s if Tlt 1 H Vol. V. No. 31 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, MAY 22. 1807. Price 5 Cents. gMINEffRASKAN: DETAILS OF EASTERN TRIP Baseball Boys Unfortunate During First Innings. SOME COSTLY ERROR8 MADE During tho First Few Innings of Each Con test tho Boys Failed to Put Up Their Usunl Gnmc Tho Scores. EVANSTON, 111., May 18. (Special Cor respondence to The Nebraskan.) Thus fur tho team has played In hard luck. Tho boya have mudo errors abundantly at critical times, and especially In tho first part of tho gameB already played. This was tnio even of the Drako game. For tho first four 1 nnlngs tho boys seemed to be dead at the bat, though their playing was fair. After they woke up they had little trouble In hitting tho ball. Tho detailed Bcoro tells tho story: Drake. AB R IB PO A E Sellards. lb 4 0 15 0 0 Bchee. 1. f 3 0 110 1 Fouts. p 4 0 1 2 0 1 Gralf, 3b 4 0 0 3 13 Brown, r. f. 4 0 13 0 0 Goodwin, ss 3 0 0 3,1 5 Morrison, 2b 3 0 0 4 11 Roberts, c 3 0 0 3 2 1 dure, m 3 0 0 0 J J Totals 31 0 4 24 5 12 U. of N. AB R IB PO A E Benedict. 2b 6 3 2 3 2 0 Klndlcr, lb 6 1 0 13 fi 1 Crelgh, ss 6 2 10 2 0 Robinson, p., r. f... 4 1 1 0 1 0 Friel, c 4 118 0 0 CowglH, 3b 4 1113 1 Gordon, r. f.. p.... 5 1-0 0 1 0 Packard, m 5 4 1 10 0 Reeder, 1. f 4 10 10 0 Totals 44 15 7 27 9 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. U. of N 0 0 0 0 5 3 6 1 IS Drake 0 000000000 SUMMARY. Earned runs U. of N. 2. Two-base hits Benedict. Friel, Cowgill, Packard, Rob inson: -Three-base hits Crelgli. Bases on balls By Robinson 1. by Gordon 1. by Fouts 2. Bases given for hlttlne hatter By Fouts 2. Passed balls Roberts 2. Wild pitches Gordon. Struck out By Robinson 4, by Gordon 3. by Fouts 2. Double plays Crelgh to Benedict to Klndler. Umpire Lelghton. Time 1:40 THE IOWA GAME. Tho result of the Iowa game ought really to have been 14 to 1. but some costly errors were made which mads the result otherwise. The detailed score shows the following: U. of N. AB R IB PO A E Binedlt-. 2b 5 3 2 2 3 1 Klndler. lb C 3 2 16 3 0 Crelgh. ss 4 3 0 12 1 Robinson, p 6 110 4 0 Frell. c 6 12 3 0 1 Cowgill, 3b, 6 0 113 1 Gordon, r. f 6 2 3 2 0 1 Packard, m 4 112 10 Reeder, L f 3 0 10 0 1 Totals 46 14 13 27 16 C Iowa. AB R IB PO A E Brown. 3b 0 110 0 Hubbard. 2b 5 110 6 3 Maytusn. p 4 2 10 3 1 Thomas, lb .. 4 0 0 15 1 0 Mack, r. f ,.. 4 0 0 10 0 O'Connor, c 4 0 17 0 0 Marsh, SB 4 2 12 3 2 Reynolds, m 4 1110 1 Lowry, L f 4 12 0 0 0 Total 28 7 9 27 13 7 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Gordon 2, Frell, March. Bases on balls Off Robinson 2. Maylum C. Hit by pitched ball Thomas, Bene dict. Crelgh. Passed balls O'Connor. Frell. Wild pitch Maytum. Struck out By Robinson 2. by Maytum 7. Stolen bates Nebraska Z. Iowa 2. AT NOTRE DAME. The boys have hardly yet figured out bow they lost the Notre Dame game. Gibson pitched a strong game tor t'e home team and the boys had trouble In finding him. Playing ball every day with bard railroad travel Is telling upon tbe boys' playing. They can't put up their usually strong game. The boys were entertained at Notre Dame In true collegiate style. They went down Sunday afternoon and the college boys took charge of them and showed them all they had. The visitors were not even allowed to pay their own bus fares. The detailed score tells tbe story ol the game: JJotre Dame. AB R IB YO A E Brown 5 0 12 0 2 Hlndel S 0 0 C 5 1 Fleming 5 0 0 0 0 1 Powers .............. 2 2 S 2 2 Dally t 0 1 10 0 HhUflnirer 1 2 1" 2 1 Follen v.,..tv,.u.l 1 , i&-t aumri '....iV'. J 'i Vt I .... . rT Totals..... 40 6 27 .16 ,12 AB R IB PO A E Benedict, 2b 4 12 4 0 0 Klndler, lb 5 10 7 0 1 Crelgh, is 5 jl 0 2 4 2 Robinson, r. 'f....f. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Friel, c 4 1 1 11 0 1 Cowgill, 3b 2 0 1112 Reedor. I. f....A.. 4 0 1 1 0 0 Packard, m ........ 