mw THE EHRASKAN. Vol. VI. No. i. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 1897. Pkiok 5 Cknts. N OURY ELECTED CAPTAIN Pershing Rifles Indulge in a Bitter Political Scrap. EVERYONE SAYS SOMETHING Personal Feeling Very Strong anil Some Bit ter La n silage Detuils of the "Fun." The political not, which for two weeks has been browing, culminated Inst evening In the election of the ofll cors of the Pershing Rifles by one of the hottest political fights known for years In this University. The meeting was called at 7 p. m. nnd each of the factions, headed by Schwarz and Onry, came prepared for a battle royal. There were those pres ent who had not drilled in the Ililles for years and some who had never had a rifle in their hands. Even Parm left his high school at Beatrice and came up to defend his record as treasurer, which was being attacked by the Schwartz faction, and incidentally to cast his vote for the winning ticket. The principal fight of the evening nnd one on which the whole contest depended was concerning the member ship list of the Rifles. This list con tained the names of forty-three men, said to constltuto tho membership of the Rifles. This list was certified to as the official roster of the Pershing Rifles by H. C. Parmelee, who, last year, was treasurer. It was this list which tho faction headed by Schwarz, Phllbrick and Shuff, tried to discredit. They said it was padded and doctored up to suit the other side. They also insinuated that members who had paid were not on the list and also that " the" dues of s6mc oTthlTpersohs whose" names were on the roster had been paid out of the pocket of Parmelee and Oury so as to obtain as many votes as possible. Of course this drew forth a warm reply from Parm and a lively tlit followed between him and Morrison, In which the He was passed and several other exciting things were said. It was well known that if the roster furnished by Parmelee was acceptod that Oury was sure to be elected and hence the other side bont all its en ergies to defeating Parm's report. The Schwarz faction had a tempor ary advantage in having Phllbrick In the chair. When everything was ready and Shuff had surveyed his co horts with a swooping glanco of his oagle eye, the meeting was called to order. Morrison Immediately moved that the by-laws be suspended and a committee of five be appointed with power to act on credentials. A half an hour's wrangling followed this mo tion, in which points of order, harsh epithets and other endearing terms flew thick and fast. In spite of the fact that the room was filled with out siders, A'hom both aides admitted, they were allowed to vote. Oury scored the first victory by tabling Morrison's motion by a vote of 41 to 34. Ilitnhmnn then moved to adopt the treasurer's roport, and this precipi tated another wrangle. In vain did Shuff try to block proceedings by tho use of his matchless oratory, but all to no effect. Tho motion prevailed by a vote of 44 to 25. This much done, the battle was won. Oury was nominated for captain by Weeks and Morrison nominated Schwarz. Seeing that his side was beaten, Shulf nomlnntod Weeks, hop ing to split Oury's vote. Before the vote was taken Phllbrick, Schwarz and Oury each gave a short talk explain ing tholr position. Of all that thoy said no one could complain of any ambiguity of language. In fact they were dolightfully frank. Phllbrick looked Oury squarely in tho face and accused him of representing dirty pol itics in tho University, while Oury calmly Informed Phllbrick that a man who would make such a charge as that without being able to substantiate It bad a soul which would fit in a nut shell. Schwarz took his turn at it, and Bald ho came to tho meeting with tho express purpose of knocking out Oury. After each of theso men fin ished their talk and Hondy had had hlB "llttlo say so," a vote was takon, Oury receiving 31 votes nnd Schwniv. 