LOCALS. Noxl Friday nlghl, tbli loth, tho d'alla dlans will proHont a boys' program, T. D. Lunn will pronoh an Easter tior mon Sunday nt Firth, Nohr. 10, Unllott carries a lino lino of spcctao lc, Examination of tho eyes free, Prof. Ilnninr Iihh received llnnl word nrounil without n ribbon, nnd his Ufa will from tho department at Washington, rola- baiado a burden to. him by the polite uvo 10 ins vihii 10 nouin Amonen, no win leave Lincoln a wook Saturday April 24. ushers who will auk him, Wouldn't ho from tomorrow, like to hnvo a ribbon?" Such badges will also make nont souvenirs, i 8. E. Clark, county superintendent of Saunders County was visiting hl son, Ed gar, Tuomlay. Hert Klmbnll who Is now practicing law at Wayne, Nobr., wom the guest of I'M Kappa Inl during the paHt woek, Professor Condrn of tho IiIkIi school, brought hlH botany pupil to tho museum Tuesday. Mr. N. M. Graham of Clay county haw been visiting bin brother at tho university during she pant week. Tho Y. M, C. A. mooting .Hundny af tor noon will bo led by W. 11. Ilhodes, Tho subject for discussion will be "Spiritual Progress," Every young man In tho unl verHlty la Invited to aitond thin meeting, Tho order for senior Invitations haH been rout 10 a Philadelphia houso. All seniors who have not placed their ardor should do so boforo tomorrow with Chnlr mnu Warren, a nftur that date It will bo too lute. Tho people of Ashland want the cadet enoampmunt this year and will make a big effort to net It. The short distance from Mncoln, tho lay of tho country and excellent fnalllilos for an encampment make the place a most doslrnblo one, Mini) Amy ltrunor Iiiih been entertain Inn her nophow, Muster King of Went Point, Ncbr., for the pant week. Ex-Chancellor Manatt of thin unlvernlty ntnnds a mighty big nhow of being tho noxt mlnlntor of the United Stales to Greet'u. Oscar Bowman '01, will till tho position rocontly vacated by Allen PUiik In tho Lot In department of the Nebraska City high school. Tho Junior class bold a well attended meeting In room 3 last Tuonday at 1:15. The matter of clann Insignia wan consld ered. Tho hoyH decided thoy wanted to carry cnnoH and wear golf capn noxt year, Tho KirlH have not yet deoldcd upon what they want. 8. II. Martin of Dowltt, won a visitor at the unlvernlty lant week. Ho will con tlnuo bis work another year at least at Dowltt. Tenuis playing has begun on tho court already. Tho prospect Is bright for niuoh activity being shown In tho tournament thin year. Owing to the fact that tho leglslnturo did nut adjourn sooiuir, tho board of rc gontn havo postponed their meeting for two weeks. French, Gorman and I.ntln dlotlonurloH will ho sold to studentn of tho unlvernlty for J1.12',, centH each. Theno aro tho reg ular $l.W) edldons. Gold Iridium pointed fountain peim aro Htlll selling at G9 ccntn eaoh. Hook Department, Hcrpolshclmor and Company. By a very prlvato Wedding, tho liven of .1. Amort Harrett noorotary of tho ntato hlntorlcal nooloty, and Mrs. Hadle Hogers 6f Halt !ko City, Ulah, woro united yes terday at noon, Tho ceremony wan per formed nt tho homo of Dr. II. .1. Wlnnott i by Ilov. A. K. Newell of Vino ntreet Con gregational church. Only one friend of tho groom wan present benldo Or. Wlnnott and wife. An appetizing luncheon fol lowed tho ceremony. Mr, and Mrs, Har rett will rcHldo at 1011 Q ntreet. Mr. Harrett Is a graduate of tho Htata unlvorslty In 18Rf. and has nmcJ beon con nected with educational and historical work In tho Lincoln high nohool, stato unlvernlty and ntato historical nocloty. Ho In tho author of several pamphlets and historical publications. Ills brldo former ly lived nt I.odgo Pole, Neb., and after wards taught nohool ai Sidney, Nub., and Bolt l.ako City, Utah. For tho pant fow year nho has roprcsrntrd an Inauranco company at tho latter place. If you havo tried him onco you found that Wcstcrtlcld did tho right kind of ton sorlal work. Ho has been tho students' bar hor for soventeen years, 117 North Thirteenth street. Big Bargains in J. P. Sedgwlcg '90, hnn Junt been elected manager of the Hunh Medical football team for noxt year. Ho wants to bring the team west and Is arranging a gnmo hero with Nebraska state. Mr. Sedgwick Is also on tho staff of tho Corpuscle, tho Hush college paper. Li. B. Plllsbury Is now hack from med ical college where ho has been studying nt Denver. Ho Is doing some studying at tho unlvernlty. Tho baseball gamo which wan to bo played on tho campus with Doano last Tuesday, has beon postponed on account of wot grounds until April 27. There has beon considerable talk of or ganizing a civic leaguo In tho university. Tho plans as yot aro unfinished but in a fow weeks "will bo announced. Professor Owens has been appointed honorary commlsloncr under tho exhibits departmont of work In the electrical lino of tho Trnns-Mlsslsslppi exposition. Tho P. B. D. C. sent a challenge to tho D. B. D. C. last Saturday, to debate In tho near future. It Is expected that tho Doano boys wl'.l accept tho challongo. Tho L. F. ,t A. Co. havo just received a now line of picture frame mouldings, and havo put tho rates down for students A full line of art goods. 