4.01101 Gordon, p "... Af 1 0 0 4 0 Totals 36 5 6 27 9 7 SUMMARY. Sacrifice hits Klndler, Packard, Shll Uifgton, Fallen, McDonald. Struck out By Gordon 10, by Gibson 9. Bases on balis By Gordon 2, by Gibson 3. Umpire Crosa. THE NORTHWESTERN GAME. After the third Inning the Northwestern game was a pretty one. After tho pitch ers were substituted only ono hit was made, and that was a misjudged fly. The only other man to reach first was one hit by a pitched ball. It was pitiful to see how tho Northwcstcrners jumped onto Hobby's delivery. Seven hits In one In ning. Tom Crelgh fumbled once; that made him mad and he did It again. It seems that our boys really did, or at least could, outplay Northwestern. Score: Northwestern. AB R IB PO A E Golden, c 4 1 3 13 1 1 Murphy, p 4 11110 Sickles, lb 3 2 2 9 10 McClay, ss 3 0 10 2 3 McChesney. 2b .... 4 1 0 1 3 0 Lowes, 3b 4 2 2-011 Miller, 1. f 3 1110 0 Winter, m 4 10 10 0 Sabln, r. f 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 9 10 26 9 5 Klndler hit by third strike. U. of N. AB R IB PO A E Benedict, 2b 4 113 4 1 Klndlcr. lb 5 12 9 10 Crelgh. ss 3 0 0 2 2 2 Robinson, p. r. f.. 5 0 1 0 1 0 Frlel, c 3 0 0 7 2 2 Packard, m 3 110 0 0 Cowgill. 3b 4 0 0 3 12 Reeder. 1. f 3 1 0.0 0 2 Gordon, p 4 0 10 2 0 Totals 34 4 6 24 13 10 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Gordon, Benedict, lilnd- ler. Struck: out By Murphy 10. Gonloif I, Robinson 2. Stolen bases Northwestern 10, Nebraska 2. Earned runs North western 1. Sacrifice hits Frlel. Bases on balls Off Robinson 2, Murphy 3. Umpire Button. THE CHICAGO GAME. On last Thursday afternoon Nebraska met tbe Chicago university team and was defeated by the close score of 4 to 2. This is the fourth consecutive defeat which the boys have experienced on tbe trip, but they have played good ball not withstanding. The game was lost In the first inning, when Nebraska made two costly errors and three runs resulted. Chicago's crack pitcher, Henry Clarke, struck out ten men. but It will be seen that the boys made seven hits off him, while Gordun held Chicago down to five hits. After the first Inning Nebraska. braced up and put up a fine game, but could not overcome Chicago's lead. The score: Chicago. R IB PO A E IL Clurke. p 12 13 0 Hercbberger, c. f 1 0 1 1 0 Gardner, o 119 10 G. Clarke, ss 0 0 110 Sawyer, r. f 0 0 0 0 0 Abells. lb 1 1 10 0 0 Vernon, 2b 0 112 0 Ha gey. i. f 0 0 10 0 Merrifleld. 3b 0 0 3 2 0 Totals 4 5 27 10 0 Nebraska. R IB PO A E Crelgh, lb 0 1 10 0 1 Klndler, 2b 0 0 5 4 1 Benedict, ss 2 2 12 0 Robinson, 1. f 0 10 0 0 Friel. c 0 17 10 Packard, c f..... 0 1 ft 0 0 Cowgill, 3b 0 1 1 2 1 Gordon, p 0 0 0 4 0 Reeder, I t 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 2 7 U 13 3 SCORE BY INNINGa Chlcagos 3 0000001 4 Nebraska. 0 00100010-2 SUMMARY. Earned runs Chicago 1, Nebraska L First bate by errors Chicago X. Left on bases Chicago 8, Nebraska L First base on balls Off Clarke, Crelgh; off Gordon. Herschberger, Vernon, Merrifleld. Struck out By Clarke 10. by Gordon & Home run Benedict. Three-base bit Gardner. Sacrifice bit Sawyer Stolen base Crelgh. Double plays Benedict to Klnd ler to Crelgh. Hit by pitcher By Gor don, Herscbberger, Gardner, Sawyer, Abells, Crelgh. Passed balls Gardner, Frlel. Umpire Tlndlll. Time of game One hour and fifteen minutes. . BASEBALL BOUNCES. Frlel, who was one of the mainstays of the team last year, has Inspired the play ers with confidence by bl presence be- hlndT- the bat. "Wlly" has met many of bis old friends on tbertrJp. . , i- i- a. - ' - . . . . . t . .. . . U. of N. JDftacon.KlndJer, U Ja, to save spent 'a very pleasant evening with one of Joe Sargcant's lady friends In Chicago. Never theless, "Deke" has be'in playing his same old steady game. ' Cnptnln Packard works like a veteran. He has got his batting eye and seems at homo In tho center garden. Except In base-running, Nebraska has done better work than any team she has met on tho trip. With "Dutch" Wells out of the game, Nebraska Is handicapped In base-running. The boys fattened their batting averages at Drake and Iowa City. That base hits arc things that are only parcelled out to the best of them Is being realised by the player r- The boys' study hours have been cut down, as part of the diy Is now being de voted to batting practice. The team spent Sunday In Chicago, and attended the Congregational church hi a body. Klndler and Benedict were tick at Iowa City, but the rest of the team has enjoyed perfect health. Reeder has been dubbed "Snapper" by tho boys, and he well deserves the name by the way in which he has been picking up line hits off the fence. Cowgill has practiced faithfully since leaving home. He will be able to dispute his right to a position on the team with everybody next year. Eddie Gordon, the ''boy wonder," Is un doubtedly one of the strongest all-around men on the team. Whether In the box or in the field he plays tbe same steady game which has always been characteristic of him. Of cojrse it is unnecessary to say that Robinson plays a good, game. J' Ike Pace has proved to be an excellent manager and he deserves a great deal of credit for the success of the trip Harry Benedict has won many friends by his sharp, snappy fielding and fine bat ting. Benny playing would credit a league team. Crelgh has been captaining the boys on the trip and he Is a drclded success. Intir-Collcgiate 3?ield Day. The Intercollegiate field day contest on the campus Inst Saturday proved to the neighboring sister colleges that the uni versity still holds her own. Wesleyan and Doane both brought down a crowd to witness the field sports. The bleachers were well filled with spectators. Wes leyan colors were In the majority, as they expected to carry the day with their old time runner and the colored jumper who was able, tbey said, to jump as far and long as you could get someone to meas ure the distance. Considerable time was taken up by the Judges in deciding on a protest that was raised against Cunningham of Wesleyan, on the ground of his being a professional. Two witnesses swore that they had seen the gentleman run for money. Cunning ham did not deny that money was spent on him, but said it was given him to pay expense. The Wesleyan combine was completely spoiled by the Judges' first de cision and threatened to take Its toys and go home. Finally the Judges allowed Cunningham to run under protest. The protest was raised because of the fact that those who run with a professional when money Is charged as gate fee. even when there Is no prise or purse up as a stake, are classed as professionals. The first event was tbe shot put, which was won by Babr of Doane, at the same distance that Turner threw it on local field day, 21 feet 11 5i Inches. The next event was tbe event of the day, the liK)-yard dash. There were six entries. Wesleyan was confident of Cunningham winning. As the shot was fired Andresen and Collett xhowed their training and were off at tbe same Instant, with the rest together. All ran bard, with the uni versity boys holding their own. Andre sen finished first, fully two yards In the lead, with Cunningham Just enough ahead of Collett to get second place. The time was 10 4-S, which was considered ex cellent on an uphill track. Tbe hammer throw was won by Carver of Wesleyan at &)i7, which was a good throw for a roan of Carver's size. His shoulders and arms were well developed for such work. The running bigh Jump iwas .eciedly In bfl bands of.W. Mi.