10. Aftor Oury's election tho rest of tho slate was put through with llttlo op position, Jim Fcchct facetiously re marked that If It wouldn't lnterforo with tho ticket ho would like to pro pose the name of "Judgo" Cooloy for laucc corporal. Shuff added to his distinction already gained by being the only one to oppose a motion to make Oury's election unanimous. The rest of tho ticket was as fol lows: First lieutenant, C. W. Weeks; second lieutenant, S. W. Plnkcrton; first sergeant, Hastle; sergeants. Noyes, A. L. Brown, Roddy nnd Rain; president, Korsmeycr; vlco president, McCrccry; secretary, Van Vnlln; treas urer, Hondy. At the conclusion of tho meeting the victorious side, represented by the, Phi Delta Thetas, Delta Tau Deltas. Phi Kappa Psls and part of the Beta Thetn Pis, accompanied by a few barbs, went down town nnd celebrated their victory by eating Ice cream at Captain Oury's expense. The Alpha Tau Omegas, Kappa Slgmas, Sigma Chls, Sigma Alpha Epsllons and the rest of the Betas nnd barbs sought con solation elsewhere. REGENTS MEET. The regents of the University held a meeting on last Wednesday after noon and evening, and one of tho principal things accomplished was tho letting of the contract for tho wing of the Mechanic Arts building, of which the University is in such need. The erection of this building has been con siderably delayed on accountjof. some difficulty in tho contract which was let last spring and then thrown up. This caused the loss of a great deal of time and necessitated tho letting of a new contract. Of the bids received for the work, that of $2G,000 submitted by Grace & Kelly of Lincoln was the lowest and the contract was awarded to them. It Is now hoped that the seventh large brick building of tho University will soon be erected on the campus and re lieve the overcrowded condition of the department of mechanic arts. An extension to the state farm barn will also bo erected. The bids for the coal for the Univer sity during th" winter wore awarded to various local dealers. The regonts chose a successor to Miss Mary L. Jones, who was librarian last year, in the person of John D Epos, who will bo acting librarian of this University. Mr. Epos comes here from St. John's college, Annapolis, whoro ho held the position of librar- "lu L , , , ,, . .. ... ,, , A board of administration for the i taken part in University athlotlcs from iv uuuiu ui uumuiioiiuuuu iu L""i i uurary lias noon createu in uruvr iui oxpedito tho purchases of the library. The museum received quite an addi tion by tho gift of a collection of fos sils from tho United States geological dcpartmentw hlch waB thankfully ac cepted by tho regents. The regonts also accepted tho kind offer of $250 by W. J. Bryan. This will bo Invested and tho proceeds bo given annually to tho wrltor of the bcBt essay on tho science of govern ment. Miss Flora Bullock was appointed as assistant In the class In Journalism. Mr. Fobs and Mr. E. V. Capps were olectod scholar and fellow respectively in tho dopartmont of phyBlcs. Tho regonts also made several other appointments and some minor appro priations for miscellaneous purposes. Tho complimentary opening party of Mr. Albert Tenpln's dancing school will be given at 1132 N street this (Friday) evening, October 8. Iowa played her flrBt game of the season last Saturday, defeating Wilton by a score of 22 to 4, The studentB of Northwestern Uni versity sing ono of their college songs in chapol after each morning exerclBo. FOOT BALL MASS MEETING The Results Obtained Were Only "MiddlinV f- THE GIRLS BOLT THE MEETING A Fall Number ot Scunon Tickets Sold The Team Plos at Ames, j , . Today. The announcement of a foot ball mass meeting drew out a large num ber of students Thursday morning, who came to chapel cither out of In terest in the foot ball team or from ldlo curiosity. Judging by results, the mnjorlty of those present were there simply from curiosity. Tho meeting was called primarily to raise money for the foot ball team by tho sale of season tickets, but tho greater num ber of students seemed to think that It was held to give thorn an oppor tunity to escape from goinc to class and to hear some of the witty speeches by the professors and alumni. However, these remarks do not ap ply to all. A fair number of tickets were subscribed for, but not as many ns there should have been. The boys did fairly well, but is the young ladles who come In for considerable crit icism. No sooner had It been an nounced that subscription lists would be passed through the audience than the young ladles, as if by preconcerted arrangement, rose from their seats and loft the room in a body. Such a "frost" as thlB could not fail to dampen what enthusiasm existed, and it was no doubt due to thi3 fact tha. the meeting was not a complete suc cess, Instead of being only partially successful. ., In order to get the meeting under way Professor Hastings was elected chairman and addressed a few re marks to the students. He made a strong plea for a strong second eleven. The first thing which Professor