The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 15, 1897, Image 1

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Tor.. VI. No. 5.
PiMrK 5 Cents.
Varsity to Line Up Against a Mis
souri Team.
Men arc all Experienced and Nino of Last
Year's Players Back Details ot the
Ames Game.
The following write-up of the Tarklo
team Js special correspondence. From
this the strength of the Tarklo team
ujTlie seen. They will undoubtedly
give tlio varsity a naru struggle anu
outside of the league games this will
j "" ' hardest team Nebraska will
nave o meet.
The Tarklo team lines up much the
same as during last season. Only two
new men are on the team and they
will doubtless add strength to those
of previous years. Training was com
menced early In September and hardly
a day has been lost. The average
weight Is about 177 pounds. Littell,
at half back, Is probably the heavy
weight this year. The guards, center,
and tackles each weigh about 185. G.
L. Wood, who was captain last year,
holds that position this year and has
the co-operation of his entire team.
He has played In the team for four
years and Is one of the best tackles
ever connected with It. W. H. Mc
Nary plays tackle on the left and Is
another sure man. This Is Jonasson's
fourth year at center for Tarklo and
he seldom permits a gain through the
center. He Is well guarded by Pld
rick and Easton. The Waugh boys are
at their old positions, one at either
end, and the team puts much eonfl
denccJn them.- This, is their, third
year in these positions and they are
considered among the strongest men
on the team. Ochiltree, the new half
back, played several years on the high
school team In Morning Sun, Iowa, and
brings a splendid reputation with him.
Littell, right half, played on the team
In '94 and made quite a reputation.
Since then he has had much experi
ence on the gridiron, playing last year
with the Quincy Athletic Association.
He is a strong man. Finney is back
at his position of full back after a
years vacation. Tnls is Ms rourtn
year. McKIm plays well at quarter, In
fact better than in previous years, and
is Indispensable to the team. The
team is one of wide experience, having
Buffered but three defeats in the last
four years, and Is better equipped for
this year than in former ones.
Those who patronize the game to
morrow afternoon will get their mon
ey's worth. The High School team
and second eleven will line up against
each other at 2:30 for twenty-minute
ha'ves. The Varsity game tflll bo
called at 3:30.
The grounds, unless weather pre
vents, will be In excellent condition.
The grand stand will be extended sixty
feet The Held will be enclosed with
a wire fence and will bo kept abso
lutely clear. Ushers will secure and
set aside seats for the young ladles and
they may be Biiro that they will not
have to sit behind a cigarette or to
bacco (lend. Every courtesy will bo
extended the public. The prico of ad-
B mission to both games will be iifty
The line-up will be:
Tarklo, Position. U. of N.
waugh 1. o Stringer
MtNary 1. t Pcarso
Pidrlek , . .1. g Hansen
Jonasson c. .Hisey or Herbert
Easton r. g Turner
Wood (capt.) r. t Hayward
waugh r. o WigglnB
Ochiltree 1. h Schwartz or
,LUUe r .h Williams
McKIm quarter CowgUl
Honey full.. Shedd (capt.)
The first football gamo of tho season
wob played on last Friday at Ames
with tho State agricultural college of
Iowa. Tho boys were beaten, but not
so badly as might have been expected,
considering tho fact that thoy have
wen practicing all summer at Amos
while wo wore Juat started in tho race.
Tho day was almost a perfect one
for football except for a high wind
which favored tho Ames team in the
first half and died down In tho second
half so that it did not help tho Varsity
boys a bit. Tho game started with tho
kick-off by Cowglll which wont to the
ten-yurd lino but was immediatel car
ried back to tho center by tho Ames
full-back and then by hard rushes
through center and tackle the first
touch-down was made after about ten
minutes play, but goal was not kicked.
Tho score now stood 4 to 0 in favor ot
Ames and continued so until tho end
of tho first half.
