The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1897, Image 1

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Vol. VI. No. 3.
Puiok 5 Oknts.
1 HE
S. W. Pinkerton the First Surprise
Others Follow.
Uit of Otllcera Seems to be a (lood One
Weeks, Russell, True, White are
Cadets, and in truth nil University
people, have boon on the anxious scat
all tiny. nnH tllc reason was the prob
ability of cadet promotions being
made. It wns not expected the flrnt
of the week that they would be rend
oft before next Monday, and a report
to tbat effect reached The Ncbraskan.
However, It became pretty well known
that the promotions would bo read off
tonight, consequently every cadet -was
present and the gallery was well filled.
There was a hush and a look, or per
haps, feeling, of surprise when S. W.
Pinkerton, the newly appointed cadet
adjutant and first sergeant, stepped
forth and read the following:
Orders No. 4. The following ap
pointments nnd promotions In the
.,!..... ilnnnrtmnnt nrfl Yinrnliv nn-
ll nounccd to take effect this date. All
previous promotions nnd nppolntments
conflicting with this order are hereby
revoked :
To bo cadet captains Cadet Ser
geant Major C. W. Weeks, Cadet First
Sergeant S. A. White, Cadet First Ser
geant P. W. HuBsell and Cadet First
Sergeant C. A. True.
To be endet first lieutenant and ad
jutantCadet Sergeant S. W. Pinker
ton. To 'b6 cadet quartermaster Cadet
First. Lieutenant U. V. Hedge.
To be cadet First Lieutenants
Cadet Serjeant- Hr -Cr'aiioyesr Cadot
Sergennt T. F. Roddy, Cadet Sergeant
E. 11. Morrison, Cadet Sergeant C.
Hendy, Cadet Sergeant E. O. Webber,
Cadet Color Sergeant L. J. Belnap,
Cadet Corporal G. A. Davles, Cadet
Sergeant A. A. Blschoff.
To be second lieutenants Cadet
Private J. C. Hitchman, Cadet Ser
geant C. B. Robblns, Cadet Sergeant
C. J. Lyon, Cadet Sergeant H. S. Ev
ans. Cadet Private J. Refraann, Cadet
Sergeant C. W. Taylor, Cadet Private
W. H. Lehman. Cadet Sergeant E. D.
To be cadet sergeant major Cadet
Corporal J. D. Hastie.
To be cadet quartermaster sergeant
Cadet Corporal Snuff.
To be cadet drum major Cadet
Drum Major E. H. Krlng.
To be cadet first sergeants Cadet
Private Joel Stebbins, Cadet Corporal
Otlb Whipple, Cadet Corporal B. D.
"Wliedon, Cadet Corporal Orlo Brown.
To be cadet sergeants Cadet Cor
poral J. T. Sumner, .Cadet Corporal G.
C. Shedd, Cadet Corporal A. L. Brown,
Cadet Private J. P. Cleland, Cadet Cor
poral L. II. Bobbins. Cadet Corporal
G. K Bartlett, Cadet Corporal B. W.
Christie, Cadet Corporal E. A. Mc
Crecty, Cadet Corporal W. O. Ayers,
Cadet Corporal G. W. Helmrod. Cadet
Corporal J. E. Fechet, Cadet Corporal
E. H Clark, Cadet Corporal F. L.
Rain. Cadet Corporal J. S. Corby, Ca
det Corporal C. S. WllBon, Cadet
Private A. A. Baer, Cadet Corporal N.
M. Davidson, Cadet Private A. E. Car
ter, Cadet Corporal H. T. Beans, Cadet
Private W. R. Boose, Cadet Private
J. L. Kind, Cadet Corporal A. E. Ett
ing, Cadet Private N. R. Miles. Cadot
Private G. Hedgecock, Cadet Private
J- S. Smoyer.
To be cadet color sergeant Cadet
Corporal E. F. Turner.
To be cadet second color sergeant
Cadet Corporal A. Garrlnger.
To be cadet corporals Cadet
PrlvuteB A. E. Parmelee, F. Van Valen,
Paul WeekB, F. H. Keugle, A. H. Kors
meyer, H. C. Burr, E. B. Roblnsou, G.
W. Kline, C. H. ManBfleld. D. J. Adtitns,
A. J. Collett, A. W. Hull. E. C. Hes
B'r W. L. Thome, C. Atwood, C. A.
Faml.lln, C. B. Woodruff, J. F. Bar
ron. 11. p. smith. H. Teeter, W. H.
