IIM i THE iNEMASKAE A Weekly Nowopapor Issucil Every Fri day Noon, by tlio Stutlants of tho Unlvarslty of Nou.nnlm. Entered na Second Class Mntl Matter. V. T. mipy - - - MnimBlnir Editor ASSOOIATMS. r. I J. linker Editorial Kato Snow Wnllcor - - Fraternities Oliver Chambers kocnl 13. Molian - kocnl Bam Slonn Y. M. 0. A. Uoiiortoru. A. IB. l'nrniolco - - , II. ,1''. ClaKO Edith Seliwnrtss - - Ass't M'jrinK EH. Tlii .VofomsUnn will bo sont to nny nil dross upon rooolpt of tho sulmorlntlon price wlueli Is one dollar a year, or llfty contH a sotnoator. Contributions aro solicited rrom all. Nowb Itoms such as locals, panonrlB, reports of mootliiRs otc. aro especially da Blrod. The Naliraaknn will bo Rind to trlnt nny contribution rolntlvo to a gen eral university subjoat, but ibo numo must accompany all such. Addrosa nil communications to Tho Nobrnsfcun, University of Nobraska. NOTICE All subscriptions should now bo poU and collection will bo commenced ac cordingly. Any ono wlBhlng to avoid tho Inconvunlonce of boliiB "dunned", should no )fy tho business manager before Jan uary IB. The university Is materially Intorpnteil In tho bills before the Ipjtriiiture eoncirn lng tlie grunting of ntnte certlllwitw to touchers. Tho prlvnie ns well ns the stnu norninl seivools urroKii i tiu-inmjiNfH all tho qunlltliiulons necessary for graduate etlldonts to Ket ii life !iMi'htrV certilleate. la It ix.hI1p that tliey li.iw roaehed the Btnndnrd .if itluiMtloii put In vogue at the university ' Is It desirable and Is It wise to place all the private and state uarnrt! schools up in a par In this matter? Tho granting of state cmllleaie to teachers Is n matter of no slight importance to the public school system of Nebraska. The cflloloncy of the toaehers depends largo )y on tho readiness and ease with which applicants get eertllleates. The univer sity graduates are certainly entitled to Hie privileges of a state teachers' ccrtllionto, if training and scholarship eount for any thing. Wo regret that our legislators fail to draw any distinction whntovor bo tweon the elilelency of private nml state, schools in this roMpeei We certainty iloji reonte tin I nor ulili which tho reiiuest of the pi i ne normal ehooN has been re ceived. Till Is a moiv gnve iptestlon ihnn a m.'ittii .if mere retinue to state nor mals, li i- me whli li vlt illy effects the Standing mil Kt'nwth l the public s 'liool ReceniK two iirifei-or". hi .ids of de-partmiiii- look oct ilmi t.i eiltlclsi- nii-ni-bors ot iilvaneed eluses on acouuiit of tholr s Illnu; The.". :udents were mostly Juniors and si nlor- tin the other hand an Instructor Who! students are in the earlier veil ft t'le eollcue eouce lum mndo the statemunt tint hardly a single paper handed In this year was free from error In spoiling. From these dntn wo draw two conclu sions First, the students of the univer sity do not know bow to spell when the come inii, and setoiul. tiny do not over conii i lil- defect iluiing their college cour-' Primarily of course, the blame for ibis state of affairs must rest on the common -ehools of the state. If the child Is not taugnt to spill In the grades, the ohaiin are again?! his ever acquiring this nbllliv Mut the irgomcnt Is advan "ed tha ttnrdt .ire onl. tin lun of idi is and so I oin i- we have tin Ideas, the words nro of little consequence. This rcutionlng Is stlM'fil -I il ami Illogical. In the first place. It cmiiiot lie said that wo really know it thliiK unless wo can express It accurately and actly; again, granting for the mo ment tha spelling Is a minor matter, the ptlnclple U Involved that It Is only by careful attention to details that we ever acquire the ability to hnndlo grwtter af fairs We must not forgPt that trite say ing ''u Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well." I,tstl we must in sist th u spi lling Is an important matter Suppose ,hat our pi ofi Hours paid no at tention to their orthogiaphy, suppose that the writers for newspapers, authors, and nil who write for publication should neg lect this part of their work, in what hope ltWoinss would our literature become In voii d. Hut what has all tills to do with the university ' It Is Impossible to have clas ses in opening hen True, but the stu dents who go from hero every war to tho ptlblli scholo of the slate can do much to correct this defect if they onlv will. To be .