r r- ,..,-.. lit! i - If ' 'IH ll I III II will w N.....H.I .I-1 .-. mi " ' . -' " ; . lt Established 1889. Telephone 199. Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Wss YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. FRANCIS BROS.. '""Si Peters Qmpit&i Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. It's the Place.. You want to go to when you want to purchare magazines, periodicals, news papers and novels. Always on hand. Eleventh and O streets. Richards block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, lJ C. L. SPENCKR. Mr. THE M. C LILLY COMPANY Columbus Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OP College and Military Uniforms and Equip ments. Oxford Gowns and Caps, Ban aera Flag eto Correspondent Solicited. H. W. BROWN. DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST 8ULPHO-SALINE Batli House and Sanitarium, Cor. Hth and M afreets, Lincoln, Neb. Open at all Hours, Day and Night. All forms of bath TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. DRS. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, electric, with special attention to the ap plication of NATURAL SALT WATER baths, several times stronger than sea water, for the cure of rheumatism, ner vous difficulties and many other diseases. The Bath House Is the most complete in the world. Sea Bathing may be enjoyed at all seasons In our large, magnificent Bait Water Swimming Pool, 50x150 ft., and 3 to 10 ft. deep, heated to a uniform temperature of 86 degrees. IT IS 7,257 MILES LONG AND HAS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN CHICAGO TO DENVER 1025 MILES IN 1047 MINUTES AND HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD. Is the ohort line to Chicago, Peorlu, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Denver. No change of cars. For tickets and, Infor matlon"applya,itfBlWSM.J depot or city riffle . cdrnorlOth and Oats. Lincoln,, 'b. G. WrtiONNELL-CwP&.T.fA:.j , Best Service EVANS "' LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest... Courtesy. . C. EHLERS The Tailor.... uifs 'laae. io reter. Cleaning ami Repairing also Done. 126 So; nth si, '.. a, Intercollegiate Bureau Cotrcll & Leonard, 4W-478 Broadway. Albany, New York. Makers of the... Caps, Gown and Hoods. to the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc., upon request. Gowns for the Pulpit and the Bench. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. HARWOOD, President. CHAS. A. HANNA. Vice-President. F. M. COOK. Casdilor. C. S. LIPPINCOTT. and H. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Sports and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES. Managers should sond for samples and special rates on uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the best value at least cost. TENNIS GOLF, CRICKET, TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES. Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Library contains books on every form of athletic sport. Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICjTCLE. Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Try the.. snnnnRiun DMDEir JUL at C5 JVM.WPARKIH8EH, , ' MIFRIETBR. It!-. ? . i'. SHor$B fcH "for fair vinaiNtA." In the ilrnnm "For Fair Vistula." which Manager Dowdcn has scoured for tho closing night of tho present hoax on at tho Limning, our theater-goers may confidently oxpoot to llmt a piny of moro than usual merit and Interest. No American piny of recent years has met with more general favor, niul a record of over 4."0 perform, anew KMka Noluinoi for Its enduring worth. "For Fair Virginia" nan been slow In reaching 1h, but this la duo to the ever, bo none tho lew welcome boenuxo of fact that Is hns been acted continuously tho'dblny, and In tho Interval, curiosity and desire to soo Mr. Rush Whytal's work have grown apace. Tho country has had of late rather an oxcoiut of lighter plays and farces and a thoroughly pure and wholesome play will, doubtless, bo a wel coir.o and agreeable change. "For Fair Virginia" deals with domestic life In tho Old Dominion during war time. It Is not what Is gonernlly understood as a "war piny," with horrors of battled and wound and dying heroes, but tells two charming love stories which ro alternately Inter rupted or aided by tho events of tho war. Tho woman's sldo of tho great struggle Is shown; her sufferings, privations and hero Ism. Yet tho general tone of the piece is not by any moans gloomy. Mrs. Whytnl appears In a light comedy character, whllo Mr. Whytnl plays tho heavy part, and thero are several humorous roles. Mr. Whytal Is an actor of long oxporlonco with the best stock companies and stars. Mrs. Wnytnl as Mmlu Knowlca In tho support of Rhea and Julia Mnrlowo may bo romembored. She Is n woman of marked chnrm of fnco and mannor.nnd an nctress of strikingly Individual and original meth ods. There Is nothing "stagoy" or con ventional about her acting. By many of tho ablest critics she Is said to suggest "a younger and more attractive Mrs. Ken dal." Another very Interesting figure In the piece Is the child Jullan.plnyed by lit tle Lottie Briscoe, ono of the most attrac tive and most natural Juvonllo actresses. Her character