
tlme.T'owlng to n fine tncklo by Wig
gins.''. Hie visitors then made one
more yard through tho lino, which
seemed unable to withstand their
liercc rushes. Hnll failed to gain, but
Finney wont through for flvo yardB.
In two more downs Tarklo advanced
the bail to Nebraska's fifteen yard lino.
In two more trials tho ball wns
brought to our ten yard lino. Things
now lqokcd dubious for Nebraska, and
it seeded as though Tarklo would tie
the score.
ButNebraska braced up at thlB crit
ical moment and took tho ball. Will
iams went through tackle for three
yards, Cowglll kicked for thirty moro
and McKlm brought It back ten ynrds.
McNnry bucked tho center, but failed
to gain. Tarklo then mndo one yard
through center, when tlmo for tho
first half was called. Score, Nebraska
G. Tarklo 0.
During tho Intermission Robinson
took hlB men up to the north end of
tho field and proceeded to give them
some good advice. He told them to
stop bucking Tarklo's heavy line, but
to play around tho ends. He said tho
boys wero too slow in getting started
and they should play three times as
snappy. Ho concluded by telling tho
boys thnt If they did tho right thing
they would make three or four more
touchdowns. Tho result of Robby's
little talk was soon evident in Ne
braska's play In the second half, espe
cially as regards end plays.
In tho second half Cowglll kicked
off thirty ynrds and Finney brought
It back ten, being finely tackled by
Stringer. Tnrkio then advanced the
ball two yards. On the next play
Tarklo misunderstood tho signals nnd
left quarter back McKlm holding the
ball. In tho scrimmngo that followed
McKim, in endeavoring to pass tho
ball, throw It right Into Turner's ca
pacious hands, nnd thnt youth, al
though at first too surprised to run,
finally recovered his senses and
tripped lightly down tho field for u
touchdown. Again the rooters rooted,
hut the referee had blown his whistle
before Turner got possession of tho
bnll, which makes tho ball officially
down, although In reality It was not.
But Nebraska had her eyo on an
other touchdown nnd no referee's de
cision could prevent It. Williams
went around tho right end for fifteen
yards, Schwartz wont around tho other
end for twenty moro, and almost suc
ceeded In Jumping clear over tho last
man who blocked his path. As It wns,
ho was only caught by tha heels and
tho touchdown was delayed a few min
utes longer. Ton yards now lay be
tween Nebraska and tho coveted goal.
Shedd advanced tho ball four ynrds,
Schwartz threo and Shedd two moro.
Shedd then carried tho ball over tho
remaining six Inches afttr eight min
utes play. Shedd kicked goal. Score,
Nebraska 2. Tarklo 0.
(Continued on Fourth Pago.)
Two Men From Each Class for Each
Event to be Chosen.
Men aro Working Hard for Representation
Conlcsl Will bo Hold Noxl Friday on
tho Campus.
The fres'jiii m-sophomorc class Hold
contest will bo held on the campus
Friday afternoon, October 2!). Tho
contest promises to bo n success In
every respect.
Thoro will be In nil twolvo events,
of which five will bo track events con
sisting of 100 ynrds, 220 yards, U0
yards SS0 yardB and mile run. Tin
other events will be running high
Jump, running broad Jump, shot put,
hammor throw, pole vault, base ball
throw and foot bnll kick.
Each class will bo allowed to enter
two men In each event, and it will
hustle some of tho men to get to he a
representative of their class. In this
way each ovoiU Is filled with tho four
best mon of tho two classes.
Many or last year's men who were
represented In the lntnrcolleginto field
day contest will bo representatives ot
tho sophoinoro class. The freshmen
have men who, It Is said by those who
are acquainted with some of them per
sonally, hold recordB that aio better
than those made by University niuii
last year. One freshman, who is out'
training In the training class, is able!
to jump threo Inches higher than the'
University record. Thia means that!
tho sophs will have either to do better
or give the University record to the'
freshmen. It also means a better rec-
ord for tho University. Among those
who are training and will undoubtedly
enter the contest are: J. A. Kellogg,
J. F. Mills, Ray Warner, P. A. Pepoon,
C. J. Allen, C. L. Allen, B. M. Losele,
Benedict, Andrcson, Plllsbury Jewltt,
Watermann, Hill, Clinton, Swallow
and M. S. Moon. Others will undoubt
edly nppear in time to enter.