When tho second half began the
wind which would otherwise have fa
voied tho University boys, had almost
entirely died down and besides the
boys had grown cold and did not play
so snappy a game by a large majority
as they did tho first half. However,
only one touch-down was scored
against them this half and goal kicked.
The game ended with the score 10 to
0 In favor of Ames.
The line-up at ames was as follows:
Benedict, left end; Pearse, left tackle;
Hanson, left guard; Hlsey, center;
Stringer, right guard; Hayward, right
tackle; Wiggins, right end; Shedd,
right half back; Williams, left half
back; Montgomery, full back; Cowglll,
quarter back; Tukey and Halstead,
Coach Robinson feels perfectly sat
isfied with tho game the team played
and feels confident that by the time
the league games are played tho Var
sity will have a winning team in the
field. Tuesday evening there were 31
men out to practice and the hardest
work that has been done this season
was given to the boyt
Even by this time it Is Impossible to
get complete registration figures. The
number registered in all departments
to date is 1,231. These figures are
mado up from the church census and it
is possible that there are a few who
did not make out the report as to their
religious inclinations. Many of the
law men have not yet registered. The
actual registration is expected to reach
1,300 and even higher by Thanksgiv
ing. By November 23, last year, 1,137
had registered. Nearly 100 more than
this number Is already registered. Last
year, by January 14, 438 had matricu
lated. Up to today 488 have matricu
lated. From these figures It Is evi
dent that the increase if new students
will reach twenty-five per cent.
The following church census was
compiled October 11. Since that date
thirty more have registered. This
shows what increase the foregoing
figures may undergo:
5 ja
Methodist Episcopal ....187 100
Presbyterian 142 73
Congregational 100 04
Baptist 75 29
Christian CO 13
Episcopal 44 30
Lutheran 31 11
Catholic 28 4
United Presbyteriau .... 14 5
Unlversallst 2 10
Seven Day Adventlst.... 5 1
Evangelical 5
Unitarian 3
Friends 1 1
United Brethren 1 1
Christian Scientist 1 1
Reform Church 2
Dutch Reform 1
Quaker 1
Undenominational 1
701 352 1053
Miscellaneous 29
Not members or adherents 119
Total students registered 1201
Kappa Alpha Theta enjoyed a do
llghiful Kensington, Saturday, at the
beautiful homo of Miss Jane Macfar
land. Soft music accompanied nee
dles and tongues in n merry race, but
proved too much for feet as well, and
all yielded to tho "light fantastic."
After dainty refreshments and song
I tho party reluctantly broke up.
Will be Made as Strict as in Former
Lloutenant Jackson After tho Men Who Have
Heretofore Found it Easy
to Escape.
The first week of drill finds the af
fairs of the bnttallton running smooth
lythat Is, smoothly for tho cadets
who are attending drill, but the Indi
cations are that tho large number who
thus far have continually absented
themselves from drill, will get Into
difficulty if they continue. A list con
taining in all about 450 names of the
cadets required to drill, has been
posted and all whose names appear
thereon are warned to appear at drill
In the companies assigned to them.
The list of absentees is extraordinarily
large. For Instance, Company A with
121 men on Its roll has about CO pres
ent at drill. Company D with a roll
of 104 cadets has an absent list of
about 50. The other companies of the
battalllon are in like proportion in
this regard.
Those who flattered themselves that
it would be easy to "work" the new
commandant, to get out of drill, are
rapidly finding out their mistake.
Even those who were excused last year
are having a hard time to make the
same excuse serve the purpose this
year. The fact that a man is a senior
makes no difference providing he has
not finished tho required term of work.
It is a sight worth going some dis
tance, to see some of the old men in
tho .University witAavebeen-comr
pelled to drill. Allan Congdon, for In
stance has become a bright and shin
ing light in the ranks of Company B.
