f1" if m it? ""wnjyy TWP" LOCALS., . John W, Dixon, X vIMtod the unlvor alty thla wcok, Phil Russet went to Omaha last Friday for a brlot visit. E. A. Wlggonhorn spent last Sunday at his homo In Aeilaud. Dr. Frederic Toal of Omaha eonio down last Friday evening to visit unlvorslty frlonds. Miss Nolllo Law will leave Sunday with hor parents for a threo months' trip to Europe Albert E. l'nrmeloo was Initiated Into Delta Tau Delta fraternity last Satur day night. Miss Jean Tuttlo entertained a num ber of friends nt her homo last Saturday In honor of Mlsa Anna Lytic, John C. Watson began a serlos of lec tures on criminal law Wednesday boforo tho university college of law. Q. II. Rose returned Wednesday from Grand Island. Ho succeeded In locating a position In tho schools there for next year. At the meeting of the Missouri botan ical gardens at St. Louts last Friday, Dr. C. E. Uosscy met ox-Chancellor J. H. Conlleld. Chancellor Q. E. MacLcan wnit to Wakefield Friday, where ho addressed a district press association at that place In tho evening. HARWOOD TO LECTURE. g Nk S, Hanyood, president of tho First National' Sank, will address tho, political Economy clnb Monday evening, May 24, In worn 23, library building. His themo will bo "A Continuation of the National Hanking System." All persons interested are cordially Invited to be present. GRADUATION RECITAL. Mis. Irene Davidson MoMlohnol'a grad uation recital was hold In tho chapel last Monday ovenlng. Mrs. MoMtohnol has been a pupil of Mr. John Randolph for sovoral years past and hor oxcollont work was clearly cvldont from tho way sho sang tho difficult muslo of tho recital. Her voice, though somewhat light, Is very clear and swoot. Mrs. MoMlohael's talent la not confined tot vocal muslo but Hho Is Also a plunlnt ot considerable morlt. T. L. Hall, who graduated last year from the law school, visited this week around t .o university. Ho Is now prac ticing law at Falls City. This year tho annual alumni banquet of tho university will bo held at tho Lin doll hotel Instead of the armory, as has heretofore been tho custom. A change has also been made from evening to afternoon. History paper, noto book, lead penolla Dook department ot Horpolshelmcr & Co, and all school aupplloa at lowest prices DERATE AT CRETE. Tho Pnlladlan boys' debating club wont down to Crete Saturday and met tho Phllomathlan literary society of Doano collego In Joint dobate. Tho question was: "Resolved, that organized strikes- have been n benefit to tho laboring classes." D. M. Garber of the university presided. Messrs. N. C. Green, N. O. Ayer and A. E. Henry presented tho affirmative while the Doane men upheld tho negative. Tho debate was spirited throughout. This was tho last of a series of debates be tween tho two clubs. outlined what soomod best to bo dono during tho coming year. Heretofore tho stato soolotles have furnished tho greater part of tho funds which havo gone to support thoso Institute's, but under tho present nrrangomont tho funds como from an appropriation mado by tho logls laturo for tho special purposo of carrying on tho institutes, Tho regonta havo full control of thla appropriation. Thus tho Institutes nro brought moro olosoly Into touch with tho genorn outsldo work ot tho university and really glvo a prac tical form of unlvorsrty oxtonBlon work. Tho organisation and methods ot carry ing on tho work will bo llttlo changed from tho former plan, except as Im provements nro suggested from tlmo to time. Superintendent Taylor remains In chnrgo and tho representatives ot tho stato soolotlos will net as a sort of ad visory council and will also aid In fur nishing speakers for tho Institutes. R, W. Furnas was elected president and Chnncollor MacLean aecretary of tho or ganization. Theso officers havo held their offices since tho formation ot tho society. Fountain pens, from 69 cents each, to 12.50, all warranted at book department ot Horpol8holmer & Company. Big Bargains in Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. At tho commencement exercises of tho Sterling high school Thursday evening, Dr. H. B. Ward of the university deliv ered the annual class address. His theme was, "Tho Debt of the New World to Louts Agassis." R. A. Emerson returned this week from Washington to complete his work In tho university and secure his degree. Ho will go back to his work In the agri cultural department immediately after commencement. The marriage ot Miss Clara C Buck start of Lincoln and Dr. Robert N. Wol cott of tho state university has been an nounced. It will occur Wednesday even ing, Juno 2, nt Holy Trinity church. French, German and .Latin dictionaries will be sold to students of the university for,J1.12V4 cents each. These are the reg ular Jl.50 editions. Gold iridium pointed fountain pens are still selling at 69 cents each. Book Department, Herpolshelmer and Company. The address advertised to be given be fore the Political Economy club Tuesday evening was again postponed. Rev. H. S. MacAyeal of Omaha sent word that It would be impossible for him to be pres ent. It Is not probable that the club will make any further attempt this semester to bring a speaker here. Chancellor