The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 07, 1897, Image 1
1ZI fM v- yjjjrm jSaMJur BASEBALL TO-MORROW. LINCOLN TS, OMAHA ASKAN .' n I Jtv CONCERT LANSING THEATRE Wednesday Night. v( 1 Vol. V. No. 29 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA1 ICOLN, MAY 7. 1807. Prick 5 Cents, iMM.iiiBi 1 nr-Miniin mi in 11 mi 1 mi iiaim t" . ? f TaTTnrBTWMMBnrrvwr rmiiiimiiiiiKO'i jjfc iMMMlil TTi rmi 1 it irimfrT rTrMwiniprmi 1 11 1 I rra TiilT ' wi ' 'r i" -- 1 Uraw f 1 1K3 NEOP .MIS tA4 J- OMAHA TEAM IS DEFEATED But Council Bluffs Takes One From Us. TWO GOOD BASEBALL GAMES Tho Boys Show tho Visitors That They Arc Prepared to Give nil Comers a Hard Tussle Detailed Scores ot tlie Games. After one of the most exciting games ever seen on tho home grounds, tho uni versity boys, last Saturday afternoon, do featcd tho University club team ot Oma ha, by tho close score ot 10 to 9. The game was In douubt until the last man had been put out. Both teams were even ly matched and our toys won a deserved victory. At tho bat tooth teams wero al most evenly matched, but tho university team excelled In Holding. In Justice to the Omaha boys It may be said that they had llttlo or no practice before this game and they say they will even up matters 'when the university team goes to Omaha, Gordon pitched a good game through out, and received excellent support, with U'O exceptions when the third strike was missed and the runner was allowed to get to llrst base. Tho day was an Ideal one tor baseball and about 500 people saw tho game from tho newly erected bleachers. Ladles were admitted freo and so the receipts did not figure up In that proportion. However quite a large number saw the game ftom outside tho wire, and it Is to be regretted that among the number were some uni versity students. Tha band deserves a great deal of praise for tho assistance It rendered toward drawing the crowd. Beside the students there was a large number of Lincoln fans present at he game. The girls also turned out, but there were not as many there as ought to have been. Jclen led In the batting for the visitors wTth a homo run and a three bagger, while Robinson, Wells, Benedict and Kln dler did the hitting for the home team. Nebraska was the first to bat and the boys started out well by making a score the first Inning. After Benedict had been retired on a foul fly, Klndler hit a safe single and was advanced by Crelgh's sac rltlco. Robinson then knocked out a three bagger. Klndler scored but Robby died on third. In their half, the Omaha boys didn't see first base an- they were re tired In rapid succession. In the next inning Nebraska made four scores on hits by Benedict, Moore, Wells and Gordon. The scoro was now 6 to 0, and tho prospect for Nebraska was ex ceedingly bright. But the university club team now began to take a hand In the game and after two men had been put out, by a succession of hits and bases on balls, Jelen, Lawler, Robinson and Hoag land crossed the plate. In the third, Nebraska failed to score. Robinson got as far around as third, and Moore to second but they were unable to advance farther. In the second halt of the third, Omaha reversed tho rela tive positions of the two teams and came near wining tho game right there. Blt tlnger. Abbott and Hayes each got safe ly on base and then Jelen lined out a homo run into contre field. The next throe men wore easily retired. The score now stood 8 to 5 in favor of Omaha, but the university boys wero not discouraged and tlioy started In right away to close up tho gap between themselves and their opponents. Gordon opened the Inning with a two bagger. Klndler followed lat er with a similar hit, and Gordon scored. Crelgh got safely to first and then Rob inson onme to bat. There were now two mon on bases and a good hit from Robby would put Nebraska In the lead. But ho didn't make a hit. Instead of that ho did tho Casey act and to the surprise of everybody. However a moment later, Hayes threw wild to first base and Klnd ler Bcored. Crelgh was put out trying to get home. The visitors now tried to clinch their narrow load and Hoagland added ono more scoro. This was the last scoro tho visitors made and during tho entire next five innings they were held down without a hit. After