T The Nebraskaw A Weekly Newspaper Issued Every Fri day Noon, by tlio Students of tho University of Nobruskn. En.erod ns Second Class Mull Mtxttcr. V. T. Itlloy Managing Editor. ASSOCIATES. I. S. Cutter Editorial A. E. Parmoloo News Editor. C. E. Matson Abs'I Editorial Kato Snow Walker Sororities II. C. tturr Athletics. Oliver Chambers Local. Edith Schwartz.. Asa't Bus. M'gr. Tho Nobraskan will bo sent to nny ad dress upon receipt of tho subscription prlco, which Is one dollar a ymr, or fifty conts a somestcr. Contributions aro solicited from nil. News items such as locals, personals, reports of mcotlnRs, etc., are especially deslrod. The Nobraskan will bo glad to print any oontr.butlon rolatlvo to a gen eral university subject, but the name must accompany nil such. Address all communications to Tho Nobraskan, Unlversliy of Nebraska. Now that drill has commenced for this year, some discussion has arisen among tho non-commissioned olllcera of the battalion as to the advisability of doing away with tho gold chevrons and returning to tho black cloth chev rons of two years ago. When tho gold chevrons were adopted last year it was urged in favor of tho change that on battalion parade the non-commissioned officers would bo easily distin guished, whereas tho Mack stripes on the blue background were not suf ficient to distinguish tho officers from the privates. However, there seems to be a reac tion In favor of the old style, which had the double advantages of cheapness and neatness. Tho black chevrons looked as well at tho end of the year as at tho beginning, while tho same could not be said of tho gold chevrons. This is especially true if tho cadets work in the chemical labratory, as the gold stripes ?pon turn to a dark greenish color. Another advantage In favor of the old chovrons is that they are not so loud and can be worn any place without attracting attention. Ab nearly all the privates in tho Pershing Rifles are non-commissioned officers in tho battalion, the black chevrons would greatly improve the appearance of that company, as tho boys can hardly afford two blouses. At present tho Rifles present much the appearance of a brass band with all their gold stripes, and It is hoped by many of Ub members that there will be a change soon. Among the many late articles writ ten upon the "Education of Women," is one by President Canfleld of Ohio State University, which has appeared recently in an eastern publication. The title of the article Is "An Experi ment in the Education of Girls." President Canfleld has outlined in this article a scheme for education in domestic science. Tho course is regu larly four years, one-third of which deals directly with domestic science. Tho scheme is broad, capable of giv ing general culture and bids fair to be immensely practical. In the genoral culture course little is given to' directly fit young womon for what, in! the natural course of events, will be- come their life work. This plan Is' certainly admirable and has been os-j tabllshed without university prcco-l dent. Much depends, however, upon , the activity of tho young women In1 taking hold of the course. , i The talk given by Dr. Hastings in ' chapel Monday morning was indued i beneficial. If our athletics aro to be athletics In the college sonso, lot ua have them always and forever free from any taint of professionalism. If our athletic name in the east 1b not as bright as it should be, let us strive that this year it may be well burn ished. Nebraska Is capable of bettor things along this lino, If one may Judge by tho '98 class meeting, class spirit, at least, is not dead In Nebraska. The sophs also give evidence of class activity in the challenge sent to the freshmen. We have reason to hope that by the time of the first foot ball game a large sized college spirit will be forthcom ing. Tho Nebraskan would klndl sug gest to a few that tho University is now in good running order and that it Is high time to buckle down to work. The "critical period" In tho life of the student comes In the first half of tho freshman year. A realization of this Bhould mean work. Tho North Western Monthly Is bo coming almost a University publico-' tlon, judging from tho numbor of con tributors who aro Unlvorslty profes sors. In tho September and October Issues may bo found tho beginning of 3ovcral series of articles by various professors, which would bo a great help If read by studontB, who, at times, fall to get tho full thought or signific ance of a lecturo In tho class room. Among nrllcles now running may bo mentioned: American History Studies, II. W. Caldwoll; Studies In Literary Interpretation, L. A. Sherman; Munic ipal Government, Mrs. W. G. L. Tay lor; Studies in tho Sources of Grecian History, R M. Fling. On tho Teach ing of English, L. A. Sherman; among Now Books, L. A. Sherman; Child Study Department, G. W. Lucky, ed itor. Among other contributors arc: Amos G. Warner, C. II. Thurbcr and