The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 22, 1897, Image 2

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A. Weekly Nowapapor Issued Every Fri
day Noon, by the Btudonta'of. the
University of Nebraska
Entered as Second Class Mall Matter.
F. T. Riley - - - - Managing Editor
O. H. Baker Editorial
Kate Snow Walker - Fraternltt
Oliver Chambers Local
E. Mellia Local
Sam Sloan ------ Y. M. C. A.
,A. -E, Parmolee - - -, H. F. Oajto
Edith Sohwarts - - Ass't M'ging- Ed.
The Nebraskan will be sent to any ad
dress upon receipt of the subscription
price, which Is one dollar a year or fifty
cents a somester.
Contributions are solicited from all.
News Items such aa locals, personals,
-eports of meetlnirs etc are especially de
sired. The Nebraskan will be glad to
print any contribution relative to a gen
eral university subject, but the name
must accompany all such.
Address all communications to The
Nobraaan, University of Nebraska,
THE annual prise drill this year prom
ises to be .the most warmly and closely
contested of any for some time. The four
companies have been doing very effective
drilling and the Intercut taken by the in
dividual cadets In the extra drills shows
their determination to rellect credit upon
hcmsolves and their respective companies.
It Is no slight honor and recognition for
the work and discipline of the oitlcers
and privates of any one of the companies
to win the Omaha cup. It Is a Just test of
the efficiency of t, work being done. The
university certainly takes pride In the
batalllon and earnestly commends the ef
forts of the cadets In their willingness to
do extra drilling. Captain Gullfoyle
speaks highly complimentary of the com
panies and urges that the thoroughness of
the discipline of every cadet will be credit
ably exemplified in the prize drill. It Is
needless to say that the faculty and their
wives and the student body wltl be out
In full force and cheer on the companies
in their friendly rivalry. Do not go with
the Intention of silting still, but take your
voiced, your college colors, and make this
event a gala day, tilled with the spirit of
genuine college enthusiasm.
THE university debating association
Should arrange for a series of debates
"With.-Iowa, or Minnesota universities. We
have enough students and debating ma
terial to have at least two or tnree an
nual debates. One debate a year does
not keep up tho enthusiasm necessary
for tho most effective, results, as our pre
vious experience will certainly show.
Harvard, Yale and Michigan universi
ties carry on as many as six debates an
InuaUy, and the metropolian press
speaks highly of the fruitful result.
This sphere of college life is becoming
Immensely iopular with tho general pub
lic and Is certainly Invaluable In the
training of college men. Having a few
more Interstate debates, will give a
strong Incentive for home debating and
enable many to share the honors of In-ter-collegiate
contests. Let us at once
take active steps to bring about another
annual debate with some of our slstec
universities. We nave the talent and
certainly the courage to take a firm stand
alongside of other Institutions In this
matter. All that Is necessary Is for the
yiettatlng association to take the lead
and we venture to say that the outcome
will be profitable to all concerned.
"MODEST doubt is the beacon of the
wise." Wo doubt very seriously the wis
dom and Justice of the attitude taken by
The Courier towards the university and
the students upon matters of which it has
no concern. We certainly depreciate the
untimely policy of parading before tne pub
lic disparaging and unmerited crltlolsms
upon matters which distinctly belong to
university circles. We always welcome
wholesome advice and friendly counsel,
but we fail to appreciate those write-ups
which are vituperative and derogatory in
infractor. The last two Issues of The
(Hurler have been preeminently of that
nuture. We would doubtless think that
university students had deplorable weak
nttssos If our memory did not serve us to
the contrary and tell us that "roasts" and
polmlstlc views of things have ever been
The Courier's ideal of Journalism. What
Its motive Is would puzzle even Cato's
head. No one wishes to conceal the truth.