Packard and Moore had gone out In tho fifth, Wells knocked a terrific long drive over rlghtfleld. He went around the bases like a streak of lightning but if he had walked he would have gotten around In plenty time. It is not known exactly how far he hit but it was last seen somowhere In the neighborhood of Nebraska hall. The Omaha boys failed to score In their turn. After one man had bcon put out, MeAulinv got safely to ilrst but Lnwler went out at first nnd Robinson failed to hit the ball and Omaha got another gooso egg. Nebraska was only ono scoro be- hind Omaha and the boys made a great effort to tlo tho score In tho seventh. Af ter ono man was retired, Moore got to second and Wells to llrst. But Just as the rooters wero expecting to seo Nebras ka score, Bltttnger caught Gordon's hot llnor, and Wells was doubled up at llrst base. But It was only delaying tho Inev itable tor Nebraska was bound to have those two scores, necessary to win. In the latter halt ot tho seventh tho visitors failed to score. Then tho university boys started In to win tho game. Benedict led oft with n, safe hit. Kinder got to first on an error Benedict going to second. Crelgh made a base hit and Benedict camo home, ty ing the score, Klndler meanwhile going to third. Robinson knocked a tly be tween second base and right field. Kln dler waited on third until tho ball was caught and then camo homo with the winning run. This set the bleachers wild and the yelling they set up reminded one ot a football game. Crelgh who was on second base when Robinson hit the ball, thought It was a safe hit and without waiting to see, he started for home and slid In side by sldo with Klndler. The umpire did not see the play but as the Omaha boys threatened to stop playing If Crelgh's score was ullowcd, Crelgh was called out for leaving second base be fore the fly was caught. The university club team In their halt of the eighth only got a man as far as second base. Nebraska came to bat for tho last time but failed to accomplish any thing. The Omaha boys then made their final effort to save the game but It was of no avail. After Abbott had been retired, Hayes mado a beautiful long drive Intc left field For an Instant It looked like a home run, but Reeder had wisely sta tioned himself far out in the field and neatlv caucht th halt. Jnion jmAaA in suspense by knocking a hot grounder to Crelgh, and was thrown out at first. Of course the fans went wild. They picked Gordon up and tossed him three times, and then tho yelled for almost an hour. Just to show that they were pleased. Following is the detailed score tt of N. AB.R.H.PO.A.E. nonprilct: 2b 4 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 Klndler lb 6 Crelgh, ss 5 Robinson, rf Packard 3b... 5 Moore, c 4 Pace cf,. 1 Wells cf 4 Reeder, If 5 Gordon p 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 Totals 41 10 14 27 ft T OMAHA UNIVERSITY CLUB. AB.R.BH.PO.A.E. Crawford. 3b 4 0 1 3 Blttlnger. 2b 4 1 1 3 Abbott, lb 5 1 1 12 Hayes, c 4 1 0 4 Jellen. If S 2 2 1 McAullffe, bs 4 0 Z l Lawlor, p 3 J Robinson, m. and rf 4 1 l l Hoagland, r. and m 4 2 11 Totals 37 9 1026 15 5 Creieh out for not touching second base. SCORE BY INNINGS: Omaha University Club.O 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0-9 Uni. of Nebraska 1 4 0 2 10 0 2 0-10 Earned runs Omaha 4, U. of N. 4. Two-base hits Abbott, Crawford, Law lor. Klndler, Crelgh 2. Gordon. Three-base hlts-Jellen, Hoagland, Bene dict, Robinson of Neb. Home runs Jellen, Wells. Bases stolen Robinson of Neb. 2. Double play Blttlnger to Abbott. Bases on balls Lawlor 4, Gordon 4. Struck out Lawlor 2. Gordon 5. Passed balls Moore 1, Hayes 2. Wild pitches ooraon z. Time of game 2:15. Umpire Walter Frlel. COUNCIL BLUFFS 12-U of N. ?. The game Tuesday afternoon waa hard ly u surprise, as the strength of the vis itlng team was quite generaly known. Most of the players have been and are yet professionals, being a remnant ot the old St. Joe league team. It lias among Its players, men who have played with tho best professional ball players In the United States. It was plainly seen, how ever, that our college boys played all around them In fielding, especially in in field work. Our boys played with more snap and accuracy. It was only at the bat that