The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 15, 1897, Image 3

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Who wnntn a tlokot to
tho b
Mliis Cora lClmoro mado a uhort visit to
Sterling Ififlt Monday,
O. H. Thomnfl visited his homo at Har
vard last Saturday.
H. Edgron hnd two children,
loft last wook for Sweden.
Mrs'. ,A.
Miss Ktto Gray, '95, of Fromont, visited
tho university this wcok,
Tho English club mot for a business
session Thursday afternoon,
IP. T. Hlloy loft Thursday to accompany
tho baso ball team on Its eastern trip,
MIhs Ahno Minor was Initiated Into tho
Delta Gamma sorority Thuisday evening,
May 0,(
Tho homo of Professor and Mrs, Candy
was gladancd Saturday by tho birth of a
Superintendent C. A, Fulmer of the Kd.
gar schools visited tho university Inst
On Thursday Prof. T. L. Lyor. loft
for Pittsburg, Pa In response to a mos
sago anpounclng tho serious lllnoss ofhU
mother In that city, A 'his mothor t"v
over soventy years of ago Profossor Lyoii
had little hopo for hor recovery,
Tho registrar has posted tho schedules
for the final examinations, whloh bogln
May 20 and continue through to Juno 2.
Tho system which proved so satisfactory
last scmostor will be followed again for
this semester.
Tho cadot battalion was Inspected on
Wednesday aftornoon by Major Mooro,
who In tho government Inspector for thu
department of tho Platte. During the
tnspcotlon it bogan to rain, but tho boys
stood In tho wot until tho Inspection was
ovor. '
Tho Phi Kappa Psl fraternity was at
homo last Friday evening to tholr uni
versity frlonds In tholr now houso on CJ
Btruot. Mcmbors of tho fratornlty re
ceived, assisted by Lincoln frlonds, Icos
woro sorved during tho ovonlng,
Tho Junior Annual camo out as prom
ised Friday morning. In tho library, on
tho steps, on tho bonchos ovorywhoro
ovoryboJy read tho Sombroro, Tho class
of 'OS has produced an unusually attrac
tive volume, both In mattor and make-up,
On account of tho chapol talk, 10
o'clock classoH recited at 11 o'clock
Thursday morning.
Momboi-H of tho Political Economy club
and nil others Interested should romonx
bor tho nddrcsH by Kov. H. S. Mauyoal
of Omaha noxt Tuosday ovonlng, Ma
18, In room 23, library building. Ho will
speak on "Tho Itollglous Elomont In Politics."
Prof. H. W. Caldwoll lectured last Sat
urday boforo tho Nemaha county teach
ors' association at Auburn. He spoko on
tho thome, "Tho Influence of tho Frontier
on Amorlcan History and tho Hls;ory of
Civilization," and dovoloped especially tho
Idoa that It was a frontier which made
tho Amorlcan nation and created on
American democracy. A largo and In
terested audlcnco appreciated his addross
In a high degree. A curious Incident camo
out during tho session that Prof. Cald
woll taught his first school In that county
and that tho presiding ofneor, D. W.
Plerson, thon county superintendent, ex
amined him for his first teacher's certificate
Tho company A captains' medals aro
now llnlshcd nnd on exhibition In Har
ris' Jewelry storo.
Tho Dolta Gramma sorority gavo a box
party at tho gleo club concort last Wed
nesday evening.
Clinton N. Parr, a former studont, now
teaching at Lltchlleld, visited tho uni
versity thto wcok.
II A Toeters of Ithlca, 'was Initiated
Into the Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity,
last Thursday night.
P.. P. Teelo spent a couplo of days last
week with Harry O. Barber and W. W.
Wilson at Nebraska city.
Prof. G. E. Barber went to Nebraska
City Friday to visit his son Harry and
onjoy a brlof pleasure outing.
Misses Georgia Camp and Ulancho Gar.
ton leave tomorrow for Ithaca, N. "X.,
whoro thoy will represent tho Kappa
ohnptor at tho gonoral conforonco of tho
Delta Gamma sorority, which moots this
yoar with tho chapter at Cornoll univer
sity, Thoy will bo gono one wcok.
Holmrod and tho other thirty-two fel
lows who were smooth enough to obtain
window passes to tho gymnasium last
Saturday night, folt so happy over tholr
success that they wont down town after
the program and had a blow out at
Helmrod's expense. They have been con
gratulating themselves ever since.