212 So. 11th St. Tho date of the gleo club concert has now been dpllnlioly settled. It will bo May 12 Instead of May 11, as was an nounced. The Omaha concert will bo giv en May 11. Professor Wolfo worked hard to prevent house roll No 3"W, providing for m!nnr school graduates to sccuro teachers' certi ficates, from being signed by tho govorn- 1JAKEH GETS A MEDAU Tho university made a good showing In tho recent Intercolleglato competition. Tho commltti-o npiwlmed toy tho president general of tho National Society of tho Son's of tho American Revolution to whom was referred tho various essays of tho colleges throughout the country, for competition for tho $100 gold medal, have, after several -weeks of deliberation, sel ected the essay of Mr. 11. S. Baker as en titled to first honors and the gold medal. The. first nlnee wnn won Inst voar hv a. Princeton man, and It Li no slight honor for ono of our genial seniors to carry oft Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. Trukks. Valises EUEGANT L.INE OH' POCKET HOOKS-CAUD CASUS and LEATHER NOVELTIES. lr Summer Tourists and Others. IlEPAIRING A SPECIALTY. or. But oven Bakor'a editorial had no: no 'ftUrd t"18 r' Among sucn wormy effect, and .ho bill will now becomo a law,! competitors. Old Trunks in Exchange for New Ones. LINCOLN TRUNK FACTORY, - 1217 0 Street. o. -&-. tiick:, prop. as tho governor signed It Wednesday. Aftor an enterestlng program Friday night, tho Palladlan boys escorted the girls to Sutton and Hollowbushes, whero light refreshments, constating of straw borrles nnd lco cream wcro served, Mr. S. W. Plnkerton was toast master. Mr. Roper responded In a happy Impromptu speech and at an unmentionable hour, thoy adjourned. Delta Tau Delta gave an Informal danc ing party at their hall last Friday evening. Fred F. Teal who graduated this year from a Chicago medical college visited Omaha friends last Friday, and was tho guest of Delta Tau Dolta. Tho director of tho minstrel show roped, him In to stay over and play accompaniments for the singers. Ho kindly consented, and mado as good a-looklng coon as any of the rest of tho boys. Mr. Baker won tho sliver medal after a closely contested local competition, nnd tho department of American history for warded his production to tho national committee. Tho subject of tho various essays submitted was, "Tho Principles Fought for In the American Revolution." Mr, Baker Is to bo congratulated upon his well earned honors, also the head of tho department of American history. Tho professors nro now putting In their spare moments writing recommendations for students and graduates who aro rust ling for high-school and other positions for next yenr. If you want to examine the most conv pleto stock of Easter cards, booklets, Eas tor novelties nnd books appropriate for Easter, the book department of Herpol shelmor and Co. Is tho place to go. Eas ter curds from lc. to 25c. Booklets from 12 to BOc. each. KIngsley's books, "Titus" and "Wrestler of Phlllppl" Be. each. School dictionaries, translations, fountain pons, nolo books, hls.ory paper at lowest prices. Haydon, the photographer who Is now located at 1029 O street, is again offering a special rate to students on all photo graph. His name Is a guarantee of good work- Dan E. Has. DePutron.. Tho debating association met Tuesday afternoon to arrange for the Kansas de bate. Some little discussion aroso as to the position in which the debaters should debate. Tho association gavo tho men threo days to come to time and agree as to their order of speaking. It has been learned since that the threo debaters have agreed on position, and no time will be lost In choosing the question and getting to work. Amateur Photographer's Supplies OF ALL KINDS. Sole agent for the Prcmo Cameras, the very best In the market, ranging In price from $10 to $120. Cheaper Cameras from $1 to $9. Also agent for Stanley Dry Plates, the cheapest and best. I have Supplies for all sizes of cameras. Call at Room 4, 1041 O Street, and see them. P. O. Box 973. Nebraska Pant and Suit Company 1217 O Street. West Half of Trunk Factory Pants to order, $3.60, $1. $5 and up Suits, $18, $20 and up The W. and H. debating club an organ Izatlon which existed somo time ago in tho Lincoln high school has been reorgan ized by tho students in the university, who