tho U of N appeared weak In comparison with thelrv sc;ponents. This Is easily accounted for by the fact that Whlted Is a professional pitcher. He was their strongest man, while the visit ors, experienced men, could find Gordon a little oftener than they could have done if he were as swift a pitcher aB Whlted. Taking it all around, it was an off day for most of the boys. Hobby fanned out twlco, Just when a goo. hit would have oourtted much. He finally got In a hit, ' which resulted In a iomJfrun for him, though Camp ought t and put htm out, as ' swift grounder. .s 1 hoyetgot tho ball t was a medium dldrft touch tho ball, ho could not bo credited, with an cr- ror, so Robby got tho homo run. jcrcdlt ot maklny a 1 Gordon played n goj pd gamo from tho box. Ho struck out toll men,) nnd at crlt leal times, held the visitors down. He fanned men at very otportuno times, and kept his head all through the game. He was ory weak at thb ba however, us me at short. ho struck out four tlmLs. Crelgh played a brilliant Ho never got rattled, nnd Vy? keeping his head at critical times proventod runs In his man out. Tho two Instances, and gal error down to his creilt Is a very excus able one, as he only got his hands on the ball utter a dlflldult run. Packard did not plkylhts usual vamo by any meuns. Ho llrst inning, when thoraAjrere threo men on bases, and a grounderjeame his way. Ho fumbled It, but with, four chanced of putting a man out, ho chose the longest way and threw wild to first. It was a very wild throw, and by tho time that Dea con Klndler recovered tho ball from some where In the vicinity ot the library build ing, four men had crossed the plate. This seemed to havo rattled Pack for tho rest of the game. At bat ho struck out three times, and never reached first base, Moore played a good game behind the bat. He was slow onco or twice In tak ing advantage of a situation, but he put up a good game. Ho made a three base hit In tho first inning and brought In two men. Klndler was all right at first base. Ho got everything that came his way. Benedict played as steady as usual at second. He made a clean home run In the fifth Inning, though there was no one on bases when ho did It. J ine university ooys aid not nave a chance to show what they could really do owing to the fact that tha opponents batted the ball out into Ufc field, or fan , v.i"L irnTr"- iizz. rtck. ul auutij imtciuiub, etui iviu una Bene dict could not show what was in them Whlted, tho pitcher, played most of the gamo for tho visitors. He is very speedy and has good contrd of the ball. Ho struck out twelve mm. If the visitors had had a weaker min In the box, there Is no telling how the gamo would have ended. HOW THE RUNS WERE MADE. In the first Inning. Benny started by striking out. Kindle got his base on balls and Crelgh gotto llrst by a field er's choice. Klndler however, was not caught at second. libby came to bat and fanned out ver vigorously while every one was waltln to se him muke a hit. Moore then stcped up and rapped out u three bagger, o did not succeed in reaching home, uiCowgill went out from short to first. In their half of the rst. Council Bluffs mode five runs. Gvion immediately evened matters by string Gutewood out but Lucas got a hit. mes followed with another single, and Cmp was hit by a pitched ball Mldglesent it fly out to Cowgill, who threw time to prevent Lucas coming in froi third Frlck hit a grounder to Paek.w aforesaid, and wltn a chance to retlnhe side, he fum bed and threw wild, ur men cume In. Mashek got his base) bulls and came In on Faulicner's twatso hit. Whlted and Gatewood were 111 given u cuke walk to first, but Gon braced up und struck out Lucas. j No more scores vfi made until the second half of the fjth, when Jones, Camp and MIdgeley, h made a single In succession. Frf.jiude a hit and brought them In. Thfle was then lm mediately retired. In the first of the t Reeder made a scratch hit, and Benstepped up and rapped out a home ruKindler followed with a hit, und Crelg'ent out to deep centre. Robby steppep and boldly hit tho air three times at Moore got to first on bulls, but CIU hit a gentlo grounder to Whlted tretlred the side. In their portion of tifth, the visitors made two runs. Joigot a base on balls. Camp made