The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 09, 1897, Image 5

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gvcrii ! bnn ,)frul1 planted on tlu
oflmpux ni't i 1 1 1 1 1 I r of inon liar liiiii '
en(rnKe.l in.- past week In raking up tho
Wtl Kr,K nni' o",0l'w1"0 Improving the
appear-in.. -f llio grounds,
lif.'"-" 'nMwoII gnva several lectures
!,, uvt'li in-fore tho iPtiohoi'H convention
in I'oi.n ii muff.
-Thp pun i-'rtl economists of the linlvei--,uy
lw. i '" irylnR to IIriiio otu n dis
turb.!"" hlrh I"114 '"'i' onused In Hit'
labor .11 " " f ,,,p university eonseipient
upon in -tKimtlon of Mr. 10, A. Uerrnrd
Bl,0 in iw'i iMrrootlnrt the Hi-owning
.,p,,r mi. Ij. t Smith talu'n his plnoo.
Tabor i i.' linn ,H''n advanced from ens
tollHii Hi'' return Hholves to Iho nlfflit
dk i. niorly hold by Mr. Smith. Mr.
H g a .iut fitted hto foot Into 'labor's
fW,, . ustodlun, thus pcrnilttliiR Mr.
A, a iixin to work several more hours
pr , k Tho kid (llil not give op Ills
puliloi n ir.all ck'ikon Tho NelirnHkan,
,n,l ii, i- m i n I font I ng n disposition to get
nil hr hi. mi'l bold on to nil lie gom. So
.?(. 1.1 1 ml l mill wwlllng for llio men
1,1 p, itlon on the Nebrnslcan.
Mr William Axllng Is now engaged In
mpphi'iK the llnptlst church pulpit at Da-
M i'i.
On rn-lny April 2, tho bill providing for
tho ttpi'i.iprlatlon of $:10,000 for tbo erec
tion of - bulldltiR on the campus for tbo
uo of ' "' "chool f ni"ehnnle nrts, was
traiiRlit "P n tbo senate for llnal ooii.mI.1
ratln. number of tlio former oppon
ent of 'he bill turncn nirout and east
their voi.i in Its favor. Hansom of Doug
t, who m ido a speech antagonistic to the
hill at Hv former consideration, voted for
It at thf llnal passage Tho bill passed
the son.u. with nn almost unanimous vote
WMity-tw voting for It, and but two,
Ml!!.r "' ''"' "ountv and Ulohtle of Sew
ard conn in voting against It.
Tho pup Is of tbo Dowltt schools gnvo
tho opera, "lalla" last week, undor the.
direction of S. 11. Martin '95, and wife.
Tho M S V. Indopendont will Isstio tho
contest number for iho tntor-stnto orator
ical contest to bo hold at Columbia Mo.,
May G. It will bo a huge handsome num.1
bcr, containing nil tho 'ntorstnto orations,
cuts ami sketches or tho orators, and a
toll account of tho comost. Thoy will
sell the number for twenty cents por copy.
Anyone .i.'slKng a copy should sond In
their onli ii enrlv to the M, S. U. Indepen
dent Oolumbln. Mo
George Constaneer's barber chop Is lo
cated at 1010 O street. Tour of tho best
workmen In the city arc to bo found hero.
We in.' iinYrlng special Inducements to
the stud, nts of the university who pntron
lie our bonk nn.l sta.lonory department.
During il-c tii't week we will soil Oas
tell' (icintiin dlctlonnry to all university
Hudents if ji iiit per copy. This Is n ro
duction ..i :r. pi-reent on the publishers'
rrl It I . nltogothor w.tli sttiden s of
the unl.TH i as to whothor thoy will
make nn -ill around Having of 20 or 3fS per
cent h , ivinn us their trndo, or pay
that mtirli more for the same poods olse
ftlure It, in, mbor the moro of youi trado
e Kn, Ii. lower we mnke tho prices.
Fourteen km it gold fountain pens, C!ic
each. Hook .le'pt, llorpolsholmor & Co.
R. Hnllett carries a lino l!no of spectac
les. Kxamin itlon of the eyes free.
Hlstorj' puiier, noto booka, lead pencils
and all s. Mool supplies at lowest prices
Book depart tnont of Horpolshelmer & Co.
