Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1897)
4 .w r iiny --- . I HI' II . rwirV3:s5py -- -" i -4 4 gEST VtfORK n i t EVANS Established 1889. Telephone 199. Most' Complete and Modern Equipment. L YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. FRANCIS BROS.. mwT& Proprietors C&pjtal Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. It's the Place.. You want to go to when you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, news papers and novels. Always on hand. Eleventh and O streets, Richards block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, C. L. SPENCEK, Mgr. THE M. C LILLY COMPANY Columbus Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OF College and Military Uniforms and Equip ments. Oxford Gowns and Caps, Ban ners Flag etc Correspondence Solicited. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock ot Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST StrLPHO SALJNE Bath House and Sanitarium, Cor. 14th and M streets, Lincoln, Neb. Open at all Hours, Day and Night All forms of bulb TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. DRS. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, electric, with special attention to the ap plication of NATURAL SALT WATER baths, several times Stronger than sen water, for the cure of rheumatism, ner vous difficulties and many other diseases. The Bath House 1b the most complete in the world. Sea Bathing may be enjoyed at all seasons in our large, magnificent Salt Water Swimming Pool, DOxlOO ft., and 3 to 10 ft. deep, heated to a uniform temperature of 8C degrees. IT IS 7,257 MILES LONG AND HAS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN CHICAGO TO DENVER 1025 MILES IN 1047 MINUTEB AND HOLDS THE WORLD'S BECORD. Is the Ahort line. to Chicago, Peoria, EL liouis, ICansaB City, and Denver. No change of cars. For tlcketaand Infor mal i n npp'ly at"Br,&"M. depot or city offlc , co i nor 10th and O sts. "Lincoln, Neb, C. W. BONNELL C. P. & T. A. .111 Best 5ervice t LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest Courtesy. C. EHLERS The Tailor.... uifs LjYaeie. fo Qpreler. Cleaning and Repairing also Done. 12G So, lltb SI, RC,fTBr Intercollegiate Bureau Cotrell & Leonard, 472-478 Broadway, Albany, New York. Makers of the... Caps, Gown and Hoods. to the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc., upon request. Gowns for the Pulpit and the Bench. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. HAKWOOD, President. CHAS. A. BANNA. Vice-President. P. M. COOK. Cashier. C. S. LIPPINCOTT. and H. S. FREEMAN. Afcs't Cashier. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Bporti and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIEB. Managers .should send for samples and special j-ates on uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the best value at least cost. TENNIS GOLF, CRICKET. TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES. Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Library contains books on every form of athletic sport Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICYCLE. Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Try the.. snniTMiun DMDER J. M.PAMCINSEH. PB0PBIETD8. jlt)r AT THE LANSING. Manager Dowden of tho Lansing then, ter announces for the noxt attraction at hs beautiful theater, on Batunlny, May 15, matlnco nnd ovenlng.that successful comedy-drama, "Tho Pulse of Now York." Kow companies now on the road comblno tho literary merit nnd tho real istic scenic effects of this plcco and given with the competent caste which tho man agement has secured, Tlicatcr-gocrs ot tho city look forward to an evening of special plonauro In tho piny. "Tho Pulse of New York" has a record of slxtcon weeks In New York city, twclvo weeks In Chicago nnd no less than six weeks In tho other largo cities, and Is now given exactly as produced originally at the Stnf theater In Now York. Splendid scenery nnd mechanical dovlcca aro carried with which to reproduce such well-known and fascinating pictures of llfo In the metrop olis uh tho lllumlnntrd Brooklyn bridge, the elevated railroad, Herald square by gas light nnd the notoriously wlckca "Flvo PolntH." Two of tho thrilling scenes of the piece nre u stam pile-driver In nctunl operation nnd tho cscitpo of a man and woman from death by hanging under tho "L" tracks as a train dashes ever their heads. Prominent In the cast presenting thl realistic piece are Stella Mnyhcw, a clever soubrcttc, nnd Crls Bruno, come dlan. Into of Charles H. Yates' "Devil's Auction" company. Prices for tho matinee, COc nnd 25c, nnd evanlng prices $1, 75c, 50c nnd 2f.a Seats now on sale at Lansing box ofllco. Tho following Is a clipping from tin Deadwood Time of Jolly Delia Prlnglo