The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, September 17, 1897, Image 3

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Tho elaBS of "naught one," is fust bo
cominir n clnflH ojt a K001 mnny In Plto
0 its nppolatlon.
Tho V. M. C. A. handbook Is nbout tho
ncfttcst tlia nBfloolatlon him over put out.
jt Is Invuluiiblo to the now student.
Tho l'orshlng Rifles will orgunlzo oarly
this yenr nnd put In Homo oarly and earn
tit efforts In perfecting themselves In tho
Larry "Weaver will also bo missed this
.tar. Ho huB sooured somo sort of a
patent right and Is working It for ull It
li worth in Oklahoma.
On account of tho Iluntor Printing com
pany granting a half holiday to Hb em
ployes Frludy afternoon, tho Urat Issuo of
The Ncbraskan was delayed.
It Is encouraging to noto tho early In
terest manifested In football. Thoro seems
to bo an nbundanco of matorinl which may
U utilized to good advantage.
Ono hundred nnd eighty had reglBtored
for drill by Friday noon. This number
will bo groatly increased, probably to over
$ by this tlmo noxt week.
If you don't sco what you want In this
lisue of "Tho Ung," wait till noxt wcok.
Tho rush has Inconvenienced us but wo
don't boo unythlng to bo nahamod or.
There Is nothing too moan that can bo
dono to tho persistent lnqulsltlvo man who
wants to know "Have you registered
yet?" Of course you haven't.
Despite the absenco of a Librarian, there
teems to bo a determination upon tho part
of tho assistants to squelch any ono who
dares speak abovo n whisper, or makes
any sort of unnecessary noise.
John Savlllo resisted a tempting offer of
a position from tho architect who hns
chargo of tho construction of tho million
dollar South Omaha packing house, to
finish his collego education this year.
Orvillo Kellogg, '99, will probably not
be back this fall. He spont tho sumer at
his home in Now York. His mother Is re
ported ob being very ill and "Kell" will
remain cast until sho recovers.
Miss Conklln has been promoted from
adjunct professor to assistant professor
of romance languages. This promotion
comes as a well deservod recognition of
five years of faithful sorvlco on tho part
of Miss Conklin.
Georgo Toboy's smiling countennnco will
be seen for a half day each day behind
one of tho numerous counters in the. es
tablishment of tho Armstrong Clothing
company. Georgo 1b ono of tho popular
law men and member of Phi Delta Phi.
A rather unpleasant incident occurred
during tho summer In tho arrest of a for
mer student on tho chargo of broaklng Into
tho Co-op and stealing six dozon fountain
pens. Ho was bound over to tho district
court, but it is not oxpooted that ho will
bo convicted.
Tho Art school of tho Unlvorslty has
been pu; under tho ausplcles of the Hay
den Art club of Lincoln, and will bo an
afflllatod school of tho Unlvorslty, similar
to the Conservatory of music. Tho Art
school will still occupy tho same rooms in
tho Library and will bo under tho direc
tion of Miss Cora Parker.
Mr, W. O. Joni-s, while having chargo
of tho Journalism class, will merely hold
the recitations and direct tho work of tho
class. Miss Flora Bullock will correct tho
papers handed In, etc. Mr. Jones expects
to sccuro his master'B degree by next
Juno, In tho English literature depart
ment. Will McKay now Issues "Mon of Lin
coln" as a weekly, and dignifies It now as
a "rag" In speaking confidentially to his
friends. Tho now size and form makes
tho paper much more Interesting and
readable, as tho expense heroioforo In
curred In maintaining a red cover Is. now
expended In printing good association
Tho most noticeable chango In tho li
brary Is tho absonco of Miss Jones, who
left for a European trip soon after com
mencement. Miss Jones la now Librarian
of tho University of Illinois. Mr. Smith
and Mr. Mueller havo also loft tho library
Pay roll, Mr. Smith Is working with his
father In Council Bluffs. Mueller Is in
the Unlvorslty, "but has not tlmo to con
tinue to wait on patrons of 'tho library
with his accustomed good humor.
Tho placo mado vacant by Miss Jones'
resignation has not yet been filled, al
though It Is expected that it will bo soon.
Miss Edna Bullock and Miss Wing havo
been added to tho force. Miss Bullock
comes as head cataloguer and has chargo
f tho library ponding tho coming of a li
brarian. Sho Is a mombor of the class of
'W, U. of N., and Is also a graduate of tho
Library school at Albany, N. Y. Slnco her
Waauatlon sho has been employed in the
stato library In this city, in the now city
library in Nebraska City, and Just prior
to coming here, in tho John Crerar Li
brary In Chicago. Miss Wing is a grad
ate of tho Armour Institute Library
Bchool in Chicago. Sho comes hero as
assistant cataloguer. She Is also a former
student of this Unlvorslty, although not
an alumnus. Hor homo Is in this city,
and sho is well known to most of tho
older Unlvorslty people.