-in o, some will undoubtedly liavo to lb vote come time to 'Mining thorn-solvi-s In foro thoy can tuacli oiliora, but rpsult- win amply repay the labor ilo inandi .1 There appear to be danger that tho training for the Held day may drag from this time on is has boon the enso In the past two years. Now that the Indoor con test Is over the coming inn li vens' should furnish st.fllelent motlvi for keep-, lug up the irnlnliiK. Arrai.geni' "is nro . . ... .i. i being nui'ie ini a jo:nt item u.i m Donne and Wi Hleynti, its well is in our own annual event. 11 seoms a p that .hose who have gotton tholnselvi- hi good coiulltlon b tho Indoor trnluiiiH f H'e past wooks shoiiltl loso all that th. havo Knmml bj stopping now. A iosHon which studonts of tin unlver sty hiivo not yet lonrned s thu a. mnl l lies, nicni il work on n nor be lou with the mtiHcular 'n poor condition In tho deslro born of necoBHlty to acconuilisli tho uinioHt In n given time, many sunlenn nro tuklni: olghtoen. n'onty or oven wuity two lioui'H of tnon.nl work w th no com liensntlng muscular oxorolic. Mm this Is no more eoonotny than Is the constant drnwlitg upon the principle lnld 1 In the Imnk. Host Itself Is not more necessary to the well be ng or tlio body, limn Is e.serclse, ami more ntitl be ter mentiil work can be done when the muscles are v'gorous, elrculni on brisk and the blood well oxygeunted. A reasonable amount of time Is not lost. It Is more than saved In ihe mprovod quality and v.gor of tin men al work done. The oven. rig il o'clock class In tho gvmmtslum will be continued If n sufficient number express a desire to carry It on. All who liavo Meld day In m ml, should cerlulttlv tnko advantage of th s. Undo: "Hobby, I suppose you've beon a good llttlo boy." Hobby: "No, I hnvon't." Unolo: "Why, I hopo you lmvon't beon very bad." Hobby: "Oh, no: Just comfortable." Truth. Not Unit Had Johnnie's Toaohor: "And now, Johnnlo, toll mo what tho Inst commnndmont Is." Johnny (n stroot car tourist): "IMonse don't spit on tho Moor." Cleveland Plain Donlor. rrcshleish. 'oo: "James, how docu the button como Into my salnd?" Jumos (tho vvnltor): "Oh I dat nm pnht ob do drcssln', snh." Princeton Tiger. Mr. Dyer: "Where Is tho bargain coun ter?" The Foor Wulker: "Thero nro sov ornl. What aro you looking for?" Mr. Dyer: "I am looking Tor my wife." Life. Society Trials: "That pnwnbroker's uhlldron seem to wear a groat deal of Jowoliy." "Yes: It nearly kills mo to seo his twelve-year-old boy strutting around with my watoh on." Llfo. Ho: "I supposo your father understands that I am not going to mnrry tho rest of the family." She (ono of many sisters): "lie says that is the only thing that trou bles him." Detroit Frco Press. "It Is queer how spring infects us." "What Is queer?" "We don't get an elas tic gait until we leave off our rubbers." Chicago Hecord. Ho: "What If the theatre should tnko lire?" She: "Mercy' 1 supposo I should become confused and forget whore tho mirrors nro." Detroit Journal. St l.ouls proposes to establish a church for bicyclists exclusively. It hopes by that means to Induce them to do all their ocoiching tills side of the river Styx.