For a time it looked as if some of the
old companies would be graced by the
presence of "Hunk" Mueller and Gil
man, both of whom were "shaking in
their boots" as a result of the com
mnndant's determination to "let no
guilty man escape." However, Hunk
has become an adebt in the line of ex
cuses and Gil put on the dignified look
which he has assumed since being a
senior, so both got through safely.
The unusually large registration will
in all probability make the formation
of a fifth company necessary. At least
such is the present intention of the
commandant if there are a sufficient
number of men to warrant it, about
which It seems there will be no doubt
If all those whose names are posted
on the bulletin-board are required to
In regard to the new cadet uniforms,
Lieutenant Jackson said that the bids
for furnishing the uniforms would be
received no later than October 18, and
that the contract would stipulate that
all uniforms must be completed by the
18th of the following month. This will
give the battalllon a chance to be fully
uniformed before the Thanksgiving va
cation. Prof. 'Milton Whitney, chief of the
Bureau of Soil Culture, In the De
partment of Agriculture at Washing
ton, gave a short address to the stu
dents Tuesday morning during tho
chapel hour. Prof. Whitney has been
in the west on a two-fold mission.
He was sent out by tho agricultural
department to study the soils, of which
he is recognized to bo the leading au
thority in tho country, and to find,
If possible, some capable young men
In tho western universities to take up
work In tho Department of Agricul
ture. Tho speaker said that tho depart
ments at Washington really consti
tuted a great university, in which sci
entific men astronomers, navigators,
geologists, zoologists, and entomolo
gists of tho highest attainments were
to bo found. The essential dllteronco
between tho university and the govern
ment department lies in tho difference
of aim, Tho scientific departments of
the government concentrate tho ox-
porlonco of their men and their ap
paratus to tho solution of economic
probloms. Economic problems can
best bo solvod by thorough, scientific
In tho department of ngrlculturo
scientific men of tho very brightest
typo are in demand. Specialists must
bo had not men of narrow minds but
men whoso field of work Is narrow.
The apportionments of research are
very wide. Statj lines are not recog
nized. Agents are sent out by the de
partment to every part of tho country
and also to foreign countries.
Government service offers young
men exceptional advantages. The ex
perience in Washington and In tho
government employ is of great value,
particularly to young men. The de
partments ofler great opportunities for
volunteer work and young men can
supplement a university education by
study there it they desire to do so.
Prof. Whitney thought that the best
men In the scientific department of the
government came from western uni
versities; at most the experience of
his department had proved that such
was the case. Consequently the de
partment generally looked to the west
to find young men for Its employ.
Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity en
joyed a tallyho party last Friday eve
ning. Starting from the home of Miss
Leola Vancil on Twelfth and J streets,
they took a delightful three hours'
drive through the city and into the
country and then returning to the
home of Miss Lida Miller, were served
with a dainty luncheon. The evening
was brought to a fitting close by
dancing and music. The party con
sisted of the Misses Leola Vancil, Lida
Millar, Edith Schwavtz, MarvJTvne,
Selma Wiggenhorn, Frances Cunning
ham, Jessie Morgan, Jane Macfarland,
Jean Tuttle, Grace MacMillan, Ruth
Wilson. Ella Harper. Messrs. Frltzl
Korsmeyer, George Shedd, Paul Weeks,
Harrison Oury, Joel Stebblns, Karl
Randall, Philip Russell, Charles
Weeks, Ernest Wiggenhorn, John
Kind. Vergil Barber. Dr. and Mrs.
Ladd were chaperones.
The senior girls have re-opened the
question of caps and gowns. After
many trials and tribulations last
spring they had decided to wear caps
and gowns only during commence
ment week, and merely the class-pin
throughout the year. It appears now
that the majority wish to reconsider
the matter. The result of the agita
tion thus far has been an Informal
gathering of the girls, at which Miss
Helen Langer presided. Nothing was
accomplished but the appointment of a
committee to canvass the class and
get an exact statement of the consen
sus of opinion. The committee ap
pointed are Miss Edith Schwartz,
chairman; Misses Sadie Smith, Farn
ham, Lucy Green.
