The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 07, 1897, Image 4
n r aw rr t p , ' ' , mia.jili- ' if ' T " " K J) JgEST tyQRK Established 1889. Telephone 199. Most Complete and Modern Equipment. ys YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. ITO A MIC ttttS-Sd 121 North Proprietors Opltl Cftfe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. It's the Place.. You want to go to whon you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, news papers and novels. Always on hand. Eleventh and O streets, Richards block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, C. L. SPENCER, Mgr. THE M. C LILLY COMPANY Columbus Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OP College and Military Uniforms and Equip ments. Oxford Clowns and Caps, Ban ners Flags eto Correspondence Solicited. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a comploto stock of Stundard and Miscellaneous Books. I 27 SO. ELEVENTH ST SULPH03ALINE Bath House and Sanitarium. Cor. 14th and M utreots, Lincoln, Neb. Open at all Hours, Day and Night All forms of batlt TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. DRS. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, electric, with speclnl attention to the ap plication of NATURAL SALT WATER Saths, several times stronger than Ben water, for the cure of rheumatism, ner vous difficulties and many other diseases, Tho Bath House Is tho most complete in the world. Sea Bathing may be enjoyed at all seasons In our large, magnificent Salt Water Swimming Pool, 60x150 ft., and 3 to 10 ft. deep, heated to a uniform temperature of 36 degrees. IT IS 7,257 MILES LONG AND HAS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN CHICAGO TO DENVER 1025 MILES IN 1017 MINUTES AND HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD. Is the short line to Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Donver. No chango ofcars. For tickets and Infor mation ;appjy at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O sts. Lincoln, Neb. G. W. BONNELL C. P. & T. A. Best Service I EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest... Courtesy. i5-J&ss;s lltht C. EHLERS The Tailor.... uils A'lacle. io (preler. Cleaning ami Repairing also Done. 126 SO, lltll SI, 0vo-ohlonbur8'sC.Rar Intercollegiate lluruau Cotrell & Leonard, 472-178 Broadway, Allmny, New York. Makers of tho... Caps, Gown and Hoods. to tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc., upon request. Gowns for the Pulpit and the Bench. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. IIARWOOD, President. CHAS. A. HANNA, Vice-President. F. M. COOK. Cashier. O. S. LIPPINCOTT, and II. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Sports and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES. Managers should send for sampler and special rates on uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the best value at least cost. TENNIS GOLF, CRICKET, TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES; Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Library contains books on every form of athletic sport. Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICYCLE. Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Try the.. snniTMiun MKDER J. H.PARKIHSEH, nwiimi HOF w THE FIELD DAY EXERCISES. (Continued from flratpugo.) Hod tho envelope somewhat, whloii might havti boon responsible for Homo gain In tlino. The mowingo In "it supposed to bo torn or mutilated, when delivered, I.iiu miulo a good mart at thu report of tho PW; tol, nnd Cushnmn Mulshed with good Hpeod -Tlmo am. , Tho ton cniluiH whloii represented Com pany C, wore, True, Minium, Worcester, Mnnsllold, Allen, Hiiywood, Hustle, Hob Inson, Smoyor and llondy. Flint Hor gennt Truo sturtcd, and Sergeant llondy Illilshcd-Tlmo 2:12 l-fi. Conipnny II was represented by van Valln, Smith, Hen-man, Hiwdor, Uynn, Wilson, Morrison, Foohot, Thorno and Whodon. Wheilon Hturled and Smith lln Ishori In 2U1 2-5. Dropping thu nvolopo caiiHed a Ioks of a Utile Unit', Company A was declared tho winner, Other events rcsuliod us follows! :i. Running nigh Jump. Entries W. Andreson, It. Benedict, Iru Kyle. Androson Mm r:3',l. Kylo second. Polo viiult ni'iiedlet being tho only eon tott, ho won by default. Ho was obliged to vault once ho as .o secure a place In tho Intercollegiate contest . Running iiroid Jump-Androson won 10:8. On a practice, Andreson Jumpi'd lUVi. The 220 yards dush was not run. Shot put Hanson and Turner. Was won by Turner, dlstunee, ill ft. It .1-1 Inchon. . Hammer throw Tinner and Hanson. Won by Turner, 75::.'. Tho inllo run was run by Ryan In B: 10. Thompson wan second. O. T. Reedy was tho third contestant. In tho bayonet race, the contestants wore Company A: llltchman, Stobblns, PlllHbury and Lau. Company H Shuff, Morrison, Feo and Whedon, Company C Hastlo, True, Worcester and Hendy. Com pany D Helmrod, Steel, Robblns and JohiiBon. Company A men won In l::i.. Individual time for tho tlrst man, Stub bind, l:2r, company, 1:M 3-1. Tlmo by oth er companlco. U-l:i:i',i. C 1.10. D-1.'