The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 08, 1897, Image 4

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Tho past week has seen a noticeable
chango in tho appearance of tho foot
ball field. A largo scrapor has been
engaged and has been rapidly taking
off tho humps on tho field. Not only
tho Irregular places, but tho whole
field will bo scraped bo that It will
present an almost level aurface. Tho
north end of the field will be about
two feet lower than tho other end.
This will work no hardship In playing
as the Incline will bo Imperceptible.
On the other hand, It will bo of great
advantage In draining off the ground.
In addition to scraping the field, a
track one-fifth of n mllo long has been
laid out. This will bo used for the
first time In the coming freshman
cophomoro field day contest. If there
Is room enough, however, the present
track will be chnnged to ono-quartcr
of a mllo In length. Professor Hast
ings Is at present figuring on such a
chango and will make It If possible.
The Society of Electrical Engineers
met last Saturday night In Professor
Owens' lecture room. Work for the
college year was talked over. Stops
were taken to bccure a room In the
new building for tho use of the so
ciety. A committee was appointed to
seo what could bo obtnlned for a suita
ble society pin. Thore will probably
bo no regular electrical exhibition
given this year
It takes so much i
time and labor, it was thought best i
to wnit until the electrical depart- ! "ny cases, fnlsc types of character
ment gets into their new building, which havo boon doing duty for years
where better accomodations can bo, in drama supposed to picture lifo in
recured. The society will probably , Ireland. Hnlllffs. redcoats, evictions
give a reception and dance nt the cap- 1 ! their nttcndnnt groups of vll
Itol building in place of the exhibition. , lagers are done away with, and in
Prcfessor Owons has becured sev- stead of the conventional peasant by
eral good men as lecturers for tho so- J hero in corduroy breeches, who says
ciety. The following will bo heard sharp things at tho exponse of every
someti:i.e during the year: Chas. P. I tody nbou him, Mr. Morris has pic
SteinmeU chief electrician of tho I tured a young Irish gentleman of to
General Electric Company, will give ' ln'. college graduate, who Is a most
ten lectures on the "Application of
Complex Quantities to Alternating
Current Analysis;" Willits H. Sawyer,
a graduate of the class of '94, U. of N.,
now engineer in charge of railroad
conduit systems of tho General Elec- character the author has surrounded
trie Company, will give two lectures i with men and women who are gentle
on the "Conduit Systems for Street j men and Indies, and he makes tho
Railroads;" Ralph Modjeskl, consult- , action of his play take place on a fine
ing engineer, will give an illustrated
lecture on "The Construction of the i
Rock Island and Davenport Bridge." '
In addition to the above, Mr. L. i
Furgeson, general superintendent of
tho Chicago Edison Company, will
probably lecture on "The Edison Sys:-
tern In Chicago." i
John D. Epos, the new librarian, is
a graduate of Randolph-Macon Col-
lege, which Is a co-educatlonal Moth-
odist school located at Ashland and
Lynchburg, Va. Since graduation he
has dono graduate work in Johns IIop-
kins University, and for the past four
years has been profossor of English u, 1'B'5 wounesuny evening. c
and English literature- In St. John's tol)0r 13,
college m Annpolls. Md. He has also Soat" cm snl Monday. 9 a. in., at th
boon librarian of that school. This Is box omco' Pr,cos B0 ml 2r
u Presbyterian school for inon and has cont8,
an attendance of about 270 student,
with a library of 8,000 volumes. Mr.
Epea comes here as n friend of Profes
sor Owens nnd Mr. Hrown of the elec
trical engineering department.
Once more, after a lull of one yenr,
tho Medical socloty has shown ener
getic slgnB of Ufa. At a mooting
Tliiirailnv iiflni-iinriti innitli mil Imalnain
as shown, and it was tho general
opinion of those prosout that the so
ciety should again bucome more agros
hive and progressive.
The following officers were elected " "",l" "" w'" lPnr as iwron
for the present Homester: MohenMauffen, a German gentleman
Chairman, Miss Honnell; vice chair- to wl"" Mr- Clement has givon great
man. Mr. Bnrber; treasurer, Mr. faxar- AIr- Clement's company Is ns
Buyer; socrotary, Mr. Almy; sergeant- K01. U not bettor, than any to he
at-nrmB. Mr. Tylor. fo,1,1d supporting a Htar. A complete
An oxoeutlve committee was up- scenic production 1h carried nnd "The
pointod whoso duty it Is to arrange Nw Dominion" will bo booh procisoly
for a sot of loeturoB to bo given during as It was nt McVIckor's Chicago then
tho BomoBtor, nnd In other ways to tor during Mr. Clomont'u rocont on
provldo ontortahiment for tho mom- gagotnont In that house. "Tlio New
berB. A second committoo on revision Dominion" will bo presontod at the
of the constitution wub appointed, matlnao at 2: HO p, m., and "A Sonth
The suggestion was made that com- orn Gontloman In tho ovoning nt 8:15
mltteos act at once and report at tho p. m. Prices, $1, 715, 60 and 2G conta.
noxt mooting, which waB called for Seats now on sale.
next Friday at 1 p. m., Octobor ID.