and her merry coinnnny which comes to the Lnnalng theater for one week, com mencing Monday. May 17th: It can be truthfully said that the Delia Prlnglo company, now tilling a week's engagement at the opera house, is one of the strongest companies thnt ever came to this city nnd Is being appreciated by the theater-going people of Deadwood. Tho company is drawing good houses and will probably continue to do so throughout their engagement. Their plays aro all new and their specialties catchy and up-to-date. Delia Prlngle la an actress capable of taking the dlfllcult roles and portraying them In a mannei thnt wins the admiration of every man, woman nnd child in the audience. Mr. Adams' comedy goes well and his special ties tend to enliven and please. It must be suld of Richard .uarsden that he Is one of the cleverest actors who ever set foot upon the stage of the Deadwood opera house. He has a voice, style ana conception which, by his long experience and tact, he can suit to any role that may be assigned to him. Such an actor must be valuable to any company. The premutation of "The True American Girl" last evening was splendid. Seats are now on sale at the box office. Prices, parquet and boxes, 23 cents, all balance of house 10 cents. Secure your seats early. Don't forget the ladleB' and children's matinee Saturday 10 cents all over the house. "FOR FAIR VIRGINIA." A dramatic offering of unusual value and Interest will appeal to our play goers on Monday evening. May 24th, at the Lansing theater, when Mr. and Mrs, Russ Whytal will be seen in the former's romantic drama "For Fair Virginia-" It is a domestic story abounding in hean interest and having a stirring buck ground of the civil war. It is a piece that must appeal to every American who has not become blase and dyspeptic from overfeeding on English society plays and French farces of more than questionable morality. The two love stories which aru distinctly interwoven are alternately re tarded and carried forward by exciting episodes. The battle's roar is heard but not seen, and the suggestion proves am ply sufficient. There Is an abundance ot novel and spontaneous comedy, in fact, the lighter characters are so effective that it is in one of them that Mrs. Why tal appears. Tho more serious work lb in the efficient hands of an excellent company, headed by such well-known players as Mabel Bert, Frank Doune, George F. Farren and that exceptionally clever and attractive child actress, Lottie Briscoe. A complete and handsome scenic outfit Is carried and the play Is presented under the direction of M, Julan Magnus, whose has brought hen many admirable attractions. This attraction will close the regular season of the Landing theater. Prices $L 75c, 50c and 25c Seats on bale Friday morning. (Continued from flrstpage.) through. He caught an almost impossi ble fly, lined out three singles three times in buccehslon and stole four bases. Reeder put up an elegant fielding game. WJth two men out in the ninth inning, Sam Crawford sent a liner almoht to the fence, but Reeder got there ome way or other and cut off Sam's hopes. Wells' base running was a feature of the game. On the whole. Itobinbon was given excellent bupport The only sem blance of an error that was made was a low throw to first by Wells, which did not result Seriously. UNIVEUSITY. IB: DRAKE. 0. DEB MOINES, la.. May 11. (Speolal.)- The university of Nebraska baseball team showed what it could do today by defeat ing Drake university by the score of 15 to 0. The boys put up a. stiff game at the bat after the fourth Inning, making one triple, live two-baggers and one single off Fouts. Gordon was put In the box dur ing the labt three Innings. A single, a base on balls and a wild pitch put men on second and third base, but he siruck out the next two men and Klndler took In a liner which retired the side. This was the only time Drake had any chance of scoring. Caugill played third base and Packard went to centre. The Bcore; tt nt v 0 00 0G 8C 1 15 Drake 00 0 000000 0 Batteries Robinson, uoraon ana nw, Fouts and Ho bens. Base hits U. of N.7, Drake 4. Errors U. of N. 2. Drake 12. Struck out By Robinson 4, Gordon ? Fouts 2. Umpire, Leighton. FAST TIME, THROUGH TABS. To Omaha. Chicago and points In Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in con nection with the C. & N. w. By. oners the best service and the fastest time. Call or write to me for time cards, rates, etc. E. U. SLOSBON, Genegar agent It's No Longer Where the young Goods and Hate. It's at the THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Thoro is n ronBon for thiB. Tho Armstrong Clothing Go. aro up-to-dnto and carry a stock which would do credit to Chicago or Now York. A Word about Spring Suits Wo havo an entirely now stock and our suits for young men at $5.40, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 havo a stylo and snap to thorn which is only equaled by our best Merchant Tailor work. It costs you nothing to investigate. Call and inspect tho best lino of Clothing, HatB. and Furnishing GoodB in No braBk before you buy. Wo will SAVE you DOLLARS. