" - "vBBHHbEB BEST WRK Established 1889. Telephone 199. Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Ls: u YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. FRANCIS BROS., ms?U Proprietor, Q&pjt&J Cafe. Oysters, Fish ami Gunio in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St, LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a cull. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. It's the Place.. I You want to go to when you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, news papers and novels. Always on hand. Eleventh and O Btreots, Richards block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, C. L SPENCER, Mur. THE M. C LILLY COMPANY Columbus Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OP College and Military Uniforms and Equip ments. Oxford Gowns and Caps, Ban ners Flags etc Correspondence Solicited. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a comploto stock or Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST SULPHO-SAL.INE Bath House and Sanitarium Open at all Hours, Day and Nlxht All forms of bath TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. DRS. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. AH fomm of baths Turkish, Russian, electric, with spoelnl attention to the ap plication of NATURAL SALT WATER bn hs, nevornl times stronger than sea water, for the cure of rheumatism, ner vous difficulties and many other diseases. The nath HotiBt Is the most complete in tho world. Soa Bathing may be enjoyed at nil seasons In our large, magnificent Salt Water Swimming Pool, MxlEO ft., and 3 to 10 ft. doep, heated to a uniform temperature of SG dogreos. IT IS 7,257 MILES LONG AND HAS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN CHICAGO TO DENVER 1025 MILES IN 1047 MINUTES AND HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD. Is the short lino to Chicago, Peoria, S,t. Louis, Kansas City, and Denver, No change of cars. For tickets and Infor mntlon apply at B, & M. depot or city ofliu', corner 10th and O sts. Lincoln, Neb. U. W. BONNELL C. P. & T, A. Best Service EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest... Courtesy. C. EHLERS The Tailor.... nils uYqko.2, io feraer. Cleaning and Repairing also Done. 126 SO. lltll SI, -Wol,lonWsC.Bar Intercollegiate Bureau Cotrell & Leonard, ATi-A-a llrondwny, Albany, New York. Makers of the.. Caps, Gown and Hoods. to tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc., upon request. Gowns for the Pulpit and tho Bench. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. IIARWOOD, President. CUAS. A. IIANNA, Vice-President. F. M. COOIC, Cashier. C. S. LIPPINCOTT, and II. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Sports and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES. Managers should send for samples and peclal rates ok uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the best value at least cost. TENNIS GOLF, CRICKET, TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES. Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Llhrary contains books on every form of athletic sport. Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICYCLE. Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Try the.. snniTMiun DRRDER J. M.PARKiHSEH, PARKIHSEH, PLIAp,, PROPRIETOR. jnUP (Continued from llrstpagc.) only thnt Is not what ahoy call It. There hod been wmo llttlo preparation for this und when overyono ono assembled on tho campus tho sight was gorgeous. Thoro woro narly two hundred boys In lino and their tunics ranged from Httlo bob-tailed robes to long ones that trailed grandly on tho paving. The battalion led by tho band playing worno than usual started down town In admlrablo ordor. At Uio head of tho battalion was Bill Hnyward In a make-up that would make 101 Cap ital! hldo his head. Ho woro a bandmnH tor's coat and uap-whlto ducks and a wild and llereo facial decoration. Ho had In his hands a pair of busted sJjponrt era by which ho led u very active and docllo frog, with n protruding abdomen. This was Davvy. Ho had two big pillows stuffed In front to llll out his costumo and tho big head ho woro had a workable mouth Small boys took great delight In throwing rocks Into his stomach by way of friendly greeting One tlmo when a llttlo gamin got a llttlo too strong with his brickbats, Dawy opened tho frog's mouth to remonstrate with him, and tho kid t'hrew u handful of mud In tho mouth hitting tho boy sorgennt all oer tho low er pun of his faee. A gtoat majority of tho mud wont down his throat und ho was consequently troubled with a hnck Ing cough until ho could got a hot Inter nal bath. Even now ho complains of a frog In his throat. Wherever there was a largo crowd and thero generally was Bill would beat Davvy upon tho sido walk with the old gallusses and make him danco while Bill sang "Hlng-Tlng-Tl". Ho realized quite an amount by pas sing tho hat but Davvy being mutely a poor dumb beast was not allowed to uhara It. On a street between Eleventh and Twelfth, they had a dress parndo while tho wfholo police force kept tho kids from annihilating Davvy Harry Oury In light blue pajamas, that lltted him llko a child's bathing suit, and a sugur-loaf dicer, reviewed the battalion. Parm came scorching up on a wheel with orders. When he was sent to his post, he Jumped on his wheel again and seordhed down tho end of the lino with his, night shirt popping behind him In tho breeze. Every ono went Into Rector's where