--Dilccigo Times-Herald "Do you think Skluuer can make a liv ing out thoro?" "Make a living! Why, ho'd make n living on n rock In tho mid dle of tho oeonn If thoro wos another man on the rock." Tlt-Hlts. I romembor so distinctly scorching down tho rood, tho long lovel dusty rond, where tho woods thickly fence the way on e'.thor side, with tho soured pig scooting for dear llfo JiiHt ahead of my forward wheel. I romombor how 1 dellgh.od In following him closer and closer and yelling at li in In thu loud exultation of my greater pow er, anil the way In which n squeal of ti r ror answered ovary yell of mine, it amused me hugely to see how straight and s Iff his uncurled tali pointed oblique ly skyward I Imagined I heard the hot broezo whlstrug over Its bristled po.nt. I remember how I dosplsoil his hulking grncoless gait In view of the rythmic mo tion of my exhubernnt spoed. I despised his gait and I despised tho pig for It, and I remember how I yollod ono more llerco cry of scorn, and I nm most Drone c recollect how at that wild sound the bias swerved on ills hind logs, ns on a pivot, directly in front of my Hying whoel. And then and then but I remember no more. If you have tried him once lyoa found that Wosterfleld did the right kind of ton sorlnl 'work. He has been tho students' bar br for seven teon years. 117 North Thirteenth street. A "Unlvorslty of Nebraska" tablet Is thp kind to use, when you write home. The Co-op has a large supply. Hayden, the photographer who Is now located at 1023 O street, Is again offering a special rate to students on all photo graph. His name Is a guarantee of good work. Cascareis stimulato llvor, .kidneys ani bowels. Nevor sicken, weaken or gripe, lOo. Don Cnmoron's lunch counter, 118 South lSloventh street. ' ' TUN N10HHA3KAN ADVKHT18UUH. Wo wish to. call tho attention of the Professors and students to the local mer chant ' who advort'so In Tho Nobrnsknn. lOvery llrm reprqunted hero Is gunran toed rollnblc, anil patronago that Is ox tended them, will bo nppreolnted by tho niatiFigor of this ppor. Whon It Is just ub oonvonlont, lot them have yaur patron ago. You will bciiiui by It ns mtioh as any ono. TllF, A11M8THONO CLOTHING. CO. Suocossora to Htowlng King and Co. PA1N12 & WAllFKL-Clothlors nnd furn ishing goods, Merchant tailors. 1130 O moot. Your shots shlned frou. HUM8TUAD AND TUTTUO-ClOnta fur ulHhlngn nnd tnlloi'lug. 117 H. lllh at. PMUICINS & SHELDON Tho rollnblo shoo utoro of Lincoln. 1129 0 Btrcot. 1CVANS LAUNDltY COMPANY-Host service grcntest courtesy. 32S N. 12th. e'UANClS nHOS.-Uoitnurnnt and short order hoiifo. 121 N. 11th street. DON CAMKHON-Luneli counter and short ordor house, US South 11th St. II. W. imoWN-Drugglnt, books and stationery. 127 South 11th stroot. MILLI3H .vi PAINIJ-Dry goods and fur nlshlng gooils. 122;) to 1230 O streot. THIS M0D13L DINING HALL Meals 15 cents. Sunday dinuor 25. 31G S. 12th CHAHLHS H. aHEaoUY-Conl. Onicc nt 1100 O streot. niCOHClK CONSTANCKU'S Unrbcr shop located at 1010 O street. FIRST NATIONAL HANK Located at tho comer of 10th and O itreots. THU HOOK DKPAUTMKNT OF Hcrpol Hhnlmer and Comptny. 12th and N st. SMITH rilKMlMn Typewriter Com pany. Lincoln olllcc, 137 S. 11th st. T. J. TIIOKP1C & CO Uubbor stamps, seals etc. 308 8. 11th stroot. HUTOH1NS ivi IIYATT-Conl. otllco lo cated at 10U O streot. C. HHLlCltS-Tnllor. Suits mndo to ord er. Uopalrlng done. 126 S. 11th. LINCOLN NF.W8 ACIHNCY C. L. Spoil cer, 'OS, manager, ltth and O St. DH. S. 10. COOK-Kyo ear, nose and throat. 1215 O stroot. H. CAPKS Hoo.s and shoes roparod 13.1 South Twelfth streot. HAYD10N--Photographer. New location 1020 O streot. K. HALT.KTT JI'JWKLKll. 1H3 O Streot. Watch repairing, engraving otc. Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. 1215 O street. The Armstrong Clothing Co. for a short time will glvo to any unlvorslty it union t buying a suit or pair of pants, a wlro pant stretcher. It keeps tho pants in shape, and preserves tho crease. H FAST TIME, THROUGH CARS. To Omaha, Chicago and points In Iowa nnd Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC In con nection with tho C. & N. W. lXy. offers tho host servlco nnd the fastost time. Call or wrlto to mo for tlmo cards, rates, otc. K. H. SLOSSON. Gonegnr ngont. Don't Tobacco Spit nud Guioko Your Life Awr.y. Jf vim win. I to q .a l lUuro using easily li I fol'OViT, bOi.i.i