Entries of freshmen must bo handed '
in to their manager, Swallow. Tho
sophomores must hand In enterics to
Licbman. All contestants must be out
for practice four days preceding tho
contest. The athletic board have rec
ommended that an entrance fee bo
ennrged. This is thought to be the
easiest way of raising the expenses of
the meet and pay their share towards
tho expense of grading tho athletic
field. The contestants lmvo offered to
pay an entry fee and give the public
free admission. This was considered
by tho board, but it felt that It would
bo better to recommend a gate fee.
Dr. Hnstings hns been working very
hard on the men In training and or
ganizing the men for work. Tho men
have shown much interest in tho con
test, but fail to report their progress
In each class. Tho contest will bo a
success, but many of tho members of
the management have relied too much
on tho project to push Itself.
The nthletlcs or" the University for
tho coming year depend largely on
this first meet. Correspondence Is be
ing carried on with Doane college and
material will be taken largely from the
two classes for training. The two
classes will, it is expected, turn out
nnd support their representatives In
tho same way tho students support tho
foot ball team.
This year class foot ball games will
bo played under tho rules of tho Intor
class Athlotlc association, which aro
now in process of adoption. The Uni
versity has long folt the need of just
such an association, and tho prime
movers In tho matter are to be com
mended for tho efforts thoy have put
forth. Its constitution provides for a
president vice-president and a secre
tnry. Besides this thoro 1b to bo nn
athletic board, consisting of ono mom
bor from each class and tho president
of tho association, all elected by the
respective classes. Tho work of tho
board is tho most Important In that
it lins to do with scheduling games
and determining who has tho right to
play on tho various teams.
Next week and tho week after this
tho University will be treated to n now
artlclo of foot ball, a kind thnt will
Interest and enthuso to nn alarming
extont. Tho features will bo long runs,
stubborn resistance, awkward per
formances and distant goal kicking.
Thoso will ho divided up between tho
various classes, tho seniors coming In
for their full share of the long runs
and distant goal kicking, aB Is ovldont
from tho line-up.
White, center; Farout, right guard;
Cushmnn, left guard; Campbell, right
tackle; Mueller, left tncklo; True,
right ond; Pearson, lert end; Hnl
sload, full back; Uleon, right hnlf;
Klndlor, left hnlf; Morrison, quarter.
Foot hall among tho juniors is nour
ishing at present. Thursday about
twonty mot ns candidates for tho tenm.
It took much individual work by n
few to raise the present enthusiasm,
but tho prospects are that a good team
will bo organized, which will bo strong
in quick, snappy playing rather than
weight. A schedule ot games will in
adopted Friday by tho Interclass As
sociation. Tho candidates are: Guards, Gnr
ingor and Warner; tackles, Patch and
Honglnnd; contor, Wise and Ayor;
ends, Hunting, Christy and Hoecker;
quarter, Wntkins; halves. Lytol,
Strock, Shuff, Clark; full back. Hasty.
The sophmorc team Is organized and
doing some practicing. While there is
plenty of material in the class, the
class constantly loses players that are
filling places on tho first team. Tho
class has purchased a ball for tho
team and men will get down to good
Among those who nro trying for
places and who stand n good show for
positions nre: Moon, Gordon, Lumnr,
Reeder, Hummel, Griffith, Herbert,
Liebninn, Collett.Woodrurf, Ploughead,
Watermann and Rynns. Other good
material will be given a chnnco as
Little has been done by tho fresh
men In the way of a class team thus
far. The organization of a team lias
been delayed by tho lack of a mana
ger. As yet there has been no prac
tice, but as soon ns a manager is
elected tho freshmen hope to get in
running order. Although they aro late
in getting started, they promise to
make a hot fight for the class cham
pionship, as there Is plenty of good
material in tho freshmen class to mako
several teams if It Is only brought out.
Following is the Sem. Bot. schedule
for the year 1897-98:
Saturday, October 1G, 1897 An
nouncements for the year. Papers by
Dr. Bessey, Dr. Pound and Mr. Clem
ents. Saturday, November 20, 1897 Sym
posium on vegetable physiology. Sym
poslarch, Dr. Bessey.
Saturday, December 18, 1897 Papers
by Dr. Ward, Mr. Shear, Mr. Bell.
Saturday, January 22, 1898 Sym
posium on cytology. Symposlnrch, Mr.
