The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, September 17, 1897, Image 1

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Vol. VI. No. 1.
Pkioe 5 Cents,
Coach Robinson and Most of tho Old
Men uacK.
Only Ono or Two Now Places Will Need
to jjo Jtviuwi oy now men xnoro
Will Bo Plenty of Mntcrlul
This Year for "nobby." .
The outlook for a strong football tenia
In tho University wna never better iluin
this year, and novor hns tho city of Lin
coln been offorod a better aerlea of gamea,
or bo llttlo monoy, thun will bo played
en the University campus this season.
Of tho old mon who will bo back, Shedd
VIU captain tho team and piny right half.
Thorpo will resumo his placo nt quarter.
Pearse and Huyward will rustlo the tack
Icrs. Huywood did not play last yeur
owing to his absence abroad, but not
withstand ng Europenn Ideas will put up
his old time gnmo. Wiggins and Bened'ot
trill endeavor to "hold up their ends."
Melford will play center. Hanson and
Turner will challenge 'tho school to turn
them out of their gunrdshlps. Jones
and Garrett will rustic each otheffjjjor loft
half, and Cook and Cowglll will strugglo
for full back.
In addition to theso there will bo Houston
of Doane, several playora from Nebraska
City and Beatrice and a burloy lot of
freshmen to make things lively. Physical
Director Hastings who Is an old hand at
football and football training, will help
Captain Shedd get tho men hardened up
with starting, running and "sotting up"
exercises until Coach Robinson gots bade
"Robby" Is expected back about tho 25th
Of this month.
The new sweaters aro already hero and
the rest of tho paraphernalia will prob
ably bo here Inside of u week.
In the list of Ave games guaranteed to
those buying season tickets, thoro aro tho
league gamed with Kansas and Missouri,
and others equally as good aro being ar
ranged for. Tho season tickets for tho
Jit; rnpioa 'iil.l 0 or 30 cents a
game. The admission to single games will
be M cents. (Bottcr buy n season ticket!).
Manager Oury is now in correspondence
with Minnesota and Ames and other uni
versities, and a groat tr.'p will bo arranged
tK tho -team.
The Thanksgiving game with Iowa will
be played a, Omaha ns usual.
Harry Jones, who played end lust year,
has not been heard from definitely and
may bo back. A Into telegraphic Hpecial
announces that Harry Pint (he of tho
felt shin guards and largo girth) will
be back to form n rousing eleven.
Don't forgot about thoso season tlckots.
They're a good thing for Jl.50.
Seven men turnod out to tho llrst foot
ball proctleo Thursday evening. After
sbout fifteen minutes Bpent In starting
and running, In which tho four new men
ho turned out showed up fully ns well
tho old mon, all went in and had a
sood jnth and rub down under Juck's
guidance. Cnptnln Shedd ndvlseH tho mon
to use their own common sonso as to
hat they eat and drink until tho training
lWe staits up. Ponrso arrived In town
yesterday and promlHOs to bo out tonight.
la tho person of MIhb LouIho Pound, tho
University of Nebraska Iiuh an alumna
to bo proud of. Without over having bo
'wepiaji in a great tennis tournnmont,
he enti red the largest match of tho
lln4 ever h Id fop women, at Chlcairo last
frtik, and won both tho International and
Htern championship cups In slnglos,
wing but ono sot during tho contest.
Tho tournament was held on tho courts
' the Kenwood country club, Chicago,
P'iiln on Sept. 1 and continuing until
Wedntwduy, tho 8th, Thoro woro thirty
two lajy rontostantH in singles, noarly ull
Playing uBo In doubles, but li was only In
'"Bios that Miss Pound so distinguished
Tho two most prominent playors against
whom sho played were Miss Jullotto At
kinson of Brooklyn, N. Y and Miss Jon
n'e W. Craven of Evanaton, 111.
Miss Atkinson was holder of tho United
States, tho Canadian, and tho Internation
al championships in ladles' slnglos, but it
was only tho International cup which was
at stake in this contest. Sho Is a player
ot remarkable skIU and long experience,
b"t notwithstanding thla sho was beaten
y Miss Pound iu tho Beml-flnals with a
oro of g-4, 6-1, 6-3 against her,
n Wednesday, tho Rth, Miss Pound
Played against Miss Jennie W. Cravon for
the western championship and trophy-n
sod silver cup.