We would gladly have the public know
the facts about every university under
taking. But it is far from politic and Is
decidedly Indiscreet to clothe facts with
words contumfily written. It deceives the
reader and confuses him as to what Is fact
and what Is fiction. Apropos, the public
has a moral right to have plain and un
adulterated facts. And The Courier's ef
forts to interpret facts concerning the
students has complicated affairs and
shown conclusively Its stupidity and near
sightedness. The university. has shown Itself capable
of adjusting Its own difficulties without the
i aid of Tho Courier's volltllo pen. When
ever we fall In this regard there Is ample
time to arouse tho anxieties of an Inquisi
tive publlo and ask Jor Its earnest co
operation. It comes with decidedly poor
graet- to speak harshly of "ploughboys"
and accuse them of "anarchy." We are
conscious, however, that reasonable men
will hardly give such reflections a passing
thought. And we owe an apology to our
readers for Imposing upon them a reply
to what we candidly think Is an Imposi
tion upon student honor. But, as In nil
things, "there Is a limit at which forbear
miw censed to be n virtue." Regardless of
what Tho Courier may say In the future,
we shall Ignore It and thereby adhere to
our long-honored policy of abhorlng that
which Is evil and cleaving to that which Is
TH10 steps taken by tho faculty to aid
In retting positions for those seniors who
desire to teach, are deserving of com
mendation. Tho faculty cotnmlttco cau
act with unity In this regard and bring;
pressure to bear on the high school
boards of the state, that will bo effective
itn securing college trained teachers. Un
les the university authorities tako united,
action. It becomes almost Impossible for
university graduates to get n crcdltablo
school. This illfflculty Is not duo to
theilr lncompetenco or Inefficiency, but
to the fact that tho people do not ap
preciate and see the wisdom of having
thorough, disciplined minds at the head
of tho public schooU. No efforts should
bo spared In removing this false Impres
sion. Tho college graduate, to be sure,
bus his weaknesses, but on tho average
his training and advanced Ideas of teach
ing cnublcs htm to do very efficient ser
vice In our schools. The youth of our
state merit tho best of Instructors. This
want should be supplied so ns to Insure
proficiency among students, when they
enter the regular university course. If
our university course has done anything
It has certainly fitted graduates to
take high standing among school teachers
and has ennbled them to Introduce the
most advanced and thorough methods of
teaching Into the public schools.
ONE of our professors recently said
that the students of American universi
ties were not accomplishing as much as
they ought, comared with those of
European universities. Such a statement
Is a gloomy view to take of the whole
some efforts of American educators. We
candidly admit that our methods of teach
ing have their weaknesses, but we fall to
appreciate the supposition that German
universities have reached the Ideal. Those
American students who put the finishing
touch on their mental training in Europ
ean universities a I way. take prMe In tell
ing us about our deficiencies. The pro
gress being made In American universities
Is certainly remarkable and deserves
praiseworthy commendation Instead of
harsh criticism from a European point of
view. We must remember that the dem
ocratic environment of our school sys
tem must be productive of different re
sults than the monarchlal and seml-urls-tocratic
environment of colleges across
the water.
The professor further depreciated the
auiiude of students toward their instruct
ors. In that they would not accept with
out discussion the statements made by the
professors, and that college papers en
deavored to voice sentiments adverse to
those In authority. If we were unfortu
nately living In a society with monarch
lal and aristocratic tendencies, we would
accept such assertions as absolute. The
educational environment of Emperor Wll
helm III. Is not congenial to African cus
toms and habits. The students of our
unlvorsitles believe In Investigation, and
a careful examination of evidence from
whatever source It come.. Nothing should
be accepted as tinul until Its ultimate
source has been weighed with an unbiased
mind. No one is above criticism whether
he be a professor or one at the helm of
the ship of state. There U but one true
source of information and that is origi
nal authorities. That professors know
more than their students Is an admitted
fact, and it would be a discredit to them
if the opposite were true. Since every
man's own personality enters into the In
terpretation of evidence, we frankly rec
ognize the wisdom of profitable class dis
cussions. It bespeaks III of educators to
Inculcate in the students mind, the ac
ceptance of everything for granted, with
out an Impartial Investigation and re
search, because It comes from on who
Is supposed to know more. We earnestly '
believe that every man's opinion Is en
titled to thoughtful consideration, but it j
should not be accepted aa final. The col
lege paper only strives to olee student
sentiment and nothing more. It does not
aspire to govern or dictate but to discuss,
advice and urge deliberation In all mat
ters of public concern. Public opinion is
the final tribunal In this country and it
is duo to such environment that Amerl- j
can universities are compelled to diverge
from the customes and manners of
European unlversltes. ,
If you have tried him once you found
that Westerfleld did the rishjt kind of ton-
sorlal work. He has been the students' '
bar ber for seventeen years. 117 North '
Thirteenth street.