The fn-i m, n took nn nftornoon off Just
before v. on, to show .ho sophomores
ho- thi , lay balk In s.x Innings tho
freshles , i llp twonty-llve runs. Tho
frst tlm. u y wont to bat twelve scores
w're mini, which won tho game. Tho
P'aylns ..i '.oth sides was on tho whole,
soo-1. m - iRor Oarrlngor of tbo sophs,
keP up , Hplrlts of his team In nn en
thuslastlr ii rmer. Each sldo mado threo
home rui -
ougi, ' , , )., ft stonily Ramo tlirotiRh
ut and w s supported by Catcher Mooro
an-lthe ii iurs jn K00 sbnpo. Tho pitoh
lnR for n sophs wns. at first weak, but
tyward inst plowed up considerable.
T''o cro enjoyed the treat: Tho men
P'wtf in , following- positions:
"eshniei, Position Sophomores
XIoore C Hanson
J;0UBhe' p Whedon
rdon (Oipt.) 1 b Haln
j;at(,fni!in 2 b Christie
i,yBa"- s. b (Capt.) Melford
Sl0,)hM, ...' 3 b Ledwltb
S'tt l. f Fechot
PaV'B o, f Heoder
oschlizky r, f Strock
Score bv innings :
sft!hn"" 12 3 1 3 1 5 25
MInonioivH 15 6 4 10 10
'lome runs. Ledwlth 2, Keedor 1, Gnf rott
'. Couithei i, Moorel. Umpire Hnywnrd.
ho - ollpiro HAttlnmnnt nnmmlllm hnn
' In Its usunl dnlnlleil monthlv ro-
The substanco of It follows:
Ul'' ns' oommlttoe Tho work In na
8lllly has l)een carried on aftor tho
amo r.Ml ns followed last month. Caro
Man bern taken to show the mlRrntor.v
h-ihlts of nulinnln, especially liluatraied by
talks and rnndlrjR on the haltlts of our
bliils wlilch appeAr curliest In the sprlnRi
The cbnrneterlsili s of those blids an b
their ninnnor of living, their nesti and
their usefulness to nmn, 1m lieen ex
plalneil. The two upper ro.miK have biM'ii nswl to
go.l advantage In eon. Inning our work
In physical training, and In glvlnR drills
to neoompany fioitgs when nn Instrument
Is not needed, Tho practice of literary ex
ercises of n' elementary nature has been
utilized to a good advantage.
The plans for lite future are to sccuiv
as many Intei-eitlng specimen of animal
and plant life as possible, taking such
common varieties, ih.u some object lenson
eft1' be Rlwn from them, inns creating a
deeper Interest In living things by
strongt heiil iik the children' power of ob
sorvntlon. There Is mino encouragement In the tin
usual Interest tnken In Oermnn books, and
nowspaiKrs by the (let man families.
Tho attendance has been steadily In.
creasing until the Inst week when tho
pring wiMthor kept ninny away. The av
erage weekly attendance for Mnroh Is 29
plus. Tho general deportment or the chIN
dren during the hour, lias improved slight
ly, and Vhelr Interest In the work ncenm to
Tho popMI commit looTho regular
monthly social wns held on March 11. Tho
weather wns Inolemont, but despite tbo
storm In ess, about llfty of tho young pooplo
of tho sottlomont oomo out. About olglu
or ten of tbo university students went to
help out tho committee ns tho clialrmnn
was the only member of tho committee
who could go. Part of tho ontortnlnmont
consisted of music and a German recita
tion. Several of Iho girls of tho sottlomont
sang and It was clearly scon that tho other
young people wero more Interested be
cause their friends furnished a part of the
ontertalnmont. Tho soolnl of the young
omortilnmnnt Some of tbe yoiitifr men of
tbo sot t lenient will furnlsli music for the
noxt social. Tho committee Intends to en
courage, this font lira of the work and thus
make the young people of the neighbor
hood tnke an nctlvo part.
Committee on Education Actunl class
wotk has been falling on' on account of
the pleasant ovenlngs wlilch hnve kept
children out rioon. This work will proba
bly linvo to be dropped with the excoptlon
of iho sowing school and one class of
young ladles In English. Miss Schwartz
and Messrs. Meier and Gutlelbon have re
signed their German classes. Miss Wal
lace has taken charge of some Gorman
classes on Monday nnd 'Wednesday, form
erly taught by Mr. Gutlolbun. Mr. Uingo
still tenches his class on Monday ovonlng.
On tho evening of Aqril C, Prof. Card
gavo a well appreciated talk on plants.