The petty thieving which occurs an
nually In the University has begun
again. With the advent of cold
weather the sneak thief has begun his
harvest of students' wraps which are
left In the cloak-rooms. Chancellor
MacLean on last Monday morning
mentioned tho thieving which Is being
carried on, and advised the students to
guard themselves against It. While It
was disgraceful that sneak-thievlng
should occur In a university, It was
oven more disgraceful that It should be
dono by students, as iB probably the
caso this year. The Chancellor advised
tho students to form themselves Into
vigilance committees and report any
well-grounded suspicion Immediately
at tho office. Tho Chancellor further
suggested that it would be wlso It the
students would have their mall sent
to their room addresses instead of get
ting it at tho University mall boxes,
aa the University could not bo held re
sponsible for stolen mall.
Today Is Kappa Sigma day at Nash
ville, Tenn., and tho members of Alpha
Psl chapter are wearing a neat little
button to celobrato the occasion.
Prospects are That the Coming Show
Will Surpass Last Year's.
The Details are Being Arranged, Jokes Being
Reanimated and all Accessories for a
First Class Show Obtained.
The time has passed when tho stu
dent body has to be appealed to for
personal subscrlp ions for athletic
teams In the University. The pre
cedent of giving a minstrel show was
established last year and It will doubt
less be many years before It is doue
away with. In this way there Is not
the slightest feeling on the part ot the
patrons that thoy are making anything
In the shape of a donation. Everyone
would see a minstrel show as good as
this coming one is going to be under
any circumstances and Its worthy
motive only acts in a double incentive
If there Is anyone who needs such a
It Is just a wcpI; now before the
football minstrel thow comes off and
things arc advancing toward their
completion In rapid style.
It Is one of the things that no stu
dent, new or old, can miss. You won't
see anything like It again this year
and you don't want to let anything
come In Its way. With a special ob
ject of accommodating every man and
woman In college the price of tickets
has been set at a merely nominal fee.
If you are a new student and have
been waiting for a true college gather
ing and distinctly collegian entertain
ment you won't miss this. If you are
an old student you cnijjdn't Jje hired
to miss It.
Every song Is new and every gag
original. Every faction In the Uni
versity represented and every sort of
state amusement Included. If you
haven't heard the glee club singing
this Is your chance. Hear the opening
chorus rom "Chinas of Normandy"
and "Wizard of the Nile."
See the' farce enacted by boys en
tirely. It is something new.
There are a number of the old boys
coming down from other towns to see
this performance and It will draw
heavily from the town.
Given in the University chapel, Sat
urday night, October 23. Tickets 25
The "cold water" thrown by the girls
upon the meeting held In the Interests
of football lately was entirely uninten
tional, as has been proved by the spirit
they have since shown In purchasing
tickets. One sorority has subscribed
for fifteen and others are rapidly fol
lowing suit. Inasmuch as our games
are to be held on the campus hereafter.
"box parties" ought to be the proper
The registrar Ferved notice on all
tho professors that students who had
not registered by Wednesday evening
should be dismissed from their classes.
This caused several of the dilatory
ones to call forthwith at the registrar's
The Nebraskan will give anyone a
Waterman ideal fountain pen, who
will hand to tho managing" editor a
list of ten new subscribers. This is an
easy way to get the best pen on the
market for nothing. The selection can
be made from tho Co-Op. stock. The
management will aid anyone who
wants to try th's in every possible
Tho class teams this year promise
to show up better than over. Almost
all have organized and are already
hard at work pr"-t icing every day.
Last year little vn done by tho cIbbs
teams and until Immediately before
the games in whl"1) they wore to piny.
Tho managers of bp earns seem to be
fully aware of tl ' furt and have got
their men out t work enrly. Tho
raco for tho clasp championship prom
ises to bo a hot one nnd the class
which gains the rovotcd honor will
have something wirth bragging about