I gEST QRK EVANS Established f 1889. ' Telephone 199. Most Complete and Modern Equipment. U, YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. FRANCIS BROS.. m& p,.prict.rS Dpit) 7 Cafe. Oysters, Fisb and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. Jfs the Place.. You want to go to when you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, news papers and novels. Always on hand. Eleventh and O streets, Richards block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, C. L. SPENCER, Mgr. THE M. C. LILLY COMPANY Columbus Ohio. MANUFACTURERS OP College and Military Uniforms and Equip ments. Oxford Gowns and Caps, Ban ners Flagj etc Correspondence Solicited. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 1 27 SO. ELEVENTH ST SULPHO SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium. Cor. 14th and M btreets, Lincoln, Neb. Open at all Hours, Day and Night. All forms of bath TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ROMAN. DRS. M. H. AND J. O. EVERETT, Managing Physicians. All forms of baths Turkish, Russian, electric, with Hpecinl attention to the ap plication of NATURAL SALT WATER baths, sovoral times stronger than sea water, for the cure of rheumatism, ner vous difficulties and many other diseases. The Rath House Is the most complete in the woild. Sea Bathing may be enjoyed at all BonRoiiH In our lurge, magnificent Salt wntor Swimming Pool, 50x150 ft., and 3 to 10 ft. deep, heated to a uniform temperature of 8G degrees. IT IS 7,257 MILES LONG AND HAS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN CHICAGO TO DENVER 1025 MILES IN 1017 MINUTES AND HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD. Is the short line to Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Denver. No change of cars. For tickets and lnfor tnn'lon apply tot B & M. depot or city of.. , TnorlOth and O sts. Lincoln, Neb, O. W, BONNELL C. P. & T. A. PHT3V1'"GfiflflMfljn Best Service i LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest... Courtesy. i C EMLERS The Tailor.... Cleaning and Repairing also Done. 126 So. lltb SI, 'wS!?'c" Intcrcollcglato Bureau Cotrcll & Leonard, 472-478 Broadway, Albany, New York. Makers of the... Caps, Gown and Hoods. to tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices etc, upon request. Gowns for the Pulpit and tho Bench. First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. nARWOOD, President. CHAS. A. HANNA, Vice-President. F. M. COOK, Cashier. C. S. LIPPJNCOTT, and B. S. FREEMAN. Ass't Cashier. A. G. SPALDTNG & BROS., . The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Sport and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES. Managers should send for samples and special rates on uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the best value at least cost. TENNIS GOLF, CRICKET, TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES. Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Library contains books on every form of athletic sport. Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICYCLE, Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Try the.. snniTnraun MKDER proprietor, j'nyn- COLLEGE NOTES. Dr. James B. Angell president of tho university of Michigan, lias received a lot tor from sovcral United Slates sonators nuking him to allow his name to bo pre sented as a candidate for minister to Tur key. ll has asked for time to consider tho matter. Tho university of Michigan has a blind wrestler, J. P. Hamilton who holds tho stato amateur light, welter, mlddlo and heavy weight whresllng championship. Of the men who havo made up the All American football teams since the llrst one In 1800, Yale has had fifteen, Princeton thlr.cen, Harvard ten, Pennsylvania eight and Cornell one. On the University Held of the university of Ohio, tho base ball team of that univer sity, defeated that of Ann Arbor by tho score of 1 to 11. Ohio won tho game In tho ninth Inning, when four runs were made. The freshman class at Columbia Is rais ing $2,500 to purchase a boat and defray training expenses of the crew. Tho Illinois state unlvorslty has been In volved to tho extent of JS23.000 by a re cent bank failure In Chicago. The students of Virginia will honor the memory of Edgr Allen Poe by placing the poet's bust In their main bulld.ng. Its cost will bo defrayed by subscription. Secret Inquiry Into the enses of ten or more successful Intercollegiate contest ants has disclosed the fact that, with but one exception, the time spent by each in the preparation of his oration hos been from one to three years. Professor Seymour, chairman of the managing commt.tco ot the American School at Athena, states that this year all the archaeological excavations In Greece under the auspices of the school will be discontinued owing to the threatened war. President Eliot recommends to Harvard students to study ten hours, sleep eight, exercise two, leaving four