The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 09, 1897, Image 2

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    VnS- Hv
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"TV ' T" Ti "AkHtl h "mill "V
feOLN, APRIL 9. 1807.
Vol. V. No. 24
Puick 5 Cents.
I .Ji. v & : ,
- M -
Good Records Were Mnac in Every
Tho Boxing Match Kmlfl In a Ddr.iw
Tim High Jump Record of Last
Yuor Is UnUcJ Two Inohos
Somo Other Records.
Tho second annual Indoor contest proved
a succss, especially on the part ot tho con
tcstants, Tho three mou that took par'
in Inst year's contest made tho sains over
their records of last your, and still hold
the championship on their events.
Tho number of men this year, was two
grca.or than Inst year.
While making altowanco for tho higher
scale ot marking, tho records wero de
cidedly a strong gain over those of last
year. The marking was cons.derably high
er on tho rope Jump than any other event.
As it came last and the unfortunate con-
tsUnts were compelled to lump with only
the gas light from tho gnllory, the ovont
was ra'her iinnlfotry Whll ih
crowd was not very large, tho Interest was
not lacking from those present-
Tho program opened by u three round
boxing match by two pup'.ls of Jack Host,
E. V. Curtain and A, Glaze. Just before
the announcement of .he opening, a twenty-four
foot was marked oft on the
floor and tho crowd knew what It niAtnU
Curtain and Glaze took scats In chairs
in the diagonal corners of t'.ie ring and
pulled on the heavily padded gloves, Wet
zel acted as referee and called the men to
shake hands. Bo.h men Jumped up and
lost no t.mi) In starting.
First round Both made pusses with no
hard blows. Glaze continued to follow Cur
tain around tho ring. While they were ap
parently afraid to go at It, they kept a
lively... moy!;-har,K.and. fncth. Glaxo lead
and landeu several blows on .he side of
Curtain's head, and In return reco.vcd
heavy body blows.
Second round This round was mostly
running around chasing and getting away
from each other as if they .mended to
fight twenty or thirty rounds. Curtain
changed his tactics and gave head blows.
Glaze continued to follow Cur.nin up with
both head and body blows.
Third round Curtain opened and was
followed by Glaze giving h.m a trunk
blow. As Glaze made a side hit. Curtain
gave him a pretty straight blow on tho
chin. Glaze did not lose any time in com
ing back and Curtain succeeded in giv
ing Glase three successive face blows.
Curtain's face showed that he had re
ceived several face blows, as .he time was
called the referee announced the match a
The fifteen men divided Inio four classe
and a person was kept b -v trying to
watch all of them.
The fence vault of last year was leplac-
ed by the long bar snap and was won by
Andreason at D feet 8 inches, with a close
second at S ; ( inches by Hill. Shot
throw of 35 feet C inches which was a rec
ord breaker, was thrown by Martz.
Tho pole vault was raised two inches
hlghi'i than last year by Benedict, and
Brothers, who made 8 feet 10 Inches.
The high Jump which Is coming up near
the good records was broken In good shape
for .wo Inches bettor han last year by
Andreason who broke his own record of
last yonr whloh was at that time two
inches higher than any other Jump.
The rope Jump was taken by Benedict
who boo rod on this one event 161 poln.s,
which gave him a decided lead of over
thirty-two points, over the other contes
tants. The three events that were tho
same ns last year were broken. Tho even
ing training class will continue its work
to the end of the year as an Intercolleg
iate field meet Is being planned for be
tween Doane, Wesleyand and the univer
sity. After such records as were made,
the university is now able to go out side
the campus with her athletes. By a lit
tle more Uainlng l-'jt thought that the
pole vault can bo easily raised to nine feet
or over. The high Jump to five feet six
Inches, and practice work on shot putting
can bring up the record.
There are many other men who by prac
tice can be made to do excellent work.
Hill, who has made his first attempt at
this sort of work can by training do much
better. His muscles stand oul full and
round, and It was a fine sight to see him
enapjrom thenar.