others. "PIKE'S peak on HUST." Circumnavigating Pike's Penk by tho ship of the desen Is not what every sum mer tourist nccompllsnus. However, Ibis famous Inland Cnpo Horn was rounded this summer by Mr. Randolph of the school of music, Charlie Schwarz and Fred Hurt, In their camp wagon "Tho Oont." Tho party left Lincoln Juno 15th, nnd camped In Donver July 8th. Mr. Randolph, as head of tho party, displays d his tns c for the fitness of things In Ills choice of companions: Mr. Mnrtz, who had tho mlsfortuno to receive a very slight gunshot wound which necessitated his early return, was chosen because of his ablKty to put two and three together Hour and othr desirable s.ufts In such an agreeable form ns to sustain life between restaurants; Mr. Schwarz, having a hap py knack in distinguishing between Voter" nnd "paw," that l'ngulstlc dif ference that marks one nation from an other, was much In demand as Interpreter; Mr. Bur,., It was foun, after six hundred miles had been covered, was an excellent black and white nrtlsi when It came to wagon spindles. So all things wero good O, yes, Mr. Randolph presided over a portable evan gelist organ which proved a bread win ner and gained the boys admission Into the homes and hearts of many susceptible westerners. From Denver, th city of bicycles and "Don't expectorate upon tho bldownlk ns a sanitary measure" signs, the Invincible three went to Colorado Springs town of "lungers" and dally showers. Pike's Peak was the only mountain whose proud houd felt tho weight of their delicate sandals. Tho high altl.udo in prices of Summit House affected thorn considerably. Day aft-r tho descent they wero so lame they were short of bro.itb. Now begun the real pleaburu of tho trip for now, nfter tho Peak, tho Gajd n, and tho various canons, began .ho mountains In earnest. Two dnys after leaving Col orado Springs they halted on tho brink of Cripple Creek and wore repaid for their hard climb by the grand ecene before them, 'Cripple' in all hor "virgin purity," luy at their feet almost within a stone's throw. Away In the dlstanco, north, touth and w st, rose peak on pojk of the snow spotted granite of the gieat Texas and Mosquito rangoa, till the blue distance meltod Into tky. S:lll they went woi.waid to where tho riulot Bu na Vista nestles on the bank of tho turbulent Arlcnnins, Just nt the foot of royal, Jmpresulve Mt. Prince. on, tho bnndsatnest of mountains. At lluoiia Vlita began tho return trip through tho famous, tough, unutlrnctiv Leadllle, over Fiomont pas ov r which no plainsman would think of going and Broekenrldge pass, then down Turkey Creek canon lov.lost of all mountain placos to Denver. Planning to uvoll pralrlo hout the boyt started to cltcle up through South Da kota but, fearing lack of time, when Chadron win reached, thoy struck suutn for the old Oregon trail down the I'lauc One day on the ou. trip the boyi w r dining in th shade of a wattr tank when an Endeavor special from Alannarhui-e tn mopped for wa.er. . Immediately the "cowboys" were tho center of manv timid eyes. One dear, good man in black al paca, bilious straw hat, and "dlnnlgals" sought to divert tile minds of die terrible cowboys by offering them a Boston Tian scilpt, full of nice New England pie and cake. "There," he said, holding U toward Mr. Randolph, then sotting it down on the cinders, ho sprinted for his car as the bell tang, but shouttd tho rest of his pre sentation speech from tho rear platform, "thoie Is some nice cake for you," Silence reigned In the pleless, caktless wos Schwartz cams near being locked up on one occasion, In this wise. Having three horses for hill work, the third was sometimes ridden wh n on level road. Tho "third" was about four feet high,, highly mul sh In expression of coun tenance and temperament. Tho riding harness consisted of u saddle, four by eight Inchis guaranteed Invisible held on by a clrclnglo wrapped nearly twice around the little brute. In the absence of ono stirrup a strap served nnd nbsenco of bridle was remedied by tying o slnglo rop around "third's" neck. Chorllo, pa triarchal In long whlto whiskers, sat ns rldo slow walking "Little Babo." At a sudden turn In tho road thoy camo upon o real live cowboy. He simply glnnoed nt Charlie. Whon tho dust olenred away they could boo othor dusts rising nnd sottl ng four mllos to leownrd. Of course Ohnrll talked "hoch Deutsch,' besprinkled with local color, to tho "Vlg" oomml.too and after deciding that maybo tho missing man's horse had partaken of too much low weed, Charllo was ac quitted. Tho only work done on tho trip was some hydorgrnphlc work done through Nebraska by Professor Barbour. This do tho boys say: Co camping. Homebodies do not know the Joys, disap pointments, hopes nnd fears of a real zig zag Journey among tho Rockies. Horn bodies? They know not iho fasci nating Joy of prodding yo hopeless "bronc" over two thousand miles of hill and plnln; they know not tho