Much interest was taken In this contest
because of tho wonderful playing and sud
den rise of tho westerner.
A largo crowd of tho ellto of Chicago
woro present, to cheer tho homo player,
Miss Crnvon, nevertheless Miss Pound
won very easily.
Tho first set sho took with a rush, scoro
(1-0, and hor pace carried her four games
Into tho next sot before Miss Craven ro
covored herself, but Miss Pound -wop out,
scoro C-3.
It was In tho last sot that Miss Pound
showed hor stcadlnoss and norvo. By br!l
Hunt playing Miss Craven won five of
tho first bIx gnmes making the scoro G-l
In her favor. To gain tho sot It was then
necessary for Miss Pound to win six
games successively. This sho did. It Is
a feat Bcldom witnessed on the tennis
court, especially botween so good players
as Miss Pound and Miss Craven.
If Miss Pound goes cast noxt year
which wo all hope sho will do tho chances
are extremely good for hor winning every
thing for which sho may compote. ,
Tho detailed scoro of the Craven-Pound
match follows:
First sot-
Pound 4 4 8444
Crnvon 0 16 10 2
Second sot
Pound 4 4 5 4 4 2 5 7
Craven 2 13 2 6 4 3 5
Third set
Pound 1 21044664444
Cruven 4 44416442002
Tho Athletic board mot Thursday after
noon In tho office of tho Physical Dlrec.or.
Dr. Hastings and Ltout. Jackson wero
presont and filled vacancies caused by tho
leaving of Dr. Clark and Capt. Qullfoylc.
Dr. Ward, Profossor Caldwell, Bert Wil
son and Frank Rlloy wero tho other mem
bers present. Dr. Ward mado a llttlo talk
on tho necessity of having tho students
of the University fully understand what
constituted an amateur athlete. Ho Bald
that somo of our students through care
lessness, but mostly through Ignorance,
oftentimes committed offonses which
would debar thorn from competing in tho
ranks of tho collcgo amatour. Ho showed
how necessary It was that studonts should
fulHuundcrstand the term and keep thorn
from doing things which would cast re
flection upon the methods of tho Univer
sity of Nebraska in competition, with other
colleges In athletic affairs. Tho result of
tho talk was u motion that Dr. Hastings
be Invited to give a lecture somo time In
tho near future at chapel tlmo upon this
subject. Dr. Hastings seemed to think
tho motion a good ono and will undoubt
edly consent to accept tho Invitation to
mnko tho address.
Tho matter of tho election of basoball
captain wns brought up nnd discussed
generally. Tho bourd seems disposed to
go at tho matter In a Junt way and will
attempt to harmonlzo any contrary feel
ings that may exist among tho members
of tho club. This will bo accomplished
by having tho players all present at a
meeting of tho board, and tho will of tho
majority being exprcssod, tho matter cun
bo straightened out. Tho mntter brought
out tho fact that tho athletlo constitu
tion Is vory Indoflnlto and a suggestion
will bo mado to the association at tho reg
ular fall meeting to lmvo a committee ot
students form a Joint commltteo with a
couple of mombors of tho' board em
powered to draft amendments) for the old
constitution. The board adjourned to hold
another mooting beforo their successors
aro oleoted.
Th liiiHulmll team IIiiIhIioiI tho HcnBon In
fair shape. Although thoro was a deficit
of something over llfty dollars, yet from
the standpoint of tho mnnagor, the sea
sou ended In a groat success. After tho
Unlvorslty olosid, tho loiun played about
tho statu picking up plnyorH when others
dropped nut. und winning (ho majority
of gnmoH pluycd. Tho olootlon of cnptnln
Is yet to bo held, as tho muthod of re
ceiving proxies, etc., at tho election hold,
wns not satisfactory to tho Athlotlo board,
Tho former election was doclnrod Invalid
and anothor ordered to bo held. This will
bo dono this fall. In consequence, tho
tonm Is somewhat split up, but It Is con
fidently expected that tho usunl unani
mous voto will bo extonded to tho winning
candidate. Buseball matters will quiet
down after this election, but tho sport has
been glvon suoh an Impetus by successful
management that It will bo a long tlmo
beforo Nebraska will fall to put a success
ful team In the Hold at the opening of the
Delta Tau Delta and Beta Thota PI
fraternities havo erected now chapter
hom.39 at Loland Stanford unlvorslty dur
ing tho summor.