hours for meals and social duties. Vanderbllt fraternities have adopted a novel idea. Each one his laid out a frat ernity bed upon the campus. Tne result has been highly gratifying to the aesthet ic tasts. Dr. Woodward president of the board of onrntor of the university of Missouri haa resigned his position. He gives as his rea son for so doing the fact that he feels his Inability to do the Institution justice with the short appropriation granted by the Missouri legislature, ami he wishes to be freed of the great responsibility resting upon him. Ex-Gevernor Stone has been mentioned as Dr. Woodward's successor. President James H. Can field will deliv er the commencement address at Illinois university this year. Students of the Northwestern Univer sity at EvanstOtvn are much troubled over the new civil service rules for the govern ment life-saving service on the lake, which practically precludes them. The students have earned fame for their effective hero Ism In this work. The building Is on the campus, and was granted In considera tion that the crew be students. This has been o since 1S7C. The loasa h.in expired and the building must be removed. The story of the crew's services would be dril ling roadlng. It has twice received the thanks of congress for saving life. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Students and others who wish to Im prove their time profitably, while in col lege or during tho summer months, should tnke an agency for "Everybody's Diction ary" veat pocket size. This little diction ary contnlns over 33,000 words and Is the most useful book published. One man has sold more than 1,500 copies. It makes a splcnd d "side line" In connection with other business. Write for catalogue and torms, to The Practical Text Book Co., Cleveland, Ohio. IF THE WORK IS DONE RIGHT You never have any trouble with a point ed toe shoe. I make a specialty of repar Ing pointed and round toe shoes, having :he special apparatus to work with. It will pay you to take your work where It will be done In the right way. H CAPES, Practical shoemaker. 133 South Eleventh Street. BY THE WAY Do you know that the North-Western Is tho blggcBt railroad sys tom touching Lincoln? That It has 8,000 i miles of track, the best equipped In the j world, that It Is the shortest line to Chi cago, and makes the quickest time, and Is tho only direct through lino to St. Pauj and Duluth? It is the truth. Just make a nolo of it and when next you travel use this line. City Office 117 South 10th street. Depot corner 8th and S streets, THE LUNCHEON ROOM. The proprietors of the university lun cheon room announce that they are bet ter prepared than ever to servo strictly home made goods with convenience to all. A sample bill of fare is: Soup , 6 cents Plum pudding 6 cents Sandwich Scents Bread and butter 2 cents Coffee, tea or coooa ,. 4 cents Milk Scents Two Joughnuts , 3 cents Pie , Scents It's No Longer a Question Where the younr? men buy the Nobby Furnishing Goods and Hats. It's at the THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING GO. There is n roason for this. Tho Armatrong Clothing Co. nro up-to (Into mid carry a stock which would do credit to Chicago or Now York. A Word about Spring Suits Wo havo an entirely now stock and our suits for young mon at 5.40, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 havo a Btylo and snap to thorn which is only equaled by our best Merchant Tailor work. It costs you nothing to investigate. Call nnd inspect tho best lino of Clothing, llatp. and Furnishing Goods in No brask before you buy. Wo will SAVE you DOLLARS. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. 1013 to 1019 O Street, Lincoln. Budge & Morris Go,, 1118-1126 N Street. Carry the best stock of House Furnishings Goods in the city. see our stock. Cet our Prices... BEFORE YOU BUY Is all we ask. American Teachers' 6-71 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. With branches In twenty-eight leading cities, and sub-ugenclcs In nearly all cdu catlonl.l centres. One fee ($2.00) registers In tho Main Ofllce, and also gives full ben efits of membership In the twenty-eight branches. We guarantee satisfactory ser vice, and better service than any other teachers' bureau, or refund fee on de mand. Membership certificates may be purchased from the Publishers of this pa per, or directly from the Syndicate. In either case satisfaction In guaranteed by the Syndicate. ( r Rates $2 to $3.50 per t BETTER THAW EVER" such excellent values been offered for tho money. Our new lino oSrtfauf 2kt CENTRAL OYCLE MFQ. CO.. 72 QARO.N 8tRBHT. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. oun nnm posts oatalooum mailmd i-ob two 8-ont utamps. All the new styles are here to be found. We want your business, and will treat you well. Call and -Bureau Syndicate. TH6 -f LINCOLN - AUSTIN HUMPHREY, Manage. Ika I IhniiY. OllAS A. CltATK, ClerkB. day.. v"