Dan E. DePutron..
Photographer's Supplies
Tho faculty ladles' club met Wednos
day afternoon with Mrs. G. E. MacLcan,
1037 H street. They elected offlccrs.
Chancellor G. E. MacLoan did not at
tond ITio Kansas-Nebraska debato at Law
ronco last Friday as the press dispatches
stated. Ho went down Saturday, howover,
and spoko before the Christian associa
tions of Kansas university, fulfilling an
J engagement ho could not meet two weoks
before becauso of washouts and Irregular
train service.
Mr. Earnest Correll of Hebron, a former
student In tho university, visited with
Mr. Tyroll Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week.
Tho freshmen will moot today at 2 p.
m. A now constitution Is under considera
tion, and If adopted an election of offlcors
will occur soon.
Wot grounds at Council Bluffs Thurs
day mado It necessary to glvo up tho
gamo scheduled thoro with tho university
team for that aftornoon.
Dr. H. K. Wolfo went to Dorchostor Inst
Saturday and lectured on child-study and
pedagogy before an enthusiastic and In
terested body of Snllno county teachers.
Tho Tennessee Centennial and Interna
tional Exposition which Is to bo held at
Nashville the first week In July has sot
onb day, July 3, to be Sigma Alpha Epsl
lon loy.
Tho university debating association
elected ns otllcers for tho ensuing yoar,
E. B. Perry, president; W. H. Sackett,
vlco-presldont, and F. G. Hawxby, sour
H. C. Parmoloo went up to his homo In
Omaha last Tuesday morning and took
In tho gleo club concert thoro in tho evon
ing. He roturned with tho glee club the
following day.
Kappa Alpha Thota fratornlty charm
ingly entertained a party of friends last
Saturday evening after tho cIobo of th.
girls' gymnasium exhibition at tho homo
of Mls3 Jeno Tuttle.
Mrs. T. J. Curtlss and Mrs. Fred Shep
hord, both of Lincoln, mother and slstor
of Miss Edna Curtlss, a studont at tho
university, died Thursdav within a fow
hours of each other. Soveral years ago
Mrs. Shepherd was a university student
and a mombor of tho Union society. Th,
society has passed resolutions of condot-onco.
Sole agent for the Prcmo Cameras,
the very best in the market, ranging in
price from $10 to $120.
Cheaper Cameras from $1 to $9. Also
.agent for Stanley Dry Plates, the
cheapest and best. I have Supplies for
all sizes of cameras.
Call at Room 4, 1041 O Street, and see
them. P. O. Box 973.
DR. P. D. StteRWIN
Cataphorosis for Painless Filling.
Boom 17. Burr Blk Second Floor.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
Trunks. Valises
For Summer Tourists and Others.
Old Trunks in Exchange for New Ones.
A benefit will be given In the chapei
noxt Thursday ovonlng, May 20, for the
Lake Gonova fund of tho, Christian asso
ciations. An excollont llurary and mua
lcal program Is being prepared whloh will
moro than repay tho time and money
spent to hoar It. Students cannot bestow
10 cents on a moro worthy cause than
this is.
Livery, Baggage
and Hack Line.
121 North Eleventh Street.
HACKS Nos. 89, 42, 54, 76, and 85.
All calls answered promptly, day or night
Polite hackmen, always to bo rolled upon.
Tolephone No. 31, Lincoln, Nobr.
c. j&.. -wiiRzcrK:, ifiroj?.
By taking u m
And Norfolk Branch.
All Points in Kansas.
Keep this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation.
Nebraska Pant
and Suit Company
1217 O Street. West Half of Trunk Factory
Pants to order, $3.50, $4. J5 and
Suits, $18, $20 and up
Prof. E. W. Davis gave an Interesting
address Thursday morning, during tho
chapol hour, on tho llfo and work of Di.
Sylvester, an Oxford man, who camo to
America some years ago to fill tho chair
of mathematics at the John Hopkins uni
versity. It was there that Dr. Davis
know personally this distinguished mutn
omatlclan and where ho worked undet
him as a studont. Tho occasion of the
lecture was Dr. Sylvester's recent death.
Cloaking, Overcoalng and Vesting
Goods by the yard.
All work first-class and guaranteed.