3, r s s
B- a 3
9 K
5. 5 3 5 3
r 7 -3
! 5 :
i I P : 3 . :
. : .
a ;
: b : :
a : :
Anderson 7-1095 5-4H 29-714 S if
48 101 91 47 117 407
72 76 S3 SI 154 j 4.t)
Brothers S-10 S-S4 4-U 23-2 633
72 SI GS 21 117 I SSI
Greon 7-4 7-R 4-7V1 29 2 683
36 SO S3 43 S3 577
Hanson S-10 6-2 4-5U 33-SH 4S7
0 20 45 63 44 172
Hill 6-7 9.6'S 4-S'4 29-6 629
18 101 46 41 US 324
Lowrte 5-10 6-6 4-14 22 S3!
0 17 30 29 67 143
Miarta S-6 4-11 33-t 520 I
63 6S 70 00 263
Molford 7-1 S-9H 3-S 33-1U - 1
. . 30 S3 S CI I 182
Pearso ' 5-10 7-SVi 4-7l 34-1 40S
24 . 57 53 64 1 202
Pcpoon ' 1-5U 29-5
45 46 91
Strahom 6-7 5-10i 454 25-1 C23 II
IS 37 46 2S 113 ) 242
Warner 6-4 S-10 4-11 27-4 570 l
12 SI 6S 37 135 j 330
Waterman 7-7 9-2 411 32- J SSS
4J 91 6S 56 M 11 SS7
Wllsen 7-1 6-10 45 26-9 595 j
30 36 46 35 S ), 248
The juniors and seniors played a Joyous
gamo of base hall yesterday afternoon.
Both sldos plnyed their host, and kept the
score down pretty low. Tho juniors at
01111 time held the score, S to 1, but the
seniors picked up nnd made a total o
seven scores before tho game was over.
Kvery man as he went to bat, was in
structed by at least two hundred by
standers, who Old not cease yelling Irom
the time Manager Porter threw the first
ball, till all the players had left the field.
On one. occasion a kick -v as registered
by one pJnyerjand'lnlaJmoBicntjthe whole ,,
.crowdl-was stampeding on tho diamond.
Juniors Position 1S'' Seniors;
Klndlcr. C lMllabury
J?ortex - -.p.-..,. . o,vC -Minlf-yj
ureen 1 u Allen
Morrison 2 b Wilson
Pearson 3 b Hedge
Mellzn s. s Saxton
Haggnnl r. f Jorgenson
Stone 1. f. Cameron
Wilkln.son c f. Howe
Juniors 302321 11
Seniors 1000132 7
Umpire Molford, Home runs, Klndlcr
and Saxton.
The Junior and senior classes of tho law
school played a lively four innings of base
ball on the campus Saturday. The Jun
lors managed to pile up two more scores
than the seniors. The seniors had several
old timers, but they, like tho rest of their
team, were unnble to find the ball. Sing
house, who pitched for tho Juniors, played
the game for them also, striking out Hay
ward and Crelgh. Thompson made a four
bagger and brought In two runs for thu
seniors In .he third Inning. The seniors
did not put up a good game and the play
ers who are considered the best, played
the worst. Killen who played loft Hold
was conspicuous with a pair of tight short
pants of light blue, and a cutaway coat.
I Instead of being the mascot, he proved
himself the hoo-doo, and the seniors went
down under the lower classmen. The fol
lowing are the players and score:
Juniors I'os tlon Seniors
Wilson 3 b Thompson
Wallace a f. Brown
Stutevillo 1. f. Smith
Sockott s. s Kldgley
Donnison 2 b Crelgh
Tucker c Green
Humphrey 1 b Haywnrd
SInghouse p True
Warfiold r. f Kll'.en
Score by innings:
Juniors 16 0 1 8
Seniors 10 2 3 6
Umpire Wells, Scorekeeper, Greenfield.