On April C. Mr. C. P. Fisher gnvo a talk
lllustratod by lantern slides. Tho commit
tee lias now decided to substltuto for tho
classes stopped such games as may be
harmless, and at the same time keep tho
boys and girls out of misohlof. Croquet
grounds are now !olng lltted up and the
committee would ask the board of control
to provldo n croquet set. Other games for
out of doors may be adopted If thought
Committee on library ami literature
The additions to the college settlement II
t.r.iiy for the mouth of Maun are as fol
lows: Lincoln Kralo Preiwo, Nobr.i.ska
Stnats AiiJiolgor, Ixith delivered regularly;
Orlnoko, Nnch Frankrelcli lilnoin, Herman
und DoiMthen, ler alte .eltalt, and Ato
at Hlsmnrk, secured through tho kindness
of tbo Lincoln Frolo Prosso; ono yoarM
Youth's Companion, and a large number
of miscellaneous mngazine.s of which a
comploto list cannot bo made as omo
wore lent before catalogued; also tho regu
lar Journal oxchnnRcs kindly furnlsned by
tho city editor ns heretofore, A large num
ber of hooks and periodicals are kopt In
constant circulation, While much reading
matter In loth Gorman and English lias
been freely distributed among tho homes
Much eager Interest in current events is
manifest by reason of this distribution.
There has lcon no work done of 1m-
portnnce, at least nothing now. Plana have
been made to got the committee togother
somo day If possible and do n little hand
repair work on ibout 50 or 00 books that
aro now in tho settlement house but can
not bo lent becauso thoy aro In vory poor
condition. It is also hoped to have some
magazlnos bound that aro now In tho li
brary liut cannot lie usod becauso they
aro in oor condition. Among those are,
four yonrs i-t "Pansy" two of "St. NIon
olas," two of "Sorlbnor" and ono year of
Tho music committee Tho books secured
from tho board of education have been
used In tho classos oaob week and somo
progress has beeon mado. Tho Instruction
has not been confined to thoso books how
ovor. A quartotto of girls nas boon trained
and have mado their appoaranco hevoral
Tho visiting committee A number of
short calls woro made Inviting the women
of tbe neighborhood for a social evening
at tho Graham Taylor house. Also, sover
al visited a Httlo boy who had broken his
leg, and a woman siok with the pneumon
ia. Tho people visited seemed pleased, and
wih fow exceptions asked tho students to
como again. During tho past month somo
thirty calls wero made in tho neighborhood,
Employim-iii bureiiu- Things lmve Wn
moving on nleely. TwV applications lmvn
been llll1 one by H t Huuon for a wiwh '
Wfiiuun, the other by Mrs jir dark for a'
lady to do house woik Ito.ii g.ivo satis
faction so far as could be learned. Thore
aro no deilnlte plans In view Just now, for
mo voti was well uiilor wrty wTwn the
prosont (Minimum too
appllentlon fur gonoal housework have
not ns yet been tilled.
hold of it, Other
and furnUhlngs--
the cnnmlttoo ihero
milled to tho house
to do bettor work
Committee on supplf.
To tho know ledge of
hns been no furnlUmj
The comnilttee hopftj
noxt men tli I
Tho following Is the general statistical
repot t of the wotk of the Graham Taylor
house during tho month of March:
Nights rooms wero open, 2fi, avorngo nt
tendanoo. male l? fetnalos 12; books loaned
ISil; miignzlne loanwl OS; p riodlonls dis
tributed, ITU; total vHltsof students, mnlos
41 fomnlos 3S; enlla mado by resldentH on
slok, 22; other ealU hi' residents IS. Work
has Iwion be-un on a croquet ground nnd
quoit grouiii' Tho Ramos win bo umlr tho
supervision f studonts. It Is hoped that
thoso will cs.nstltuto n pleasant featura of
tho work tliroughout tho sprltiR and sum
moi'. The committee recommend, that a suit
able croquet set bo purchased for use on
the lawn of tho col low settlement house,
and that the of control consider tho
ndvlmblllty of binding for pormnnent li
brary uso the complete Itles of magazlnos
now nt the house.
A most delightful ha well ns novel on
tertntnmont wns n ixister party given by
the members of the Kappa Kappa Gam
ma sorority Saturday evening, March 27,
for tho bonollt of the college sottlomont.
A number of different methods of rais
ing money for tho support of tho sottlo
mont have boon employed during the year
but perhnps none have mot with Rroator
buotews than this last rntcrtn!nmn Af.
tor all expenses wore paid, twenty-two
dollars and llfty cents wns banded to tho
committee on college settlement funds.