During .tho sumnior tho library Iiob boon
oleancd througout, and tho shelves
ohcoked ovor for missing books. This had
not bcon dono boforo for two years, and
thoro wore u largo number of books gono.
It 1b thought, howovor, that many of
thcBO will come buck in as tho students
come buck, There has boon too much
freedom among tho studen'ta In taking
booku from tho library without having
thorn charged nt tho desk. When thoy
aro tuken In (his way tho library hus no
record of thorn and honuo must churgo
them up as lost. This rulsos tho Hat of
lost booku to a very discouraging ltguro,
whon In reality thoro aro few books ab
solutely lost.
Tho order In tho library during tho last
year was not bucIi aa to uocuro tho best
results to thoso using tho privilege With
a viow to corrooting this abuse tho follow
ing cards have been printed and put In
prominent places upon the library tables:
"Unlvorslty of Nebraska Llbrury Head
ers demand qulot, ihoroforo conversation,
oven in low tones, Is strictly prohibited
By strictly observing tho rules readers
uiul visitors will sparo tho attendants the
unpleasant duty of enforcing them by
personal appeal. Plcaso step llglnly In
any necessary moving about tho room.
Under no circumstances uro books to be
removed from tho llbrury without being
churged at tho desk. These rules aro
mado wholly In tho lntorcsts of rcudors,
whom tho library Is glad In cvory praotl
cablo way to aid or accommodate."
Another notlco of Importance) to now
students roads U3 follows: "Tho library as
sistant at tho rcntul desk will cheerfully
glvo all posslblo nsnlstnncn In tho use of
tho library." This moans, "If you don't
seo what you want, ask for it at tho
Early In tho summer about S00 volumes
woro sent to tho binders for repairs
These como from all departments. Thoy
aro tho books which aro used tho most,
and honco aro most worn. They aro ex
pected back at any tlmo now.
Tho now books havo Jus; begun to ar
rive. Among thoso which havo como in
are: In fiction: Boldiers of Fortuno, by
ltlchard Harding Davis; Prisoners of Con
science, by Amollu Burr; Tho Choir In
visible, by James Allon Lane; Lad's Lovo,
by S. It. Crockett; On tho Faco of tho
Waters, by Mrs. Stool; Troopor Peter Hal-
kot, by Ollvo Sohelmor; Sentimental Tom
my, by Harry. In history and economics:
Hatzel's History of Mankind; a new edi
tion of Jofforson's works; Palmor's Dic
tionary of Political Economy; McKenzlo's
The State and tho Individual; NoyeB' His
tory of American Socialism; Dixon's Stato
Railroad Control; John Stuart Mill's
Early Essays; Macleod's Theory of Crodlt,
and Theory and Practice of Banking;
Hart's American History Told by Con
temporaries; Henry Hlggs on tho Physi
cists; A Lawronco Lowell's Governments
and Parties In Continental Europe; Gus
tav LeBon's, The Crowd, a Study of tho
Popular Mind. In Philosophy: Manley's
Contemporary Theology and Theism, and
Socrates and Christ; Titchencr's Outline
of Psychology; Cuird's Philosophy of Ro
llglon. There aro many others In all the
Professor Howard, an alumnus of tho
University of Nobraska, and for sovoral
years an instructor at Loland Stanford,
has roturned to his Alma Mater, and will
take post graduato work.
E. A. Gerrard was in Lincoln during tho
populist convention, seeking a nomination
for regont. "AJax" Weaver presided over
tho free silver republican convention.
Will Johnson of Billings, Mont., Georgo
Doru of Salt Lake, and Billy Wilson,
thrco formor playors on tho football team,
und mombers of Delta Tuu Delta, met
togother In Lincoln during tho summer
and hold a reunion with other mombers
of that fraternity.
Tim McCarthy, '90, is a candldato for
county superintendent on tho populist
tlckot of Hamilton county.
Jules Sedgowlck, '90, now of Rush Mea
Ical collego, Is a member of tho staff of
tho "Corpuscle," tho Rush collego publi
cation, and manager of their football
Rufua Bontley nnd wlfo loft for Sacra
mento, Cal., during tho sumnior, Mr. Buiit
loy has secured a good position aa prin
cipal of a high school in a small town
near Sacramonto.
Generous troatmont, convenience and
right prices aro extended to studonts who
trade at tho Co-Op. Supplies of all kinds
on hand.
Tho Unlvorslty oponod for registration
on loBt Tuesday morning, when crowds
of students, mostly new onso, nlmoBt filled
tho armory, which served as tho general
offlco of tho Unlvorslty. For more than
a week back, every train -which has pulled
Into Lincoln haa brought many students,
to the University. As yet most of thoso
who havo arrived are "props" or "frcsh
les," and the older students aro not much
In evidence, although now, toward tho lat
ter end of the week, thoy havo begun to
como in more rapidly.