The Pershing R'fles will give an ex
hibition drill in the armory on Thursday
evening, April 15. For a month past, the
Bllles have been drilling nard to prepare
themselves for this event The cavalry,
bugle and alien, manual squads have each
been drlll'ng every day apd promise to
furnish an Interesting exhltVtlon. As tho
armory will not accomodate all who
would wish to attend the UrlH, six tickets
have been Issued to each member of the
company, for d'strlbution. Eren by llm
l.lng the attendance In this manner, the
armory will doubtless be taxcV to Its full
est capacity.
The exhibition will consist ot drilling by
special squads, also a company nd an In -
dividual drill
I ST , -, VjA i
; Mr. G. A. Lovclnndmlks to Members
1 I of the Pol.l'Eftn. Club.
' i -'
! : , -'til
The Prnotlonl Ailvnntpiccs of the System
Ksplnlned nnd ProvtS The Differ-
ent Methods Usiw, nnd De-
iiHl, nnd I
Mr. G.A.Lovcland giwa short hut verv
Intores.lng talk boforojtho pollt'cnl econ
omy club Inst Wednesday evening and the
practical workings of the wenther bureau,
and Its application.) tpijvury day life. Ho
said In part: T
"Tho weather bureau today is a direct
development ot .he signal corps ot the
army, nnd Is an outgrowth of the slgnnl
service of the lato wan It represents ap
plied meteorology, an lias ct is not fully
developed as tho science ot meteorology
has only been studied during .ho last
twenty-live years.
"The results and advantages of tho
wonther bureau are often underestimated
by those who know nth'ng about the sub
ject. The weather bureau has 150 s.atlons
employing 300 men, and receives and an
nual appropriation of, about $!'00,000. It
saves every year, property many times 1
more valuable than the cost ot the bureau
"Forecasting severe storms Is the real
and principal purpose ot tho bureau. Of
nil the forecasts made, over eighty-two
percent may lw considered as certain of
fulf Ument.
"The warnings are the most im
portant Issued 'byfetbe weather bureau.
These are forecasts of severe storms on
the-eshore, orVthe"great lakes, and are
Verj useful t In showing the sea captain
'whether 'it Is'safo to put to sea.
' "The value ot these forecasts Is easily
hown,4if. jJteif4ri2tHltyiousands oLsea
captalns consider the warnings of Europe
Important enough to Justify their staying
.n port, a day or two longer than they
o.hcrwlso would.
"The cold wave signal Is next In Impor
tance to the storm warnings. Xo cold ot
unusual intensity now .'comes unhoraldod
and thousands of dollars worth of proper
ty have been saved by these forecasts.
The cold wave signal affects all classes of
people and when It Is seen, preparations
for cold weather are made by the farmer,
cattle ralsor, frui. grower, florist and oth
ers. "In connection with the weather bureau
are tho weekly crop bulletins. They havo
been established for the purpose of get
ting reports of the crop conditions and
thus frustrating .he designs of specula
tors who vvilfully misrepresent the con
dition of the crops in order to affect tho
"Much of tho work of tho weather bur
eau Is done wholly without nay. It la
were not for this, on accouiu of thu small
appropriation for this purpose, tho bur
eau could not covor the wide Held which
It now does."
DOANE vs. THE U. of N.
On Tuesday, April 13, Doane college will
try her luck with our base ball toam. Th s
Is our opening game, and our boys prom
ise to show what a swift game they will
put up this season.
Tho game will be p'yod on the campus,
and will bo called at 3 o'clock sharp. The
grounds will be a ll.tlc cramped, but the
management thought It best 10 play the
games on a ground hand)" for tlio Audents
so that thoy will not lose any time un
necessarily. No attempt will bo made to
put up a fence to shut out the view, but
the student, It Is presumed, will co-oier-
ate with tho team in making the season h i
grand success. Those not wishing to pay
a quarter to see the gamo will have
enough self respect not to stand outside,
or crowd the windows, and sponge off tho
Jeam. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
For this opening game the lad'es will
be admitted free, and It Is hoped thoy will
appreciate the offer by turning out In a
body. It Is regretted that a grand stand
cannot be placed at their disposal, but
one will be ercc.ed as soon as the treas
ury warrants. ,
The following, with possibly some min
or' changes will be our schedule on the
I homo grounds:
Doane, April 13. Wes'eyan April 15 and
1 24, Doane April 27, the All-Unlverslty team
of Omaha May 1, tho Originals of Omaha
llonno Mny II, Kituxnn State unl
Mity 29, Droko of Uos Moines in..
