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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1897)
&ftlnm'-fmS,amt r t Mi ' il 8 .-. :l'T03Lff ASKAN. in , Vol. V. No. 30 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA,! LINCOLN, MAY 15, i8q7. Price $ Cents. M 4 &&&& l5v tT,"I " VM V mA -" 1 ' a I mum m NJuJtirv L THREE STRAIGHT VICTORIES Drake University and Wahoa fiet Shut Out. OUR TEAM PLAYING GOOD' BALL Tno Indentions thn, Our lloyH nro Prepared to Olvo nil Comers u Ilurtl TuhhIo l)o tnllNof thoQnmoH. UNIVERSITY 7, OIUaiNALS 3. Tho Unlvoralty team dofcatcd tha Orig inals of Omaha In a pretty gamo of ball on hint Saturday nftornoon by a score ot 7 to 3. Tho game, howovor, lackod tho oxoltomont which characterized tho Kama with tho other Omnhn team, ns tho uni versity boys wore In tiio lend from start to finish. Tho dny was far from nn Ideal ono us far nn baseball Is concerned, Tho sk wan dark and threatening and tho guatn of wind whloh Hwopt over tho diamond almost blinded tho players with dust. Tho wind storm llnally grow bo violent tii at tho gamo wns called at tho end of tho sovonth Inning. In splto of tho threatening weather a good-Blzed crowd Haw tho gamo, Benedict did not piny In tho game, but his plnco was nbly tilled by Pnco. Wells wns back again in his old position at third base, whero ho played an excellent game. Ho made several beautiful stops of hot grounders, although ho Is credited with an error. Ho also lod In batting, making a throo-bagger nnd n baso hit. Taylor pitched a good gamo for tho vis itors, holding our boys down to six hits, but thoy found him when hits wero needed and In this way, assisted by ono or two costly errors, tho University won tho gnmc. Robinson mndu his first ap pearance In tho box for Nebraska nnd let tho Originals got seven hits oft his delivery. Howovor, Roby kept tholt hits well scattered so that only thrco runs wero scored. Waller led tho Orig inals In batting with tlireo oafo hits, jyclbj starjtedth.Oygamo with a threo baso hit Into right Hold. KIndler knocked a grounder down to shortstop which wns too hot to handlo and Wells scorca. Crelgh llnod out another thrco-bnggcr nnd Klndlcr canio home. Crelgh wns put out a moment Inter whllo trying to get home. Pnco went out on n liner to sec ond and Robinson ended tho Inning by fouling out. After Gruhnm had been retired, Wallor got sufo to first on an error. Lewis thon sent a grounder to Crelgh and Waller and Lowls wero doubled up. In tho second Gordon went out on nn easy ball. Packard was hit by tho ball and thon stole both second and third bases, Rocdor was given his bnso on balls. Tho Orlglnnls then worked n neat trick on Nebruaku. Reeder started for Bocoud bnso, knowing that If tho bull wero thrown there Pncknrd would run In homo. But Cntcher Graham, protending to throw tho ball down to socond, throw It to tho pitcher nnd Packard was cuught between bases. Mcnnwhtlo Reeder had run around between socond nnd third bnso, and ho too was put out. In their turn It wns another gooso egg for tho Originals, although they got a man as far as third base. Taylor and Scully wero easily put out when Brad ford got to llrst on nn error nnd stoU second. Rooney hit safe Into right, but Gordon. fielded tho ball so quickly that Bradford only got as fnr as third base. Roby thon spoiled their chance of scor ing by fanning out Whipple In tho next inning Nebraska also re ceived a goose egg. Kcnagy How out to left. Wolls struck out and KIndler was put out In an attempt to steal second after having got his baso on balls. In the latter half of tho third Inning tho Orig inals, with a base hit aided by two er rors, mndo their first score. After Whit ing had been thrown out at first, Graham reached first on an error. Waller thon mado what was really only a baso hit, but Rcodor lot tho ball pass him and Graham Bcored, Wallor going to third. It might bo mentioned hero . that tho dark clouds rendered it very difficult for tho fielders to see tho ball and this par tially accounts for Boeder's error. Lewis knocked a grounder to Crelgh and Wallet was thrown out at home. Packard made a beautiful long running .catch of Tay-. lor'B fly. In tho fourth Nebraska, cinched her narrow load by making tout iuns. Tay lor missed Croigh's high fly -and Pace bunded'. Tho bnlj was thrtwW' wild to first" and Crelgh scored, Pao '.going to third. Roby wns glvon