a( and Jones got to third. Moore thrrlld to Crelgh, In trying to induce s to come In. Jones camo in. Mldf made a three bagger and brought In. Frlck got to first on bulls. Mouen worked his schemo successfully failed before. Apparently ho threw scond to catch Frlck who was boldealing a base, with the man on thin ie ball went to Crelgh, who returnei n time to get MIdgeley at the plate Nebraska got two vn the sixth by a combination ot clrcinces., Covslll led oft with a lilt. Reached second on Packard's sucilllce. Gordon struck out. So did Reeder, but Jones muffed tho ball and throw wild to first, Cowglll and Reeder both camo In. Threo singles In tho sixth gave the vis itors a score, and In the seventh, n three bugger end a sacrifice another. This ended their run getting. Nebraska made a run In tho seventh from Hobby's home run, uud lu the ninth Crelgh got around the diamond Just on his nerve. Ho made a lilt, went to second after Hobby's (ly had settled In right fielder's hands, stole third, and came In when MIdgeley at third muffed the ball that was thrown to catch him. This left the score, S to 12, lu favor ot Council Bluffs. Following Is the detailed score. Council Bluffs AB.R.BH.PO.A.E Gfttcwood, 2b 6 0 0 0 3 1 Lucas, cf G I 1 4 0 0 Jones, c 6 Camp, lb C MIdgeley 3b 5 Prick, rf o Mashck, It 5 Faulkner, ss 5 Whlted, p 5 10 5 2 n 0 1 Totals 49 15 1226 S 7 Packard out for touching ball on third strike. U. of N. AM.R.BH.PO.A.E. Benedict. 2b 5 2 10 1 Klndler, lb 3 117 1 Crelgh, ss 5 12 2 2 Robinson, rf 5 110 0 Moore, c... 5 2 0 13 1 Cowglll. cf 4 1110 Packard, 3b 4 0 0 0 0 Gordon, p 4 0 0 0 3 Reeder, If 4 12 10 Totals 41 9 S 24 S 5 SCORE BY INNINGS. Council Bluffs.. ..5 0 0 3 2 110 12 N. of N 2 0002210 1 S Summary Home runs, Benedict, Rob inson; Three base hits, MIdgeley, Moore; two base hits Faulkner; struck out by Whlted 12, Gordon 10; bases on balls. off Whlted 2. off Gordon, 7; Wild pitches. Gordon 2, Whlted 1; Passed balls, Jones 2, Moore 3; earned runs, Council Bluffs 6, -- i -wiw war-rycrgnTTg&6Vgr Gatewood; time of game 2 hours; um pire Frlel. Tho game tomorrow promises to be one of the best, as It Is expected that the boys will be evenly matched on both sides. The Original are amateurs, but it present are the crack team of Omaha. They are young fellows, but skllfull, nnd the out look for a snappy game Is very bright. On the coming Thursday, May U, the ball team Ip.ivps on Its eastern trip. Only olevn players will be carried and the number of games to be played together with the hard night rides .nakes it certain that all will earn the pleasures of the trip, ell Bluffs professional team: Maf 14, Pri me schedule Is as follows: May 13, Coun day, Drake university, Des Moines; May 15, Iowa state university team, Iowa, City; Monday May 17, Notre Dame college, at Notre Dame, Ind : May 18, Northwestern university, Evanstown. HI.; May 19, Il linois state university. Champagne, 111.; May 20, Chicago university; May 21. Wcs- tern college. Toledo la.; May 22, All- unl- verslty team, Omaha The team leaves at 10:13 on the B. i M. nnd returns Saturday eenlng at 8:40. The red light will tell the story of each day's battle. Thus far our season has been one con tinual line of victories over disappoint ments. These disappointments have not been advertised by tho management, but it is known by those on the Insldothat they have come thick and fast at times. But Yale pluck has characterized all base ball dealings this season and the ruault is that we have an athletic park (orude to be sure,) within roaoh of the students. We havo a grand stand erected and al ready paid for, and the beauty of it all Is that not a penny has been begged. But the playing condition of the team is even more satisfactory than financial condi tions. Dutch Wella has at last found It possible to cover tho third bag, nnd lot Captain Packard go out to his old stamp ing grounds In ceutre field. Pack had his troubles while playing In the cannon's ninuth at third but those who are Inclined to criticise his errors must not forget that he comes into a new position for him. probably the hardest position on the team, and with commendable courage did what he could to fill up a gap in the team. Tl.o students must not expect all their boys to play like old