MacLean Is In great demand throughout the state as a high school commencement speaker. On Friday even ing of last week he spoke at Albion, Sun day ho goes to Harvard to deliver the annual address before tho graduating class there, and on May 2S he will per form a similar service at Kearney. Tho university buildings will receive a general overhauling during the summer vacation. In fact, the work has already begun. This week a force of men were put at work to veneer with brick the electrical labratory, to make It thereby entirely fireproof. At the farm the build ing committee havo ordered the fore man's house repainted and reshlngled. It Is probable that University hall will bo scraped and repainted and a new and largo porch added to tho south, from. Some Inside painting nnd papering will be done. Minor improvements will also be affected at Nebraska hall. Grant hall and tho chemical labratory by means of paint and paper. ANNUAL ADDRESS. Arrangomcjitahavo been perfected forthe annual address to be given beforo the Y. M. nnd Y. W. C. A. Dr. Beardshear. president of the Iowa Agricultural collego. has been secured to give tho address next Sunday evening at the First Baptist church. Dr. Roardshear was secured by the associations because he was so highly recommended as nn orator and thinker. Since he has been nt the head ot the Iowa Agricultural college the Institution has en Joyed a rapid growth, largely because ot his efforts. The Christian associations earnestly desire thnt every otudent in the university should hear this address, com ing, as It does, from a man of such ability and prominence. Dr. William Trelease, the director of tho Missouri botanical gardens in St. Louis, and one of -tho foremost of Amer ican botanists, will deliver tho annual address before the Botanical seminar on Saturday evening, May 29, at 8 p. m., in botanical lecture room In Nebraska hall. His toplo will be one which should Inter est many people outside of the botanical field, since it deals with a phaso of library management, of growing Import ance in these days of departmental li braries. He speaks upon "The Classifica tion of a Botanical Library." A general invitation Is cordially extended to the university students and all others inter ested to be present and hear this dis tinguished L'clentlst. DELTS ENTERTAIN. The Delta Tau Delta fraternity gave a dancing party to its friends Inst Friday evening nt Burlington bench. Owing to tho fact that Mr. McKay is closely con nected with tho weather department tho evening was all that could bo desired and a most delightful tlmo was had. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Summers, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Stevens, Misses Cnrscaddcn, Morris, Ames, Elsie Schwartz of Omaha, Hargreaves, Maude Hammond, Harper, Outcalt. Morgan, Bench, Lottrldge, Edith Schwartz, Ran dall, MacMillan. Millar, Clark, Bonncll ot Chicago, Loomts. MncFarland, Ena Rlck etts, Lowe, Harley, Griggs, Elliott, Crop sey, Whedon. Colson, Rlsser, Richards, Clara Hammond, Whiting, Garten, Noren, Camp, Woods, Lansing, Mabel Rtckctts, Cochrane, Messrs. Randall, Clark, Teal of Omaha, Dr. White, Wlg genhorn, Rowe, Our', Summer, True, Davenport, Whedon, Stone, Llndquest, Doubrava, Saxton, Burgert, Randolph, Schwartz, Lau, Lehman, Burks, Rlcketts, Bartlett, Harmon, Manley, Brown, Whip ple, Kind, Savllle, Bobbins, Teele, Whit more, Gllmnn, Cleland, Burrows, Weaver, Weeks. Lehnhoff, Thomas, Kellogg. CHAPEL ADDRESS. Thursday morning Professor Lawrence Fossler delivered the last number of the series of chapel lectures that havo been given during the year by members of the faculty. The professor chose "Ibsen," tho Norwegian poet and reformer for the subject of his tolk. He did well in tak ing a themo ot supreme Interest to all students and one in -which he is highly Interested. Professor Fossler Is a very uble critic and rovleweiwia all who have taken German under him know. Tho hardy Norwegian with his bold prophetic voice reminds the German professor of his own countryman, Goethe. He also likened him to Dante. Ho made analysis of "A Doll's House," "An Enemy of the People," and "Brand." Although Ibsen Is a pessimist, the professor showed tho fearful earnestness of the mun, his In tense humanity and his high Ideals. The motto of Brand, "All or nothing," and the quotation, "The majority is never right," (from An Enemy of the People) show the peculiar strength and daring or tno author. Professor Fossler asked each student to read somo of Ibsen's works and to Judge for himself of tho correctness of his conclusions and the worth of his lessons. THE SENIOR'S MEET. Tho class ot '37 has been meeting this week. Wednesday thoy met to do somo business nnd Thursday they met to undo It. For somo tlmo there has been moro or less dissatisfaction expressed with tho committee which has In chnrgo tho senior play, and Wednesday n meeting was held for the purposo of hearing tho kicks. Mk Manley, chairman of tho committee, was there and gave his report as to tho na ture of tho play and the stage to which It had progressed. Then tho fun began. Somo Inquisitive senior Inquired if Mr. Mnnley's report