four wide oiioh and was allowed to walk and then ha stolo second, Gordon enmo In hero with a tlinoly hit nn,d both Pnco nnd Roby scoVod. Gordon got around to third on tho play and scored on Pnakard's out In left field, Reodor wont out on a tly to shortHtop and Knngy ended tho fun by striking out. Tho Originals had nn excellent chnnco to score In their turn, but failed, Scully wns easily disposed of at first base, whon Bradford lined out a throo-bnggci. Roonoy wns hit by tho pitcher and glvon his bnso, but ho was thrown out whllo trying to steal second. Whipple utrueH, out nnd Ilrndford died on third. Tho fifth Inning netted Nebraska one moro run. Wells hit Bafoly and wont to second on a grounder hit by KIndler, who wns thrown out nt first. "Dutch" thon mndc a lino steal to third baso whllo tho catcher was throwing tho ball back to tho pltchor, Crelgh struck out ana thon Wells scored Nebraska's last run on a passed ball. Pnco onded tho run, getting In on un easy grounder. Tliu visitors also mado tholr last scores In tho fifth Inning. Aftor two men had boon retired thoy scored two runs. Wells mndo a beautiful stop of Whiting's groundor nnd Graham struck out. Wal ler mado his usual bnso hit and Lowls got to first on nn error. Both scoied on Tnylor's thrce-bnso hit. Scully 'fnlled to got to first and Taylor wns left on third. In tho Blxth Roby knocked a groundor through first base and went to second. Ho wns ndvnnced to third on Graham's out, but ho got no further. Packard struck out and Reeder knocked a llttlo pop-up. It was tho sumo old thing ngnln with tho Orlglnnls, except that they wero disposed of a llttlo faster than usual. Bradford wns given his bnso on bnlls, whon both ho nnd Rooney wero ncntly put out on tho lnttcr's grounder to Crelgh. Whlpplo wns retired on a fiy to second. In tho seventh Nebraska wont out In ono, two thrco order. For the Originals Graham got to second bnso, but ho dlea thorc. Crelgh opened tho olghth with a homo run Into right field. At this point tho wlndtornvlscamo no -hnd that th gamo was called by Umpire Frlcl. Croigh's run did not count nnd tho score remained 7 to 3 nn It was at tho end of tho soventh Inning. Tho score: Ncbrnska. AB R BH PO A E Wells, 3b -12 2 111 KIndler, lb 3 10 0 10 Crelgh, ss 3 1 1 4 4 1 Pnco, 2b 3 1 2 2 1 0 Robinson, p 2 1 0 1 .4 0 Gordon, rf 3' 110 0 0 Packard, cf 3 0 0 10 0 Reeder, If 2 0 0 1 0 1 Kcnngy, o 3 0 0 2 10 Totals 2G 6 21 12 Orlglnnls. AB R BH PO A E araham, c 3 1 1 G 1 0 Wnllor, 2b 4 13 3 3 1 Lowls, lb 4 1 0 1 0 0 Taylor, i 4 10 0 11 Scully, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Bradford, ss 2 0 113 1 Roonoy, 3b 2 0 112 1 Whipple, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Whiting, cf 3 0 0 10 0 Totals 28 3 7 21 10 4 Bnses on balls By Robinson 2, by Tay lor 3. Bases on hit by pitcher By Robinson 1, by Taylor 1. Struck out By Robinson 3, by Taylor t. Left on base Nebraska 1, Originals C. Passed bnlls By Grahnm 1. Double plnys Crelgh to Pace to KInd ler, Crelgh to KIndler. Three baso hits Tnylor, Brndford, Wolls, Crelgh. Umpire Frlel. Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nobrnska 2 0 0 4 1 0 07 OrlglunlB 0 0 10 2 0 03 U. OF N. 10, WAHOO 0. The lnbt gamo of ball played at tht homo grounds beforo tho eastern trip was played Tuesday with Wahoo. Tho boys from Wahoo thought thoy wore not going to have a very difficult time In beating tho university, as thoy had played Council Bluffs and wero beaten by only ono score. But they wero glvon as clean a shutout as any club over re ceived. Thoy put up a very poor gamo at times. They did not make many orrors, "out thoy woro slow all tho time. Whon our boys wero on bases thoy nevoi hesitated to nttompt a steal. It seemea to bo tho policy of tho visitors If thoy wero' fortunato enough to reach first to wait until a hit was mado before advano. Ing to second. Onco a man Who had made a- good clean hit thought he would take second on It, but ho was cut oft very neatly by Gordon's throw to second. Gordon mader ono- of tho cleanest homo suns 'yet ''mado on tho homo grounds. CowglI1"put up,- a .good) game all tho way -1 (Continued on fourth page,) DR, EDWARD EVERETT HALE Irkf Sketch of Our Commencement Orator. A MAN OF VllfATILE HIND Ho Grew Up In u Homoo'f Learning nnd Hits Been BumiNKlvoly n Hcholnr, Journnl 1st, Htntasmnn una Ulorgynmn, Great men usunlly distinguish thorn selves In somo