stagers drawing largo sal aries. Ono of the merits of Coach Robinson's system is that no one can be heard to say that he did not have a fair trial for the toam. Both last season and this has seen clean base ball in this respect THE FIELD DAY EXERCISES Were Held on the Campus this After noon. OUR ATHLETIC PARK IS 0. K. The Grand Stand Is Crowded Boys Mako Some Good Records, Encouraged by Good Attendance Events and Records Made. Tho annual field day was held on tho campus this afternoon. It will bo remem bered U3 one of the best attended that has ever yet been held. Tho university campus had been turned Into a veritable athletic park. A neat truck was constructed, dis tances marked oft etc., so that the grounds were better than could be furnished by the fair grounds or uny of the city parks. Some moveable seats had been constructed at the Joint expense ot the field day und base ball managers, which wll serve their purpose for some time to come. The business like method In which the exercises wore mutuged Is worthy of cred it. George Shedd, ably assisted by E. A. Moore had everything in readiness so that all upparutus and officials wre on hand, permitting the events to go off smoothly. The cadet band added much to the pleas ure of the program by frequently Inter spersing tho Intervals between events by popular airs. The mualc s,eemed much ap preciated. Tne little grand stand along tho west sldo of the campus, was comfortably filled and the large number of young ladles was quite noticeable. As there was not much expense Incurred the receipts will leave a neat balance In the treasury. Tho events were entered for, purely for the honor there Is In winning. The ath letic board recommended that gold and silver medals be given for prizes In all events or nothing. As It was impossible to provide such expenses prizes, Mr. Geo. .Shedd.acceptd the alternative. .HownvJ. the honor of the victors win not be unrec ognlzed. The management has provided that each winner will huve a tublet In scribed to his memory, which will bo Placed m tho armory, along with the oth er trophies. The winners win also represent tho ni. verslty In the IntercoltegUio meet which will probably be held on the university campus next Saturday afternoon. Instead of at Lincoln park, or M Street park as at first announced. George ShedU uctod us referee. E. A Moore as clerk. The Judges were: J, e' Pearson. W. J. Lowrie. J. P. Cameron.' A. F. Strahorn, Captain Gullfoyle. Dr. H. A. Clark was starter; R. c. Saxton! and J. D. Hastle acted us scorers. Tim ers were. Profobsors Owens. Davis and George Shedd. C. C. Morrison assisted. Captain Gullfole announced the events and the time made in his stentorian voice wnlch was very satisfactory to the spec tators. The first event wu the company relay race. Before this was ..urieU. one heat ut me iw yarus dasn was tun. Tne con testants for tne uusn were; It. U. And reson, . Anaroson, Austin Cotlett, 11. u. tiHucock. t-epoon anu Kutiogg. Tne nut heat was run in two tenons. CoJieti won in the Jlrst section, in n l.j, Ui Df Aa. aesou, was lirsi m the cond in n. The eoond niMt us iun aner tnu company iUy race. Coiiett. it. u. Andoon and 1'ej.oon were tne runners. Hancock had quailned, being second In tnc llrst ne.,t out wart not leellng wel. enough to enter! . D Axidieson came out nrst. witn Col iett at Als huols: time n -5. Tne company imy race wus ono of in0 moat interesting etnis to wUne!JSf on th(J program. Ten mm. were onoun from each company. Five cade, stationed them selves at each end of the 100 yard oOUr carrying an envelope forward and back, jJT man ,,nentlntf " to Captain Gullfoyle. The course thus covered was VW0 yards. Tne cadets were dressed in ordinary uniform, and were not permitted to Uhesi thenibeives of their bloubes Company D was first to make the run. Cadets, Marsh, Sears, Parsons, F. C Par- offl,f " Ca"er' 'Vtlorny. NIckoL Gnfllth, feawyer. and Hubbard were the runners. Carter started, and Parsons was the man who denied tn envelopo to the captain. l making the transfer, the envelope was dropped once. Time-2:15 4-5 Company A then pre?nd Cadets Pil. " -".-". Ayer, Kyan, and Lau Us runners. The men were all speedy Is attested by the time made, tw I as as They ruf- (Contlnued on fourth page.) 1 i