Tho best (2.25 board In tho city at J200
T street.
Some Important Chairs to bo Filled
by Good Mon.
An Efficient Corps of Instructors Secured
to Fill Vacanclos Caused by Resig
nations Tho Personnel of
tho New Corps.
Tho faculty of tho University will begin
tho now year with many changes In Its
membership. For tho most part tho now
members of the fuculty are young pro
fessors and It is thought that this Infusion
of now blood will bo of great benoflt. In
the selection of now professors tho re
gents havo been guided solely by a deslro
to securo the very best that could bo had
nnd It Is thought that 'this has been dono.
Tho newly elected professors havo not
beon selected with any reference as to
tho section of country in which they lived,
but tho large majority come here from
the west and south.
Prof. A. Ross Hill has been clocted as
sociate professor of experimental psychol
ogy and has been put In charge of tho de
partment of philosophy.
Prof. Hill received his degreo nt Dal
houslo college, Nova Scotia, whero ho
took llrst honors In philosophy, nnd also
received the special governor-general's
prize for work In the samo subject. His
dodtor'B degree was taken at Cornell.
Prof. Hill also went abroad and studied
In the laboratories of Berlin and other
European universities. Prom Germany ho
was called to bo professor of philosophy
and pedagogy at tho Oshkosh stato nor
mal school, whero ho became ono of tho
leading professors. Chancollor MacLoan
has received tho highest testimonials In
regard to Prof. Hill from Prof. Beth of
Glasgow, formerly of Dalhouste college.
Prof. Seth is an eminent authority on
psychology and he says that ho regards
Prof. Hill as by far tho best and most
promising young mon In his line, of his
acquaintance. Prof.-iJtJll-alioJ-has- high
recommendations from Cornell university.
Ho was elected to his position hero on ac
count of his up-to-dato preparation, his
high testimonials, und especially his ad
C. F. Ansloy will fill tho position of as
sistant profossor In English llteraturo and
has been put In charge of tho English de
partment. Prof. Ansley Is a graduate of
our own University and Is recognized ns
an nblo, man. Prof. AnBley was an nBso
clato profossor of English literature In tho
University for tho 'two years, 91-95, 90-96,
and resigned his position on nccount of
tho Illness nnd death of his father. Dur
ing tho past year Professor Ansley has
been living In his Illinois home, looking
after his father's es.ato. He has a host
of frlonds among the studonts who will
bo glnd to see- him back again.
Mrs. Hlnman hns boon elected as an as-
sltant in tho psychology laboratory. Sho
Is tho daughter of Pres. Cyrus Hamilton,
tho founder of Roberts college, Constanti
nople. Mrs. lllnmnn took her degreo of
Ph. D. lit Cornell and was later professor
of philosophy nt Mt. Holyoke college.
It. E. Chandler will bo Instructor In
machine doHlgns und mechanical drawing.
Ho was n student at Hobokon Bohool of
technology and wns then professor of
.mechanical oiiKlneerlng in the Montana
Htuto college of unrlculture, Mr. Chand
ler has the degroo of M. E. and was called
hero from Cornell, whero ho was proceed
ing to u hlghor dogreo,
A. E. Davison has boon nppolnted prin
cipal of tho dairy and farm school. Mr.
Davison Is woll qualified for tho position,
iih ho hns beon for ton yoars professor of
tho State college of ngrlculturo In Now
Guernsey Jonus, a brother of W. O.
JoneH of this Unlvorslty, has been oleeted
UHBlHtnnt Instructor In history. Mr. Jones
Ih a graduate of tho University of Califor
nia and ho took his degreo of Ph. D. at
Heidelberg, Ho was called to Nebraska
from an Instruotorshlp at Swathmoro col
lcgo. Tho mnthomatlcul department will bo
Strengthened by tho addition of A, W.
Whitney to fill an assistant Instruotorshlp.
Ho Is a graduate of Bololt and took his
doctor's degreo at tho Chicago unlvorslty,
whonco 'he camo bore.
F, G. Franklin, a graduate of tho Uni
versity of Kansas, comes here from Chi
cago university to fill a fellowship in
American hlatory.