About twenty-tlve numbors made up tho
program, these were tableaux, represent
ing different advertisements, nnd maga
zines. Several musical numbers vnried
tho program. Vocal solos were rendored
by Misses Griggs, Eleanor Rnymond, Jes
sie Lansing nnd Uessle Tumor; Instru
mental by Misses Rlssor nnd Colson, and
a violin solo by Edith Schwartz.
Tho posters wore represented as folows:
Uelongs' hooks and eyes, Cora Crop
soy nnd Stella Elliott.
Van Camps' pork and beans, Ellen Gere,
also a second tableau representing tho
samo by Adolloyd "Whiting nnd Francis
Rublfoam Mnud Rlsser, Grace Uroady,
Noll mu and Peter Tnu.
Society musical instruments Mnud Rls
ser, Eleanor Raymond, Mr, Wlllnrd Yates
and howe Rlokotts.
Ivory soap was represented by threo
tableaux, one by Miss Iitiu, anotbor by
Clara Hammond nnd Dora Harloy, and
the third by Nnamah Lowo, Jossio Jury
and Anna Uroady.
Crown piano Nolllo Griggs and Leon
ora Richards.
Clovohmd's Raking powder Ena Rlck
etts, also a second by Leonora Richards.
Rakers' ehocolato Grace Uroady.
Eownoy's Anna Rroidy.
Columbia bicycle Francis Gere.
Copco soap Nellie Griggs.
Chocolate M en lor Adolloyd Whiting.
Vogue Ellen Goro.
Pear's soap May Colson.
Aeollen Ena Rlokotts, Mny Colson and
Will Rnymond.
The Purltun Miss "Vhltlng. This tab
lean was especially pretty, for while It
was given "Spin, Spiny wns sung by Miss
Raymond, behind the teenes.
Fibre ehnmols was given twice. The
llrst time bj Ena Rlokotts, Mr. Rlcketts
and Mr. Doubrnvu, the second tableau
represented a football victory.
Miss Huutz carried the ponnnnt and flag
whllo the victors, Messrs. Packard, Oury,
Shedd and Raymond, Just from tho Hold,
stood around her, and as tho ndvertlso
mont uunounces, "Tims ends tho bloody
business of the day."
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
316 S. South Twelfth St.
Meals 15 cts.
Tabic Board $3...
per Week.
Monl Tickets, 21 Meals, S3.
Will bo mado to STUDENTS upon application.
By taking ho ,
And Norfolk Branch.
All Points in Kansas.
Kcop this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation.
Ucalor In
Fine Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silverwar,
Clocks, Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Gold
Headed Canes and Umbrellas,
Spectacles, Etc.
Watch repairing, engraving and Optical work a specialty. No charge for exam
ining the eyes.
1143 O Street,
Funke Opera House Block.
f f 'ifVf '
Onu hundred High Art tilcyolos, lady's
or gents for a short time for $75.00. This
Is a raro opportunity and Is tho best bar
gain ever offored In tho city. 1217 O St.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
The latest and preetlest store In the city
is Bumstead and Tut tie's new furnishings
and tailoring store at 117 So. 11th street.
Call and see their beautiful neckwear.
your neighbor, but from the business
manager. It Is a much more satisfact
ory way of doing. You can get It dur
ing the second semester for fifty cents.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, bt. Joseph,
and Kansas Cit.
City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street.
H. O. Townsknd, GonM P. fc T. A.
F. D. Cornkll, C. P. T.A.
fihas. B. Gregory C
U. of N.. '91.
Office A
At 1100 0 St, S
Lincoln, Neb,,. H.
American Teachers'
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, tlio most won
derful medical iliscinoi'Vof tbo ago, pleas
ant and rofri'slnm: to ibo taslo, net gontly
and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels,
clcaiihing tbo entire, system, dispel colds,
euro hoadaoho, lover, habitual constipation
nnd biliousness. Plensa buy and try a box
of C. O. C. tn-dnv; 1(1. 'J.". M) cents, fcjnld and
guaruntoed to cure by till drulstp.
-Bureau Syndicate.
With, branches in twenty-eight leading cities, and sub-agencies In noarly all edu
cational contros. Ono -fee ($2.00) registors In tho Main Office, a,nd also gives full ben
efits of membership in tbe twenty-olght branches. Wo guarahtee'satlsfactory ser
vice, and better service than any othor toaohers" buroaj lor rpfund fee on de
mand. Momborshlp certificates may bo purchased frpm,' Publjshers of this pa
per, or directly "from tlio Symllgate. In either casa satisfaction' Is guaranteed by
tho Syndicate. '. "W ; ' .,'-' -1 ., .,