Is vory Important In the de velopment of tho story nnd she Invnrinbly establishes herself ns a great favorite with tho audience, especially with the ladles and children. Others In the company arc Mabel Bert, who Is well known hero; Frank Doane, George F. Farrcn, John Woodward, John Borden and Wllllnm Hopper. A complete scenic equipment Is carried and tho picturesque landscapes and colonial homes of Virginia are faith fully reproduced. Prions, $1, T5 cents. BO cents and 25 cents. Seats on sale Friday morning. Secure your seats early. THE LUNCHEON ROOM. The- proprietors of the unlvorslty lun cheon room announce that they are bet ter prepared than ever to serve strictly home made goods with convenience to all. A sample bill of fare Is: Soup 5 cents Plum pudding 6 cents Sandwich S cents Bread and butter 2 cents Coffee, tea or cocoa 4 cents Milk Scents Two Joughnuts S cents Pie 5 cents Let Westerfleld be your barber. IF THE WORK IS DONE RIGHT You never have any trouble with a point ed toe shoe. I make a specialty of repar lng pointed and round-toe shoes, having :he special apparatus to work with. It will pay you to take your work where it will be done In the right way. H CAPES, Practical shoemaker. 133 South Eleventh Street. BY THE WAY Do you know that the North-Western Is the biggest railroad sys tem touching Lincoln? That it has 8,000 miles of track, the best equipped In the world, that It is the shortest line to Chi cago, and makes the quickest time, and is tho only direct through line to St. Paul and Duluth? It is the truth. Just make a note of It and whon next you travel use this line. City Office 117 South 10th street. Depot corner Sth and S streets. DON CAMERON Lunch counter and short order house. 118 South 11th St. FAST TIME, THROUGH CARS. To Omaha, Chicago and points in Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in con nection with the C. & N. W. Ry. offers the best service and the fastest time. Call or write to me for time cards, rates, etc E. B. SLOSSON, Genegar agent. Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat 1215 O street. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever mode. Preparatory School to the State University. (School of Music building.) The Preparatory School fully prepares FlrBt semester begins Sept. 20, 1897. Summer Session June 1 to Sept. 17. (10 weeks). If you wish to "make up" work during the summer the PREPARATORY School la tho only place. Ten university preparatory Instructors and approvod tutors. Turn the eyes of your frlendB toward the university by sending them the "announcement" of the PREPARATORY SCHOOL, or by hand us the names of such as need further preparation. Coll at the office In School of music building' or. see, 'C. W.1 WALLACE, Director. It's No Longer a Question Where tho young mon buy tho Nobby Furnishing Goody and Hats. It's at tho THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. There is a reason for thia. Tho Armstrong Clothing Co. arc up-todato and carry a stock which would do orodit to Chicago or Now York. A, Word about Spring Suits . Wo have an entirely now Btock and our suits for young mon at $5.40, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 havo a stylo and snap to them which is only equaled by our boat Merchant Tailor work. It costs you nothing to investigate Call and inspect tho best lino of Clothing, lints, and Furnishing Goods in No braak boforo you buy. Wo will SAVE you DOLLARS. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. 1013 to 1019 O Street, Lincoln. J.L.Stephens, President; Harry E.Wilson, Sccrotnry; W, C. Stephens TroaBurer. SU7ut7UVGR SCHOOL, '97 June, July nnd August. OUR SPECIALTIES... Penmanship, (both slant and vertical), Spelling, Business Arithmetic, Rapid Cal culation, Bookkeeping, Business Practice, Expert Accounting, Political Economy, History of banking, Tariff nnd Financial History of tho United States, Commercial Lnw, Shorthand, Typewriting, Reporting. Wo can accomodate you in any of these speclnl branches In any way to suit you, cither for full or part tlmo. Write us, stating what you deslro nnd wo will glvo you a special rate. 11th and O sts. American Teachers5 6-71 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. With branches In twenty-eight leading cities, and sub-agencies In nearly all edu cational centres. Ono fee ($2.00) registers In tho Main Ofllce, and also gives full ben efits of membership In the twonty-eight branches. We guarantee satisfactory ser vice, and better service than any other teachers' bureau, or refund fee on de mand. Membership certificates may be purchased from the Publishers of this pa per, or directly from the Syndicate. !n either case satisfaction Is guaranteed by the Syndicate. ( i& Rates $2 to $3.50 per Our 'Ninety-Seven Complete Line of Monarch are the Supreme Result of our Years of Experience MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. OOCAG9 JTEWY0WC . Send nlno tiro-cent stamps for deck or Momrck Plavlair Lee RMMrdeoa and Wetter Jettes. Regular 50c curitT Bureau Syndicate. TH6 -f LINCOLN AUSTIN HUMPHREY, Managed IltA P. HlGIlY, Chas. A. Crate, .Works. day.. All the World Loves a Winner" Bicycles mmrrr LOTOG