.0. Tho sudden rain which came up Just at tho oloso of the bayonet race surprised tho crowd which ran for shelter In all direc tions. iiO yard dash Amlreaxou 1st. Popooti 2nd. Snrgcnnt 3rd. Standing broad Jump I'lllsbury won. Hurdle raee Kyle won. BASE HALL BOUNCES. Sevoral of tho professors have remarked that no college team was ever composed of men of such a high standard of schol arship as our present base ball team. A rulo has been adopted by the management In this connection which Is certain to re move tho prejudices of some of the fac ulty from baao ball. While on tho east ern trip certain hours each day will bo sot aside for study. This order will bo enforced as strictly as any order upon tho Held Is enforced. Tho players for the eastern trip will not bo selected until tho day before leaving. Somo will be disappointed, but personal feelings must not llgure when n winning team Is being selected. Tho crowd of cheap spongers out side tho wires are growing In numbers nnd In solence. Not satlslled with enjoying grat is, pleasures for which they know somo one must pay, they break tho wires, taunt the guards, and Jeer our boys at uvory possible opportunity. They range In schol arship from tho professors' sons, to tho dark lined fermenting demijohn from Om aha. From pieps to law students and seniors. From the smirking ladles' man to the cigarette (lend. In fact this cheap brigade Is composed of all that class of porsons who have no sense of shame or decency; no conception of honor. How can a man with the faintest ray of honor or college pride, stand up and watch the college nine, battling for his oolloge the management struggling In uvery hon est way to ralso the requisite guarantee to bring good teams to our grounds how can a man of any decency sponge amh doubtful pleasure, with the eyes of ms follow students upon him? Such a man j- ui ue irusieu in the e ass room or In business life. The Intense Interest which many of the girls aro taking In the games Is a source of great pleasure. The ball boys play bet ter with the girls In the stand. A man can not help but admire a young lady who can appreciate the beauties of a good ba game. Tho feeling Is born In his breast ,.', . K 3Url'"ssed only by the admiration which such a girl feels for tho fellow who escorts her from tho game. Tomorrow's game s tin, last for i,.,i.. ......'... ti. i ii . ..v....j ,i uiuiiui una portunlty8 nWn "W lmS hlS R0,,,cn '- Preparatory School to the State University. (School of Music building.) The Preparatory School fully prepares for ontranco to the University. First semester begins Sept. 20, 1897. Summer Session Juno 1 to Sopt. 17. (10 weeks). If you wish to "make up" work during tho summer tho PREPARATORY School Is tho only place. Ton university preparatory Instructors nnd approved tutors. Turn the eyes of your friends toward tho unlvorslty by sending them tho "announcement" of the PREPARATORY SCHOOL, or by hand us tho names of suoh ns need further preparation. Call at the olllco In School of music building or see, C W. WALLACE, Director. IF THE WORK IS DONE RIGHT You never have any trouble with a point ed toe shoe. I make a specialty of repar lng pointed and round toe shoes, having the special apparatus to work with. It will pay you to take your work where It will be done In the right way. H CAPES, Practical shoemaker. 133 South Eleventh Street. BY THE WAY-Do you know that tho North-Westorn is tho biggest railroad sys tem touching Lincoln? That It has 8,000 miles of track, tho best equipped In the world, that It la the shortest lino to Chi cago, and makes the quickest time, and Is the only direct through line to St. Paul and Duluth? It Is the truth. Just make a note of It and whon next you travel use this lino. City Ofrtce 117 South 10th street. Depot corner 8th and S streets. It's No Longer Wlioro tho young mon buy tho Nobby Furnishing Goods and Hats, It's at tho THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING GO, Thoi'o is rt I'oason for tliis, Tlio Armstrong Clothing Oo. nro up-to dato nnd curry u Btook which would do crodit to Chicago or Now York. A Word about Spring Suits Wo lmvo mi ontiroly now stock and our suits for young mon ut $5.40, $7.00, $10, 12,50 and ftlfi huvo a stylo and snap to thorn which is only equaled by our host Merchant Tailor work. It costs you nothing to investigate, Cull and inspect tho best lino of Clothing1, Hats, and Furnishing Goods in No briiBk before you buy. Wo will SAVE you DOLLARS. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING GO. 1013 to 1019 O Street, Lincoln. J.L.Btophons, President; Hurry K.WIIhoii. GJmM SU7VY7ER SCHOOL, '97 Juno, July and August. OUR SPECIALTIES... Penmanship, (both slant and vertical), Spelling, Business Arithmetic, Rnpld Cal culation, Bookkeeping, Business Practice, Export Accounting, Political Economy, History of banking, Tariff and Flnanclnl History of tho United States, Commercial Law, Shorthand, Typewriting, Reporting. Wo can accomodate you In any of theso speclnl branches In any way to suit you, either for full or part tlmo. Wrlto us, stating what you desire and wo will glvo you a special rate, lltli and O sts. American Teachers' 6-71 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. With branches In twenty-eight leading cities, and sub-agenctes In nearly all edu cational centres. Ono fee ($2.00) registers In the Main OHlce, and also gives full ben efits of membership In tho twenty-eight branches. Wo guaranteo satisfactory ser vlco, and better servlco than any other teachers' bureau, or refund fee on de mand. Membership certificates may be purchased from tho Publishers of this pa per, or directly from the Syndicate. In cither case satisfaction Is guaranteed by tho Syndicate. 3AbK lo.U AA, Rates $2 to $3.50 per iM,7ill))))r4!MiE"itatik27w89HXflHMHl)))VEHllfK4E j! BETTER THAN EVER" In CST' r-?1, improvement, sueh excellent value bKflbre.l S fe0 ,bofoWntho Publ),c' Novcr boforo kavo superb models at $00, $75 and 2B "fnJ W18 iUr mvr ,lino' cstoin& of eight the various options offered " h iS&ii&St10 ani1 0 for tandems, with suited. uuerea, is such that the most exacting purchaser can be entirely OENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.. 72 GARDHN 8THHHT. TCI' INDIANAPOLIS. IND. OUR ,,N. rOOT.H CATALOG MA.LBD PO TWO a-O.NT 8TAMP8. a Question Soorotaryj W. C. Stophons Treasurer. Bureau Syndicate. THe f LINCOLN AUSTIN HUMPHREY, Manager. Iua P. IIlGllY, OiiA8, A. Crate, .Gierke. vtf,W IRbbwX. day.. W rwKJ