woro formerly members. Debates aro held every two weeks on Friday even Ings. The officers of the club are: H. Reagan president; A. Hoagland, vlce-pros-Ident, L. Ryan, secretary, G. Bartlett, treasurer; W. Molford corresponding sec retary. WESLEYAN GAME. Tho baseball team went out to Wesleyan lust Saturday aftoneron and defeated tho Methodist team by a scoro of 26 to 10. This was the first gamo "the boys had played but they had no difficulty In disposing of their opponents. It was more of a prac tlco gamo than any thing else, and the rosult was porfectly satisfactory as re gards tho playing of our team. Gordon Cowglll, Garrett and Melford each took a turn at pitching. Gordon went in tho box for four innings until ho had tho game cinched. Cowglll then pitched two In nings, and gave way to Garrett In tho seventh. He gavo way to Melford In tho eighth, who pitched tho remaining two In nings. The gamo was devoid of brilliant features, although a heat double play was mado In the sixth inning by Creigh Kindlor nnd Wells. Another double play was mado in tho last Inning by Cowglll and Benedict. Tho game was a long one and In order co shorten it as much as pos sible, Nebrasku did not take her turn at the bat in the first half of the last Inning, but allowed Wesleyan to remain at bat for two successive Innings. Wells umpired a fair game and there was very little kick ing on his decisions. Scoro by Innings. The mon played the following positions; Nebraska Position Wesleyan Benedict 2. b G. Fitchie Wells 3. b Oleson Klndler 1. b Klngsberry Creigh s. s Mumma Mooro c Brown Packard c. f Woodward Kellog r. f McPheron Reodor 1. f Shoot Gordon, Cowglll, H. Fitchie, McPherln Garrott, Melford. .p .....Klngsberry Nebraska 1 3 1 2 5 G 4 4 x 26 Wesleyan 00101016 210 YOU WILL SAVE TIME By taking Ut FOn MAIN LINE, And Norfolk Branch. All Points in Kansas. Keep this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street. a HALLETT, Dealor In Fine Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silverwar, Clocks, Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Gold Headed Canes and Umbrellas, Spectacles, Etc. Watch repairing, engraving and Optical work a specialty. No charge for exam ining the eyes. 1143 O Street, LINCOLN. NEB. Fur.ke Opera House Block. Cloaking, Ovorcoalng and Vesting Goods by the yard. All work flrst-olass and guaranteed. The university thief is again abroad In tho land and this time ho made his ap pearance last Friday morning in the gym nasium locker room. Ho did not take ovorcoats, as usual, for thoy are out of season, but he went through the lockers of tho eight o'clock gymnasium class and enriched himsolf to tho extent of threo watches and about $15.00 In money. Tho vory few who were careful enough to keep tholr lockers locked, were about tho only ones who escaped loss. A suggestion has been made to tho base ball management, which will no doubt be accepted. There has been some doubt as to how the "honor system' relative to baseball spectators will work. It has been suggested that badges bo printed, and every person who pays a, quarter will have a distinguishing mark. In his way, tho man who wants to beat tho baseball team, will feel mighty cheap, standing GLEE CMJB CONCERT. Tho glee club mado a trip down to Sew ard last Friday morning and gave a con cert there In tho evening. Tho young la dles of tho town tendered a reception to tho members of the club in tho afternoon at the homo of Miss Norval, which was prettily decorated In scarlet and cream. It was ono of the most delightful informal receptions which the boys have experienc ed. Tho club was greeted by a crowded house in the evening and the concert was an Immense success. At the conclusion of the concert a dance was held In the Knights' of Pythias hall. Altogether the boys had a most enjoyable time and the trip was both a social and a financial success, A great deal of credit Is due to Burt Langworthy who was highly Instru mental In working up the concert and in general managing the Seward end of the affair. Fountain pens, from 60 cents each, to $2.50, oil warranted at book department of Herpol8he!mer & Company. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NB1BHASKAN. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN LINCOIvN AND Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas Cit. Ohas. B. Gregory C TT. of XT.. '91. City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street. H. C. Townbend, GenM P. & T. A. P. D. Cornell, C. P.& T.A. Office At 1100 0 St, Lincoln, Neb. The Most Popular Photograph Gallery in the State. SPECIAL One beautiful colored Cabinet, mounted on a large card; given with each dozen of our best Cabinets. Special rates to students. T. W. TOWNSEND, prop. o