J. S. Snoddy of Pennsylvania, and a fel
low in English, will give instruction in tho
Mr, A. B. Lowls will be assistant In tho
zoological department, under Dr. Ward.
Mr. Lewis secured his A B, at tho Unl
vorsity of Wooster, '93, and tho samo do
greo from Chicago In '91. Ho has been at
tho Unlvorslty of Chicago slnco that tlmo
doing post graduate work.
Professor Hastings, the now head of
tho physical department, Is a man of
much ability In many ways. Ills degreos
show him to bo a thorough student. Thoy
nro A. B., '86, from Marysvllle, Tcnn.;
A. M., '92, from tho samo college; A. M.
'91, from Harvard, and Ph. D., '96, also
from that place. His special scnoollng for
his profession was taken during two
yours at Springfield Training school. This
however, was well prepared for by his
aotlvo lnterouk In athletics during all his
collcgo life.
Tho football onthuslsts In tho Unlvorslty
havo long looked for a physical director
who was a football man; ono who could
work with tho boys for tho glory of old
Nebraska, and who could lend his uble
assistance to tho coach. In Mr. Hastlnga
their hopes have been realized. Ho has
a good football record himself and is
thoroughly In sympathy with tho game.
Ho played two years as left guard on tho
Harvard college team, which though a
light team, 150 pounds, mado an
excellent showing ngalnst teams in their
vicinity. Tho past two years ho has
pluyed guard and end on tho Springfield
Whon Mr. Hastings and his wife arrived
In Lincoln a week or so ago they had wl.h
thorn a stout Warwick tandem, all fitted
out for road riding, and this thoy dis
played with considerable pride, for it car
ried them this summer much of tho way
between Now York city und Knoxvlllc,
Tenn. They originally Intended to ride
ull tho way but bad weather and worse
roads interfered much with their plans.
However, tho trip was full of delightful
and novel experiences.
There seoms to bo qulto a genernl mis
understanding In regard to tho prepara
tory school In tho Unlvorslty this year.
Th 3 gonoral belief is that thtf old iffiitra
tory school has been reopened, but such
is not tho case. The oxnet facts In tho
matter aro these. On nccount of tho sus
pension of (the free high school law In
this stato, tho regents thought It wise
and necessary to continue rtio preparatory
studies of last year, but In no sense hns
tho old prepp'otory school been reopened,
as no new studies lmvo been opened up.
The Unlvorslty school of music opons
this year under more prosporous circum
stances than ever beforo liv its history.
All tho rooms aro taken and sovoral havo
found It necessary to tuko up quartors at
neighboring houses. Director Kimball has
mado every effort to keop up the standard
ho has set as to tho ability of tho faculty.
Mas. W. O. Jones will this year fill tho
pluco Miss Reynolds hold last year. Mrs.
Jones hns tho reputation of being ono of
tho best pianists In tho west. Tho In
creased attendance mndo It necessary for
Director Kimball to make a flying trip
to Chicago to secure an addition to tho
faculty. Ho returned after having- on
goged the services of Miss Marian Treat,
who was Induced to come here and give
up her position In a Chicago collcgo.
MIhb Treat sang at the commencement
concert Inst Juno. Sho has also sung nt
tho Croto Chautauqua on Bovoral occa
Noxt Wednesday ocours tno first family
recltnl to bo glvon by tho Conservatory.
This will bo tho first concert or perform
ance to bo given In tho "now" chapel.
During tho yenr llvo symphony concerts
will bo glvon by tho Philharmonic orches
tra. Tho series of artists' recltuls will be
arranged this year. As final arrangements
and contracts havo not beon completed
yot, Director Kimball Is unwilling to mako
nny announcements until dates huvo been
set and artists' contracts signed.
Tho Gleo club will bo under tho direc
tion of Wlllard Kimball this year again.
Negotiations nro pending which may re
sult In taking tho Glee club to Omaha
Thursday or Friday of stato fair week to
sing during tho Ak-Sar-Bon festlvltlos.
Tho fall cntuloguo Issued for the Con
servatory Is tho noatest and most artistic
that has over been Issued by any depart
ment or school of tho Unlvorsl y. Sev
eral half-tono engravings aro to be found
among Its pages.
H. G. Shedd, Grace Guy Thompson and
A. C. Pancoast aro members of the fuc
ulty of tho Lincoln high nchool,
Slnglo meals 15c. Meal tickets J2.50. Reg
ular board $2.25 per weok at 1200 T street.