particular occupation or profession. Hpurgcon was a great preach or, Henry Clny was iflgrent stntesmnn. But the limits of any onr vocation are too nnrrow for a mind Ilk? that of Edward Evorott Hnlo'B. In hlmja great preacher, author, philanthropist, and statesman arc all combined In ono man. Dr. Halo was born In Boston, Massa chusetts, April 3, 1822, and has passed a largo portion ot his Ufa In the same city. As a child ho was very fond of books and when six years old began to learn from a Latin primer. His father was a scholarly man and at this time president of the Boston and Worcester railroad. His mother was a groat lovor of books, nnd the boy grew up In a homo whero learning was loved for Its own sake, and where he had tho advantage of tho brightest nnd best society. Dnnlel Web ster wns a family friend, und umong tho others who visited there wero James Rus sell Lowell, William Story and tho Bum- ncrs. Here In tho home bright, Inter esting talks and discussions took place. To such u school us this Dr, Halo owes tho education of his youth as much as to Harvurd. At tho ago of thirteen ho entered Harvard university, nnd gradu ated second In his class, four years later. At this time boating nnd baseball wero not known In Cambridge, but Mr. Halo Joined In tho rough and tumblo football und was a member of tho "cricket club." Ho look a great deal of Interest In botany und for this study kept a garden of his own. Directly after graduating ho returned to. tha Latin school im'Aq.iohur... 4:11s. spam time was employed In all sorts of work on his father's paper, tho Dally Adver tiser. Whon a boy ho leurncd to set type In tho office nnd hus served on tho paper us everything from reporter to ed-ltor-ln-chlef. He was an accurate re porter nnd wns sent to get the most notable speeches made In tho city. His historic studies began when ho was connected with this paper. For six years he was Its South American editor, having been led to the study of Spanish-America When ho expected to become tho reader of W. H. Prescott, tho historian. He hus continued his studies, until now ho Is un authority on Spanish-American affairs. In 1842 Dr. Halo was licensed to preach by the Boston association of Congrega tional ministers. For n time ho supplied various pulpits, spending tho whole winter of 1844-45 In Washington. After leaving college tho only preparation ho had for the ministry was tho work done on tho Advertlsor. Dr. Halo now says: "Any avorago doctor of divinity would say this was a very preposterous course of prep aration for the modern pulpit, for tho general drift of modern habits In Ameri ca almost compels- young men of college training to fo'.low It up by threo years moro of scholastic life at a theological school, If they mean to be prenchers. Porhnps they are exactly the persons who noed to look at life moro In tho nctlvo relations. However this may bo, the six months' training which has proved of most valuo was spent ns tho hnrd work ing prlvnto secretary of my father, who was thon engaged In Pennsylvania In Important work regarding railroads nnd ennuis, boarlng on tho resumption of pay ment of tho Interest on tho Pennsylvania debt." Aftor acting as a supply minis ter for somo time ho was called to tho church of Unity In Worcester, Massa chusetts. Whllo hero ho married Miss Perkins of Hartford, In Worcester ho was noted for the active Interest ho took In active-work among tho people. Ho tried to get personally acquainted with all the business men and mado special ef forts to know the firemen and members of the police force. It was ono of his sayings that "tho man who Is to preaoh to men of affairs must live among them, read what they read, and to a certain oxtont, know what they know." It was customary hero for a minister to bo a member of tho school loard and ho was asked to take to.o place. Ho answered that to bo overseer of the poor was more In his line of duty. Taking him at nls word,,.hO',waB elected to this office. Whllo dlHchnrging this duty he wrote several articles on "Irish Emigration." nnd tho pronont system of state almshouses Is 1mscd on thoso suggestions, Aftor remaining ten years In Worces ter he wns called to tho South Congrega tion church of Boston, of whloh ho Is still pastor. In lfiRIi ho was elected to tho leglslaturo nnd continued to bo re-elected till 1R00. During his Inst term ho filled tho speaker's chair, being