- .Andresen andi Klyo who, after 6 -fet 1 Inch had been reached, were tho only contestants. An dresen jumped M 5 feet 4i Inches nnd Kyle 5 feet 1 liihes. The 270-yard l'.ish was won by R. D. Andrrsen. who broke tho university rec ord of last year, making It In 23ti seconds and finishing fully a rod nhcad of Cun ningham. Pcpoon finished third. Tho standing broad jump was won by Moore of Wcsloyan at 9:2H. with Lee of Doane second at 9:2U. Tho SSO-yard run was won by Noyce of Doane, who set a hard pace from tho first and It was thought that he would kill himself before tho finish, but he held the same hard pace and won by several rods In 2 minutes and 14 4-5 seconds. Benedict easily won tho hop, step and Jump over Moore nt 41 feet 9 Inches. He Jumped several more times and made 40 feet 11 Inches. Tho pole vault was easy for Benedict, who vaulted 4 Inches higher than the record and mado 9 feet and raised the stick about a foot It was thought that he could do considerably better, ns ho never knocked the stick down at all and Jumped just enough to win. Tho 410-yard run was awarded to An dresen in 54 4-5 seconds. Running broad jump went to W. E. An drescn at 19 feet S Inches, which is a record-breaker of over two feet for the uni versity record. The hurdle race was won by Patten of Doane in 20 3-5 seconds, with Andresen second. The mile run was won by Noyce, who made good time, running it in 5 minutes and 7 seconds. The points were scored as follows: First place, 5; second place, 3: third place, 1. Results were: Doane, 33 points; Wes leyan, 32 points; University of Nebraska. 50. The officers and managers were as fol lows: Officers Referee, Gelsthardt; Judges, Green, Pound, Raley; inspectors, Hollingshead, Wilson, Don Carlos; clerk, Foredyce; Uarter, Lieutenant Hardin; -Umekfcters, Ord, Clark;-marshall. Cap- taln Gullfoyle. Managers University of Nebraska, G. C. Shedd; Doane college, A. Houston; Wcsleyan, 8. L. Greene. SOMBRERO SUBSCRIPTIONS. After an amount of work that has Jeop ardized credits, tlje Junior annual Is an actuality. Ever college of importance looks upon Its annual as a mater of course, but the present one must receive better support or there is little hope of Issuing another one for some time. There are still unredeemed some 309 subscriptions. The number waa issued on the strength of the.se subscriptions and every one let slide Is not only so much dead loss to the busi ness managers, who have taken the entire financial responsibility, but It Is so much in the bole. If all the annuals subrcril'ed for are paid for the cost will be cleared up, otherwise the business managers have got to stand the difference. The chancellor has backed up the undertaking from first to last, but less than one-fifth of the faculty have taken even one book. With only one week of the semester left. It Is urged that every body step tip and do the right thing. Every fubscriber as he takes his book from the Co-operative will be checked off from the list and there ought to be none to be carried over to next year or ad infinitum. Tbe pupils of Miss Schofleld gave a pleasing recital In the chape! Thursday evening. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance was small. The program, therefore, will be repeated Sat urday evening. "Mlgnon." A. Thomas. Two songs from "Die Wlnterrelse," Schubert, "Solitude." "The Inn." Piano olo. "Slumber Song," Charles F. Dennee. Album Leaf No. 3. Grieg. Cantata, op. 66, Charles Becker, Irene Davison McMlehaei. Pupils of Miss Susie Schoiield. "Flor dl Margherita," L. Ardlti, Violin olo. "Romance," Becker, Willie Mudra. Scotch balad In "La Dame Blanche," Robin Adair. "Laughing Song," from "Manon Les cant," Auber. Klngsley's book "Titus" and "Wrest ler of Pbllippl," 5c. each. School diction aries, translations, fountain pen.', note books, history paper at lowest prices. Book department, Herpolehelmer & Co. Tbe junior girls held a meeting Thurs day afternoon and decided upon tbelr class Insignia- During commencement week next year they will wear caps and gowns, and display tbe daas pin. THE COMPETITIVE DRILL The Campus tho Place of Holdinn the Exhibition. BOYS HAVE WORKED HARD Both In the Individual nnd Company Utill- Mucli Unthuilntn N Manifested This Afternoon. The annual compctltlvo