Early noxt weok sonlors may find theli
commencement Invitations ready for dis
tribution at tho co-operatlvo book storo.
Thoy should be prepared to pay for tho
full number thoy ordered.
Sutton & Hollowbush have again mado
tholr offer this year of five pounds of
candy to the winning company in tho
competitive drill, also two pounds of
candy to the person winning tho Individ
ual drill.
Dr. Charles E. Dessey went to St. Louts,
Missouri, Thursday to dollvor an address
Friday ovonlng on "The Endowment or
Solence," at an annual banquet given by
tho Missouri Botanical Gardens, In honor
of Its foundor, Henry Shaw.
"Hunk" Muellor left the university last
Tuesday to accopt a position with a B. &
M. surveying party In the southern part
of tho state. Ho hustled around and left
his credits In good shape and will rotunr
ln September to continue his work.
Tho senior picnic Saturday aftornoon at
Lincoln park was not largoly attended.
Those who went howover, report a very
pleasant time, and no Inconvenience from
tho rain. The party took tho car for tho
park about one o'clock in the afternoon,
returning- In tlmo for the gymnasium ex
hibition ln the evening..
"Tho University" Is tho latest and pret
tiest thing In tablets. It comes In ah
sizes, lottcr, packet and commercial notu,
It Is embossed In scarlot letters "Urn.
vorslty of Nebraska" and Is sold by us
for less money than Is usually charged
for cheap tablets with ordinary printing.
We have embossed envelopes to match
tho above tablets. The latter are In nil
sizes In ordinary use, both baronial and
government. Book department, Herpoi
shelmor & Co.
Northwestern University
Medical School.
The regular course Is four years, with
conditions for advanced standing. This
school claims superiority In tho extent
and thoroughness of laboratory courses,
and In the great variety of Its clinical
material and the methods by which It
Is utilized In teaching. For circulars of
Information address the Secretary,
2431 Dearborn, St. Chicago.
An lnvltltlon has been extended to Rev.
Edward Evorett Hale to dollver the an
nual Phi Beta Kappa address during the
commencement week. In caBe ho ac
cepts he will speak In tho evening of tho
day ho dollvers tho commencement ora
tion, thus relieving tho pressure, already
folt, of tho demand for morning tickets.
Undor this arrangement seats "or tho
morning oration will be reservea strictly
for unlvorslty people, while tlckots foi
the address before tho Phi Beta Kappa
sooloty will be given out moro gonorallly
to frlonds of tho unlvorslty who desire to
hear this renownod New Englander.
Tho ladles of the faculty and members
of the art department of tho woman's
olub were Invited last Monday afternoon
to visit Miss Parker's studio In the h.
brary building and view tho attractive
pictures and works of art. The rain made
It Impossible for a great many to bo
present. Tho pretty studio was adorned
with floral decorations. Her etohlng of
an old windmill built at Lawrenco, Kan.
by the, Dutch settlers proved attractive.
ThU mlll.and itha state university are the
two points of Interest in that town yet.
Miss Parkor also received each afternoon
during tho woolc.
is i 4 A
Doaler In
Fine Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silverwar,
Clocks, Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Gold
Headed Canes and Umbrellas,
Spectacles, Etc.
Watch repairing, engraving and Optical -work a specialty,
lnlng the eyes.
No charge for exam-
1143 O Street,
Funke Opera House Block.
Neraska Tent and Awning Co.
130 and 138 No. 11th St.,
Phono 745.
Summer Camping Outfits,
Tents, Awnings, Tarpaulins,
and Covers of all kinds.
Out of town orders promptly attundod to
LOUIS DOYLE, Pkop. and Man.
Palace Dining Hall
1130 N Street,
Llncolrj, Nebr,
The LargeBt and Beet Equipped
Eating House In the City.
Special ratesto atudento. Eloctrio Fans
A.G.'OSMER, Pn'oi.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas
City Ticket Office. 201 0 Btreet
H. C. Townbend, Gen'l P. & T. A.
F. D. Cornell, O. P.& T A.
Ghas. B. Gregory n
TJ. of IT., '91. W
At 1100 0 St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
The Most Popular Photograph Gallery in the State4.
BFEJCIAri On'o ibeautlful colored Cabin et, mounted on a largo card, given wiu
eac5'Qozen of our, beat Cabinets. Special raea to students. T. "W, Townsend, Prop.