DANCING SCHOOL. Sond ub tho names and uddroBsoa of
Mr. Albort Turpln. in announcing throo or more porformors on the piano
tho opening of IiIb elnssos for dancing or organ together with 10 contB in ali
tor the eeiiBon of 1897-98, cordially ox- vor or postage and wo will mall you
tends an invitation to you and any ton pieces full shoot music, consisting
member of your family, and any
friend or friends to become connected
with hlB school, and oarnostly Invites
your attention to Ills list of classes.
His rules and regulations arc sim
ple and Intended only to Insure tho
advancement, comfort and enjoyment
of his pupils and strict only so far as
to conform to tho rules governing a
high-class school.
Tho high social standard of his
classes and the generous support ex
tended to him during the past season
makes It unnecessary to go into fur
ther details than to respectfully call
your attention to the dates of open
ing, etc.
Application for membership should
be made on or after September 15,
either personally or by mall. 1132 N
street, Lincoln, Neb.
Tho following la tin result of tho
foot ball games played on last Satur
day by the colleges of tho country:
Carlisle Indian School 3G, Dickinson
0; Pennsylvania 33, buckncll 0; Cor
nell 1C, Syrncuso 0; Princeton 43, Le
high 0; Dartmouth 34, Phllllps-Exctcr
0; Purdue 2S, Illinois Normal 0; Wis
consin 30, Lake Forest 0; Lafayette
21, Pennsylvania State College 0; Illin
ois 1G, Eureka 0; Baldwin 4, Case 0;
Michigan 24, Ypsilantl 0; Belolt 3,
Armour Institute 0; Iowa Wcsleyan
18, Knox 0; Harvard 20, Williams 0;
Yale 30, Wcsleyan 0.
in Andrew Mack's new piece, "An
Irish Gentleman," the author of the
Pl"'. Ramsey Morris, is said to have
wholly discarded the motheaton, In
taking mixture of wit, humor, senti
ment and pathos, and by nil accounts
a thoroughly manly and lovable fel
low a rolling stone whose very
faults seem virtues. This central
old Irish estate. The story involves
the course of true love, and it is said
to bo strongly dramatic, with an
abundance of comedy to give relief to
its serious side. In tho role of Jack
Shannon Mr. Mack Is said to have one
of the best stnr parts which has fallen
to tho lot of an actor In some time
There are hosts of lovers of Irish
I,ramn who w,n bo lad to welcome
something new in that line, and If
"A" Ir,8h Untlunwif ' bright
,1S ,l B 8a,, to ',0 ll w, nut lncU bl
audiences, particularly with nonnlar
Androw Mack in the title rolo. Mr
Mnt a:iu ,,ls now company will bo at
Tho coming of Mr. Clay Clemont
and the flue company of players sup
porting him should prove one of the
dramatic treats of the season. Mr.
Clement is a new attraction tu our
i heater-goers, but all have henrd of
his successes in New York. Chicago,
and other large cities, and (he en-
inuslastlc welcome he mndo for him-
s",f ,M ,St' Vn" ml Minneapolis last
season Is no doubt remembered. Mr.
(Moment will present on this visit his
beautiful piny "The New Dominion,"
I. ...1. l,.l. 1 Ill T
of popular songs, waltzes, nturchas,
etc., arranged fon tho pluno and organ
Address Poptilnr Music Publishing
Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
notlvc gentlemon or ladlos to travel
for responsible, established house In Lin
coln, Nebraska. Monthly $15.00 and ex
ponses. Position steady. Reference En
close solt-addrossed stamped envelope.
Tho Dominion Company, Dopt. Y Chicago.
particular nbout how his linlr looks
will And thnt Snm Westerllcld, niter
18 years experience with coIIcko men j
known how to cut lmlr; and cut It to I
.suit. 117 N. 13th.
Lunch Counter.
118 Sonth Klevcnth.
Northwestern University
Medical School.