Saturday, February 2G, 1898 Papers
by Dr. Pound. Mr. Clements, Mr. Ernst
Saturday. March 19, 1898 Sym
posluiii on phytogeography. Sym
poslnrch, Dr. Pound.
Saturday, April 23, 1898 Papers by
Dr. Bessey, Mr. Shear, Mr, Bell.
Saturday, May 21, 1898, at 2:30 p. m.
Papers by Dr. Pound, Mr. Cloment,
Mr. Ernst Bessoy. At S p. m., Dr. C.
It. Barnes will deliver the annunl ad
dress, "An Evolutionary Failure."
Phi Delta Theta inltlnted Charles
Abbott Inst Saturday evening.
On the 25th of September tho college
settlement board of control passed a
vote of thanks to Miss Brunor and Mr.
Searson for tholr faithful and efficient
work ns superintendents of tho collego
settlement work last year. This work
required considerable lime and effort,
as monthly reports of all work done
In tho different departments wero
mp-lo r tho end of each month.
Methodists Will See What They Can
Do With tho State.
Confident ol Kooplng Down tho Varsity's Scoro,
and Think ol Scoring Thomsolvos
Tho Llno-up.
The game which decides the state
chnmplonshlp will ho plnyod Saturday,
tomorrow, afternoon between tho Uni
versity olovon and tho Wcsloyan tenm.
This will bo ono of the best and most
Interesting gnines of tho season thus
far. Whilo It Is not a league game,
It will servo to take tho place of tho
annual game with Donne eol'ege,
which nlwnys aroused tho greatest en
thusiasm. For tho past two years Wcsloyan has
had her eyo on the Btato championship
and this year she thinks she Is fully
capable of turning the trick at our ex
pense Those who nro Intending to
stny nwny from the game, lnboring
under tho delusion that Wcsloyan will
prove "easy," nro making a groat mis
take. To show how Wcsloyan hns Im
proved since last year It is only neces
sary to state that last year Wcsloyan
was defeated by Tarklo by tho ridic
ulous scoro of 58 to 0, while last Tues
day Wcsloyan turned tho tables on
their former conquerors to tho tunc of
G to 0.
Every olTort will bo put forth by
Wcsloyan to win this game above all
others. Her eleven has been carefully
coached by Charlie Thomas, who aeted
In the same capacity for this Univer
sity in 1895. Crawford, who coached
Wcsloyan last year, camo down from
Omnha Inst week for tho purposo of
aiding Thomas In his efforts to put
the Wesleynn team In shape to defeat
the University.
Under any circumstances, Nebraska
will have to play good foot ball to
win. The University team is in bet
ter shape than ever and tho experience
gained in the Tnrkio game added to
tho benefits of a week's bard practice,
will make it hard to beat. However,
our team is not fillod with over-confidence,
ns the boys realize what thoy
have to do in order to win.
In addition to the regular game, tho
second olevens of each university will
lino up against each other for twenty
minute hnlves. This will precede tho
big game.
A largo delegation will bo down
from Weslcyan to cheer that team,
and our students should see to it that
the Unlver8ltv team dees not suffer
from want of vocal backing at least.
The grounds, after tho soaking thoy
received Inst week, nro In tho best pos
sible condition nnd accomodations for
biruillng a largo crowd will be even
better than Inst week.
Following Is the line-up:
Nebraska. Weslcyan
Stringer 1. e Thomas
Pearse 1. t Dunn
Hnnsen 1. g Blon
llirbert c Stull
Turner r. g Kingsbury
Hnyward r. t Gilbert
Wiggins r. e Laman
Cowglll quarter Kenngy
Schwnrtz r. h Cnrnes
Williams 1. h Balloy
Shedd full Erwin
Tho long talked of mlnstrol show is
on for tomorrow night and tho sale
of seats Is even much larger than was
anticipated. Those holding reserved
seats must bo in their seats by 8:15
or thoso seats cannot bo hold any
longer. This is tho Inst call. Don't
miss It, and como around afterward
and tell us how sorry you aro. Como
whilo you can. See tho original first
part. See tho farco at the end. Seo
tho spectacular version of Mr. John
sing Turn Mo Loose. Seo George Bart
lott as tho heavy vllllan. See Hunk
Mueller and his tambo spinning. Seo
Phil Russell in nn evening gown.
Hear tho bran now local song. Seo
Bert Cosgrovo as the adventuress.
Hear "Tho Banks of tho Wabash. Ad
mission 25 cents. Don't miss it.