Juno 1, Northwestern university of Kvans.
town, Juno 10.
,TIn jchuiUilo of the eastern trip la nil
Drake at Dos Moines Mny 14. Iowa
sta.o at Iowa City May IS, Hush Madlonl
Chlcngo, Mny 17. Northwestern nt Kvntis
town May IS, Illinois stnto university-,
Chninpnlgno May 19, Ch.cago university
.May 20. Krom here thoro are two offer'
on tho way west, between which a choice
has not yot been in a do.
Our team plays out to Woslsyan May
10. Of course wo will win, bit. Wosluynn
promlsds to make our boys work for what
thoy get.
Wo will have the fastest ln-tlold In tho
west. Klndlcr or Groon at first aro both
big men but very active. Benedict at
second base can make any team In tho
college world. Creigh at shor, plays so
fast you got dizzy. P.v.-Kard or Wells at
third base aro streaks of lightning. Kon
agy and Wells as catchers throw In per
fect form nnd the former Is a strong hit
ter. The out Held will bo selected largely
becnuso of hitting quall.ies.
Thu band has con&onttfd to umko a
siivut IHirudc acoompan.ud by the cuutoat
lug teams before each game, and furnish
music on tho field whllo tho crowds are
gathering. All games will lw played on
the campus.
Professor Lyon has Just announced sev
eral Impor.ant changes In tho studies of
his departmonu Heretofore tho agricul
tural group has consisted of twenty-six
and one fifth courses, of which sixteen nnd
three tilths were required work. It con
tained a large number of different scien-
titlc subjects, which wore thought .0 bo
too general for this course. It Is now de
signed to have a course thnt will prepare
students for taking tho civ.l service oxam-
.laatlona.inthg. department ot agrlfiul.ure.
at Washington, and also to lit them for
experiment stnt'on work In the different
states. In order to bring this abou , the
agriculture group has been arranged with
but very little required work, which
amounts to ten and one llf.h courses. This
leaves a great deal of for any spec
ialty In which tho student Is luterestod.
For instance. If any student Is going to
take an exnm. nation for work in one of
the divisions of the depar mont of ngr.cul-
ture. he must have himself
along one particular line of work. la or
der thr.t he shall have time to do this dur
ing his college course, it Is doslred that
he take as much time as possible In .hat
particular branch.
The department of agrlculturo at Wash
ington includes the divisions of agricul
ture soils, agrostology, botany, chem'stry,
animal Industry, dairying, entomology,
horticulture and forestry. Tho appoint
ment to positions in these divisions are
all made on tho basis of tho Illness of the
applicant for the position and no; by pol
itical influence. xnm.n.tions are re
quired of all applicants who naturally
come from the agricultural colleges of the
different states.
At prehen. tho university of Nebraska
Is well represented in tho agricultural de
lmrtment at Washington. Thoro are cou
nseled with this department tho follow
.ng graduates of the, university; H. J.
Weber. A. F. Woods. J. G. Smith. T. A.
Williams and P. A. Bydlerg. Mr. It. A.
Emerson who graduates .his year will al-
so enter upon his duties In the office of
th- experiment station at Washington.
at the clow of th.s semester.
The gleo club left this rnornlng for Sew
ard where a concert will bo given in the
tvonlng. Langworthy has been working
up tho affair in Seward, and promises a
good time, and n full house. The boys
will bo given a reception In the afternoon.)
ana men auer me concert mere wm 00
a uance. Aiiogoiner inejr siiy in ewari
will bo very enjoyable.