Hall, W. R. ManBfleld, J. S. Stopher,
J. C. Crawford, F. II. Woodland, F. It.
Tho following assignments to com
panies aro hereby announced:
Company A Cadot Captain Weeks,
Cadet First LlcutenantB II. B. Noycs
and E. O. Webber, Cadot Second Lieu
tenants J. C. Httchmnn nnd J. Rob
mann, Cadet First Sergeant Joel Steb
bins, Cadet Sorgeants J. T. Sumner, L.
H. Robblns. W. O. Ayers, F. L. Rain,
A. E. Carter and J. L. Kind, Cadet Cor
porals F. H. Keugle, G. W. Kline, A.
W. Hull. C. A. Franklin, E. G. Wood
ruff, W. L. Hall.
Company B--Cadet Captain P. W.
Russell, First Lieutenants E. It. More
rison nnd S, A. Davles, Cadet Second
Lieutenants G. T. Lyon and W. H.
Lchmnn, Cadet First Sergeant B. D.
Whedon, Cadet Sergeants A. L. Brown,
B. W. Christie, J. E. Fechot, C. S. Wil
son, II. T. Beans, N. It. Miles, Cadet
Corporals F. Van Vnlcn, H, C. Burr,
D. J. Adnms. W. L. Thome. A. Wnt
kins. H. B. Smith. J. S. Stopher, F. R.
Company C Cadet C?.pn'n C. H
True, Cadet First Lieutenants C.
Hendy and A. A. Blschof, Cadet Sec
ond Lieutenants H. S. Evans and E.
D. Banghnrdt, Cadet First Sergeant
Orlo Brown, Cadet Sergeants J. P. Clel
and, E. A. McCreery, E. H. ciark, A.
A. Baer, W. R. Boose, G. Hedgecock,
J. S. Meyer, Cad3t Corporals Paul
Weeks, E. B. Robinson, A. J. Collett,
C. Atwood, A. E. Worcester, H. Teeter,
J. C. Crawford.
Company D Cadet Captain S. A.
White. Cndct First Lieutenants T. F.
Roddy and L. J. Belnnp, Cadet Second
Lieutenants C. B. Robblns, and C. W.
Taylor, Cadet First Sergeants Otis
7hlpple, Cadet Sergeants G. S. Shedd,
G. K. Bartlett, G. W. Helmrod. J. S.
Corby. N. M. Davidson, A. E. Etting.
Cadet Corporals A. E. Parmelee, A.
H. Korsmeyer, C. H. Mansfield, E. C.
Heasler, C. D. Bechtel, J. F. Barron.
W. R. Mansfield, F. H. Woodland.
Cadet officers will at once proceed to
their proper companies In accordance
with these assignments. Company
commanderB will assign tho non-commissioned
officers as Instructors of the
different squads, and immediately
after drill will Instruct their first ser
geants In making out delinquency and
morning reportB, and will Immediately
cause a roster to be prepared by first
sergeants of all men, both old and
new cadets, at present in their com
panies. By order Lieutenant A. B.
Jackson, First Lieutenant Tenth cav
alry, commandant; S. W. Pinkerton,
cadet first lieutenant and adjutant.
Tho sounding of the bugle at G
Coach Robinson has Returned and
Assumed Charge.
o'clock on laBt Wednesday afternoon
announced to the cadets that another
year of drill had begun. At that hour
several hundred old and new cadetB
filled the armory, anxious to begin
drill again. Among that number were
many anxious ones who were trying
to figure out just where they would
be "at" when tho promotions for the
year wore published. Everywhere
around the armory was heard tho
queBtlon,"Well, what promotion are
you going to got this year?" Of
course everybody knew that no one
could possibly toll exactly what pro
motion he would receive, but there
waB a sort of fiendish delight In ask
ing tills aggravating question similar
to that experienced when one asks,
"Is it hot enough for you?"
The fact that this was the first day
of drill served to fill the gallery with
fair co-odB who, from this point of
vantage, were preparing to notice the
expression of surprise or disappoint
ment as it would be depicted on the
countenances of the various cadets
when the promotions were read off.
When Charlie Weeks', who was acting-as
adjutant, called "Attention to
orders," everybody was still and the
prospective cadet officers listened In
tently to hear their names read off.
But all were destined to disappoint
ment. The promotions were not pub
lished and It is not known exactly i
when they will be, but very probob'y
along the first of next week.
" ("Continued on Fourth Page.)