lu well, Mr llg.llli fimlle, till of lit w iiio it. id i ;oi', UtliO Nii-'io-Ui.c, t'i3 w.iud.'i'-woritt r, Una ii..l.is wcuku'cn i iviiig. Manv g In ten pounds In ten dn,M Over .100,000 cured, liny No-To-llno of yoi t drmgUt, inidcf gnni'iiitou to euro, tthi ot ?l li. Iloiil-let mnl H.impln uiallcd free. Ad Sterling Uoinodyi'n.,uiiiciimiiii,Nov oris When bilious or costive, cat a Caacaret, candy catharlc. cure guaranteed, 10c, 25c. Fountnln pons, from U! cents each, to $2.50, nil wnrrimted nt book department ot Horpolshclmor & Company. Yv i FoilHKS Liverey, Baggage, And Hack Line. 121 North lCloventh Street. HACKS Ncs. :iu. t2, 51. 7fl. and S.5. All cnlls aiiswtred promptly, day or night Polite bai kiiu ti always to hi rolled upon. Telephoui n '1 I.li.iuln. Nebr. I tin tint 'ntr Do ) ot piny' a nXweviix " Tfo Home Is Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model WaShbUffl SSft'iz"" Prices linvo been scaled down ns n result of the asliliurii's emirinous iipiilarlty b tlmt now yon can buy a genuine Washburn of the very latent ilestlun Prom $15.00 Upward. Tho new W ishlnirti Mandolin Is a radical depart ure from forim r btyleti. It is the neatest, daintiest nnd llKhtJt Mandolin ImiiKlnililc. and Ithtone up pniijcliuh wr near to that of a li'ie old C'reiiiimu iolln. Vasfiluirns aro sold at fijeed and uniform prices by all rr-i-class music dealers oerywliere. ashbiirnii are ihu ackiiowledKed btandard of the world. 'Ihey are used exclusively by the leadbiK Artists, Tom hers ami Glee Clubs. Our new Wash liiirn catalotfue containing portraits of oer 100 Artists and full Information, prices, endorsements, etc., 111 bo Bent free on receipt of application. If your local dealer cannot supply you we will send washburns f. O. I), with prlvilct'o of examination, direct from the fin tory. A Vmlihurn Improves with oro and makes a Gift tliut Increuses In value as the years go by. It Is really worth many times Its cost. LYON & MEALY, Corner Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chicago. HT PAINE & WARFEL'S YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT WK AH18 ni3LIAHLl!3 AND THE MOST UJ8ASONAHL13 HOUSB IN LINCOLN TO DUAL WITH. L136 O PAINE & Perkins a 1129 ! M . . Jim zrx..Jm mlf CUT Oni 1 ERE AC I AW Spring term will open March 8. 1S97, Dl IVLI1 1 UULUkUt. Ul tRSfpioma admits to bar. Improved methods Maiisiiai.i. . KwKl.t.. LL.I) . M D.. Dean, uniting theory nnd practice. The 8chool if Practice Is the Leading Feature. Evening sessions of ten hours a week for each olnss. Students enn be self supporting wlllo studying. For cntnloguo address M.D. 1CWELL, Dean. Koom C13 nnd GH Ashland blk. Chicago, 111. DumTEJlD Have opened a new Furnishing and Tailoring Establishment with a line new stock especially adapted to Students' wants. Everything new and nobby... Dunlap and Longley Hats. Open... Evenings. The University of Nebraska SCHOOL OF MUSIC Offers Complete Courses in the Following Branches; Pipe-Organ, Piano Forte, Voice Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, General Theory, Sight Reading. If von are Thinking of Stnflying: Mnsic InmMc the Merits of this School. ; Sprlm? Term Opens April 7. ANDY rttcaxcto CURECOHSTIPATIOH . j. H fbuB inK r-j iw T KAihiniinripvii iiiiji'M' nt i a 25$ SO Li3ill"BMiimHki3 rniir?r:i . ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ? ' urn nny ,,i .,i i A 77, ! SJ.V ,.7,T ' f "" I Idenrnl bnidJet free. Ad. STKHI.IM) ItKMKIH Street, WARFEL FDR THE , ;'. LATEST STYLES in S FOR MEN and WOMEN.., G . TO Shelddn Cd, STR6GT, jNMNL f S TUTTLE i- 117 South... Eleventh. iH Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Free Scholarships In all Departments. Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, Recitals WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. CATHARTIC rifl mmm mmr - -fenrr(f),,,lon- cr"-, u. wmu . "IP nr rripis but muso entj nntiirnl results. M- (.. Chlrncn. Jlnnlre si. Can., orNoff York. ' DIBLE its PI.