Lieutenant Alfred B. Jackson of tho
Ninth Cavalry, U. S. A.
Short Sketch of tho Man Who Will As
sume Control of the Cadet Ba.tal
lon Ho Has Seen Much Aot
lvo Service.
Lieut. Alfred B. Jackson of tho Ninth
Cavalry, U. S. A., will bo tho command
ant of cadets during tho ensuing year. Ho
will succeed Captain Gullfoyle, who had
charge of tho military department last
year nnd who also camo from tho samo
regiment. Tho now commandant as yet
has formulated no particular plans of his
own In regard to drill this year, but will
bo governed In his actions, to a great ox
tont by tho general rules of tho depart
ment. In addition to having chargo of
tho mllltnry department, ho will take a.
course of law In cho University.
L:out. Jackson has been In tho regular
army for flftcon years, during which tlmo
ho has seen considerable service He
graduated from West Point In 1883 and
was assigned to tho Ninth cavalry. He
was stationed at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and
tho following year saw service in Indian
territory during tho boomer troubles. Ho
accompanied his regiment on the march
from thero to Ft. McKlnney and from,
thero ho changed stations to Ft. Leaven
worth, Kan., being on duty at the mili
tary prison at that post.
Lieut. Jackson was then transferred to
West Point mllitury academy as Instructor
In mathematlca for four years. Ho after
ward rejoined his regiment at Fit. Robin
son, Neb., serving na Inspector of cattlo
and issuing annuities to the Indians at
tho Pino Ridge ogency in South Dakota.
Ho served with his regiment during tho
rustler troubles In Wyoming In fall of
1891 and itho fall and winter of 1892. Ho
also saw acttvo service at tho tlmo of tho
troublo with tho Bannock Indians in Idaho
and Wyoming In tho summer und fall of
'95. Just provlous to coming to Lincoln,
Lloutcnnnt Jackson has acted as regi
mental quartermaster.
As Captain Gullfoyle has not yot re
turned, cadet promotions aro In a rather
Indefinite shape. It Is expected that tho
promot ons and appointments will bo an
nounced somotlmo noxt week, however.
A meeting of tho cadets wna called on
lust Thursday nfternoon at 3 o'clock In
tho gun room of tho armory. About fifty
of tho old cadets assembled for tho pur
pose of arranging for a University repre
sentation In tho Lincoln day pnrudo on
tho following day. It was thought that
at least two companies could bo formed,
under tho command of Captains Schwartz
mill Oury. It was also decided to havo the
artillery battory wppear In the parado. Tho
Cadets woro ordorod to moot In the armory
Friday at 1 o'clock In full uniform, with
white duck trousers.
Tho old students returning this yenr will
notlco on ngroonblo change In tho nppear
unco of the University. This Is especially
true as regards tho main University build
ing and tho campus. The lnttor has beon
woll kept during tho summer months nnd
now presents n very plonslng appearance.
Now llowor beds havo boon put In whloh
add muoh to tho beauty of the cumpus,
Ono of tho prottlest on tho grounds Is Just
south of tho library steps, whero thoro la
a small gardon of palms and other trop
ical plants. This Bhody nook will doubt
less becomo vory popular beforo tho hot
weather ends.
A most striking Improvement is notlce
ublo In tho mln building. Its dark, som
bro nppenranco Is completely hlddon bo
noath a bright coat of red paln't, and tho
old portico on the south sldo of tho build
ing has boon torn down and a now one
oroctcd In Its plnco. Evon tho historic
"short stop" at tho top of tho south stono
steps hns beon widened to a Btep of tho
samo breadth ns tho others.
Tho Interior of tho building hus also
witnessed an ontlro change Tho recita
tion rooms havo been froshly papered nnd
painted. Tho dingy smokod walls of tho
chapel havo disappeared and a light, airy
room In the result. Tho platform Is built
ovor and remodelled und tho holo In tho
colling through whloh Bill Green thrust
his foot, hns beon patched up
Th wave of Improvomonts has also pen
etrated tho Co-op and tho lookers nnd
counters with a frosh coat of paint form
a strnngo contrast to tho floor whloh still
retains Its normal color,
All tho news all the tlmo Is to bo found
in The Nobraskan, $1,00 per year.