was he report of tho majority of tho committee. Mr. Manley replied that two members of the com mltteo had been at work with him and that far It was a report of tho com mittee. After various remarks which went to show thnt some people had come to tho meeting with knives to use on Mr. Manley, the whole matter of the play I was referred to a commltteo of three, which was to report at 1 o'clock Thurs day. After disposing of the play tho class passed resolutions requesting that the latin form used last year In the presenta tion of diplomas be omitted this year, nnd a committee "was appointed to make tho action known to tho chancellor. Tho chancellor enmo In and addressed the class. Inviting them to a reception to be given by the chancellor and Mrs. Mac Lean to the seniors and members ot tho university senate. The invitation was ac cepted. Thursday at 1 o'clock tho class met to hear tho report of tho committee on class play. This committee recommended that the play be recommitted to the original committee, with Instructions thnt It pro ceed to work. If this was not the senior class people might wonder nt their ac tions, but seniors nro like Chinamen their ways are "peculiar." Other com mittees were called upon for reports, but did not seem to have anything to say. The class then passed a unnnlmous vote of censure upon all senior committees. Someone suggested thnt the class had better resolve Itself Into a committee of the wholo In order to get a censure where It belonged, but It did not go. Tups, Valises ELEGANT LINE OF POCKET BOOKS-CARD CASES and LEATHER NOVELTIES. For Summer Tourists and O there. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Old Trunks in Exchange for New Ones. LINCOLN TRUNK FACTORY, - 1217 0 Street. Company "A" will glvo a banquet Sat urday evening after the competitive drills at the Lincoln hotel. It is expected that many former company officers and somo distinguished regular army officers will be present. Y. W. C. A. ENTERTAINMENT. A fair audience witnessed the fourth an nual entertainment of the Y. W. C. A. In the chnpel last Thursday evening. The entertainment wns given for the purpose of raising funds to send delegates to the Lake Geneva summer school. The first number rendered was an Interesting pan tomime, "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Seven young ladles gracefully presented the pantomime of the poem, "Romance of the Ganges." The song, "Louisiana," by Miss Mabel Nicely, drew out a hearty recall. Miss Nellie Griggs and Mrs. Irene McMIchael each rendered two vocal solos, which showed their voices to good ad vantage. Tho entertainment closed with a delightful llttlo farcei entitled. "Six Cups of Chocolate." Following Is the pro gram: Music. Pantomime, "Nearer. My God, to Thee," Miss Alderman. Song, by Y. W. C. A. quartet. Song, Miss Mabel Nicely. Pantomime, "Romance of the Ganges," read by Mrs. Mary D. Manning; Illustrated by Carrie Day, E. Ruth Pyrtle. Gra:e Broady, Anna Reyman, Mary Wallace, Margaret Davis and Mary Hart. Vocal solo, selected, Miss Griggs. Pantomime, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," Miss Wilkinson; sung by Mrs. Mc MIchael. Vocal solo, selected, Mrs. Irene Mo Michael. Farce, "Six Cups of Ch.colate," Jeanette, Nellie Griggs; Adeline, 'Theo dora Auman; Dorothy, Annie Stewart; Beatrix,, Amy Shlvely; Hester, Annlo An derson; Marian, Alberta Spurck. FARMER'S INSTITUTES Representatives pt tho state soclotles which are especially Interested In the farmers' institute work met in tho chan cellor's office last Tuesday, Seven 'of theso state( organizations wero repre sented. Superintendent F. W. Taylor made his report of the year's work ana Hayden, the photographer who 1b now located at 1029 O street. Is again ottering 1 a special rate to students on all photo- i graph. His name is a guarantee of good work. Tho L. F, & A. Co. have Just received a new lino of picture framo mouldings, and havo put tho rates down for students A full line of art goods. 212 So. 11 th t. o. -&.. w-i:ric:k:, ifuroif. YOU WILL SAVE TIME By taking Ut FOR MAIN LINE, And Norfolk Branch. All Points in Kansas. Keep this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044- O Street. E HALLETT, Bcalor In Fine Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silverwar, Clocks, Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Gold Headed Canes and Umbrellas, Spectacles, Etc. Watch repairing, engraving and Optical work a specialty. No charge for exam ining the eyes. 1143 O Street, - - LINCOLN, NEB. Funke Opera House Block. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN LINCOLN AND Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas Cit. I vvjicu iiiiiuuD or-cusuvo, (em a. uascurei, candy catharlc, cure guaranteed, lOo, 25c. City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street. H. O. Townsknd, Gon'l P. fe T. A. F. D. Cornkll, C. P.& T.A. Qhas. B. Gregory n TJ. of W '01. U Office 1 At 1100 0 St, S incoln, Neb, H The Most Popular Photograph Gallery in the State. to SFECIAIOno beautiful colored Cabin et, mounted on a large card, given wltU each doxen ot our best Cabinets. Special raes to students. T. ft, Towasend, Prop.