tho youngest man ever ohoson to tho olllc. Soon aftor this ho was consul general to Egypt for six years, and wns lnrgely Instrumental In tho nrrest and sending homo of i'ohn II. Surratt. In 1809 Dr. Halo becamo tho editor of a magazine called Old nnd Now, whloh six years later wns merged Into Serlb ner's Monthly. Whllo editor ho wns por fliinded to write a serial story for tho mngnzlne. Ho decided to found tho story on tho llfo of Frederick Greenleaf, a young man whom ho had known In Wor cester, and call him Horry Wndsworth In tho story. Tho result wns his best known book "Ten TlmoH Ono Is Ten." This work led to tho establishment of "Ten Times Ono" clubs, nnd Wadsworth clubs. At present theso chnrltablo associations number moro than 50,000 members and aro scnttered nil over tho world. Besides writing n number of other books he has gulncd populnrlty ns n Bhort story writer. Ills stories uro highly Improbnblo ones, outlining great reforms, but ho succeeds In mnklng them rcnl to tho render. One cnllod "Tho Man Without a Country" wns written during the civil war and did a great deal toward spreading patriotic feeling throughout tho country. In 1871 Dr. Hale was elected to tho statu sennto and appointed chnlrmon of tho railroad committee. Ho drow up tho gen eral rnllrond net now In force. Tho next year he wns mado assistant secretary of State. When fifty-two years old ho was admitted to tho bar, and again elected to tho legislature, serving four years. He hns nlso served a number of terms ns a member of the bonrd of overseers of Har vard. Ho wnB president of tho Phi Beta Kappa society and In '70 received tho S. T. D. degreo at Harvard. . P1: IaJ IjnjJ. ncgomjUlshecl a greaJ.deaX of good by"Tls IntefltgenY knowledge of tho whole country nnd people. Although Boston Is proud to rlnlm him, on nc count of his works he belongs to tho whole country. He has always consid ered that whatever work ho has done In helping the world, to bo n part of his work as a Christian minister. MINNIE P. KNOTTS. THE SENIOR PLAY. Work hns begun on the long looked for nnd much heralded senior piny. There has been n great deal of talk going around of lato about tho senior piny be Ing too Into to produce, nnd a great deal of this emanates from seniors who ought to know bettor. The committee has had a path that was not strewn with roses or nnythlng similar and tho play now represents a grent deal of work. It has been their policy to keep tho Idea of tho piny a Btrlct secret and It wns on this account that somo of tho scntors havo been so hasty In condemning It. Tho parts aro now assigned, however, nnd n thero Is Just nbout four weeks beforo cluss-dny thero Is nmplo tlmo for tho ro henrslng nnd polishing of the perform ance beforo It Is given. Tho parts have been selected with tho greatest care, as slgnment being based entirely on previ ous oxperlcnco of tho different members of tho class, as woll as on their nnturnv nptltudo for certnn pnrts. As It happens tho lnrgest parts aro vory ovenly divided nmong tho different factions In tho class so that no Just complaint of favoritism could bo offered from any quarter. Tho piny Itself, ns wns beforo mentioned, Is to bo kept n seerot until the day of Its production. It deals with university llfo and Is nn entirely origlnnl Idea. Anyono who goes homo without seeing It will bo missing one of tho greatest things of thi yenr. Prellmlnnry rehearsing Is already being done. MACAYEAL TO TALK. Rev. H. S. MacAyeal, of Omaha, will address the university political economy club, Tuesday evening May 18, In room 23 library building, on "Tho Christian Element In Politics." Rev. Mr. MacAyeal 1b pastor of tho Omaha Plymouth Congre gational church and Is generally conceded to be ono of tho brightest young clergy men In the stnto Ho Is a well read man, a eloso student of social and po litical movements, a zealous seeker after the cause and effect. The officers of tho club consider themselves fortunato In be ing ablo to secure so well fitted a man to present this subjqrt to Interested students. KANSAS-NEBRASKA DEBATE For the Second Time the Jayhawk era Win. MANY ODDS TO FIGHT AGAINST Our Hoys Put up n Cleun, Tangible Argument Hart Their Mutter Well In HnnrtV Synopsis of tho Debute. Tho third nnnunl dobato botwoen ICnta siih und Nebraska unlvorBltles tbok pi'aco nt Lawroncc, Kan., last Friday ovonlng. It Is needless to say that a