The datu sot for the Lincoln concert has
been definitely settled. It will bo given
nt the Lansing theatre, May 11, In con
junction with tho Sutorlous Mandolin or
chestra of Omaha, which numuers sixty
pieces and Is considered one of tho best
of Its kind In the west. Tho Omaha con
cert will also be given with the Sutorlous
Mandolin orchestra at Boyd's theatre, on
tho evening following the Lincoln concert,
Wednesday, Mny 12. A large number of
Omaha boys are contemplating going up
with tho club to attend the concert.
To bo Given Tomorrow Night nt the
The Show Promises to bo Bettor Tlmn nt
Klrst Anticipated The Krntornl
tlos Have All Organized Par
ties The Program.
The ntlnsirel show given for the benefit
ot tho base ball team, promises to be even
a greater success thnn was originally an
ticipated. The show, as everyone know,
occurs in the chapel this Saturday even
ing, and the present Indications nro that
the room will be crowded to Us full capac
ity. All tho different societies nnd frat
ernities will bo represented In large forco.
Among the fratornl.Ios there will be part
ies from Sigma Chi. Botn Thota PI, Delta
Tan Delta. Alpha Theta Chi, Phi Delta
Thctn, Kappa S.gmn. Phi Kappa Pst and
Sigma Alpha Epsllon. The faculty will
turn out .11 large numbers ami thoro Is a
goodly number expected from down town.
The program for the m'ntrels I ns
Opening ononis From "Irish Artist"
and Pirates of Pcnsaneo- by the cntlro
TeU'em Your Bnby's n-Comln' to Town,
Messrs. Kowo, Porter, Randolph nnd Mu
eller. I Love You In the Same Old Way H. J.
Lucy O Loo, Olllo Randolph.
A Little Rng Doll Georgo Whalcy and
The Blow Almost Killed Father (Local)
R, S. Muellor.
Ballad. F. S. Davis.
Parson Johnson's Chicken Brigade O.
N. Porter.
All Coons Look Alike to Me Burt Whe-
Belle of Hogan's Alley, George Burget,
and L. R. Packard.
Finale, by tho company.
After the mlnstrol show there will be an
Interlude In which some new specialties
w.ll be .ntroduced.
Tho second part will be a fan-e called
"An Uutlmely Mnsquorado" In which a
half dozen boys will participate.
This Is something, for which you will
kick yourself for a year if you don't see.
See the Yellow Kid and his girl Liz.
See Hunk Mueller handle bones. See
Joss Rowe shako his feet. Hear Allle Ran
dolph and his original cracks on things of
local na.uro. Soo Lawrence Packard
speak "Casey at the Bat". For once, let
tho whole university show Itself.
Saturday afternoon, March 20, an inter
esting gymnasium exhibition was given
In the armory for the benefit of tho mem
bers of the woman's clubs of the city.
About 150 ladles were present. Much cred
it for tho oxcellont program is due Miss
Barr who has so rapidly raised the stand
ard of gymnasium work in the university,
intruducing the newts: thoughts and
Miss Spurck's paper on "Physical Edu
cation for Children" was much appreciat
ed ns showing careful study and a thor
ough understanding of the subject. Fol
lowing this, the three o'clock class of
about fifty girls did work In free hand
movement and bar bells. At three-thirty
tn advanced class took the floor and gave
a drill in fencing positions, using both
1 right and left bunds.
Tho feature of greatest Interest oame
Inst, the basket ball game. Representa
tives from two teams of .he afternoon
olasses were chosen for the game which
was of a half hour's length, and Intense
ly oxcltlng. Among the plnyera, Mies
Wnlnh dhowod hersolf nnrtlcularlv cood
a(J ovor.heat- BOa, tnrow0r. .Miss Bunt-
JR captaln of tho cnampjon tealTJ( hus
already estr'llshed her reputation for
field throws. Misses Chappell and Cook
played fine centers and Miss Lansing Is
e8poo.alIy l0 bo mentioned as guard. When
time was called the score stood eight to
nothing In favor of the reds.
Feller's French pocket dictionary, Cas
sell'a French dictionary, all at reduced,
prices at tho book department of Herpol
shelmer & Company.
C. C. Culver has been under treatment
for his eyes during the past five weeks,
but Is now able to attend his classes.