drill between tho four companies of the cadot battalion will occur on Saturday afternoon on tho campus. The .fact that tho drill will bo held right hero at home will doubtless bring out a largo crowd to witness tho drill. The cadets will also be saved tho trouble of marching out to the fair grounds In tho hot sun as they did last year. For the last two or three weeks tho boys havo been working hard In prep aration for this event. The companies have been drilling morning, noon and night and some of them havo even been stealing u little extra tlmo for drill dur ing the chapel exercises. They have all had "blow outs,' adopted company yells and colors and company feeling runs high. The members of each company havo figured out Just how their company Is going to win. Company "A" adherents point to the fact that they have practiced harder than any other company and there fore they are bound to win. Followers of company "B" however do not admt this. They claim that "A" cannot win on ac count of the large size of the company. They also pin their faith to the past good record of company "B." As for company "C" claimants, they base their assertions on the excellent drill which that company is putting up and also just because they belong to company C The members of company "D" are equally Hs confident. Tbey won tbe cup. bast y.ear andj.they-seA Jiognodrasoor-stiv, they cannot turn tbe trick again. But In spite of this talk made by the cadfts in favor of their own company no'je of the captains feel that they havo the cup "cinched" and they are not re laxing their efforts In tbe least. The girls as well as the boys are taking a. great Interest In the drill. Many of them may be seen wearing some one of the company colors which were given tbcm by tbe cadets on the promise that the girls would cheer for a certain com pany at the competitive drill. Company A has adopted colors of scarlet and light blue. R members wear blue and yellow bailees wheh are taken from a pair of Lieutenant Pershing's drill trousers. Pink and olive are the colors of company C, and small sections of ex-Captain Sedg wick's white ducks smeared in red paint and adorned with tbe motto "P. D. Q., 120." serve as colors for the mem bers of company D. There will be a competitive drill be tween the company artillery attachments as well as the infantry drill. While this Is not considered bo Important as tbe company drill, there Is a great deal of interest manifested and the wearers of the red stripe may be seen at practice every evening. Tbe individual drill will also take place the same afternoon. Four men will be selected from each company to! fcnter the final "spelldown" and tbe winner will be awarded the gold medal. In order to make It more nearly possible that the best man may win. Captain Gullfoyle has decided that the contestant will not be thrown out on a mere technicality. Those entering the drill will be Judged not only on their ability to execute tbe manual of arms but also on tbelr soldierly bear ing, their knowledge of tactics and gen eral military proficiency. The winner of the Individual artillery drill will ulso re ceive a gold medal. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. The Kappa Gamma sorority celebrated ILk thirteenth blrihday last Wednesday evening with an elaborate banquet at the beautiful home of Miss Eleanor Raymond. The guests wete seated at one long table, which was profusely decorated with cut flowers, the sorority flower, fleur-de-lis, lHng most prominent The favors were fleur-de-lis stick pins In sliver. After the feast, toasts were responded to by various past and present members of the chapter. The guests separated at a late hour, de claring that this had been one of the most enjoyable of their. anniversary banquets. Prof, II. W. Caldwell will deliver the annual address, May 28, before the grad uating class of the" Palmyra high school.