Don Cameron's dunch counter, m ft, h
Livery. Baggage
ard Hack Line.
lil North Eleventh Street.
HACKS Nos. 39, , M. 76, and 85,
All calls answered promptly, dny or night
Polite hackmen, always to be relied upon.
Telophono No. SI, Lincoln, Nobr.
Nebraska Pant
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im O tftreet. West Half of Trunk Factory
Pants to order, 13.50, l. J3 and up
Suits, SIS, $20 and up
Cloaking, Overcoalng and Vesting
Goods by tho yard.
All work first-class and guaranteed.
Northwestern University
Medical School.
The regular course Is four years, with
conditions for advanced standing. This
school claims superiority in the extent
and thoroughness of laboratory courses,
and In the great variety of its clinical
material and tho methods by which it
Is utilized in teaching. For circulars of
Information address tho Secretary,
2431 Dearborn, St. Chicago.
Neraska Tent and Awning Co.
13Gandl3SNo. 11th St..
Phono 745.
Summer Camping Outfits,
Tents, Awnings, Tarpaulins,
and Covers of all kinds.
Out of towti orders promptly attended to
LOUIS DOYLE, Prop, and Mon.
Palace Dining Hall
1130 ri Street.
Lincoln, Nebr.
The Largest and Best Equipped
Eating House in the City.
Special rates to students. Electric Fans
A. G. OSMER. Pop.
DR. P. D. StteRWIN
Catapboresis for Painless Filling.
Boom 17, Burr Blk., Second Floor.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Awy.
If yon want to quit tobacco usluj? easily
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Over 400,00) cured. Buy No-To-Ba. of yom
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EverTbtMly Says So. "
Cascarets Candv C'sitlmrtlc, the most won
derful medical diM-uvrvof ti-o ape, pleas
ant and i criislntm to tho taste, act penny
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cltai.hiiii,' Hie entire systtn. disjel colds,
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p- anniUN-d to cur. by ull drut-ists.
Ho Home If Really Complete
Without a new 1U97 Model
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If dSllDUrll Banjo or Zither.
Prices have been scaled down as a result of the
Washburn's enormous popularity so that now you
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Praia $15.00 Upward.
The new Wathburn Mandolin Is a radical depart,
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proaches very near to that of a nte old Cremona
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Washburns are the acknowledged standard of the
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A Washburn Improves with age and makes
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Corner Wabash Ave. mad Ad sa St., Chicago.
I ?"HS .X. vXriiahr ttAmn u V
I " i" A ft
f -f
1136 O
Perkins & Shelddn Oj,
1129 O STR66T,
TMP If PUT Pill I CI.P AC I 1W Spring term will open March 8, !;, P..
int. UULLbUi. Ur knilploma admits to bar. Improved in.-h..i
Mausiiau. D Kwelu LL.D . M. 1).. Dean, uniting theory and practice. Th- S.-b-.d
if Practice Is the Leading Feature. Evening sessions of ten hours a week for i-.hmi
class. Students can be self supporting wlllc studying. For catalogue addrcs-
M.D. EWELL, Dean. Room 613 and 614 Ashland blk. Ohloa.. 111.
Shirts are Good Shirts.
We carry a line of this brand, also others.
Our assortment of Spring Shirts is new, neat and
just what you want.
Do you wear No. 14 ? We have them.
117 South...
The University of Nebraska
Offers Complete Courses in the
Following Branches;
Piano Forte,
Voice Training,
String Instruments,
Wind Instruments,
Harmony, Counterpoint, History, General
Theory, Sight Reading.
If yon are Thinking of Studying Mnsic
Spring Term Opens April 7,
jt. A
iSiTiSM ..,. .JM W
ADiHHlUirJlil aUAIftlTKKII T! '"J"
l...d booklet free. 16. fmuunaHKmv'iV.r'ZV.JJJ ?-
and WOMEN.,.
Offers Free Advantages not
found Elsewhere.
Free Scholarships In all Departments.
Orchestral Training,
Military Band Training,
Iny?stipte the Merits of this School
11H P P ' MiiMiisis.i
'?" coB.npim. uueartu are the Ideal Uu4
n . 11 ; ,. . -"--Trr.vr"r.T;.a" i