Indications point tq un Increased regla-
tratlon ovor that of last year, duo In part
to Nebraska's bountiful crops this yoar,
nnd also to tho aotlon of tho regonts In
continuing tho preparatory Btudlos of last
year Tho registration thus far Is much
groator than at tho samo tlmo last yoar,
but whothor tho groat rush of studonts
will hold out, Is a question. If It does,
an onrollmont of at least l.fcJX) Is assured
and somo oven cstlmato It as high as 2,000,
In tho armory tho samo old scenes aro
bolng onaoted. Tho Y. M. C. A. buroau
of Information and rocopdon committee
uro at work at tho old stand. Tho froBh
man with his high sohool diploma In his
hand, stunds bewildered by tho multi
plicity of tablos, signs and placards, try
ing by tho aid of tho invaluable) Y. M. C.
A. handbook to Ilguro out "where ho is
It Iiub boon a busy wook for every ono
connoatod with tho Unlvorslty and tho ex
trumo hot weuther has not added to their
comfort. Chancellor MaoLoun Is probably
tho busiest person of ull and his olllco la
bosi'ljrod all day long. Tho dlfforont tablos
In tho urmory uro all numbered and us
the Chancellor's olllco Is numbered "one,"
tho now student naturally thinks ho must
sou tho Chanoellor ut all events, or ho may
not bo able to register.
Alroudy tho study room In tho library
Is beginning to loso Its desortod appeur
imo;, but tho majority of tho studonts pro
for to take "bench work" or loungo In tho
Co-Op during tho uhort vacation which
remains, without feollng guilty that thoy
aro skipping classes. Registration of all
students will close Friday night. Tho
first attondano at cIusboh will b on Sat
urday, and then real work will begin on
Ono of tho prottlost and neatest stores
In tho stato Is Brumstoad & Tuttle's Fur
nishing and Tailoring Storo, at 1141 O St.,
Funkc opera house.
Miss Ada Graham Is teaching In Central
Ray Harris Is teaching in Wahoo.
Miss Laura Pfclffer and Miss Bcllo
Mansfoldo aro teaching In Omaha.
Van Cortolyon Is teaching sciences In
Beatrlco high school.
Mr. Thornber has taken unto himself a
partnor, and will mako his hoadquartera
In tho high school building In Nobraska
T. K. Burrows is at homo la Now York.
Shorty Lenhoft will study medlclno In
Chlcugo this year.
Among tho mombers of '97 who could
not And anything olso to do, and will bo
back In college aro Frank and Nottlo
Phlllbrlck, Charles Kuhlman, Will Grant,
Josslo Spurck, Irono Byram, R. S. Baker,
Jonnlo Guile, A. S. Johnon, Edwin Piper,
H. C. Nlcnhols, Jess Rowo, Harry Oury,
Ray Teele, Bon Dales, Flora Bullock,
Mabol Rlckotts, Mr. Aloxanxler.
Bob. Graham Is principal of tho schools
at Arapahoe.
BUI Duckor Is at homo In Red Cloud.
Ida Helse is in tho Nebraska City high
Suo Pillsbury will teach In Schuyler.
Frod Warren has tho sclneco Job In tin
Mlnden high school.
Miss Gcorglo Camp Is teaching history
In a private school in Chlcugo.
"Count" Llnqulst, '97, Is yet In Omaha,
und intends to enter tho Omaha Medical
Miss Emma Snelllng, a graduate of the
Unlvorslty School of Music, was married
during August to I. M. Bontley, '95. The
coromony was porformed at tho bride's
homo In Marshalltown, Iowa. Tho youne
oouplo loft Immediately for Ithaca, N. Y.,
whero Mr. Bontley will continue his stud
ies and act as Instructor In Cornell col
lego. Mr. Bontloy secured a three-year
scholarship at this college. Ho will got
his degroo next Juno. Miss Snelllng, while
at tho Conservatory, carried work In Eng
lish literature. Sho has tho reputation
of bolng ono of tho finest pianists that
has ever graduated from the School of
During tho spring and summer thero
seems to havo been but slight Interest
manifested in tennis, as barely enough en
thusiasm could bo aroused to porfoct an
organization. Howovor, Jim Wlso, Tabor
Tulo, et al., scraped tho weeds off of two
of tho courts and played enough during
the summer to keep them from accumulat
ing. Miss Pound's recent victory and tho
Influx of students has loaned an lmpotus
to tho sport and stops aro being taken
toward forming a class organization with
prospeot of a fall tournament In sight.
Dr. R. A. Clark Is at Wllllamstown,
Prof. H. K. Wolfe la engaged In writ
ing a book which will probably bo used
as a text book. Ho has been doing some
magazi o writing, and will deliver a lec
ture Sunday at tho Unlvorsallst church
on Hall Cain's latest work now running
In Munsey's, "Tho Christian."
Professor Adams of tho English depart
ment last year will take graduato work in
history at Cornell.
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