LOCMLS, Oliver Chambers, '00, linn bona ap pointed phyBlcal director, in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. Mrs. Manning addressed professor Luckoy's chlld-Btudy class last week on tho "Art of Teaching Children to Road." Pcarso's face Is commencing to look qulto respectable again. Tho swelling has all gono down, and only a slight trace of tho black oyo romalns. Miss Mayslo Ames Is assisting tem porarily In tho library. During two rush of now books she helps catalogue, Miss Prentiss has also been added to tho force. The Sunday meeting of tho Y. M. C. A. will bo especially for now students. "Hlndranco" will bo tho subject for consideration. W. J. Lowrlo will lead tho meeting. Tho members of tho foot ball team of tho senior class met last Wednes day, October G, and elected E. R. Mor rison captain of tho team for tho en suing season. Many of tho mon who Intend to take part In tho field sports aro making arrangements for training. Tho pure amateur spirit oxlBts and good results will bo tho result. Tho class foot ball games will prob ably bo played on Saturday mornings, Instead of tho afternoons, as tho first team has all tho afternoons for over six weeks to como. G. E. Kindler has for a fow days this week been playing base ball at Fremont as a member of tho West Point team. Tho games will decide tho championship of the state Tho students of tho University were tendered a reception Saturday evening by tho young people of the First Bap tist church. A short program and light refreshments helped to pass away the time. Phi Kappa Psl fraternity have pur chased forty tickets with which they and their friends will witness Clay Clement's presentation of "A South em Gentleman" at tho Funko lomor- i -" row, Saturday, night. Tho following students joined the Union Boys Debating club last Satur D. Dasenbrock, W. F. Krello, J. A. Simpson, D. E. Thompson, George Burgert, Jr., Alex H. Ralet and Paul day evening: Ward K. Newcomb, J. B. Weaver. Tho Union Boys will debate tho question, "Resolved, That tho Federal Courts Have Exceeded Their Rights in tho Matter of Injunctions," Satur day evening, October 9. Messrs. Burk, Marsh and D. E. Thomas will repre sent tho affirmative, and Messrs. Pope, Warren and C. C. Tollcson will speak for tho negative. The lecture given In chapel on Mon day morning by Dr. Hastings, If ad hered to by tho athletes of tho Uni versity, will make a change in many of the teams. It has been considered by a number of mon who will con sider themselves Bhut out. It will make tho men a llttlo more careful after this as to how they spend their summer vacations. NEW COMPANY PROBABLE. There Is a probability that this year may see flvo companies in tho endet battalion instead of four as hereto fore. The number of new cadets Is unusually largo and tho total registra tion for drill has reached tho unpre cedented figure of 390. This would make each of tho four companies almost too largo to handle and Lieutenant Jackson has been seri ously considering tho advisability of forming a now company. Tho an nouncement of this action, should It bo decided upon, would doubtless please a largo number of tho old cadets, as a now company means new officers to command It, and many who wero disappointed in tho promotions see in such a scheme a ray of hope to have their military ambitions realized. All speculation as to a fifth com pany was settled last Wednesday by tho definite announcement that a now company would bo formed and that officers for tho same would bo ap pointed as soon as tho now mon aro ready to go into companies. Thoro aro already seventy students registered In tho law school. This is ono-half more than wore registered this timo last year. KLUMNi Congressman D. H. Morcor, '80, vis ited his alma mator on Thursday. T. A. Powers, '96, has beon visiting with Phi, Kappa Psl tho past weok. Orloy Thorpe, captain of tho Unlvor slty foot ball team in '96, will prob ably coach tho High School team this season. Jinunle Canflold, '95, has sent tho loot ball manager a flvo dollar bill. Wheto are there others of our noblo alumni. Miss Julia Wort, of the class of '1)7, has a position as teacher In Schuy ler. She has chargo of tho eighth grade and three clauses In the High School. At a meeting of the fuBlon county central committeemen laBt Tuesday evening R. A. Trail, '97, was nom inated for county surveyor. Rollln 1b now engaged In tho coal business at 1228 O street. H. C. Parmelco came up from Beu trico last Friday and visited tho Uni versity. Parm went over to tho arm ory In tho afternoon to hear tho ap pointments read off, and being satis fled that Adjutant Plnkerton was "on to his Job," ho returned to his work In Beatrice. Rev. F. W. Russell, Sigma Chi, a graduate of tho University in '90, was married to Miss Luclle Cross of Fair bury on last Tuesday morning, Oc tober B. Tho ceremony was per formed at tho homo of tho bride's parents. Mr. Russell Is pastor of tho Presbyterian church at Marshaltown, Iowa. PERSONALS. Miss Maude Triplott, a former mem ber of the class of '97, has just re turned with her parents from Clinton, Mo. Ex-Regent Victor Rosewater was at chapel exercises Wednesday morning, and was seen on the campus and In tho library afterwards. Miss Nellie Compton returned to work In the library the first of this week from her vacation trip in the East. Sho stayed in the library dur ing tho summer, but In August Bho left for Pennsylvania and New York, where she visited and went sight-seeing. Geo. Hoimrod returned to the Uni versity last Monday after a two weeks' hunting trip in the mountains. George did not bring any game back with him, but he has a long string of hair-raising bear stories. About tho only thing he managed to get in the mountains is a mustache, which Is, as yet, passing through the critical stage, but hopes are entertained that It will soon develop Into flourishing growth. THE MINSTREL SHOW. Tho dato of tho minstrel show for the benefit of tho foot ball team has been set for October 23, which means two weeks more of preparation. It was tho original Intention to give it the week before, but on account of tho joint program of tho literary societies It was