Hast ings noticed in regard to toot ball at this University was that wo lacked a strong second eleven. The reason fo" this 1b that a man expects to make the team the first year. Such a thing is unheard of In eastern colleges. A man ought not to expect such a thing If he has never played before, and the first team should be so Btrong that a new man could not make It right away. In conclusion Professor Hast ings said that tho policy of tho man agement this year would be to get out a strong second oloven which would be woll organized nnd for which reg ular games would be scheduled. Profossor Caldwell next made a short talk. He naturally dwelled on the historical sido of foot ball in this n vnra fv 'run nrmncenr en i no nnrii -- uuBiwiwib, unu d u memum u our first base ball nine. While not u foot ball player, ho claimed to bo an adopt In what he said was the pro genitor of foot ball tho game of prlsonor's base. Thoro could bo no doubt but that this game was tho pro genitor of foot ball, because bruises and broken bones wero requisite to the playing of each. He graphically described some of the collisions which took plnco between himself, Professor Howard, Congressman Morcer and various other celebrities in the play ing of this juBtly celebrated gamo, and the bruises which resulted thereby. Professor Caldwell strongly urged tho men to come out to practice. He Bald there waB much to be said in favor of foot ball and the only objec tion now is that more men do not play It. At tho close of IiIb remarks the professor said that he, as a member of the Athletic board, would strongly protest against anybody going once to class and being given a place on the team to tho oxclusion of legitimate BtudentB. Roscoe Pound spoko on the financial Bide of tho foot ball question. Besido the expenses to bo met for thlB year, was a deficit of $300 from last year. The unpaid plodgeo of a year ago amounted to $225, which, If paid,1 would nearly wipe out tho back dobts. There are many oxpoitBcs to bo mot this year. Tho grounds arc being scraped, tho coach must bo paid and also suits must bo pnld for. To meet theso expenses tho plan Is to sell sea son tickets to tho games for $1.50. Mr. Pound mndo an appeal to the students to purchase tickets instend of watch ing the games through tho foiuu. Tho subscription lists wero then passed around nnd something over a hundred tickets were subscribed for. At this point of the proceedings the girls made tholr famous retreat, leav ing the whole west side of the chapel vacant. Professor Ward closed the meeting with a short address. He said he ex pected to see Nebraska win the chnm pionshlp this year and asked that the team might receive proper support. OFF FOR AMES. Coach Robinson nnd thirteen men left yesterday for Ames, Iowa, to play the first game of the season with the State Agricultural college today. As the Ames mon have been practicing most of the summer the outcome of the game Is, to say the least, doubtful. However, the hard work of tho last week has gotten the men in pretty good shape and they will endeavor to give the "farmers" a run for their money. The team has been greatly handi capped in its practice by the lack of new foot balls, which should have been here'the first of the week, but have not yet arrived. Manager Oury did not go with tho team, but left the management to Coach Robinson. The men were out Thursday at chapel time practicing signals. The following men were selected by the coach to go on tho trip, with the probable line-up: Benedict, left end; Stringer, left tackle; Hansen, left guard; Hisey, center; Hayward, right guard; Pears.;, right tackle; Wiggins, right end; Halstead, full back; Will lams, left half; Shedd, right half; Cowgill, quarter; substitutes, Tukey and Montgomery. The class In political economy has grown so large that the band room, in the basement of the armory build - ing, is the only one that can be found to accommodate it on Wednesdays, On Mondays and Fridays the class re- cites In Professor Caldwell's room. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. i The Athletic association mot last Saturday with the purpose of conduct ing the election of olflcors in an un-' constitutional way. A motion wns made to go into the committee of tho wholo to consider the constitutionality of tho previous election. This mo- ., . , , .. ,. ' tion was otod down. The reading of the minutes caused a slight stir to tho parties on both sides. Mr. Pace moved the minutes bo corrected to road, In regard to a motion that had, been recorded at tho first mooting, "that tho constitution bo suspended and election of ollicers be conducted I by rising vote." Then ho moved to road the rules instead of the constitu tion. As thore are no rules, tho point of order waB raised that the motion was out of ordor. This caused con siderable debate. On a point raised! by Mr. Perry it was, aftor great effort,' ruled that as there wore no rules itl was well taken. Later, by vote, it was curried. i Tho meeting adlourned with no I changes and no new business being introduced. At a meeting of the senior cluss, hold last Tuesday afternoon, after some discussion it was decided that, the boys of the class procure caps and canes in order to distinguish them from tho lower classmen. The cap de cided upon is a seu 'brown golf cap, with the monogram U. of N., '98, on the front. The cane adopted 1b a handsome silver-mounted walking stick, calculated to preserve tho dig nity and health of the seniors. WHAT MAKES AH AMATEUR Prof. Hastings Gives a Definition of the Term. LECTURES BEFORE STUDENTS (lives a Clear and Spcclllc Talk Upon College Amateur Athletics- A Plea lor Pure Athletics. By request of tho Athletic bonrd, Dr. Hastings, last Monday morning, delivered an address In tho chapel on "Tho Collogo Athlete." Tho chapol wns crowded and close attention was given Dr. Hastings throughout the ad dress. He said in part: Tho advan tage which a university derives from its athletes is no Utopian idea, but really exists. A college athlete brings honor nnd mnterlal benefit to n uni versity, but to do this he must bo an amateur as well as an athlete, and not a professional who makes athletics a secondary consideration. A wavering policy in regard to professionalism Is disastrous to true athletics in the uni versity. But we will command respect In the university world when we have clean athletics. An amateur is one who engages In sports for its own snke, one who has never competed for money or for a prize with a professional. On tho other hand, ho who goes into tho sport for tho dollars there is in it is not an amateur. The fundamental difforonco is the amateur contends for sport, tho professional for material gain. Hence, if wo allow professionalism to enter into university politics by this waver ing policy wo will lose all command to respect. There ar.o,-manjrprepfintberejvho lack interest in this subject, and In theso I would address a few remarks on the advantages of athletics and physical training. It must be ad mitted that Rousseau was right when he said tho "stronger the body, tho stronger the mind." Athletics nre a necessity to men of scdontnry positions, and who perform a great deal of brain work. Physical exercise develops constitutional strength, and it excites the Intellectual faculties as well as the muscular pow- 1 eis. It was through the introduction of gymnastic training that tho Ger- man army was raised from compara- tlve insignificance to one of the strongest armies of Europe. Athletics Is the secret of English and American vitality. England bus always followed purely natural forms of Bport. Outdoors has been rec ognized as the place to train, and often half-holidays are allowed for sports. Has England been the loser by this policy? For answer name a countrj which has such pluck and vitality as England. The value of outdoor sports was fully recognized by the ancient Greeks, anil as a result the Greok sculpture of tho perfect athletic figure has never boon equalled. But Greek sports de clined because professionalism crept in. It was an age of luxury, and largo purses wore put up aB prizes and In terest in the games was lost. Mon of character had no wish to compote with hirelings. Such has always been the olfect of the entrance of professionalism into , athletics. It is the same today as I it used to be. Professionalism gives I rise to unfairness and brings in tho brutal element. The paid athlete is I not the man who can be depended upon for the greatest development of sport. Ho Ib Interested in money first and athletics afterwards. Shall we Americans, who beliovo in fair play, permit to live thiB viper of professionalism which destroys a." honor in athletics? Shall we ha'rboi among us a man who would take a hundred, or ten, yes, even ono paltry dollar in college athletics? Is there among us an Esau who would sell his athletic birthright for a mess of pot tage? Subscribe for The Nebrasltan, only $1,00.