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. 1013 to 1019 O Street, Lincoln. J.L.Stcphens, President; Harry E.Wllbon, SUITOER June, July OUR SPECIALTIES... Penmanship, (both slant and vertical). culation, Bookkeeping, Business Practice, History oi nanaing, Tarm ami Financial History or the united States, Commercial Law, Shorthand, Typewriting, Reporting. We can accomodate you in any of these special branches in any way to suit you, cither for full or part time. Wrlto us, stating what you desire and we will give you a special rate. 11th and O sts. American Teachers' 6-71 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. With branches in twenty-eight leading cities, and sub-agencies In nearly all edu cational centres. One fee (J2.O0) registers in the Main Office, and also gives full ben efits of membership In the twenty-eight branches. We guarantee satisfactory ser vice, and better service than any other teachers' bureau, or refund fee on de mand. Membership certificates may be purchased from the Publishers of this pa per, or directly from the Syndicate. In either case satisfaction is guaranteed by the Syndicate. ( IttA Brians :?5 mtf 'Win aiaL '" 'It Ul iMJPM Jl 3v&fc Qlo.U vw, Rates $2 to $3.50 per Preparatory School to the State University. (School of Music building.) The Preparatory School fully prepares First semester begins Sept 20. 1B97. Bummer SesBion June 1 to Sept. 17. (iu weeKB). If you wish to "make up" work durlna the summer the PREPARATORY School Is the only place. Ten university preparatory instructors and approved tutors. Turn the eyes of your friends toward the university by sending them the "announcement" of the PREPARATORY SCHOOL, or by hand us the names of Buoh as need further preparation. Call at the office In School of music building or see, C W. WALLACE, Director. Klngsley's book. "Titus" and "Wrest ler of Phllippl," Iks. each. School diction aries, translations, fountain pens, note books, history paper at lowest prices. Book department, IJerpolsbelmer & Co. French, German and Latin dictionaries will bo sold to students of the university for $1.11 cents each. These are the reg ular $1.H editions. Gold Iridium pointed fountain pens are still selling at 09 cents each. Book Department, Herpolchelmer and Company. Dr. BX COOK, practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat 12U O street Just tny a 10c box of Caacarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ver made. a Question men buy the Nobby Furnishing Secretary; W. C. Stephens Treasurer. SCHOOL, '97 and August Spelling. Business Arithmetic. Ranld Cal Expert Accounting, Political Economy, Bureau Syndicate. TH6 -f -r LINCOLN AUSTIN HUMPHREY, Manaqeu. IltA P. HlGUV, Chas. A. Cuate, ....Clerks. busAw, fctowk. day.. go Home Is Keally Coajlete Without a new Washburn &" Prior have been scaled down as a result of the vvuiJiburu's ruunnoua popularity bo that now you can buys eenutue Waihbura of the i cry latest deiljpa From $15.00 Upward. The new Wathbura Mandolin Is a. radical depart ure from former styles, it Is lie aenlest, daintiest and lightest Mandolin imaginable, and its tone ap proaches ery uear to that of a Me old Cremona Violin. M'lifcliburus are bold at fixed and uniform prices by aJ) tost-class music dealers eirry where. Waskburns are the sckno wledced standard of the world. They are used exclusively by the leading Artists, Teachers and Glee Clubs. Our new Wash burn catalogue containing portraits of over J 00 Artiutsand I ull lnf onnaUon, price, rndorsements, etc will be i-ent free on receipt of application, II your local dealer cannot supply you we will send Waihburns C O. 0. wlih privilege of examination, Cirect from the factory. A Wacfaburn Improves with age and makes a Gift that Increases in vstlue as the years go by. It li really worth mnoy U me its cost LYON & HEALV, Corner Wabash Ave, and Adams St, Chicago. Uou't 'J uatw) Bpit and Saioke Xinr Lile Awaj. it ju 1 a.i t in juit tobacco UBliitf euklly iu J ioiovor.l.KwuJewuli.fctrvUg.ini.BLkotii;, J uil ul uviv Jji-o and vigor, Ulto JNo-lo-Buc, the- ivoudut '-worker, that xuultus weak men s'rong. Many grin ten pounds In ten days. Ovor 400,000 cured. BuyNo-To-Iiaoof your druggist, under jcuaruntee to cure, Wy or 1 .u Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad, Bterllug lieinedy Co.,Cbieaeo or Hevr York. 'nr4 1 VK'puyr 4 tusmatft" li