The New Men are Oetllnjc Down to Work ln
(lood Shape Oacno to be Played with
Ames Ntxt Week.
Foot ball prnctlco Is being carried
on in dead earnest now with Coach
Robinson back, tho men putting forth
their best efforts to show what they
aro made of. When a new man
tackles and gets his man ho always
hangs on until ho sees tho eye of the
coach is on him nnd then lets go, the
same way with the ball. The old men
smile at this, but they can't blame 'em.
Three men aro hustling for quarter
back, Hart of York, Cowglll, and Tu
key of Omaha. Hart Is strong and
quick and a good runner and will give
a good pull for the place. Tukey is
also quick and fast and will work to
the finish. Ccwglll Ic more stocky
than the other two and has the ad
vantage of a year's work with the
team. Loofborough and Leonard are
two good men who aro hustling for
ends. Loofborough played on Kansas
Wesleyan three years ago and Is a
husky man. Leonard played on Wes
leyan last year and had not Intended
to play this year at all, but when he
saw the rest of the fellows at it, 'twas
too much for him. and he had to
come out. and will now do his best to
get on the team. Stringer of Beatrice
is putting up a strong game at tackle,
and Swartz of the same team is trying
haid for half. The old men seem to
be the ones that cct hurt in this deal.
Pearse got a hard jolt in the head
Tuesday while tackling and got his
face skinned at the same time, while
Bill Hayward got the wind knocked
out of him and had to retire, but he
seemed greatly refreshed by the time
he got to the edge of the field.
Hopes are entertained of getting
Harry Jones back to play half, and
alBO Melford for center, though a
burlv six-footer, while new to the
game now, will, when he "gets on,"
make some of those centers around
the country know that they're playing
foot ball.
"Robby" is not inclined to work the
men too hard this weather, as they
feel the heat a great deal in the can
vas sultB, but as the game with Ames
comes the 8th, next Friday, some hard
training will have to be done next
The boys wondered if that gradlng
machine on the campus was for work
on Turner's face.
Bill Hayward says he fell sixteen
times on the same rock when he was
tackling the other day. Tough on the
Porter is going to get out soon.
Look out for wonders.
Halstead of Indiana is playing hard
for full back
The football men are Bomewhat
handicapped by the poor condition ot
the gridiron, and many complaints are
heard from them. When they wish to
Tho first mass meeting ot tho
atudonts this year was held in tho
chapel Tuesday morning. It wob hold
nt tho suggestion of tho collcgo settle
ment committee, and primarily for tho
purpose of giving tho now Btudents
some Idea of tho work dono nt tho set
tlement. As Is the caso at nearly all
of tho mass meetings, tho chapel was
crowded, and the meeting seemed to
bo a successful one ln ovcry way
Professor Hodgman, by virtue of his
position on last year's committee,
called tho meeting to order, nnd, by
the usual formnllty, J. F. Boomer was
selected as chairman.
Miss Whiting first read a paper ln
which a short history of the organiza
tion and development of the settle
ment was given. She pointed out
with great clearness tho need of such
a work as the settlement Is doing, and
also showed how Incumbent It was
upon the students to support tho work.
The fact was pointed out that mission
and settlement work havo been under
taken by all the leading educational
institutions, and with sreat success,
Professor Fossler, in his usual witty
manner, made a statement of the
financial standing of the work. At
tho time the professor was elected
treasurer of the settlement committee
about twelve dollars were ln the treas
ury, and his books now show a bal
ance of four dollars to the credit of
the settlement Improvements have
been made during the year and have
all been paid for while the regular
work has been sustained. In all about
$140 have been expended during the
last year. To carry on the work suc
cessfully this year Professor Fossler
thought that at least $175 ought to be
Chairman Boomer announced that
Professors Sweezy, Fossler, and Hodg
man had been selected to represent
the faculty on the committee for the
present year and that it was in order
for the students to select four of their
number to serve on the committee.
Messrs. Kuhlman and Hawxby and
Misses Whiting and Dinsmore were
selected to act in such capacity.
While no money was raised for the
prosecutlor of the work, the meeting
not having been called for such a pur
pose, it is believed that enough sym
pathy was aroused among the students
bo that they will contribute liberally
toward this University enterprise,
which has thus far been carried on so
The Athletic Association Met Last
fall on Bomethlng soft they try the
brick pavement.