Tho regulor courso is four years; with
conditions for advanced standing. This
school claims superiority in tho oxtont
nnd thoroughness of laboratory courses,
and in tho groat varioty of its clinical
matorinl and tho methods by which it is
used in teaching. For circulars of in
formation address tho Secretary,
Dn. N. S. Davis, Jit.,
2113 Dearborn St., Chicago
First National Bank,
JNO. L. OAHSOK. 1'n-nMont.
D. D. MUIR. Cnvhler.
H. S. FKr.KMAN. Ass't Cnslilcr
It's the Place
You want to go to when you want to
purchaso magazines, periodicals, news
papers nnd novels. Always on hand.
Ilth and O Sts., Richards BIK-
C. L. Sl'HNPKH, MBr.
Intercollegiate llurenu
Cotrcll& Leonard,
I72-478 llroiidway.
Allmny. New York.
Makers of the
Caps, Gowns and Hoods.
To the American Colleges and Unlvorilllos.
Illustrated manual, samples, prlcos. ute., uion
reqiiLst Gowns for the Pulpit anil the Hunch.
Bath House and Sanitarium.
Cor. lith and M streets , Lincoln, Nob.
Open at all Hours, Day and Night
All forms of bath
Managing Physicians.
Wednesday Oct. 13th.
The Singing Comedian,
In the cast of tho company aro Rich
ard Dillon Edolph JackBon, Edwin
Urandt, George W. Deyo, W. T.
.Mason, Mario Dates, Ollvo White,
Florence Aflhbrooke, Little Florence
Olp and muny others.
SentB on sale Monday, 9 a. m. PrlceB
?1, 75, no and 25 cents.
tkySS5 !
' rn'STv ' m-iMS-HiuBuLn
Metropolitan Barber Shop
(Bajemenl Burr Blk.)
SHAVE, 10c SEA FOAM, 10c
B. J Roberson,.RroprIetor.
Mnko sonio now frionds this your nmong
tho now students who lmvo eomo in.
We Have Lots
Of old frionds who aro staying with us,
nnd tho ronson is plain. Tho collcgo
man is particular. Ho must havo n
largo n88ortmont to solect from in order
to got tho oxnet lit, shape, length,
figure, etc.
That's Why
Wo havo so many friends. Wo can
always suit thoir needs at prices that are
Mr. Albert Turpin's-
JSow open for Season 1S97-0S.
Adult classes, every Tuesdays and Fridays. Juvenile, Wednesday
4r p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. in. Assemblies every Friday Evo.
Hall for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. 1132 N St.,
for terms, etc. Oilice hours 9 to 11:30 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m.
TUC VCUTPmiCnUnCIAUf Spring term will open March S, 1S97, Dl
inC Kuril UULLCUCvIr LAfl pioma admits to bnr. Improved methods
Marshall D. Ewlng, LL. D M. D, Dean, uniting theory and practice. The School
of Practice Is the Leading Feature. Evening sessions of ten hours a week for es-ch
class. Students can bo solf supporting whllo studying. For catalogue address
M. D. EWKLL, Donn, Itoom C13 and 614 Ashland blk., Chicago, 111.
When you write
to your friends
vho ar coming west to
visit you, Just add a post
script like this: "Bo sure
to take the Burlington
Route. It's much the
Vou arc quite safe In do
ing this because our serv
ice from Chicago, Peoria,
St. Louis and Kansas
City, In fact all eastern,
southeastern and south
ern clU8 Is just as good
ns our service to those
points. And ;hat as every
one who Is acquainted
with It will testify, Is the
boat there Is.
Tlnkets and time tables
on application nt B. & M.
dopot or city ticket of
fice, corner 10th and O St.
G. W. B0NNELL, C. P. & T. A.,
All .ho news til the tlmo Is to be found
In Tho Nebraska!!, $1.00 ptr year.
: w(lmk I "AH the 1
, I W World Lews 1
ir980 a Winner" 1
I M Our 'Ninety-Seven M
, W Complete Line of W
WX V )
W are the I i w
I Smprcmc -Jx
1 Years- of WJmJ
I Experience ' -
fifji Send nine two-cent stamps for a deck of Monarch Playlnir ml
W) Card, Illustrating Lillian Ruacll, Tom Monarch Cooper, ((!
)M. Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. Keciilar 50c carJi. )W
UsssssssVP mj' assssssJwTaW BkSBBBL
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street.
H. O. Townsiind, Gen'l P. &. T. A.
R D. Counem,, O. P. & T. A.
'nesdaj J
K St., i
)r each
m a