announced for tho weok follow ing. Tho performance has been worked up quietly, In spite of the un usual interest manifested by everyone, and considerable ground haB already been covered. There will be some where from forty to fifty men taking part this year, so from this fact alone It Is easy to see that the show will bo on a moro pretentious scale than bo fore. Tho remodelling of tho chapel makes it possiblo for certain features which wore Impossible last year, and tho minstrel first part will bo put on in proper stylo. Tho performance will bo divided In three parts. The minstrel first part will, as usual, lead off with stirring choruses, original gags of local flavor, and tho very latest popular songs novor heard In tho city before. Tho flnalo of tho first part is something entirely now und Btartling. Tho second part will bo a short olio of good specialties, and the show will close by a now farco by John Kondrlck Bangs. Ab In tho case of tho very successful "ChumB" last year, the farce will bo given 'by boys entirely, somo of them taking female partB In this lino there will bo some of the Bhowiest dresses over made up. Tho cast has been at work some timo, and it is thoir intention that tho play shall have tho true professional snap and vigor. Thoro will bo a great abundance of theatre parties, both from tho Univer sity and tho city, for that night. It is tho intention of tho management that a party bo worked up for ovory lratornlty and literary socloty in college. There will bo a largo number of tho city peoplo presont, and there Is ovory assurance of an lmmonso house. Thg program will bo varied enough to please everyone, and thoro will be Jokes on unlvnroity affairs from one end to tho other. Given In tho chapel Saturday night, October 23. THE GLEE CLUB. Irelnnd Is expected to enter conser vatory soon, and will hold down his old place on tho first tenor row. Ev ans and Whaloy are In college, but will not have tlmo to sing. Konagy, Whe don and Lansing will tond to tho sec ond tenor part and probably tho old stager, Bob Manloy, will help them out. Porter, Sumner and Mueller will ba tho old mon In tho baritone row. At tho recent examination a great deal of promising material showed up, and tho following men have beon se lected for tho temporary club: Wilbur, Reed, Boose, Plnkerton, Edgorton, Hunting and Schwartz. "Barber Shop Minor Burks and "Short" Lchnhoft will bo greatly missed by tho gang this year. Tho Glee club Is getting Into ehapo and has had two rehearsals already. Director Kimball still has tho club In chargo and has several good trips In view. Whitney's German dictionary, for merly $2.50, 1b now selling at tho Co-Op. for ?1.4u. Tho Co-Op. has received a now con signment of embossed Unlvorslty let terhead tablets, envelopes, etc. For Ice cream soda and school sup plies call on Cowles & Griovlsh, Tenth and Q streets. Mrasfca College of Oratory. Y. M. C. A. Building, Lincoln, Neb. Practical courso in Voico Building, Dramatic and Lyric Art and Foronsio Oratory. Faculty oxporionced instructors, grad uates of Boston College of Oratory. Cost of Courso in roach of overy in dustrous student. Send for Free Catalogue. Fall Term oponed Soptembor 16th, 1897. &22S&&3?3 W i ir it . ) i. e J . .. 5 1 " - . . Z -l fli - - -i.$ I il F J C ww s VfV jtS. . S ? ? Ml FJ .-i- ',- - irfl IfJ i., c . - s s Lffl pa eu "o 3 jtvto M I O . V try, F-3 "i i - C .'loli iJ r-' Yit I-S3OT6 , .SdsBsss&sdy H. W. BROWN, Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a comploto Btock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. HH " THAT3 MV VVA5H0UHl rlANDDLINS Guitars-Banjos, The Washburn is the one and onlv make of world-wide reputation. Sold by first-class dealers every where from $15.00 upward. Imitated extensively, so be sure that the name "George Washburn" is burned upon the inside. A beautiful Washburn l)ook contain ing portraits and letters from the De Reszkes, Calv5, Eamcs, Nonlica, Scal ed) and 100 other famous nrtists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept. U, LYON & MEALY, Cor. Wabash Ave. and Adami St., Chicago. 1 K N 'tlLj'iiHEvvfeflC It's Cold. Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want, Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Aiways Take The fiM&ft To OMAHA All points East. KANSAS CITY East and South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. Has tho best modern equipment. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Frco Reclining Chair Cars. For timo schedules, tickots, reservation of births, call on or addross E. B. SLOSSON, Gon. Agt., 1014 O street, J. T. MASTIN, O. T. A. Lincoln, Nob. S.H.H. CLARK, Pros. E. DICKINSON, Gon. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX.G.P.&T.A. Omaha, Nob. The University of Nebraska, SCHOOL Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: Pipe-Organ, Piano Forte, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, Gon oral Thoory, Sight Reading. If Yon are TMnMng of Mm Music Investigate the Merits of this School W1LLARD KIMBALL, Director. You'll Find it's a Good Place. FRANCIS BROS. Proprietors CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish und Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 141S O St., Lincoln, Nob Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 Cent Meals. ss-aajjLjjaM Experience at tills University has proven that the WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is THE reliable pen for class room use. It is always ready for use and writes contin uously without shaking. It has the best gold pens that can be made, and money guaranteed relnnded If the pen Is not satisfactory. For sale at tho CO-OP. CEIillfC 0PERA rilllRE HOUSE P&Bt$ W- The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. OF MUSIC. - Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Freo Scholarships in all Departments. Orchostral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, Recitals. 121 North Mth. 1 F-C. Zehrung, Mgr. I Cor. O and 12th Stre Streets TWO PERFORMANCES Saturday, October 9 MR. CLAY CLEMENT Presenting at the Matinee, 2:30 The New Dominion EVENING, 8:15 A Southern Gentleman Prices $1, 75c, 50r, 25c. Seats on sale.