The season tickets are not going as
fast as they ought. Manager Oury Is
Btandlng responsible himself for the
bills for shoes and suits, and the
student body should back him up by
buying the tickets. Five games for
What Coach RobinBon Bays of the
prospects ln Eastern colleges: "Big
men, and lots of them, are turning out
at Harvard, but they loose lots of time
in idle foolishness. For instance,
the coach will say, 'Now, Chawley,
suppoBe you take the ball and go
round the end and 'Arthur, don't you
think it would be a good thing for
you to go through the center this
time?' etc." "Robby" Bays the're a lot
of "Willy-toys." While at Yale the
coach says "Go in there!" "Fall on the
ball," etc.
Everyone who didn't see the min
strel show for the base ball team last
year haB heard of it, and anyone who
did see it can never forget it, and for
this reason, and many others, the an
nouncement of another show of the
kind will be greeted with enthusiasm.
It has been the intention of the man
agement to do away entirely with
the subscription scheme for raising
money and carrying on the season
without the aid of any gift. In order
to do thiB the plan of selling season
tickets was Inaugurated and in order
to raise money in another way by
giving another performance in the
chapel. The minstrel show given last
Bpring was. as everyone knowB, the
most successful public performance
ever given by students in the Univer
sity. It received more unstinted
praise than anything ln the record of
college annals. Helped by the per-
Other Olflceis and Hoard Elected There Is
Some Talk ol Protesting Because of
III Kallty.
The Athletic association met last
Saturday morning and elected officers.
By the amount of buttonholing of old
as well as now students and the report
that spread a day or two before tho
election, It was thought that a big
election would ensue. Tho meeting
was called to order by Vice President
A. E. Pope. On motion tho election of
ofilcers for the ensuing year was taken
up. It was decided, by a motion of
Mr. Pace, that the election be con
ducted by a rising vote, instead of the
ballot box.
The nominations for president were
W. E. Andreson and George Shedd.
Andreson receiving a largo majority.
Mr. Andreson, on taking the chair, said
that he would show his appreciation of
the honor shown him and do all in his
pqwer to promote the interests of ath
letics ln all its different departments.
Mr. Andreson is one of the record
breakers of the University, both last
year and the year before. Holding at
present three University records, that
of running high jump at 5 feet 4si
inches, running broad jump, 19 feet 4
Inches, and pole vault at 6 feet 3'2
inches. Without a doubt Mr. Andre
son will make a good record as presi
dent of the association, as he is as per
sistent in all his work as he is on the
athletic field.
O. T. Reedy was elected vice presi
dent atid ;" Pope was made secre
tary. As treasurer E. R. Morrison will look
after the coin in the right way.
The following four students were
elected on the board: J. G. Fechet,
G. N. Porter, Harry Landis, and E. B.
The two members of the faculty to
fill the vacancies in last year's board
were filled by Professor Barber and
Professor Caldwell.
All were elected except the president
without any opposing candidate.
The matter of purchasing a secre
tary's book was brought up and al
lowed, and from now on until the close
of the college year the book will be left
in the executive office so it will "be
in reach of the association.
There seems to be much dissatisfac
tion prevalent as to the manner of
electing the candidates. A "rising
vote" is strictly against the constitu
tion, and the malcontents have taken
this up and promise to overturn things
generally next Saturday. They seem
to have a large following and startling
results may be expected.
A meeting of the Sophomores was
held in room 2 on last Tuesday to ar
range for a field day contest with the
Freshmen. A committee was ap
pointed, composed of Messrs. Gordon,
Ryons, and Benedict, to confer with
a like committee from the Freshmen
class, and also Dr. Hastings, to make
the necessary arrangements to insure
a good contest. W. Andreson was
formance last year, the minstrel thiB elected captain of the track team and
year will far eclipse anything at
tempted in that line ever given. The
date for the performance will doubt
less be October 23d, and every student
ln the University ought to be there.
Detalle of the performance will be an
nounced later and in the meantime
hard work will he done along several
lines. You won't need to remember
the date when he week comes
around you won't be able to forgpt JL
M. Liebmau was elected manager of
the meet.
The chapel exercises were dispensed
with during a part of last weelc on ac
count of the Irrigation Congress, whioh
held its sessions in that room.
Joel Stebblsi naB been chosen by
Profc&Bor Hastings as an assistant In
the physical department and will have
at least two classes a day. It is
thought that Stebbins will make a
good leader, as he is proficient ln the
work of the gymnasium and much
liked on account of bis pleasant rnan
nei. Professor Hasting, by his assist
ants in his department, will be able
to do the work he desires to do in
helping in special work of training the
different teamB out of doors.