a welcnmo Invitation had been given them to como In und drink phosphate at tho expense of Uio establishment. Jlggs Davis was so touched by tho generosity of Mr. Rec tor that ho Insisted on playing "El Cnpt tan" march for him, on tho tuba. Ho wns finally prevailed upon to ceaso by Stub Burgot who threw him out on the sidewalk. They went to thp chancellor's home but wero unablo to find him so they came down town ngain and tried to got In the Lansing theatre. Manager Dowdcn Bald thoy could go In for a few minutes If they would leave tho band outslnde. Jigs objected and said that ho Intended to go liiHldo nnd moreover he was going to play a solo on his tuba tho minute ho got there. Tho gang would havo proba bly gone In anyway If a large dog had not seen Davvy In his frog's clothes nnd chased Qilm down to tho Iadvict. Tho battalion followed nnd began to pull trol lies off tho wire. Tho wholo polleo force looked on nnd didn't havo a word to say. Tho crowd was dismissed nbout 12 o'clock and It didn't tako tho boys long to go to bed slnco they had been pre pared to retire all tho evening. IF THE WORK IS DONE RIGHT Yon never have any trouble with a point ed toe shoe. I make a specialty of repar lng jointed and round toe shoes, having the special apparatus to work with. It will pay you to take your work where it will be done In the right way. H CAPES, Practical shoemaker. 133 South Eleventh Street. BY THE WAY-Do you know that the North-Western Is tho biggest railroad sys tem touching Lincoln? That It has 8,000 miles of track, the best equipped In the , world, that It Is the shortest line to Chi cago, and makes tho quickest time, and Is tho only direct through line to St. Paul and Duluth? It Is the truth. Just make a note of I. nnd when next you travel use this line. City Offlco 117 South 10th street, i Depot corner 8th and S streets. DON CAMERON Lunch counter and short order house. 118 South 11th St. Dr. S.E. COOK, praotice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. 1215 O street. Just try a 10c box of Caacarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Preparatory School to the State University. (School of Music building.) Tho Preparatory Sohool fully prepares for ontranco to tho Univorsity. First semester begins Sept. 20, 1S97. Summer Session Juno 1 to Sept. 17. (10 wooUb). i If you wish to "make up" work during tho summer tho PREPARATORY School Is tho only place. Ton university preparatory Instructors nnd approved tutors. Turn tho eyes of your friends toward the university by- sending them the "announcement" of the PREPARATORY SCHOOL, or by hand us tho names of such as need further preparation. Call at the otllco In School of music building or seo, C. W. WALLACE, Director. It's No Longer a Question Whoro the young men buy tho Nobby Furnishing Goods and Hats. It's at the THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING GO. Thero is n rouson for this. Tho Armstrong Clothing Go. nro up-to-dnto and enrry n stock which would do crodit to Chicago or Now York. A Word about Spring Suits Wo havo an entirely new stock and our suits for young men at $5.-10, $7.50, $ 10, $12.50 and $15 havo a stylo and snap to thorn which is only equaled by our best Merchant Tailor work. It coBts you nothing to investigate. Call and inspect tho best lino of Clothing, Hats, and Furnishing Goods in No brask boforo you buy. Wo will SAVE you DOLLARS. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. 1 OlS to 1019 O Street, Lincoln. J.L.Stephens, President; Harry E. Wilson, Secretary; W. C. Stephens Treasuier s7imsar. GJUtdM SUMMER SCHOOL, '97 June, July and August. OUR SPECIALTIES... Penmanship, (both slant and vertlcnl), Spoiling, Business Arithmetic, Rapid Cal culation, Bookkeeping, Business Practlcu, Expert Accounting, Political Economy, History of banking, Tariff and Financial History of the United States, Commercial Law, Shorthand, Typewriting, Reporting. Wo enn accomodate you In any of theso special branches In nny way to suit you, either for full or part time. Write us, stating what you desire and we will give you n special rate. 11th and O sts. American Teachers' 6-71 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. With branches In twenty-eight leading cities, nnd sub-agencies In nearly all edu cational centres. Ono fee ($2.00) registers In tho Mnln Office, and also gives full ben efits of membership In the twenty-eight branches. We guarantee satisfactory ser vice, and better service than any other teachers' bureau, or refund fee on de mand. Membership certificates may bo purchased from the Publishers of this pa per, or directly from tho Syndicate. In either case satisfaction Is guaranteed by the Syndicate. ( ZaL rnocra linn piiiiXL "SvU Qjlo.fck ,A, Rates $2 to $3.50 per You Can't Make KT Br White PI u mo from a T S .ifear Crow's Toll, nor a Rood P P mr JMg? fft Bicycle from Castings. f t JF V, T,,e Monarch f m s Up ayggjkp Is good all through, m I J Look 4v J f Under the ...5 lI'V Enamel! lS x k. We want bright ? ItsS-SKfSFf w M H. business men ? kPK'fWwmJt m W H to represent us J sm&WKSy v m iTAvmy-nvvii vivuc mru. kaj m Chicago New York London ?nd nine two-cent tamps for Monarch W M Ploying Cards. Regular 50c cards. A fl JW -r" mzxitetyey Bureau Syndicate. Tho LINCOLN AUSTIN HUMPHREY, Manacif.ii. Iha P. Hioiiv, UllAS. A. CltATK, .... Gierke. JtW, tfcbw&. day.. tMitMttt 1 n I li Ci in IB I w u L . .-y' Iamt 3h cl Dltir NC r, y,u" 1 8tor M jJ Ol II i thl