disappoint ment of discovering the real speed rate, date of construction, otc., of tho animal thoy bought under tho contractor's guar antee of ten knots nnd full cups fact Is, there are several things of like Importnnco not enjoyed by homebodies. "MAVERICK." THE WASHBURN BOOK ABOUT MAN DOLINS AND GUITARS. Anyone Interested In tho subject of mandolins and guitars can ob.aln a beau tiful book about tlum free by writing to Lyon & Henlv, Chicago. It contains por traits of over 100 leading artists, together with frank expressions of their opinion of tho new 1837 modol Washburn Instru ments. Descrlp.lons and prices of all grades of Washburns, from the chenpest ($15.00) upwards, are glv.n, together with a succinct account of tho points of ex cellence which every music lover should sec that his mandolin or guitar possesses. Addrcss Dept. U, Lyon & Healy, 199 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. YOUNG MEN Will find that DR. S. E. COOK-Eyc. throat. 1215 O street. ear, nose and THE NEBRASKAN ADVERTISERS. Wo wish to call tho attention of the Professors and students to the local mer chants who advertise In The Nobraskan. Every firm represented litre Is guaran teed reliable, and patronage that Is ex tended them, will be approbated by the manager of this paper. When It Is Just as convenient, let them have your patron age. You will benefit by It as much as any one. PAINE & WARFEL-Ciothlcrs and furn ishing goods. Merchant tailors. 1130 O street. Your shoes ohlncd free. BRUMSTEAD AND TUTTLE-Gents fur nishing nnd tailoring. THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO.-. Successors to Browning King and Co. PERKINS & SHELDON The reliable shoo store of Lincoln. 1129 O street. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Best scrvtc greatest courtesy. 325 N. 12th. DON CAMERON Lunch counter and phort order house. US Sou.h 11th St. H. W. BROWN-Drugglst, books and stationery. 127 South 11th street. MILLER & PALS' IJ Dry goods and fur nishing goods. 1229 to 1239 O btrtet. CHARLES B. GREGORY Coal Oolilce at 1100 O street. FIRST NATIONAL UANK-Locnted at tho corner of 10th and O troets. TURPIN'S DANCING SUHOOI-Locntod at 1182 N street. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOU8E-Cor- mr of 14th and M streets. LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY C. L. Spsn cer, !)S. manager. 11th nnd O streets. CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91 Sells Coal at 1100 O St., Burr Block i 1. v. - . . y I an itet 'Uliy' MVL'W o KwimH" I JTo Home Is Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model lAfir-l 144 44 Guitar, Mandolin, ff aSHDUf II Banjo or Zither. I Pricei have been scaled down at a result of the I Washburn's enormous popularity to that now you can uuy u genuine w asnuurn oi we very iuiri ucsigu Prom $15.00 Upward. The new Washburn Mandolin I a radical depart ure from former styles. It Is the nestekt, d.ilntlett and llxlitest Mandolin Imaulnable, and lis tone ap proaches very near to that of a irie old Cremona Violin. Washburns are gold at fixed and uniform prices ly nil first-clan music dealers everywhere. Washburn! are the acknowledged standard of the world. 'I hey are uted exclusively by the leading Artists, Teachers and Olee Clubs. Our new Wash burn catalogue containing portraits of over 100 Artists and lull Information, prices, endorsements. etc., will le sent free on receipt oi application. I, your local dealer cannot supply you we will senu Washburns C. O. D. with privilege of examination, direct from the factory. A Washburn Improves with age end makes a Olft that increases In value as the year go by. It I really worth many times Its cost. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wabash Ave. and Adnmp St. , Chicago. PAINE & WARFEL Most always havo what thoy want in Clothing ready to wear, Hats, Furnishing Goods h nt Tailoring. They keop only tho best makes of ovory thing, One Price to All 1136 O Street 4 U tot s&"m . . ca The Best Shoes In the Latest Styles, At Right Prices, Aro to be found at Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 0 Street. P g We are Glad to See The students return, for in the past the? have been our best patrons, and we an sure that now, more than ever, we cai please them with our NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, CAPS, HATS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, &c, &c. And our Tailoring is first class, nothing ready made about it, we are exclusive tailors. Call on us in our new location. 11-11 O Street. BUMSTEAD & TUTTLE. Best Work, - Best Service. Established 1889. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy. Modern Equipment. Telephone 199 lANDY CATHARTIC racacta CURE CONSTIPATION ... i. aaaaalfTTsTiB shbbb1 '? , 415L I li.U'iM.J'1 JiWidS ALL zs so i i lull linni DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i??;? pic j booklet fry, id. HTKUMNO KHNKIIY tth ChlWo. Moutrwl. Csn., twlfiwYorkT in!