lnrgo nudl onco and Intense onthuslasm greeted tho dobators from tho two universities In forensic rivalry. Tho Kansas "rooters'' had been In training for weeks so ns to do offeotlvo sorvlco for their spokesmen. In tho fuco ot such zeal and aotIvlt, Messrs. IX. 8. Bnkor, G. W. Green nnd J. D, Donlson did not loso courngo no give up all hope. Kansas univorslty wns reprosonted by Messrs. Shurpe, Wood and Coleman. Tho Judges wero Hon. F. H. Doxtcr of Knnsus city, President Mac affeo of Park college and a professor from tho Oklahoma university. Chancellor Snow, aftor mnklng a fow appropriate remarks, read tho quoBtlon for discussion, which wns, "Resolvee., That tho Policy of tho United Stato Should Bo to Extend Her Dominions." Ho announced that tho visiting dobntcrs had tho affirmative and Kansas tho nega. tlvo. Tho affirmative speakers contended that thoy woro only proposing a continuation of our hlBtorlo policy of territorial ex pansion. Tho purchaso of Louisiana and later annexations wore olted as prccs dents In our historical growth nnd ns great factors In strengthening' our re sources nnd multiplying our possibilities I'rominont publicists nnd America! statesmen wero cited as oxpononts of gruuuui nnu conservative expansion ol our boundaries. Tho political organlzal tlon of tho atato should extend with thfl social and Industrial organism and thus onaClb tho""ttnItcd Stalc3operfeclTiior geographical unity. Tho Anglo Saxon race Is tho only ruco whloh has with stood being amalgamated by non-Aryan elements and tho latter havo been com polled, under the law of tho "survival ot tho fittest," to adopt Its Institutions, Ian guago and laws. Tho Anglo Snxon Is so largely In, nv merlcnl ascendancy on tho continent that thero Is no fear of an ethmlcal confilct with tho foreign elements. Our Institu tions have shown themselves cnpablo of growth and the state should dovolop as an expanding moral organism. Tho poL Itlcal vitality of tho Teutonic race Is shown In tho fnct that It has given po. Itlcal organization to modern Europe. Our people nro going beyond our bound aries und completely Americanizing th6 adjneent territory, us Is seen In Canada und northern Mexico, and thus expansion Is tho only logical result. Tho federal stato Is capablo of great capnclty becnuso It reconciles locnl nutonomy with nntlonal unity In political action. Wo would In cronao our resources nnd multiply our possibilities and glvo homes to millions of peoplo with tho benefits ot tho federal system of government by continuing our historic policy. To nccept tho policy of tho negative would mean territorial stag nation and tho adoption of tho Ironclad rulo that tho state should not change Its boundaries with changing conditions. How can the territorial destiny of tho federal stato bo foretold In this progres sive ago? Expansion Is consistent with our Internnl development. Tho Anglo Snxon hus shown himself capablo ot cop ing with problems of tho first magnitude In conceiving and forming tho federal union nnd ho will not give up In despair tho solution of minor domestic questions. Messrs. Baker, Green and Donlson had tholr subject matter well In hand and presontcd it In a scholarly, clear and forcible manner. Their argument was strong nnd convincing and tho audience showed their appreciation of tho boys' offorts In freoly extending them congrat ulations. Although two out of the threo Judges decided against them, they may rest assured that they put up a tangible argument which the negative refused to attack during tho whole discussion. Tho negative speakers urged that tho expansion policy was Inspired by greed and avnrlco. It placed commercial gain ns tho good of our existence. Tho United States needed no moro territory and sho had plenty of commercial advantages. There was no danger of war and from a military standpoint the policy was not Justifiable. Tho courso of events pro. sonted different conditions from what ex- l Isted when wo made previous annexa tions, we aro tne weaitniost nation m tho world and have already many domes tic problems to settle. Theso must bo settled If wo nro to nssure our existence. Extension of our boundaries would In. urease our Intornal complications. Tho Anglo Saxon has yet to amalgamate tho negro and foreign elements, Tho Kansas speakers did not havo their subject matter well in hand and their presentation could' bo much Improved upon. V